

Chapter 306 Divine Sword Master

"Enough with your sarcasm…" Elder Zhong said with slightly narrowed eyes. If it weren't his respect for Su Yang's profound sword intent, he would've already slapped some sense into Su Yang for saying such words.

"Who is that old man?"

Nobody there recognized Elder Zhong expect for his background, the Divine Sword Sect, an Elite Sect that stood above even other Elite Sects. In fact, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call the Divine Sword Sect one of the strongest power in this continent.

However, one individual there recognized Elder Zhong's face, and that was Great Elder Han, who was standing there with an expression of disbelief, almost like he just met his idol.

"Divine Sword Master, Zhong Chao Huang!" Great Elder Han mumbled his name in shock.

"Did you just say, Zhong Chao Huang?!"

The people there immediately recognized that name and finally realized who they were looking at. In fact, only very few people do not know of the Divine Sword Master, one of the greatest Sword Masters in this world.

"I-It's the Divine Sword Master! Who could've imagined that the Sect Master of the Divine Sword Sect would be here!"

"T-The Sect Master of the Divine Sword Sect?"

The people of the Burning Lotus Sect looked at Elder Zhong with gazes filled with admiration.

"Anyway, if you don't mind, I would like to enter the city now," said Elder Zhong when the crowd started getting noisy.

The guards immediately turned to look at the Profound Blossom Sect and spoke, "You lots are in the Divine Sword Sect's way! Scram before I help you!"


Elder Zhong looked at these guards with a baffled expression. He is clearly acquaintance with Su Yang, yet these guards dare to speak to them with such an attitude? Are they this obnoxious or are they simply stupid?

However, since he did not want this situation to blow any bigger, Elder Zhong suddenly tossed a golden medallion at Su Yang and said, "You can have it…"

Su Yang caught the medallion with one smooth motion. He then looked at the medallion that had the surname 'Xie' engraved onto it.

"I won't be humble," said Su Yang.

He then showed the guards the medallion and spoke, "With this, you shouldn't have any problem with letting us through now, right?"


The guards were baffled by the unexpected outcome and stood there with a dazed expression.

"I'll take that as a yes…"

Su Yang walked into the city without waiting for the guards to respond. "What are you all waiting for?" He then turned around and said to the other disciples.


While they have a dozen of questions for him, the Profound Blossom Sect still followed Su Yang into the city.

Once the Profound Blossom Sect entered Snowfall City, Great Elder Han could no longer contain his curiosity and asked Su Yang, "W-What is your relationship with the Divine Sword Master?"

Su Yang calmly responded, "We really don't have any connections. I have only met him once before this, and it was only for a brief moment."

Great Elder Han could not see any falsity in Su Yang's words but he still has to ask, "If that's the case, then why would he give you the medallion?"

Su Yang shrugged. "I don't know. Ask him if you are so curious."


Great Elder Han became speechless. As if he'd have the courage to walk up to someone like the Divine Sword Master, much less speak to him.

"Can I still enter even though I no longer have any identification?" Elder Zhong asked the guard with a nonchalant voice.

"O-O-Of course!"

It did not even take a second for the guards to respond, as there was no way that they could possibly deny the Sect Master of the Divine Sword Sect, who also happens to be an important friend of the Xie Family.

After Elder Zhong entered the city, he said to Su Yang, "Although I'd like to stay here for a little bit longer to speak with you, I have a meeting to attend to."

"I'm sure we'll meet again in this city very soon," said Su Yang with a mysterious smile.

Elder Zhong narrowed his eyes at Su Yang, but he decided to remain silent, before leaving a little bit later.

Once Elder Zhong left, the Burning Lotus Sect also separated with the Profound Blossom Sect a few minutes later.

"Where will you guys be staying? I have some business with you later." Wang Shuren asked Su Yang before leaving.

"Someplace called Snow Crystal Hotel."

Wang Shuren nodded, even winking at him. "I will see you soon…"

Su Yang merely smiled at her obvious intentions.

After the Burning Lotus Sect left, Liu Lanzhi spoke, "Let's also hurry to our hotel and check-in."

As the Profound Blossom Sect made their way to their hotel, the Junior Disciples were praising Su Yang without holding back.

"As expected of senior apprentice-brother to be friends with the one and only Divine Sword Master!"

"Did you see the way he treated our senior apprentice-brother? It was almost like he saw senior apprentice-brother as his equal! Even though he's the Divine Sword Master!"

The Junior Disciples spoke with a merry atmosphere.


Liu Lanzhi and the sect elders didn't know how to react to these Junior Disciples' words.

"This Su Yang… not only does he know Wang Shuren, one of the most famous Alchemy Masters in this continent but he also has connections to the Divine Sword Master, one of the greatest Sword Masters in this continent? Are there any famous people that he doesn't know?" Liu Lanzhi sighed in her heart.

As for the other disciples, they were also surprised to learn that Su Yang knew such a prominent figure. However, none of the people from the Profound Blossom Sect were truly shocked; it was as though they are already used to being shocked by Su Yang.

Sometime later, they arrived in front of a grand hotel that was the size of a mansion.

"Holy… I have never seen such a big hotel…"

Forget about the Junior Disciples, even the sect elders were dumbfounded by the size of this place.

However, this kind of hotel was common within Snowfall City. In fact, this place could be considered average in size when compared to other larger and more luxurious hotels.

Chapter 307 Golden Altar Sec

"Sect Master… this hotel… it must've cost a fortune…"

The sect elders were dumbfounded by this luxurious place that was grander than any hotel they have ever seen before.

"Well, it did cost a few hundred Spirit Stones…"

Liu Lanzhi revealed the amount to them, causing their eyes to widen with shock, as they were not expecting such a large number.

"A few hundred Spirit Stones?! Just to live here for a few weeks?! That kind of money can buy a few Spirit Treasures!"

"T-This is plain robbery in daylight!"

The sect elders found it hard to believe that Liu Lanzhi would be so generous in her spending, especially when the Sect is in no position to be wasting resources.

Of course, the only reason Liu Lanzhi would dare to spend such money was simply because of the wealth that Su Yang had given her, or else they would be camping in tents for the entire month.

"I know it's a lot of money, but we have to at least have a place to stay for the remainder of the month — unless you want to sleep in the streets. What's more, it's relatively cheap if you compare it to the other hotels in this city. Once you see those prices, you will be thankful that I'd only spent this much…"

"If the Sect Master says so..."

The sect elders quickly accepted her explanation, as none of them wanted to sleep on the streets for the entire month.

"Anyway, let's head inside and settle down before I give you all a briefing," said Liu Lanzhi as she opened the doors to the hotel.

"I apologize for the inconvenience dear guests, but this hotel is already fully occupied."

The receptionist said to them before they can even reach the front desk.

"We are from the Profound Blossom Sect, and we already have a reservation." Liu Lanzhi showed her the receipt.

The receptionist took the receipt to look at it closely.

Once he confirmed its authenticity, the receptionist nodded and said, "Thank you for choosing to stay at our Snow Crystal Hotel. Your rooms will be on the fourth floor. Here are the keys to your rooms…"

Just as the receptionist retrieved a stack of keys from under the desk and prepared to hand it over to Liu Lanzhi, the door opened again, and another group of individuals walked inside.

"I apologize for the inconvenience dear guests, but all of our rooms are already fully occupied…"

The receptionist said to the newcomers.

However, instead of leaving immediately, these newcomers actually approached the desk instead.

Once they reached the desk, the middle-aged man leading this group pointed to the keys in the receptionist's grasp and spoke, "I will pay you twice the amount of what these people here paid for those rooms."


The place immediately became awkward and silent.

"I-I'm sorry but I don't think that—"

Before the receptionist could even finish speaking, the middle-aged man retrieved a leather bag from his robes and calmly tossed it onto the desk.

"There are two thousand Spirit Stones in that bag. I will buy the rooms from you," he said.

However, the middle-aged man was not looking at the receptionist when he had spoken those words. In fact, he was offering the Profound Blossom Sect the Spirit Stones for their rooms.


Liu Lanzhi looked at this unknown middle-aged man with a slight frown.

"No, thank you," she said to him in a relatively calm voice.

And immediately after Liu Lanzhi refused their offer, the disciples behind the middle-aged man began speaking out loud.

"Who are these no-names? Do they have no idea who we are?"

"They must be from a backwater place to not know us."

These disciples spoke with disregard, clearly looking down on them.

Upon hearing their Sect being badmouthed, the Junior Disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect also began speaking out loud, "Indeed, who are these idiots? To show such disrespect towards us and senior apprentice-brother, they must be courting death…"

"That's right! Who do they think they are?!"

Because these Junior Disciples were confident in their safety due to Su Yang's acquaintance with the Divine Sword Master, they did not hold back on their trash talk.

And as one would have expected, the other party looked at these Junior Disciples with wide eyes filled with shock. They would've never imagined that a bunch of little brats would dare talk back to them, much less with such ridicule.

"H-How dare someone from a no-name place to disrespect our Golden Altar Sect!"

"You guys are the one courting death!"

"Golden Altar Sect…?"

Liu Lanzhi's frown became deeper upon hearing that familiar name. After taking a moment to ponder, she finally recalls the Golden Altar Sect. It was a place that although not recognized as an Elite Sect, they are powerful enough to rival even places such as the Million Snakes Sect.

Of course, because they usually remain lowkey, people from the other continents would normally not be familiar with them.

"Calm down, disciples…"

The middle-aged man finally decided to step in.

"I apologize for my disciples' rudeness," he said to Liu Lanzhi with a calm smile.

"I apologize for my disciples, too…"

Although she didn't say anything, Liu Lanzhi noticed a feeling of scorn behind the middle-aged man's calm face. He obviously didn't take his own apology seriously.

"Anyway, we will not be selling our rooms," said Liu Lanzhi as she grabbed the keys out of the receptionist's hand.

"...Is that so… how unfortunate…"

The middle-aged man shook his head and proceeded to walk out the door.

However, there was a strange atmosphere around the middle-aged man, and it was not just Liu Lanzhi who felt it. In fact, even the Junior Disciples felt something was off about the middle-aged man.

Once the Golden Altar Sect left the scene, the Junior Disciples spoke, "I had a dangerous feeling from that man…"

"Me too…"

"Forget about them. Let's hurry to the fourth floor, where I will assign your rooms," said Liu Lanzhi, before taking the disciples upstairs.

Chapter 308 Nothing but Sex in His Mind!

Upon reaching the fourth floor, Liu Lanzhi began handing out keys to the disciples.

"The female Junior Disciples will be using the last four rooms at the end of the hallway whilst the males will use the four rooms before that. The participants will have two rooms, and the sect elders and I will be in the first room. I will allow you all to choose your room, but just remember that there is a capacity of 7 individuals per room."

After handing out all of the keys, Liu Lanzhi continued, "Now with that out of the way, I will be talking about the rules for staying here until we return home."

"First and foremost, you are not to leave this hotel without permission from the sect elders or myself, and when leaving this place, you must be in a group of at least four individuals, including a sect elder. Additionally, you will not be wearing anything that could identify yourself as a disciple from the Profound Blossom Sect. Do any of you have any questions regarding the rules just now?"

Because she did not want to risk anything while they are staying in this city, especially when the Million Snakes Sect is also here, Liu Lanzhi decided to implement these strict rules, as she wanted everybody here to return to the Profound Blossom Sect safely.

The disciples shook their heads.

"Very good. Now onto this city. As you should all be aware, this city is directly controlled by the Xie Family, the overlord of the Eastern Continent. This means that you must be on your best behavior while you are staying in this city and avoid offending the Xie Family. In fact, forget about the Xie Family. There are dozens of other powerful backgrounds currently residing in this place that we cannot afford to offend, especially in our current situation. Any mishap could cost you your life, and even worse, all of our lives. Do you understand?"

The disciples quickly shook their heads with nervous expressions.

"This city is such a scary place… I'm afraid that I will be too nervous to leave my room…"

"Right? What if we accidentally bump into someone like that middle-aged man downstairs just now and offend them? We'll die on the spot..."

"You don't have to worry about that, as this city strictly prohibits manslaughter," said Liu Lanzhi.

Although Liu Lanzhi would rather have these Junior Disciples stay inside their room until the tournament, she didn't want them to miss this rare chance to explore one of the greatest cities in the Eastern Continent.

"What if we get kidnapped? That's even scarier than death in some instances!"

"With the number of experts in this place, kidnapping children like us will be as easy as taking candy from a baby for them!"

The sect elders and Liu Lanzhi looked at these Junior Disciples that were scaring themselves with weird expressions. They were simply worrying too much.

"Anyway, just stay vigilant and safe until we return to the Sect. We will only be here until the end of the month, and we are almost halfway there.

"As for those who will be participating in the actual tournament, we will head to the registration area tomorrow to register your names as official participants. Until then, just relax," said Liu Lanzhi as she looked at Su Yang and the girls.

After a few more minutes of speaking, Li Lanzhi dismissed the disciples, where they would scramble around for some more time until they all picked their rooms.

As for the participants, because Fang Zhelan, Sun Jingjing, and Su Yang were in a league of their own and considered the seniors amongst the group, the other seven disciples agreed to let these three have one room to themselves while the rest picked the other room.

Once Su Yang entered his room with Sun Jingjing and Fang Zhelan, he began removing his robes.


Both Fang Zhelan and Sun Jingjing looked at him with surprised eyes. Does he already want to start cultivating with them?

However, Su Yang's next words only dumbfounded them even more.

"I will be leaving this place for a bit. Until I come back, make it seem as though we are cultivating so others will not find out," he said to them as he changed his green robes for some plain white robes.

"W-Where are you going?" Sun Jingjing asked him. "Should one of us come along?"

Su Yang shook his head. "I am meeting a 'friend'. I won't be gone for long. It's nothing to be concerned about."

"Okay. Stay safe."

"I will."

Su Yang smiled at them before jumping out the window and disappearing from their view.

Once Su Yang left the place, he retrieved a mask from his storage ring and wore it on his face, covering his handsome features. In the next second, he retrieved another item from his storage ring — a steel sword.

Su Yang looked at this sword with a cold gaze for a moment before activating Nine Astral Steps, disappearing into thin air.




Shortly after Su Yang left the hotel, someone knocked on his room.

"It's me. I forgot to tell you guys something…" Liu Lanzhi's voice resounded behind the door.

"W-What should we do? Su Yang just left and the Sect Master is already knocking on our door!" Sun Jingjing asked Fang Zhelan, who was already pondering.

"Junior apprentice-sister, begin moaning," said Fang Zhelan a few seconds later with a serious expression.

"W-What…?" Sun Jingjing looked at her with a dumbfounded face.

"Pretend you are cultivating with Su Yang! And make it sound as realistic as possible!"

Sun Jingjing nodded and began moaning loudly.


"Mmm! Keep doing me there, Su Yang!"


Sun Jingjing's exhilarating voice easily penetrated their room and echoed into the hallway.


When Liu Lanzhi heard Sun Jingjing's moaning, her jaw dropped to the ground, as she was in disbelief.

"T-This Su Yang! Truly a beast with nothing but sex in his mind! We have just settled down and he is already cultivating with the girls!"

"I-I'm sorry, Sect Master, but can you come back later…?" Fang Zhelan's voice resounded a few seconds after Sun Jingjing began moaning.

"D-Don't worry about it… it's nothing too important, anyway…" Liu Lanzhi said before leaving them alone.

A few minutes later, once they were certain that Liu Lanzhi was gone, Sun Jingjing stopped moaning, feeling a bit awkward afterward.

Chapter 309 Murder in Broad Dayligh

After leaving the Snow Crystal Hotel, Su Yang wandered around the city until he found a group of familiar-looking people walking around.

Upon identifying these people to be the Golden Altar Sect, he immediately approached them without hiding his presence, almost like he wanted them to be aware of him.

When the middle-aged man from the Golden Altar Sect noticed Su Yang, who was standing a few meters in front of him with a sword in his grasp, his eyebrows lifted in puzzlement.

The middle-aged man wasn't aware of Su Yang's intention at first, nor did he immediately think that he was the target.

After a few more moments later, when the middle-aged man finally realized that Su Yang was staring at him, he spoke, \"Who are you? And what do you want from me?\"

However, Su Yang did not say a single word, only lifting his sword to point at the middle-aged man, which greatly surprised him.

That being said, it was not as though the middle-aged man was scared for his life since he was fully aware of this city's law that prohibits killing.

Once again, Su Yang remained silent.

\"I don't know who you are or what you want from me, but you must be either ignorant or irresponsible to be pointing your sword at me, while inside this Snowfall City, no less.\"

By now, the people in the surrounding area were all looking at Su Yang and the middle-aged man, their gazes filled with interest at the drama unfolding before them.

\"Although I do not know what you have planned in your head…\" Su Yang finally spoke, his voice disguised, obviously. \"I have experienced many loses for ignoring people like you…\"

Even though his voice was disguised, there was an obvious hint of sorrow within it.

In his previous life, he has lost some important friends simply because he did not listen to his instincts and waited until it was too late to deal with the situation when he should've done it immediately at hand.

Due to these mistakes, Su Yang has sworn to himself that he would never wait until something unfortunate happens ever again.

Bloodlust quickly appeared within Su Yang's aura, something the middle-aged man and the observers instantly noticed.

\"Don't tell me that he's actually going to attempt homicide in broad daylight?\"

\"Did he forget which city he is currently in? Is he courting death?\"

\"Ignoring the rules given by the Xie Family is much worse than death…\"

Not just the middle-aged man but even the observers were surprised by Su Yang's killing intent.

\"Hahaha! You are nuts! Good! If I kill you now, it will be considered self-defense!\"

The middle-aged man retrieved his own weapon, which also happened to be a sword — one that radiated with Spirit Qi. It was clearly a Spiritual Treasure.

\"What are you going to do now, I wonder?\" The middle-aged man spoke with a smug on his face.

However, a few seconds later, when Sword Intent suddenly filled the place, the middle-aged man's expression sunk faster than a rock with gravity.

\"S-Sword Master!\"

The crowd expressed shock, as most of them have never seen a Sword Master in person before.

\"I-I-Impossible!\" The middle-aged man mumbled with a pale face.

There are very few recognized Sword Masters in this world, and he's certain that he has never offended any of them, so who is this Sword Master standing before him right now with killing intent overflowing in his aura? What did he do to offend him?

\"W-W-Who are you?! If you think that you can escape punishment just because you are a Sword Master then you are only fooling yourself! The Xie Family will punish you regardless of your stature!\"

\"Punishment? If they have the ability to find a ghost, then such punishment is well deserved,\" said Su Yang, implying that he was the ghost.

\"At least tell me why you are targeting me! What did I do to offend you?!\"

The middle-aged man continued to speak. He wanted to delay time as much as possible, hoping the guards would come sooner.

Of course, Su Yang was well aware that the middle-aged man was trying to waste time by speaking to him. However, he was confident that it wouldn't take a second to kill him, who was only at the first level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

In the worst case, even if he cannot kill the middle-aged man in time, he was confident that he'd be able to escape unscathed.

However, unfortunately for the middle-aged man, Su Yang did not plan on lingering around any longer.

Su Yang readied his sword and, a second later, Sword Intent covered the entire area.

The Sword Intent being exuded from Su Yang right now far exceeded just a few moments ago, causing even the spectators to suffocate from the atmosphere.

As for the middle-aged man, because the Sword Intent was directly focused on him, his entire body was shaking at this moment, and it felt as though there were thousands of sword piercing his body.


The middle-aged man, feeling so terrified of the Sword Intent that he began screaming for his life, dumbfounding the disciples behind him, as they have never witnessed their prideful sect elder acting so cowardly and fearful, who was also one of the top elders in their Golden Altar Sect.

\"How unsightly…\" Su Yang shook his head.

Not wanting to hear the middle-aged man's screaming any longer, Su Yang activated Nine Astral Steps, disappearing from his spot and appearing directly before the middle-aged man in the blink of an eye.

\"Learn to hide your killing intent better in your next life…\"

After mumbling these words, Su Yang swung his sword, and at a speed that could not be perceived with one's mere eyes, it sliced away the middle-aged man's life by decapitation.

Immediately after killing the middle-aged man, Su Yang activated Nine Astral Step again, disappearing from sight before the people there could even comprehend why there was a decapitated head spinning in midair.

Chapter 310 Unknown Sword Master

By the time the people there realized that the middle-aged man from the Golden Altar Sect was dead, Su Yang was already on his way back to the Profound Blossom Sect.

"S-S-Sect elder!"

The disciples trembled in shock as they slowly stepped away from the headless corpse, their expression filled with disbelief.

They couldn't believe that their sect elder, who was at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, would die so easily. Even if his opponent was a Sword Master, he shouldn't have been defeated with such ease. It was almost like all of his time spent cultivating to the Heavenly Spirit Realm was in vain.

"T-That madman actually killed someone whilst in Snowfall City!"

"During one of its biggest events, no less!"

"There are very few Sword Masters in this world, much less one at his caliber. It won't take long for the Xie Family to find him!"

Exactly one minute after Su Yang had killed the middle-aged man from the Golden Altar Sect, over ten guards arrived at the scene.

"What happened here?"

The guards immediately restricted everyone's movements there, only allowing them to leave after they answer a few questions.

"Someone wearing a mask appeared out of nowhere and killed that middle-aged man over there…"

"Who are you guys?" The guards asked the disciples.

"G-Golden Altar Sect. T-The man who died was our sect elder," said one of the disciples, his voice still shaking.

"The Golden Altar Sect?"

The guards were surprised, as they did not expect such a powerful force to be involved in this, much less as the victim.

"Do you know why you guys were attacked? Any idea who the masked man was?"

The disciples quickly shook their heads.

"The masked man was a Sword Master," said one of the observers.

"What? So the Sword Intent just now did not come from the sect elder but the murder instead?"

The guards thought it was the sect elder at first due to the sword that was still in his grasp, but alas, they couldn't have been more wrong.

After speaking to everybody there and gathering enough information, the guards released everybody there and returned to their own headquarters to relay all of the information to their superiors.

"A Sword Master had committed manslaughter in the middle of the city?"

The superiors almost couldn't believe the news when they first heard it. Why would a Sword Master risk offending the Xie Family? Even if he hid his identity with a mask, it would only delay his punishment for so long before the Xie Family finds him.




Somewhere at the center of Snowfall City, one of Xie Family's many residences, many experts that have renowned statures and powerful backgrounds from around the Eastern Continent were gathered in one large room, where a meeting was being held with the Xie Family.

"Did you all sense that Sword Intent just now?"

One of the experts there suddenly asked out loud.

"Only an oblivious fool would not have felt such a powerful Sword Intent!"

"I have fought a few Sword Masters in my life, yet I have never felt such a sharp Sword Intent before..."

"I also know many Sword Masters myself. However, the Sword Intent just now belonged to none of them…"

Since the meeting had just ended, the experts in the room began speaking about the Sword Intent that appeared just a few moments later.

As the topic of this mysterious Sword Master became increasingly popular with the experts, a middle-aged man with sharp features and a black robe around his body spoke out loud, "What are your thoughts on this topic, Senior Zhong?"

Divine Sword Master Zhong, who was casually sitting there, turned to look at the middle-aged man who just spoke.

"To tell you the truth, Lord Xie, I have never felt such powerful Sword Intent until today, too. It's simply too sharp and clean. It was almost like I was sensing a real sword," he said.

The people in the room looked at him with surprised expressions, even the middle-aged man addressed as Lord Xie, who was clearly the head of the Xie Family.

"Are you telling me that you, who is recognized as the Divine Sword Master, one of the strongest Sword Masters in this world, feel inferior to whoever used Sword Intent in my city just now?" Lord Xie looked at Senior Zhong with slightly wide eyes.

"If I could meet this Sword Master right now, I would definitely request for some guidance regarding the sword." Senior Zhong spoke in a sincere voice.

The room instantly turned silent, as nobody there had expected Senior Zhong to be this upfront and honest, even wishing for guidance from this unknown Sword Master.

The feeling of wanting to meet this Sword Master appeared in these experts' heart.

Suddenly, the figure sitting beside Lord Xie mumbled, "This Sword Intent… I have felt it somewhere before…"

"Are you certain about that, my daughter? Can you try to remember where you have felt this Sword Intent before?" Lord Xie turned to ask his daughter, Xie Xingfang.

Xie Xingfang nodded and closed her eyes, scrambling her head trying to remember where she has felt the Sword Intent before.

A few moments later, Xie Xingfang's eyes opened, and her eyes flickered with a dazzling light.

"Senior brother Xiao!"

Lord Xie looked at Xie Xingfang with a frown.

"Senior brother Xiao? Who is that?" he wasted no time asking her, especially after realizing that she was speaking of a man.

"He… He's the reason that I am where I am today…" Xie Xingfang's gaze flickered with a profound emotion when she spoke of this senior brother Xiao.

After separating with Su Yang at the Thunder Valley, Xie Xingfang has cultivated the Immortal-grade technique that he had given her earnestly, and it'd greatly affected her cultivation since then.

However, this is something only Xie Xingfang knew, since she did not tell anybody about her encounter with Su Yang, nor about the Immortal-grade technique he'd gifted her — not even to her own family.

"I cannot understand anything from that, can you elaborate on it?" he asked her again.

"Although I cannot go into the details, my growth for the past few months wouldn't have been possible if I did not meet him…" she said with a smile.

"..." Lord Xie narrowed his eyes on her mysterious smile, his gaze filled with suspicion and a hint of surprise, as he'd never witnessed his daughter act like this before.

Chapter 311 Xiao Yang

"Xiao Yang…?" When Senior Zhong heard Xie Xingfang mention him, his eyes widened in shock from realization.

He couldn't believe that he'd miss something like this, especially when he'd met with him just some time ago today. However, this Sword Intent was much stronger than the Sword Intent used by Xiao Yang previously; it was on an entirely different level.

"Y-Young lady, speaking of that Xiao Yang… he's actually within Snowfall City right now…"

Xie Xingfang immediately turned to look at Senior Zhong with wide eyes.

"Are you certain about that?!" she asked him in a loud voice, even slamming the table from excitement.


Xie Xingfang's sudden outburst startled the entire room, causing everybody there to look at her with a dumbfounded expression.

"E-Excuse me…" Xie Xingfang blushed when she realized that she'd reacted too rashly.

"Senior Zhong, you also know of this Xiao Yang?" Lord Xie asked him.


Lord Xie smiled inwardly upon hearing that. Instead of bugging his daughter, he can simply ask Senior Zhong about this Xiao Yang now.

"Tell me about this Xiao Yang," he wasted no time asking.

Senior Zhong nodded and began explaining to Lord Xie his encounter with Xiao Yang, recalling how he helped them kill someone from the Moonlight Blades.

The explanation only took a few minutes at most, as their encounter was quite short.

"That's it?" Lord Xie was dumbfounded by such an insignificant story. If their encounter was as Senior Zhong had described, why is his daughter acting as though he was her secret partner?

"But… the Profound Blossom Sect? Are you sure about that?" Lord Xie didn't know what to feel about this news.

As the Lord of the Eastern Continent, of course, he's aware of the infamous Profound Blossom Sect and their sexual nature. However, this only made the situation even more puzzling, as there should not be such an expert in that kind of place.

"Although I also doubted it when I researched that place, I saw him at the city's entrance today, and he was with the Profound Blossom Sect, even wearing their disciples' robes," said Senior Zhong.

After departing with Xiao Yang and returning home, Senior Zhong immediately began researching on the Profound Blossom Sect. However, when he realized the kind of place the Profound Blossom Sect was, he figured that Xiao Yang had lied about his background, presumably to protect his identity, as there was no way a Sword Master would be present in a place that focuses on dual cultivation.

"The Profound Blossom Sect…"

Xie Xingfang blushed upon hearing this name. Of course, she also did her own research, as she was too curious about Xiao Yang to ignore it. However, she did not believe for one second that Xiao Yang would come from such a place, especially when he had such a noble and elegant demeanor.

"Well, it's quite easy to figure out if he's truly from the Profound Blossom Sect or not."

Lord Xie stood up from his chair and continued speaking, "I will meet with them personally."


Everybody there expressed shock upon hearing that Lord Xie would approach someone first. Given his exalted status, one would expect him to send a summoning notice to the Profound Blossom Sect so they would approach him, not the other way around.

"I-I want to come with you!"

Xie Xingfang also stood up. This could be a chance for her to see Xiao Yang again.

"No, you will stay here."

However, Lord Xie rejected it instantly.

"If Father is going, then I am, too!" she stared at him with a resolute expression. She simply couldn't allow this chance to go away so easily.

"Lord Xie, it might be a bit inappropriate for you to go…"

"He's right, Lord Xie. If anything, one of us can go in your stead."

The people in the room began giving their suggestions.

Lord Xie turned silent, and after pondering for a moment, he nodded.

"Very well. Senior Zhong, since you are the most familiar with this Xiao Yang, I would like you to meet with the Profound Blossom Sect to see whether or not he is really with them."

He then turned to look at his daughter and said, "If I stay, then you will stay, too."


Xie Xingfang looked at him with a slightly angry expression for a moment before saying, "I am returning to my room!"

Lord Xie smiled bitterly as he watched her daughter leave the place with an unhappy expression. She was only but a child the last time he'd seen her acting in such a manner. And with so many people present, nevertheless.

"I will accept this mission," said Senior Zhong.

A few moments later, just as Lord Xie returned to his seat, his communication jade slip trembled, and the news of someone causing chaos within the city finally reached his ears.

"A Sword Master had openly ignored the city rules and committed murder in broad daylight?"

Lord Xie was taken aback by this news.

"So that's the reason for the Sword Intent just now…" Lord Xie shook his head inwardly.

"Apparently someone had committed murder in my Snowfall City, killing a sect elder from the Golden Altar Sect."

Lord Xie decided to share this information with everybody there.

"Who would dare?"

"A sect elder from the Golden Altar Sect? This killer must be quite skilled to be able to kill a sect elder from that place."

The people in the room were in disbelief. Only an utter idiot would commit such a crime during this time.

"The suspect also happens to be a Sword Master…"


The place immediately turned silent, creating an awkward atmosphere.

"It can't be…"

In the entire room, Senior Zhong was the most dumbfounded by this news.

"If you happen to meet this Xiao Yang, bring him here for questioning," said Lord Xie.

"I understand."

Although Senior Zhong did not immediately think Xiao Yang was guilty, he did find the sudden Sword Intent just now very weird and out of place. What's more, it's still not certain that the Sword Intent belonged to Xiao Yang in the first place.

Chapter 312 His Name Is Su Yang

The meeting ended shortly after Lord Xie ordered Senior Zhong to bring Xiao Yang to him. However, before he dismissed the people there, Lord Xie said to them, "Whether or not this Xiao Yang is the culprit is another story. If you encounter him, bring him to me. I have a few things that I'd like to ask him."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After leaving the meeting room, Senior Zhong did not immediately search for the Profound Blossom Sect, as he was stopped by a certain individual before he could even leave the house.

"What's the matter, Young Lady?" Senior Zhong looked at kingdom-toppling beauty before him with a bitter smile.

"I want you to tell me more about your encounter with senior brother Xiao!"

"Of course, it'd be about him…" Senior Zhong sighed inwardly.

"Long story short, I met Xiao Yang at the entrance gate, but we separated after entering the city and a few words later. It was nothing of significance."

"You said that he was with the Profound Blossom Sect, even wearing their sect robes. Do they think he's really affiliated with them?" she asked.

Although Xie Xingfang holds no ill feelings towards the Profound Blossom Sect, their sexual nature also made it hard for her, a pure maiden who is weak to such topics, to feel uncomfortable.

"I will be meeting with the Profound Blossom Sect after this to confirm that," he said.

"Did my father tell you to do that?"

Senior Zhong merely nodded. He even purposefully left out the part where Xiao Yang is currently a suspect for committing murder whilst in their city, as it would surely make her sad.

"Um… if Senior Zhong meets him, can you give this to elder brother Xiao for me?" Xie Xingfang retrieved something from her pockets and handed it to him.


Elder Zhong looked at the communication jade slip that Xie Xingfang had just given him with a perplexed expression, as he wasn't sure what Lord Xie would think of this.

"Young Lady, if your father learns of this…"

"Then don't let him know!" Xie Xingfang quickly said.

Senior Zhong smiled bitterly, and after a moment of pondering, he spoke, "If the Young Lady promises that she won't sneak out to look for Xiao Yang, this old man will gladly deliver this jade slip to him."

Xie Xingfang frowned inwardly. How did he know that she was thinking of such a thing? It's not as if she often sneaks out or anything like that. In fact, this is her first time considering such a thing.

"Fine, I promise." She spoke a few seconds later.

Senior Zhong nodded and began walking away. However, he asked her before disappearing, "One of thing, Young Lady. What do you think of this Xiao Yang?"

"I admire him!" she answered with ease.

"Is that so…" Senior Zhong did not say anything else and left the Xie Family's household to look for the Profound Blossom Sect.

Of course, with his status and the Xie Family's resource, it didn't even take a minute before he knew the exact location of the Profound Blossom Sect.

After learning of the Profound Blossom Sect's location, Senior Zhong arrived at the Snow Crystal Hotel sometime later.

"D-Divine Sword Master!"

The receptionist immediately recognized his exalted appearance and nearly had a heart attack.

"Where is the Profound Blossom Sect?" Senior Zhong wasted no time asking the receptionist.

"T-The fourth floor! They are on the fourth floor!"

Despite their strict privacy rules, the receptionist immediately revealed to Senior Zhong the floor Profound Blossom Sect was staying on.

"I appreciate it."

Senior Zhong did not linger around and quickly headed to the fourth floor.

Upon reaching the fourth floor, Senior Zhong noticed a beautiful woman sitting in the middle of the hall with her eyes closed, seeming in cultivation. However, why would one cultivate in the open like this when there are rooms in every direction?

When Senior Zhong appeared on the fourth floor, the beautiful woman sitting in the middle of the hall opened her eyes to look at him.

"Divine Sword Master!"

The beautiful woman immediately stood up and bowed her body slightly and spoke, "Greetings, Senior Zhong. This one is called Liu Lanzhi, Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect. How may I assist you today?"

"I apologize for my sudden appearance, but I am currently looking for someone."

Liu Lanzhi immediately thought of Su Yang when Senior Zhong said that he was looking for someone, but she still waited for him to finish.

"Xiao Yang, may I speak with him?"

"Xiao Yang… who?" Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow in puzzlement.


Senior Zhong noticed her puzzled face and said, "Xiao Yang… that young man in your group at the city's entrance… is he not with the Profound Blossom Sect?"

After hearing such words, Liu Lanzhi quickly realized what was happening and asked, "That young man… did he tell you that his name was Xiao Yang?"

Senior Zhong was also beginning to realize the situation.

"Is that not his name?" he responded with a questioning tone.

"Although I do not know his reason for hiding his identity, that mischievous young man is named Su Yang…" Liu Lanzhi revealed the truth to Senior Zhong, who stood there with a dazed expression.

"It's no wonder why I couldn't find his name when I investigated the Profound Blossom Sect! It was a fake identity all along!" Senior Zhong cried inwardly.

However, despite being lied to, Senior Zhong did not blame Su Yang, as it was very common for Cultivators to hide their identity, especially when they are traveling alone.

After a moment of awkward silence, Senior Zhong continued as though he was aware of this the entire time, "Su Yang… can I speak with him?"

Liu Lanzhi turned to look at the room Su Yang was staying in and then back to Senior Zhong.

"That… might be difficult right now," she responded with an apologetic smile.

"Why might that be the case?" Senior Zhong asked.

"He's… well… currently cultivating with some disciples…"

"Cultivating… with others?"

Although it had taken him a moment, once Senior Zhong realized what Liu Lanzhi was trying to say, his eyes widened with shock, and he remained standing there with a dumbfounded expression.

Chapter 313 New Techniques 18+

After killing the sect elder from the Golden Altar Sect, Su Yang directly returned to the Profound Blossom Sect without anyone noticing his shadow.

Before he entered his room through the window, Su Yang removed his mask and sword.

"Senior apprentice-brother!" Sun Jingjing breathed with relief upon seeing his return in just a few minutes.

"What's the matter? Did something happen while I was away?" he asked after noticing her reaction.

"The Sect Master knocked on the door looking for you literally moments after you left! I nearly got a heart attack from that!"

"The Sect Master? What did she want from me?"

"I don't know, but she said it wasn't that important and to forget for now it after we lied about cultivating at that time. Anyway, you have returned much faster than I'd expected."

Su Yang nodded.

However, before he could even relax, he noticed an expert at the Heavenly Spirit Realm approaching their location from many miles away.

"That old man… what does he want from me now?" he wondered.

After a moment of pondering, Su Yang looked at Sun Jingjing and Fang Zhelan and spoke, "We have been cultivating almost every day for the past few months now, and I am thinking of showing you a new technique or two. What do you think? If you can last even one minute, I'll do any one thing you request from me."


The two beauties looked at him with surprised looks, as they did not expect such a sudden situation.

Su Yang nodded and continued, "Your bodies would not have been able to handle it before, but it should be fine now. You'll experience a whole new world of experience."

"A… A whole new world of experience…?"

The two girls forcefully swallowed their saliva, as they cannot imagine a pleasure that is more intensive than what they are already experiencing.

"I am up for the challenge."

Surprisingly, it was Fang Zhelan who responded first.

"Me, too! One minute? Hah! You are underestimating us too much, senior apprentice-brother!" Sun Jingjing immediately agreed after Fang Zhelan.

After cultivating with him for so long, their bodies have become fully accustomed to the pleasure that Su Yang brings to their body, allowing them to cultivate without any breaks for half an hour. With that being said, even though they are used to his techniques, it was not as though they are getting bored with it, nor are Su Yang's techniques losing its effect.

In fact, because they have built such resilience, they are now able to enjoy his techniques for a much longer time without any pauses, allowing them to fully indulge themselves in cultivation.

"I am underestimating you?"

Su Yang showed a mysterious smile and continued, "30 seconds. I will be your slave for a whole day if you can last this long without releasing your Yin Qi!"

The two girls became excited upon hearing his words, and they can already imagine what it would be like to have Su Yang listen to their orders for an entire day!

"You have said it now! There's no going back on your words!" Sun Jingjing said loudly.

"I am a man of my words."

Without sparing any time or show hesitation, both Fang Zhelan and Sun Jingjing stripped their clothes.

"Who wants to go first?" Su Yang pulled his pants down and asked with his dragon already awakened and staring towards the heavens.


"I will go first."

Fang Zhelan managed to finish her sentence before Sun Jingjing, who was the first to open her mouth.

Su Yang nodded and walked in front of Fang Zhelan, who was already on the bed with her legs spread and petals wet, and he pressed his raging dragon against her entrance.

"No foreplay at all? He must be quite confident!" Sun Jingjing thought to herself as he watched Su Yang penetrate Fang Zhelan.


Fang Zhelan gasped in shock not even a second after being penetrated by Su Yang, startling Sun Jingjing.

"W-What is this feeling?! Ahhhhh!!! I… I can't!"

Not even twenty seconds after they began, Fang Zhelan released her Yin Qi all over Su Yang.

"What?!" Sun Jingjign stared at the Yin Qi that was spraying out of Fang Zhelan's lower part with a dazed look.

How could Fang Zhelan, the most experienced and resilient out of all of the disciples, possibly release her Yin Qi after just a few seconds of cultivation? What had changed? Sun Jingjing couldn't tell!

In fact, from her standpoint, Su Yang didn't do anything special, only thrusting his rod into her normally!

"18 seconds… huh."

Su Yang smiled and looked at Sun Jingjing with wolf-like eyes.


Sun Jingjing looked at Fang Zhelan's blissful face and then at Su Yang's praying smile and smiled bitterly. If Fang Zhelan cannot even resist for 20 seconds, she will surely lose her control within 10 seconds!

"What's the matter? I no longer see any confidence in your eyes. You can still back out of this now."

Sun Jingjing merely sighed and said, "Although I have given up on winning this challenge, I will not back out from this challenge!"

"Good words!"

Su Yang pulled his thick rod from Fang Zhelan and approached Sun Jingjing, who was trying to swallow her nervousness away.

A few seconds later, Su Yang penetrated Sun Jingjing, and a sharp moan resounded in the halls once again. And unlike her fake moan, this one was sharp like a phoenix's cry and filled with emotion and delight.

"Aaaaaaaaaah! Senior apprentice-brother!"

Meanwhile, when Senior Zhong, who just finished speaking to Liu Lanzhi suddenly heard this moan, his facial expression dropped, looking like he'd just witnessed someone spit on his food.

"T-This bastard is really cultivating with the young disciples of this Profound Blossom Sect! Does he have no shame?!" Senior Zhong cursed Su Yang in his heart, as he still believed Su Yang to be someone as old if not older than him due to his astonishing Sword Intent, which is around 300 years old.

And for someone his age to be playing with these disciples that could easily qualify as their granddaughters, it made Senior Zhong feel disappointed in him.

Chapter 314 Morals

In a fit of rage from his disappointment, Senior Zhong approached Su Yang's door and prepared to knock. However, he managed to resist his urges the last second and stood there with a frozen expression.

"Senior…" Liu Lanzhi shook her head while sighing.

"Su Yang, you have a guest. The Divine Sword Master is here to see you."

Although she'd rather allow Su Yang to finish his cultivation, Liu Lanzhi decided to have the initiative and knocked on his door, as she did not want to offend this Divine Sword Master, who was more terrifying than the entire Million Snakes Sect as an individual.

A few minutes later, the door opened, and two beautiful ladies walked out of Su Yang's room with loose robes and glittering skin.


Senior Zhong's jaw dropped when he saw these two ladies.

"What does the Young Lady see in this kind of man?!" he sighed inwardly.

"Senior Zhong, I didn't think that we'd meet again so soon." Su Yang appeared afterward.

"Come inside."

Senior Zhong did not say anything and followed him into the room, which was lingering with Yin Qi and the sweet aroma from the two ladies just now.

Once the door closed, Senior Zhong spoke, "I thought you were joking when said that you were from the Profound Blossom Sect, but alas, little did I know! Truly shameless!"

"Shameless? What's so shameless about cuddling beauties as a man?" Su Yang responded in a calm voice.

"There's no shame in such acts, but to think that a Sword Master such as yourself would touch these young girls without a care in the world! Let me find out that you are actually oppressing the Profound Blossom Sect with your status just to fulfill that lustful nature of yours! I will quickly deal with you even if the Young Lady begs me to stop!"

After hearing those words, Su Yang narrowed his eyes at Senior Zhong and spoke in a cold voice, "You dare accuse me of oppressing these girls to cultivate with me? If not for the Young Lady, I would have killed you ten times by now!"

Killing intent suddenly filled the room, causing Senior Zhong to sweat profusely.

Su Yang then continued, "What does it matter if they are twenty years old or two hundred years old? This small age gap, they are still nothing but children in my eyes! As long as they are a woman and they accept me, I will embrace them without shame!"

Although it might be different for Senior Zhong, who has lived for a measly 300 years, because Su Yang has lived for tens of thousands of years as an Immortal, there was not much difference in such a small gap his mind. In fact, if he has to consider their age for his cultivation, then even the oldest individual in this world is but a mere child in his eyes!

In this kind of situation, how will he ever increase his cultivation base and return to the Divine Heavens? Therefore, as much as he'd rather not touch these young girls, he really has no other choices, hence why he hesitated to cultivate with the disciples of the Profound Blossom Sect when he first regained his memories.

"Surnamed Zhong, we are both Cultivators. Something like age is but a mere number to scale talent in our world. Of course, I'm not saying one's age does not matter entirely, but as long as they are an adult, who cares, really?"

Su Yang tossed his act as a young disciple and began acting more like a senior, something that greatly dumbfounded Senior Zhong.


Senior Zhong turned silent for the next few minutes. As much as he wanted to dispute Su Yang's claims, he couldn't find any fault in Su Yang's words.

Unlike Mortals, the relevance of one's age is different in the eyes of a Cultivator, and this is even more true for those that have lived long enough, especially Immortals that live eternally.

"Anyway, why don't you start telling me why you have come here? Don't tell me that you came all the way here just to call me shameless, right?"

"You… where have you been after we separated at the entrance gate?" Senior Zhong decided to put his opinions behind his head and questioned Su Yang.

"Where have I been? I have been in this room the entire time with those two girls, obviously," said Su Yang.

"So he had nothing to do with the Sword Intent?" Senior Zhong frowned inwardly.

If the Sword Intent did not belong to Su Yang, who did it belong to? And why did it feel so familiar to Su Yang's Sword Intent?

"Are you sure about that?" Senior Zhong continued pressing him.

"If you are still doubting me, then you can ask the two ladies just now what we have been doing since we arrived at this place," said Su Yang with a smile.

Senior Zhong shook his head.

"Forget it."

A few moments later, Senior Zhong retrieved something from his robes and tossed it to Su Yang.

"A communication jade slip? From whom?" asked Su Yang.

"The Young Lady," responded Senior Zhong.

"But let me warn you that if you dare have any funny ideas about the Young Lady, the entire Xie Family will be after your head, and I will be at the first to look for you!"

"How scary…" Su Yang casually said.

"If this is all, then you may leave. I have some unfinished business with those two ladies that you had interrupted," he continued.

Senior Zhong stood up from his seat and said, "Then I have some unfortunate news for you. Lord Xie of the Xie Family has summoned you, so I will be bringing you back to the Xie Family with me now."

"You want me to go to the Xie Family? Are you not afraid that I might do something to your Young Lady while I am there?" Su Yang laughed.

"If you dare touch the Young Lady, you can forget about leaving the Xie Family forever!" Senior Zhong looked at him with a dangerous expression.

Su Yang merely shrugged. Although he has no intention of touching the Xie Xingfang right now, he was interested in her progression with the technique he'd given her, so he did not refuse to go to the Xie Family.

"Very well, show me the way."

Chapter 315 Kneel Before His Majesty!

"Sect Master, I will be gone for a bit." Su Yang said to Liu Lanzhi, who was waiting outside for them.

"Eh? Where are you going?" she asked him, finding this too sudden.

Su Yang merely pointed at Senior Zhong in response to her question.

"I will be borrowing him for a bit," said Senior Zhong.

Since the Divine Sword Master will be by his side, Liu Lanzhi did not have to worry about Su Yang's safety and easily accepted his departure.

"Will you return by tomorrow, when we register for the tournament?" Liu Lanzhi asked.

Senior Zhong remained silent, as he was not certain what Lord Xie wanted to do with Su Yang. Even if he did not kill the sect elder from the Golden Altar Sect, it seems like Lord Xie had other intentions with him.

"Of course," said Su Yang with a confident smile.

A few moments later, Su Yang and Senior Zhong left the Crystal Snow Hotel.

"If you don't do or say anything stupid, you might be able to return by tomorrow," said Senior Zhong after they left.

"If I want to leave, who can stop me?" Su Yang said calmly.

"I dare you to continue acting so haughty before Lord Xie." Senior Zhong coldly snorted.

After their short conversation, they traveled to the Xie Family's household in complete silence.

Sometime later, Su Yang stood before the Xie Family's land that was as large as an entire Sect.

Noticing Su Yang's stare at the grand scene before him, Senior Zhong spoke, "We are only at the entrance and you are already in awe? Such a reaction does not fit your demeanor."

Su Yang merely shrugged his shoulders. He did not feel like wasting any breath with Senior Zhong.

"Open the gates and notify Lord Xie that I have returned with 'Xiao Yang'."

Senior Zhong said to one of the guards.

After the guards opened the gates, Senior Zhong brought Su Yang into one of the hundreds of guests' rooms within this huge manor.

"We will wait here until Lord Xie calls for us," said Senior Zhong.

"And I should warn you right now. Lord Xie is someone that holds the most authority in this Eastern Continent beside the Ancestor. He is, in other words, the Emperor of this place. You can disrespect me all you want, but he is not someone you can offend. If you value your life, it will be in your best interest to put aside your arrogance when before his presence."

"An Emperor, you say? Hahaha!" Su Yang suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Senior Zhong frowned.

"I should really bring you to the Holy Continent one of these days to broaden your views!"

"What?! You have been to the Holy Continent?! No… more importantly… you know how to get there?!" Senior Zhong was greatly shocked, looking like he'd just seen a ghost.

However, before Su Yang could even answer, a servant from the Xie Family knocked on their door.

"Senior Zhong, His Majesty has been notified of your return and is currently waiting for your presence in the main hall."

"Looks like it's time to meet this 'Emperor'," said Su Yang as he walked towards the door.

"Wait! You have not answered my question! What do you know about the Holy Continent?!"

But alas, Su Yang completely ignored him and said to the servant waiting outside, "Bring me to this main hall."

"Su Yang… you bastard…" Senior Zhong gnashed his teeth in anger when Su Yang ignored him.

However, as much as he wanted to tie Su Yang to a chair and continue questioning him right now, he could not keep Lord Xie waiting for them for too long.

"You can ignore me now, but I will surely get my answer from you before you leave this place!"

Senior Zhong said inwardly before following the servant and Su Yang to meet Lord Xie.

A few minutes later, Su Yang arrived at the main hall with Senior Zhong by his side.

"Your Majesty, Senior Zhong, and Xiao Yang have arrived."

The servant knocked on the door.

"Allow them inside."

A strong voice resounded from behind the large doors.

A few seconds later, the doors opened, and Su Yang casually walked into the room, where a dozen figures were present.

At the end of this room was a middle-aged man with sharp features and an intimidating aura.

As for the other figures, they were all clad in powerful armor and standing at each side of the room with Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasures in their grasps and a fierce expression, looking like they were prepared for war.

"Your Majesty." Senior Zhong immediately kneeled before the middle-aged man sitting at the end of the room the moment he entered the room.

As for Su Yang, he merely continued standing there with a calm expression.

"Kneel before His Majesty!"

The guards standing on the sides all shouted simultaneously, their voice carrying an oppressing aura that bore down on Su Yang's figure.

Each of these guards was at the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm, and some of them were even at the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

However, despite bearing the auras of a dozen experts that are considered to be at the top of this world, Su Yang remained standing there with a nonchalant expression, looking like he could not even feel the pressure.

Seeing this, Senior Zhong could only sigh inwardly.

"Interesting…" Lord Xie smiled inwardly when he saw Su Yang's resistance.

"Did you not hear us, you scoundrel?! Kneel before His Majesty!"

The guards, however, were not pleased by his reaction and immediately readied their weapons and pointed it at Su Yang.

A few seconds later, Su Yang finally opened his mouth to speak.

"If you brought me here just to have these dogs yell in my ears, I will turn around and leave right now."

"You… you son of a bitch!"

The guards roared in anger after being called dogs by Su Yang, and a few of them even rushed at Su Yang with killing intent.

"Alas… what have you done? Are you really trying to court death today?" Senior Zhong, who remained in the kneeling position, sighed inwardly, as he did not plan on saving Su Yang, who he'd warned right before coming here.

Chapter 316 What Is Your Relationship with My Daughter?

"Who are you calling dogs?! I'll fucking kill you!"

At least half of the guards in that room charged at Su Yang with their weapons raised, their gaze filled with killing intent.


The middle-aged man suddenly roared, causing the air in the room to shake.

The guards immediately froze their movements.

"Return to your positions," said Lord Xie.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Although they were reluctant, the guards returned to their positions. However, their gaze was still fixated on Su Yang and filled with killing intent.

"Senior Zhong, is he the individual who killed in my city?" Lord Xie asked him.

"Reporting to His Majesty! I do not believe he is the culprit!"

"Hoh? Explain to me why you think he is innocent. You were the one who said the Sword Intent belonged to him. Or is he not Xiao Yang?"

"Xiao Yang is an alias. His real name is Su Yang," said Senior Zhong. "As for why I believe he's innocent… it's because he has an alibi."

"An alias, huh? That's not uncommon amongst cultivators." Lord Xie pondered to himself.

"Let me hear his alibi."

Senior Zhong showed hesitation when Lord Xie asked such a question.

"What's the matter, Senior Zhong? Why are you hesitating? Or is there something to hide?" Lord Xie pressed on.

Senior Zhong sighed inwardly and spoke, "When this one went to visit the Profound Blossom Sect at their hotel, Su Yang was cultivating, and it was confirmed by the Profound Blossom Sect's Sect Master that he has been at it since they arrived at the hotel before the murder had occurred. Therefore, it's simply impossible for him to have committed the crime."

Lord Xie looked at Senior Zhong with a puzzled expression and said, "What kind of an alibi is that, Senior Zhong? How do we know that he did not sneak off during his cultivation? Or was that Sect Master by his side the entire time?" Lord Xie questioned him.

"Your Majesty… the cultivation I am referring to is not your normal cultivation but… dual cultivation…" Senior Zhong nearly choked when he said that.

"W-What did you just say?" Lord Xie's expression turned stiff from surprise.

"Su Yang… he was not cultivating alone… In fact, there were two other ladies by his side when I saw him… and they even seemed quite exhausted..."

After Senior Zhong finished his sentence, the entire placed turned dead silent.

"What the hell is this about, anyway?" Su Yang suddenly opened his mouth to speak, breaking the silence. "First you interrupt my cultivation session, then you dragged me all the way out here, and now I am being judged like some kind of a criminal? If you don't have a good explanation for this, even if you are the Xie Family, don't blame me for being rude."

"Shut your damn mouth! Who gave you permission to speak?! And you have been nothing but rude since the moment you stepped into this room!" One of the guards roared at him.

"..." Lord Xie stared at Su Yang with a doubtful gaze. If he did not kill the sect elder then who did?

"If Senior Zhong believes that he's innocent, then I will no longer pursue this issue with him," said Lord Xie a moment later.

He then turned to look at Su Yang.

"You are the first one I have met that dares to act so arrogantly before my Xie Family. However, I will leave that aside for now. Xiao… Su Yang, right? I only have one simple question for you."

Lord Xie narrowed his eyes, looking like he was prepared to kill Su Yang if he answered incorrectly, and continued, "What is your relationship with my daughter?"

"We are only acquaintances that have exchanged a few words before. There is nothing between us," said Su Yang with a calm voice.

"Is that so?" Lord Xie remained suspicious of Su Yang's relationship with his daughter, Xie Xingfang. After all, the way Xie Xingfang reacts towards his name suggests something much more intimate.

"Although we are only acquaintances right now, that will change in the future."

Su Yang suddenly continued to speak.

"W-What did you just say?"

Not just Lord Xie, but even Senior Zhong looked at him with wide eyes filled with shock.

"Since you are her father, I ought to let you know in advance that I plan on becoming more than just acquaintances with your daughter," said Su Yang with a smile on his face. "Not only is she a gentle beauty but her body is quite special and impressive, too."

"The audacity!"

Killing intent suddenly filled the room.

However, it was not the guards that emitted such killing intent. Instead, it was Lord Xie, who was looking at Su Yang as though he was already a dead man.

Lord Xie is a tolerable man with great patience, hence why he did not take Su Yang's arrogant behavior to heart. However, when it comes to his precious daughter, he becomes almost an entirely different individual.

"I dare you to mention my daughter one more time!"

The profound energy of a peak Heavenly Spirit Realm expert emitted from Lord Xie's body as he stood up and approached Su Yang with a threatening aura.

However, Su Yang was not the type to cower under pressure. In fact, he only thrives during such situations.

"What's wrong with me revealing my feelings for your daughter? Is it a crime? I cannot imagine how many other men in this world besides myself want to hold such a fairy."

"You bastard!"

Without any warning, Lord Xie threw a punch at Su Yang with almost his entire cultivation base behind it.

Su Yang smiled at the incoming attack and also punched forward.


When their fists met, the Profound Qi in their punches exploded, causing the entire building to tremble. If not for the defensive array that protected this place, the Xie Family's household would have crumbled to the ground from their exchange just now.


Lord Xie flew backward from the impact, landing a few meters away.

"Your Majesty!"

The guards panicked for a moment, but when they saw that Lord Xie was fine, they released a sigh of relief.

As for Su Yang, he only took a single step backward after the impact.

"You…" Lord Xie looked at Su Yang with a shocked expression, seemingly in disbelief.

To think that he, a peak Heavenly Spirit Realm Cultivator, would lose to this nobody in an exchange that used only their Profound Qi; it was simply too shocking.

"How dare you raise your hands against His Majesty! Forfeit your life right now!"

The guards in the room quickly sprang into action and charged at Su Yang with their weapons raised, and even Senior Zhong had retrieved his sword.


Lord Xie suddenly roared.

"Y-Your Majesty!"

The guards couldn't understand why Lord Xie would restrain them even at this point. Are they only allowed to act after he's dead?

"Did you not just witness our exchange?! None of you are his match — even if you all group up together!" Lord Xie quickly said.


The guards gnashed their teeth. Even if all of them banded together, they would not defeat Lord Xie, much less Su Yang, who easily repelled his attack.

"Su Yang… you… who are you? No… are you an enemy or foe?"

Senior Zhong asked him with a frown. After witnessing Su Yang's exchange with Lord Xie, it was obvious to him that even he cannot defeat him. Although he may be hailed as the strongest Sword Master in the Eastern Continent, he is still many steps behind Lord Xie in terms of cultivation.

"Don't worry, I did not come here today to purposely cause trouble," said Su Yang with a calm expression. "If I wanted to harm your Xie Family, I would've done it when we first met."

"Then what is the meaning of all this?!"

"I just wanted to prove something, that's all."

"Prove? What are you trying to prove here?" Lord Xie asked him with a puzzled expression.

"You will know that sooner or later," said Su Yang with a mysterious smile.

"By the way, I was speaking just to provoke you to attack me just now; I hope you do not take it the heart."


The room instantly turned silent.

"As for my relationship with the Young Lady, we really have nothing special going on, and I do not plan on chasing after her."

Although Xie Xingfang is a top beauty and even has a Heavenly Constitution, it is not something that could make Su Yang chase after her, much less crazy for her, as she is simply not qualified. But this is something that he would never say out loud.

"Anyway, if you brought me here just for these two things, then I will take my leave now."

Su Yang turned around and began making his way towards the exit.

"W-Wait!" Lord Xie suddenly stopped him.

Su Yang stopped walking and turned around to look at Lord Xie. "Make it quick. I have people anxiously waiting for my return, as our cultivation session was interrupted by someone here," he said with a nonchalant voice.

Chapter 317 Guardian for the Xie Family

"I have a proposition for you, Su Yang." Lord Xie spoke with a serious expression on his face, "Join my Xie Family as a Guardian! As long as you agree, I will treat everything that happened today as though it'd never happened!"

"Y-Your Majesty… that's a bit..."

Senior Zhong looked at him with a surprised look that was also filled with doubt and hesitation.

A Guardian is as it sounds — someone who protects the family when required. The status of a Guardian for the Xie Family is akin to a General of an entire army and more, as they are the protector of this continent's number one family, and having such a title will bring an endless amount of fame to that individual.

Being one of the strongest Sword Master in this continent, it was obvious that Senior Zhong himself would be a Guardian for the Xie Family. However, just having profound strength does not immediately qualify one to become a Guardian for the Xie Family, as they must also be a trusted individual.

This is why Senior Zhong felt that Lord Xie's decision to make Su Yang a Guardian for the Xie Family inappropriate, as he is not an individual they can fully trust at this moment, not to mention his actions today that basically spat on the entire Xie Family's face — and right before Lord Xie's presence, no less.

"Hoh? What do I get in return for becoming a Guardian?" Su Yang asked despite having zero intentions of joining their Xie Family as a Guardian.

Lord Xie's eyes lit up and he spoke, "Becoming a Guardian of the Xie Family is akin to joining us as a family member! Naturally, as a member of our Xie Family, it is our responsibility to provide you with resources for cultivation. What's more, we will also provide you with a peak Earth-grade Spiritual Treasure! As for all the other things such as fame and status, there's no need to even mention it!"


Su Yang pretended to be pondering. If he hadn't met Qiuyue, then he might have seriously considered joining the Xie Family for their cultivation resources.

The Profound Blossom Sect will naturally become affected as well and might receive a flood of new disciples even if he does not do anything during the Regional Tournament.

However, with his current plans, the Profound Blossom Sect is bound to become one of if not the most famous Sect in the entire continent after the Regional Tournament.

"I don't need the Earth-grade Spiritual Treasure or any of the other benefits, but I might consider your offer if you give me your daughter," said Su Yang with a cheeky smile after a moment.


Lord Xie was trying his best to not explode with anger like before, but his body was visibly trembling.

"Your Majesty! Just give us the command and we will fight this bastard to death even if we have the slimmest chance of winning!"

The guards were also trembling in anger, as they have never received such humiliation in their lives!

"Are you certain you want to refuse, Su Yang? This is an opportunity that will never come again," said Lord Xie, ignoring the guards.

"That's perfectly fine," said Su Yang as he began walking towards the exit again.

Lord Xie sighed inwardly. As disrespectful as Su Yang may be towards the Xie Family, missing out on his profound strength is a great loss for the Xie Family as a whole.

A few moments later, just as Su Yang stepped outside the door, dozens of people — mostly guards — could be seen rushing towards his direction.

"Your Majesty! Are you hurt?! What was that tremor just now?!"

The guards rushed into the room.

"Calm down, everything is—"

"Father, what was that Profound Qi just now?"

Before Lord Xie could even finish his sentence, a beautiful lady that emitted an elegant aura appeared from the back of the crowd.

"Y-Young Lady!" Senior Zhong nearly facepalmed at her sudden appearance, which will surely complicate things even further now.

"S-Senior brother Xiao! What are you doing here?!"

As Senior Zhong had easily predicted, Xie Xingfang immediately noticed Su Yang's handsome face.

"It's been a while." Su Yang showed her a bright smile.

"If I knew you were coming, I would have personally welcomed you! Did you not receive that thing from Senior Zhong?"

Xie Xingfang eagerly approached Su Yang.


Besides Xie Xingfang's excited voice, everybody else there was silently watching them with wide eyes.

"If this is how they act as acquaintances, I cannot imagine seeing them as friends!" Lord Xie cried inwardly.

How could they be mere acquaintances when they seem so intimate together? At this rate, they might even share beds as mere friends!

However, as much as Lord Xie hates using his own daughter for his own advantages, he really wanted Su Yang's profound strength to be apart of his Xie Family, not to mention his mysterious background.

"My daughter, you came at the right time. I was just discussing with this expert here to see if he wanted to be a Guardian for the Xie Family."

"Your Majesty?!" Senior Zhong couldn't believe his eyes or ears. Did Lord Xie just use his daughter to persuade Su Yang? Even though he was going to kill Su Yang for mentioning his daughter just minutes ago? His change in attitude is simply too profound!

Of course, in a world where strength is ranked first in almost every situation, Lord Xie wouldn't mind acting shamelessly for a bit as long as his Xie Family gains another expert.

"Really?! Senior brother Xiao, are you going to become a Guardian for our Xie Family?" She looked at him with begging eyes.

Under normal circumstances, any individual that is faced with her pleading expression would nod their heads without any hesitation or pondering. But unfortunately for her, Su Yang is a man with countless experiences with women under his belt and remained nonchalant even under her irresistible appearance.

"I am sorry, but I have already refused that offer," said Su Yang with an apologetic smile.

Xie Xingfang's happy expression became a bit saddened upon hearing his words. However, she did not pressure him and said, "I'm sure you have your reasons, so I won't ask. But since you are here, why don't we sit down and drink some tea? I have some things I would like to speak to you about. I won't take no as an answer this time!"

Su Yang nodded. "My business here is done already, so I will take that offer," he replied.

"Great! Then please follow me."

"W-Wait!" Lord Xie quickly stopped them.

"What is it, father? Senior brother Xiao is an important guest of mine now," she turned around and asked with a frown, hoping that he won't make things difficult for them.

"Where are you two going?" he asked.

"My room, of course." Xie Xingfang replied without any hesitation.

Lord Xie frowned and spoke, "Just the two of you? Hmph! Unless Senior Zhong comes with you, don't even think about it!"

Xie Xingfang turned to look at Senior Zhong, who was staring back with a helpless smile on his face.

"Okay," she quickly agreed.

Chapter 318 Look at My Body

"Your Majesty, what if that bastard does something inappropriate to the Young Lady? We won't be able to protect her if something goes wrong at this rate..."

The guards expressed worry about the situation, feeling as though Xie Xingfang was being thrown into a lion's den as a rabbit.

"You don't have to worry. He won't touch her," said Lord Xie with a clear voice.

The guards stared at him with awe. How could he be so confident about that?

"That man… he actually managed to stare at my daughter in the eyes without any emotions, almost like he was only looking at your average girl… I have never met another man beside myself that can look at her with such pure eyes..."

Xie Xingfang could be considered one of if not the most beautiful women in this Eastern Continent, so people more often than not stare at her with either lustful gazes or dreamy thoughts, hence why she wears a veil over her face whenever she leaves this building.

With that being said, Su Yang has seen countless beautiful women in his lifetime, and in his eyes, Xie Xingfang's appearance is not something that can awe him as she does to others.

The guards turned silent after hearing Lord Xie's explanation. They all knew how hard it was to look at Xie Xingfang with pure thoughts, as none of them have been successful to this day even after seeing her countless times for many years.

"And even if he wants to do something funny to my daughter, she is not any weaker than me in some situations," said Lord Xie. "Her Heavenly Constitution is not just for show, after all."

Although Xie Xingfang is nowhere near his level of cultivation, her prowess has increased significantly ever since half a year ago when she returned from her adventure. But since Xie Xingfang did not explain to Lord Xie the reason behind her sudden growth, he could only wonder with his imagination.

"That's right! As long as the Young Lady activates her Hundred Poisons Body, even Heavenly Spirit Realm experts will fall to its potency!"

The guards came to that realization.

Meanwhile, inside Xie Xingfang's private room, Su Yang was casually sipping on tea that was brewed by Xie Xingfang herself.

"What do you think of my tea, senior brother Xiao?" Xie Xingfang asked him as she sat beside him.

"You can just call me Su Yang. Xiao Yang is merely an alias for when I travel, and you don't have to be so formal." Su Yang said to her.

"As for this tea… you made it yourself?" He then asked her.


Although she was slightly surprised by this new information, she was also glad that he decided to reveal to her his real identity, as it signifies his trust for her.

"The herbs used to make this tea are also farmed by myself. If you'd like to see it, I can bring you to my garden afterward."

"If you are talking about the one behind this building, then I have already seen it," said Su Yang, who'd inspected this place with his Spiritual Sense the moment he arrived.


Senior Zhong, who was standing by the door like a servant, looked at Su Yang with a frown. As far as he's aware, Su Yang has been by his side since before they even stepped into this place, so how did he know about Xie Xingfang's garden, much less see it?

Xie Xingfang nodded. "By the way, I hope that my father hadn't troubled you just now," she said a moment later.

"What makes you think that he'd caused me trouble?" Su Yang asked with a smile.

Xie Xingfang chuckled and spoke, "Because he has a very stubborn character. And since he wants you to be a Guardian for our Xie Family, I can only imagine that."

"Well, although it's not much, I nearly lost my head in that room." Su Yang also began laughing.

"What?!" Xie Xingfang was shocked by his words.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Senior Zhong coldly snorted. "That was something you brought upon yourself."

"Senior Zhong, how could you say that! Don't worry, Su Yang, I will surely speak to my father afterward about this!" Xie Xingfang said to him.

Although she doesn't know what he did to have caused such a situation, she couldn't help but side with Su Yang, as he was her benefactor.

"I don't mind it," said Su Yang. "After all, as Senior Zhong had said, it was my fault."

"Anyway, I am sure that you didn't bring me here just to drink tea, right?" He looked at Xie Xingfang, who looked as though she was a child with exciting news to share.

After a moment of silence, Xie Xingfang raised her hands and spoke, "Please, look at my body."


Senior Zhong's eyes widened with shock, and he quickly intervened, "What are you saying, Young Lady?!"

However, Xie Xingfang showed a puzzled face and asked, "Is there something wrong, Senior Zhong?"

"Y-Y-You… how could you request such an indecent thing from someone you barely know?!"

Senior Zhong said, dumbfounding her.

Xie Xingfang frowned. "Indecent? What's so indecent about my…"

However, she paused midway through her sentence after realizing what she'd said just now and quickly blushed.

"I-I-I didn't mean it like that! I only wanted him to look at my Heavenly Constitution!" she quickly explained herself, but alas, that only worsened Senior Zhong's misunderstanding.

"You want him to look at your Heavenly Constitution?!"

Clearly, Senior Zhong had forgotten that Su Yang has the ability to look at Xie Xingfang's Heavenly Constitution without needing her to strip naked.

"Senior Zhong! If you don't shut up, I will throw you out of my room!" Xie Xingfang shouted, her cheeks burning with redness.

"Unless you kill this old man, don't even think about forcing me to leave!"

Su Yang shook his head and said to Xie Xingfang, "Give me your hand."

Xie Xingfang took a deep breath and showed him her smooth palm.

Su Yang ignored Senior Zhong, who was staring at him with glaring eyes that threatened to kill him if he does anything funny and grabbed Xie Xingfang's fair hands.

He then wastes no time probing her body with his Profound Qi.

"Hmm?" Su Yang raised an eyebrow a moment later, seemingly puzzled by something.

"I-Is there something wrong?" Xie Xingfang asked with a worried tone after seeing his expression.

Chapter 319 Poisoned Body

After inspecting Xie Xingfang's condition for a few minutes, Su Yang finally realized what it was that bothered him.

"You… did you follow the cultivation technique properly?" he asked her with a frown on his face, causing an ominous feeling to appear in the room.

"I-I did…" Xie Xingfang nodded stiffly.

"Is there something wrong with my Heavenly Constitution?" she couldn't help but feel worried after seeing his frown. However, she was certain that she had successfully cultivated her Hundred Poisons Body into the Imperial-grade Thousand Poisons Body.

"In order to cultivate the Hundred Poisons Body into the Thousands Poisons Body, you have to bath in 1,000 different types of poison in a specific order. I can see that you'd achieved the Thousand Poisons Body. However… you had actually poisoned yourself during the process…"

"What?!" Xie Xingfang expressed shock upon hearing that her body is currently poisoned.

"A-Are you sure about that?" she asked him, feeling doubtful.

As much as she wanted to believe his words, it was extremely hard to believe that her body is poisoned when she has a body that is immune to poison. Not to mention she doesn't feel sick or anything that would indicate her body being poisoned.

"This kind of poison is a special kind that is unlike any other poison. In fact, some people do not even recognize it as a type of poison but something else entirely. This isn't possible if you'd truly followed the cultivation technique. Try to recall your cultivation. The type and amount of poison you bathed in must follow the technique exactly."

"W-What are you talking about? Thousand Poisons Body? Poisoned?" Senior Zhong interrupted with a puzzled face, but alas, he was completely ignored by them.

Xie Xingfang closed her eyes to ponder. A few moments later, she said, "That's right! Because I have never even heard of some of the poisons required, I replaced them with other poisons that have identical effects, such as using the Blue Dragon Head Herb instead of the Purple Dragon Head Flower. Could that have been the cause?"


When Su Yang heard her words, he nearly facepalmed. "I have overlooked the fact that some of the poison required for her cultivation could not exist in this infant world that is only 2,000 years old, as they require tens of thousands of years to grow…" he sighed inwardly.

"I'm sorry, I should've known better," he shook his head. "This is all due to my negligence. I shouldn't have given you the technique in the first place..."

Su Yang had intended on helping her with the Immortal-grade technique out of pure generosity, but alas, such intentions had caused her harm instead.

"N-Nonsense!" Xie Xingfang quickly said. "This is not your fault. I shouldn't have acted with such impatience. If I had followed the cultivation technique properly, this would've never happened…"

"By the way, what is going to happen to me now? How come I feel perfectly healthy, too?" she then asked.

"The poison appeared in your body only recently, so you won't experience its symptoms for a few more months. However, once the poison starts acting, it will slowly corrode your body from the insides… until your entire body disappears from this world. If you let the poison remain in your body, you will disappear within five years."

"N...No way…"

Deep despair that she never experienced before quickly filled Xie Xingfang's heart, her expression filled with dread.

"What rubbish are you spewing to the Young Lady?! How could she be poisoned when she has the Hundred Poisons Body that is immune to all poison in this world?! Clearly, you are just trying to scare her!"

Although he did not know the situation, Senior Zhong yelled at Su Yang for causing Xie Xingfang's reaction.

"Senior Zhong, please be quiet for a minute!" Xie Xingfang looked at him with a serious expression.

She then returned to Su Yang and asked, "Is… Is there a way to cure this poison in my body?"

Su Yang did not immediately respond and pondered for a moment before speaking, "Yes, there is a way to cure you. It's also as simple as bathing you in some poison, just like how you cultivated the Thousand Poisons Body. However, whether or not the herbs required exist in this world is still a question."

"Get me a piece of paper and something to write on," he then said.

Xie Xingfang did not dare dawdle and immediately went to grab some paper and ink.

Once he has the ability to write, Su Yang scribbled a few names on the piece of paper and handed it to Xie Xingfang. "Can you get these?"

Xie Xingfang looked at the paper.

A moment later, she frowned.

"Eight out of the nine herbs listed here exist, albeit extremely rare and expensive. However, as for this Devil Blood Ginseng… I have never heard of this type of poisonous herb before," said Xie Xingfang, who could be considered one of if not the most experienced in the field of poison in this entire continent.

"That is troublesome…" Su Yang began pondering again.

Sometime later, he said, "We can talk about the Devil Blood Ginseng after we have the other eight herbs."

Xie Xingfang nodded with a worried feeling. "I will speak to my father about this…"

"Can you explain to me the situation already?" Senior Zhong finally spoke. " What is going on? Is the Young Lady really poisoned? How did it happen?"

Although he understood a few things from their conversation, it was not enough for him to fully follow them.

Xie Xingfang turned to look at Su Yang.

"There's no use keeping it a secret now," said Su Yang.

Xie Xingfang nodded and began explaining the situation to Senior Zhong.

"Before Su Yang left the carriage on that day, he parted with me an Immortal-grade cultivation technique — one that allowed me to cultivate my Heavenly Constitution to the next grade…"

"What?!?!" Senior Zhong screamed out loud, feeling shocked to the core.

An Immortal-grade cultivation technique is something that even his Divine Sword Sect would kill to covet, much less one that could cultivate one's Heavenly Constitution!

"I cultivated in secret for the past year by tempering my body in 1,000 different types of poison, and I had managed to successfully transform my Hundred Poisons Body into the superior Thousand Poisons Body just very recently."

After a slight pause, she continued, "But alas, despite achieving the Thousand Poisons Body, because I cultivated improperly, I am now poisoned… and if not cured, I will be dead within five years…"

"I-Impossible…" Senior Zhong dropped to his knees when he heard Xie Xingfang's last words. How will Lord Xie react to this news?

"You bastard! Did you purposefully give her the Immortal-grade technique knowing that this would happen?!" Senior Zhong began blaming Su Yang for the situation, his gaze radiating with killing intent.

When Xie Xingfang noticed Senior Zhong reaching for his sword, she immediately jumped in front of Su Yang and shouted, "What are you doing, Senior Zhong?! If he really wants to harm me, he could've remained silent about the poison and let me die without ever knowing the truth!"

Senior Zhong immediately froze with a perplexed expression.

If Su Yang truly wanted to harm Xie Xingfang, why would he let her know about the poison in her body, even reveal the way to cure it, which is the exact opposite of such intentions?

After a moment of internal struggle, Senior Zhong released his grasp on the sword and said, "We are going to your father right now!"