

Chapter 248 Su Yang Is Innocent!

After leaving Su Yang's living quarters, Liu Lanzhi headed to the Medicine Hall, where the disciples have been hustling with work after Lan Liqing punished them for being late to work.

"Master is really cruel… how could she toss all these work at us for being late despite having a reasonable excuse?" Yu Yan sighed.

"Unreasonable?! You want to speak of something unreasonable?! The fact that I am being punished alongside you guys despite not being late is unreasonable!" exclaimed Disciple Xiao, the only disciple there to dislike Su Yang and one of the few Outer Court disciples that have yet to cultivate with him.

"Sisters like us are supposed to share everything from our joyous moments to our painful moments!" Yu Yan shook her head and said.

"W-What kind of nonsense is that?!" Xiao cried out loud.

"Give it up, Sister Xiao…"

"That's right… You get nothing out of complaining to us... If anything, complain to Master…"

The other disciples said to her.

"This is all that Su Yang's fault!" Disciple Xiao cursed him inwardly. If not for him, would they have been late in the first place? And because of Su Yang, who has been their main topic for the majority of the time, she has been feeling left out of the group as of late as someone who has nothing good to speak about him.

Suddenly, just as Disciple Xiao opened her mouth to speak, Liu Lanzhi casually entered the Medicine Hall.

"S-Sect Master!" Disciple Xiao, who was the first to notice her entrance, immediately greeted her.

"This disciple greets the Sect Master!"

The other disciples quickly followed after noticing her.

"Is Elder Lan present? I am here to speak with her," said Liu Lanzhi.

'Y-Yes! Master is currently in her room finishing up the report regarding the Euphoric Oil…" said one of the disciples.

"Hoh? The Medicine Hall has already figured out all of the ingredients for the Euphoric Oil?" Liu Lanzhi was taken by surprise by the results, as she did not expect it at all.

"Yes, Sect Master. Our Master currently has the list for the ingredients."

"You have exceeded my expectations, Medicine Hall. You can all expect a raise in your salaries and Spirit Stones for the next three months," Liu Lanzhi said with a smile, and the disciples reacted with controlled excitement, as they didn't want to behave too unruly before the Sect Master.

"Anyway, I will go upstairs to meet with Elder Lan now," said Liu Lanzhi as she left the disciples alone to head upstairs.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Elder Lan, it's the Sect Master."

The door to Lan Liqing's room opened a few seconds later, and Lan Liqing greeted her at the door.

"Disciple Lan greets Sect Master."

"Let's talk inside."

Lan Liqing nodded and closed the door after her.

Once they were inside, Lan Liqing said, "Sect Master, we have finished analyzing the Euphoric Oil, and here is the list of ingredients. As for the report, I am almost finished with it…"

Liu Lanzhi accepted the list and read its content.

"Indeed, it's the exact same as the list Elder Zhao provided…" she thought inwardly.

Every ingredient in Lan Liqing's list was also in Elder Zhao's list so there was no doubt that these are the actual ingredients required to create the Euphoric Oil. As for the method… she will have to wait and see if Su Yang is willing to share it with her before they waste resources for even more testing.

"You don't have to give me the report," Liu Lanzhi said to her.

"Eh?" Lan Liqing stared at her with a dumbfounded expression. "I understand…"

"Anyway, I am actually here for a different matter," Liu Lanzhi suddenly said, her eyes narrowed on Lan Liqing.

Lan Liqing became puzzled. Why else would the Sect Master be here if not for the Euphoric Oil.

"It's about your relationship with Su Yang," Liu Lanzhi said without any warning, shocking Lan Liqing, who nearly choked upon hearing her words.

"W-What are you talking about. Sect Master?" Lan Liqing resisted her urge to cry and asked.

"You don't have to hide it… I am fully aware that you have cultivated with him," Liu Lanzhi said, making Lan Liqing's worst nightmare into a reality. And more importantly, how did she find out?

"S-S-Sect Master… I-I can explain…" Lan Liqing began trembling in fear for the consequences, and she dropped to her knees to kowtow.

"It's all my fault! I was the one who seduced Su Yang, even using my status as a Sect Elder to pressure him!"

Lan Liqing began lying in order to push all of the blame to herself so that Su Yang wouldn't be punished or at least have a lesser punishment. However, little did she know that Liu Lanzhi already saw through her lies before she even finished speaking.

And seeing Lan Liqing's reaction, Liu Lanzhi felt like teasing her for a bit before telling her the truth.

"Elder Lan… are you aware that Sect Elders are prohibited from cultivating with disciples?"

"I am…"

"Then do you know the consequences for breaking this sect rule?" Liu Lanzhi narrowed her eyes at Lan Liqing and made an expression that was filled with disappointment.

"I am aware…"

"What else do you have to say to me?"

"This disciple has no excuses, nor does she plan on asking for forgiveness. However, please, do not punish Su Yang, an innocent disciple, due to my own foolish mistakes."

Liu Lanzhi almost burst out laughing when she called Su Yang innocent. However, she admired Lan Liqing for trying to protect Su Yang, even putting all the blame on herself.

"I cannot do that, as he also bears some responsibility in all of this…" Liu Lanzhi wanted to see how Lan Liqing would react to this.

"N-No way… Please! Sect Master, I am willing to do anything! Just spare him!" Lan Liqing begged with her forehead touching the ground, her eyes dripping with tears.

"I guess this is enough…" Liu Lanzhi thought to herself. It would be bad for her if Lan Liqing complained to Su Yang about this.

"Raise your head, Elder Lan… It was Su Yang who told me about your relationship…" she said.

"...What?" Lan Liqing slowly lifted her head to look at Liu Lanzhi, and on her face as an expression of profound disbelief, looking like she just learned that her family was murdered by bandits.

Chapter 249 Sect Master's Approval

\"S-Sect Master… what did you just say?\" Lan Liqing stared at her with wide eyes, seemingly in shock.

Liu Lanzhi showed an apologetic smile and spoke, \"As an apology for teasing you, even making you cry, I will make your relationship with Su Yang an exception.\"

\"W-W-What…?\" Lan Liqing remained dazed, as she still couldn't comprehend the situation.

\"It was Su Yang who told me about your relationship with him, even requesting for me to be here, so you don't have to worry about being punished.\"

\"W-Why?\" Lan Liqing asked.

\"It's a bit complicated so I will spare explaining it for now,\" Liu Lanzhi shook her head.

\"All you need to know right now is that I, as the Sect Master, have approved of your relationship with Su Yang, thus you no longer have to worry about being punished for it. That being said, you will still have to wait until he becomes a Core disciple before flirting in public, as your current situation will surely create many problems for the both of us if known by the other sect elders.\"


Liu Lanzhi expected Lan Liqing to burst with excitement after hearing her words, but Lan Liqing only continued to cry. In fact, she cried even harder than before, which dumbfounded Liu Lanzhi.

\"E-Elder Lan? Are you okay?\" she asked her.

\"Yes…\" Lan Liqing nodded. \"I… I am just overwhelmed by joy… that the tears cannot stop falling…\"

After a moment of silence, Liu Lanzhi said with a slight smile, \"Although you may not believe me when I say this but I was greatly shocked when I heard your name come out of Su Yang's mouth, as you are the last individual in this place that I would expect to break this specific sect rule, and I can still barely accept it even now...\"

\"You… someone who remained adamant about staying pure for life for over thirty years, refused the courting of hundreds of handsome men, would end up losing your purity to a young disciple that has been with us for only one year… I am sure the previous Sect Masters are currently watching you in Heaven with wide eyes and crying expressions — especially after all the effort they had spent in trying to convince you to find a partner...\"

\"...\" Lan Liqing silently listened with a flushed face. She couldn't refute anything coming out of Liu Lanzhi's mouth, as she can barely believe it herself even right now.

\"If you don't mind me asking, why did you choose someone like Su Yang? Although I admit that he's incredibly handsome and charming as a young man and would surely grow up to be even more attractive in the future, there are plenty of men out there with better character and attitude than him…\"

\"I…\" Lan Liqing opened her mouth but only spoke a single word before turning silent again.

After spending a moment in silence thinking about her answer, Lan Liqing continued to speak, \"To tell you the truth, even I do not know why I chose someone like him…\" she said with a bitter smile.

\"All I know is that I feel safe whenever his presence is nearby, and there's this certain charm about him that I cannot help but feel attracted to…\"

\"...\" Liu Lanzhi narrowed her eyes. As much as she hates to admit it, she understood Lan Liqing's explanation, as she also feels the same way whenever she's with him.

\"Even though he's just a mere disciple… even though he's not even half my age…\" Liu Lanzhi began feeling frustrated the more she thought about it.

\"Why does it have to be Su Yang? What makes him so special? Besides his appearance and godlike techniques, there is nothing truly special about him, so why?\" Liu Lanzhi pondered.

\"Although it may be too late for an apology, I still would like to apologize for breaking the sect rules, Sect Master…\" Lan Liqing suddenly lowered her head once again and said, \"I'm sorry.\"

Liu Lanzhi did not reply to that statement, as she was certain that she would feel guilty if she accepted this apology.

\"I also broke this sect rule and cultivated with him — as the Sect Master, no less — so I am not in any position to accept her apology…\" she sighed inwardly.

\"Anyway, why don't you get off the floor already? I have known you ever since you were adopted by the previous Sect Masters, but they are not here right now, so I will hear about your relationship with Su Yang in detail in their stead,\" said Liu Lanzhi as she sat at the table nearby.

\"Sect Master…\" Lan Liqing wiped the tears off her face and followed Liu Lanzhi to the table.

Once Lan Liqing calmed down, Liu Lanzhi asked, \"So? When did all of this start? How long has it been since you have become a true adult? What were you thinking during that time? It must have changed your view regarding this world, right?\"

\"W-Wait a second, Sect Master… I cannot answer all of that at once…\"

A drop of sweat appeared on her forehead when Liu Lanzhi bombarded her with questions.

\"Just answer it one by one.\"

After spending a moment to prepare herself, Lan Liqing said, \"It all started when a close friend of mine recommended me to see Su Yang for my… body pain…\"

\"I was skeptical at first, but when he healed the pain in my body — something that I have been trying to solve for many weeks — I began trusting him, and my feelings for him also began developing around that time.\"

\"One thing led to another, and he somehow talked me into giving him my Pure Yin Essence…\"

Liu Lanzhi couldn't believe what she was hearing. Their relationship had started that early on?

\"W-Wait a second… Y-You cultivated with him before he was even an Inner Court disciple?\" Liu Lanzhi couldn't help but ask.

Lan Liqing confirmed with a nod of her head. \"It was shortly after he began selling his massage services.\"

\"B-But he was only at the Elementary Spirit Realm back then! There's no way he could have cultivated with your Pure Yin Essence at that time! Your True Spirit Realm Pure Yin Essence could have greatly injured his foundation and body! Hell, it's a miracle he's still alive!\"

\"Yet he managed to cultivate my Pure Yin Essence and breakthrough to the Profound Spirit Realm and become an Inner Court disciple,\" Lan Liqing said with a smile, feeling proud of him.

\"Unbelievable…\" Liu Lanzhi forcefully swallowed her shock. Just how many secrets does Su Yang have inside his sleeves? Is he really an 'embarrassment' of the Su Family? It just doesn't make sense — Su Yang's entire existence, that is.

Chapter 250 Meeting Fang Zhelan

After spending many minutes chatting with Lan Liqing, Liu Lanzhi realized just how much Lan Liqing love Su Yang. What's more, it appears that Su Yang has been snooping around the place more than she'd expected. Hell, the fact that he managed to swoon someone like Lan Liqing as a mere Outer Court disciple is nothing short of a miracle.

"I think I have heard enough now…" Liu Lanzhi said after listening to her whole story.

"Anyway, just remember that until Su Yang becomes a Core disciple, you should still remain cautious when meeting him."

"Yes, Sect Master!" Lan Liqing nodded, feeling as though a mountain has been lifted from her body after revealing everything to Liu Lanzhi.

Liu Lanzhi left Lan Liqing alone a few moments later, returning to the Yin Yang Pavilion.

Lan Liqing released a deep sigh of relief after Liu Lanzhi had left. She nearly had a heart attack in the beginning due to Liu Lanzhi's teasing and could still feel her heart throbbing like drums at this second.

"That Su Yang could've at least warned me beforehand. I nearly died of shock just now!"

Despite her complaint, she was grateful to Su Yang for revealing the truth to Liu Lanzhi, even convincing her to allow it. How he managed such a miracle, she cannot imagine, but that's simply one of the many charms about Su Yang.

Meanwhile, Su Yang just finished cultivating with his 20th partner for the day.

"Ahhh… senior apprentice-brother, how are you cultivating with this many girls and not burn out from exhaustion? Even if your Yang Qi is abundant, how you remain stiff despite cultivating continuously without rest is simply unbelievable..."

The disciple asked him whilst she laid on his bed naked.

"Anything is possible if you put your mind to it," he replied with a smile.

After the female disciple left, Su Yang went outside and said to the other disciples that were waiting outside, "I apologize in advance for this sudden announcement but I will take a break from cultivating for the next few days."

Although the girls were disappointed by the announcement, they did not blame Su Yang for wanting to take a break, as he has been cultivating for the last few days without rest.

"You do not have to apologize for that, senior apprentice-brother. If anything, we should be the ones apologizing to you for taking up so much of your time…"

"Fellow disciple is right. Take all the break you want and we will patiently wait for your return!"

"Thank you for understanding," said Su Yang.

Once the female disciples scattered from his living quarters, Su Yang enclosed himself within his living quarters for the next few days without taking a step outside.

"Master, what are you doing?" Xiao Rong returned from playing during one of these days and asked him.

"I am growing a plant," he casually responded.

Sitting before Su Yang was an empty pot of soil, and for the past few days, he has been feeding the thing that was buried within the soil with his Profound Qi using a unique technique.


Xiao Rong stood there and watched him work. However, she was not interested in what he was doing at all. Instead, she stared at Su Yang's handsome face as he worked.

"Master, what's that weird smell coming from your body? It smells sort of like female humans."

"It's Yin Qi," he calmly responded.

"Yin Qi? What's that?"

"Females release this type of qi when they are overwhelmed with pleasure."

"Xiao Rong cannot understand…"

"It's fine if you not understand right now."

Su Yang did not feel like explaining what 'lust' mean to a Phantom Cat, much less one with the mentality of a child.

"Anyway, are you finished playing? I will be staying here for the next few months, so you can go a little bit further to play if you like."

Xiao Rong shook her head and said, "Xiao Rong has played enough."

Su Yang raised an eyebrow.

"Could she have already traveled the entire world?" he wondered.

Knowing the Phantom Cat's godlike speed that even gods fear, it wouldn't be weird if she'd already seen every city in this world in just a few days and not just once but twice.

"Xiao Rong will stay here with Master," she said a moment later.

"It will be very boring if you stay here with me, you know."

"Xiao Rong will be okay," she said with a calm voice.

After spending hundreds of years alone in a desolate area such as the Immortal's Treasury where she is the only living being, Xiao Rong has become immune to boredom, not to mention that beasts don't mind being bored in general. In fact, just being beside Su Yang would be more than enough for her to be entertained.

"If you say so."

Thus, for the next few days, Su Yang focused on growing his mysterious plant while Xiao Rong watched him from the sideline like a doll.

Meanwhile, Fang Zhelan had remained in her living quarters for these days, patiently waiting for Su Yang to see her.

"Where is that disciple?! I have been waiting for him for an entire week now!" Fang Zhelan complained as she combed the silky white fur on Xiao Bai.

*Knock* *Knock*

Suddenly, the door to her living quarters was knocked on.

"Is that him? He's finally here!" Fang Zhelan quickly went to open the doors.

However, the person that greeted her at the door was not Su Yang. Instead, it was another Core disciple, one named Yun Nantian.

"Senior apprentice-brother Yun, what are you doing here?" she asked him with an unwelcoming expression.

"I am here to see if junior apprentice-sister would like to cultivate with me," said Yun Nantian with a bewitching smile on his handsome face.

"Sorry, but I am currently busy." Fang Zhelan quickly refused.

However, Yun Nantian did not immediately leave and continued to stay around, even offering to help her.

"What are you busy with? Since I have nothing else to do today, I can lend you a hand."

"There's nothing you can—"

"Are you Fang Zhelan?"

Suddenly, another voice resounded behind Yun Nantian.

"Who?!" Yun Nantian nearly pissed his pants when Su Yang suddenly appeared behind him like a ghost, and he jumped away like a cat having its tail stepped on by accident.

How did he not notice him at all?

Fang Zhelan narrowed her eyes at Su Yang's handsome face. "This is Su Yang?" she said inwardly.

Chapter 251 Seven Silver Blades

Yun Nantian glared at Su Yang with an angry expression on his handsome face, feeling embarrassed by his scared reaction just now. What's worst, Fang Zhelan was there to see it.

"Who the hell is this Inner Court disciple and how did he enter the center court?" Yun Nantian immediately recognized his green robes but was unfamiliar with Su Yang's face. In fact, he'd never even seen him before.

"Are you Su Yang?" Fang Zhelan asked him.

"I am."

"Come inside, I have been expecting you."

Su Yang nodded and approached the door.

However, just as he took two steps, Yun Nantian shouted, "Hold it right there!"

"Junior apprentice-sister Fang, what is the meaning of this? Is this young man the reason you are busy? A mere Inner Court disciple?" he asked her with an unpleasant expression on his face.

"That is none of your business," she coldly replied.

Yun Nanting's body slightly trembled in anger, yet he managed to remain a calm expression when speaking to her, "Don't be like that, junior apprentice-sister. What will you gain from cultivating with someone at the Profound Spirit Realm like him? If we cultivate together, it wouldn't be a dream to achieve the Earth Spirit Realm before the Regional Tournament begin!"

Although the Profound Blossom Sect highly encourages its Inner Court disciples to participate in the Regional Tournament, even making it mandatory to become a Core disciple, the event actually accepts anyone below the age of 30, so there will be Core disciples from other Sects participating as well.

That being said, unless the Inner Court disciples defeat every opponent, they will be matched with individuals of similar cultivation base and age before they face off the Core disciples.

"Haha…" Su Yang couldn't help but laugh at Yun Nantian's futile effort. He has seen plenty of desperate men before but they always make him laugh.

"You dare laugh at me, Inner Court disciple?" Yun Nantian narrowed his eyes at Su Yang, his gaze filled with killing intent.

"What's wrong with laughing when a joke is told? Don't people normally do that?" Su Yang asked with a puzzled tone, seemingly truly confused by Yun Nantian's reaction.

"Joke? What did I say that was a joke to you?" Yun Nantian asked him with a frown.

"Everything you said sounded like a joke, kid!" Su Yang burst out laughing.

"K-Kid?! Courting death!" Yun Nantian's face flushed red, fuming at Su Yang's response.

Yun Nantian suddenly retrieved his identity jade slip and raised it before him.

"I challenge you to a death match!"

He shouted at Su Yang.

"Senior apprentice-brother Yun, I really do not have the time for any of this right now!" Fang Zhelan finally intervened, feeling slightly agitated by their childish actions.

"J-Junior apprentice-sister—"

"Disciple Su Yang, please come inside already," Fang Zhelan quickly interrupted.

Su Yang did not say anything else and walked inside the house whilst still laughing. At this point, it was as though he was trying to purposefully piss Yun Nantian. At least that is what it seems like in Fang Zhelan's eyes.

"Junior apprentice-sister, wait—"


Fang Zhelan closed the door on Yun Nantian's face, leaving him standing there with a dazed expression.

Fang Zhelan seemed much colder to him today than usual, and Yun Nantian blamed Su Yang for losing face in such a way before her.

"Su Yang, huh! Just you wait! I will find out who your partner is and I will steal her from you! Not only that — I will even screw her right before your very eyes!" Yun Nantian's eyes flickered with flames of hatred.

Once inside the house, Fang Zhelan spoke to Su Yang in a cold voice, "Did the Sect Master not tell you to come here as soon as possible? Or do you have no sense of urgency? Making a Core disciple wait nearly an entire week for you, who do you think you are?"

Su Yang remained calm and said, "I had to prepare something before coming here, and that took up a bit of time."

Fang Zhelan narrowed her eyes, almost like she wanted to read his expression, and continued to speak, "And why are you trying to offend Yun Nantian? Are you aware of how dangerous a man he is when offended? He will now go after not just you but also your partner!"

"Thank you for the warning, but I have no partner, so there's nothing to worry about."

Su Yang responded with a smile. Although Fang Zhelan might seem cold and distant at first, Su Yang could tell that she's not entirely coldhearted.

"Anyway, where is the Guardian Spirit? I would like to see it first before we start anything."

Fang Zhelan remained silent for a moment before saying out loud, "Come out, Xiao Bai!"

Upon hearing Fang Zhelan's voice, a white ball of fur appeared from under the bed.

When Su Yang saw this white baby tiger, his eyebrows raised slightly.

"A Snow Tiger, huh."

"You know what type of Guardian Spirit Xiao Bai is?" Fang Zhelan expressed surprise.

"Naturally," he responded.

"It's a Yin Element Guardian Spirit born in only the coldest places at high altitudes. Did you perhaps find this little fella on a mountain?" he asked her.

Fang Zhelan nodded and said, "I found her at the Freezing Mountain in the Western Region."

Although she did not want to say it out loud, Fang Zhelan was deeply impressed by Su Yang's knowledge about Guardian Spirits — especially when nobody has been able to identify Xiao Bai when she was first brought back to the Sect.

"Perhaps he really has a way to help Xiao Bai mature within one month of time…"

Fang Zhelan thought to herself that such a possibility might actually not be too absurd and couldn't help but begin to feel excited about the future for Xiao Bai.

"Anyways, it had taken me this long to reach out to you merely because of this thing here…"

Su Yang retrieved a pot filled with soil from his storage ring. Growing in this pot was seven strands of silver grass, and if one looked closely, they would be able to see some sort of patterns in the grass.

"What is that?" Fang Zhelan could feel a profound feeling being emitted from these silver grass.

However, before Su Yang could even speak, Xiao Bai, who had been quiet and still near the bed suddenly roared and jumped at Su Yang with its mouth open, looking like it wanted to eat Su Yang.

"Xiao Bai?!"

Fang Zhelan, who was greatly startled by Xiao Bai's unfamiliar reaction, quickly went to grab Xiao Bai, fearing that she might injure Su Yang by accident.

"The thing in my hands is called Seven Silver Blades, and most immature Guardian Spirit would go crazy for them. In other words, they love to eat this sort of thing."

"If you let the Snow Tiger eat a single blade every four days, it will fully mature within a month."

Su Yang calmly explained the Seven Silver Blades to Fang Zhelan whilst Xiao Bai kept trying to break Fang Zhelan's restraints.

Ever since she smelled the aroma coming from the Seven Silver Blades, Xiao Bai has fallen in love with it, and she will do anything in order to taste it.

Chapter 252 In Exchange for the Seven Silver Blades

"C-Calm down, Xiao Bai!"

Even with her peak True Spirit Realm cultivation base, Fang Zhelan was barely able to keep Xiao Bai, who was at the peak of the Elementary Spirit Realm, under control.

This shows just how superior and profound a Guardian Spirit prowess is and why even the top sects would start a war for one.

If Xiao Bai reaches maturity, then it could fight even Earth Spirit Realm Cultivators whilst being at the Profound Spirit Realm!

"Su Yang, what do you want in exchange for that Seven Silver Blades?"

Fang Zhelan quickly asked him. She doubts that he was willing to give it up for free.

"Just name a price and it's yours!"

Even if she does not have enough Spirit Stones, Fang Zhelan was certain that the Profound Blossom Sect would pay for her, as this Seven Silver Blades could very possibly help Xiao Bai mature, something Liu Lanzhi would not refuse even if it would cost a fortune.

"I don't need your Spirit Stones…"

After obtaining tens of thousands of Spirit Stones from the Immortal's Treasury, Su Yang no longer needed any more wealth, as it would only be akin to adding a few more drops of water into an ocean.

"If you don't want Spirit Stones then what do you want?"

After pondering for a moment, Fang Zhelan's eyes narrowed, and she asked, "Don't tell me that in exchange for the Seven Silver Blades, you want my body…?"

If Su Yang did not desire Spirit Stones, there was only one other reason why he would approach her with the Seven Silver Blades — especially when one considered her fame and beauty within the Profound Blossom Sect. After all, he was the one who gave her the note.

Su Yang shook his head with a smile and said, "If you think I approached you merely for your body, then you have underestimated my character."

"Merely? So you are thinking of it?" Fang Zhelan asked.

"Of course, I would not refuse a cultivation session with you if given the chance, but that being said, I do not intend on asking you for your body in exchange for the Seven Silver Blades."

Su Yang did not deny that he wanted to cultivate with her. However, he also did not intend on taking advantage of her feelings for Xiao Bai by using the Seven Silver Blades to pressure her into cultivating with him, as that would be beneath someone like him.

After saying those words, Su Yang handed the entire pot of Seven Silver Blades to her and said, "I never intended on asking for anything for the Seven Silver Blades, as this is my way of assisting the Profound Blossom Sect."

Su Yang wanted to help the Profound Blossom Sect grow into a place with formidable power before he leaves for the Divine Four Heavens. This is also one of the reasons why he'd rather stay here and cultivate with these disciples that would not affect his own growth much despite having the choice to go a place where there are much stronger individuals in general like the Holy Central continent — especially when he has Qiuyue's flying boat, which will make his travels that much easier.

That being said, even if he went to the Holy Central Continent and cultivated there, his cultivation base would only grow so much before hitting a bottleneck that cannot be surpassed due to the quality of the Profound Qi in this world.

In other words, he will experience the same problem that Qiuyue is currently facing. No matter how much talent they have or what heaven-defying technique they cultivate, neither of them will be able to breakthrough unless they are in the right environment.

Su Yang's action dumbfounded Fang Zhelan, who was still doubting his true intents.

"You don't want anything in exchange for the Seven Silver Blades? Are you sure?" she asked just to be sure.

"Although it may be valuable to Guardian Spirits, the Seven Silver Blades are fairly easy to cultivate," he said.

"Wait… you cultivated these yourself?" Fang Zhelan doubted herself at first and decided to ask him.

Su Yang nodded, confirming her thoughts.

"I-Impossible…" Fang Zhelan was truly shocked by this point.

How could someone at the Profound Spirit Realm and a mere Inner Court disciple cultivate something that will help Guardian Spirits reach its maturity, something that will cause a bloodbath if known? Hell, she'd even never heard of the Seven Silver Blades until today!

"If he really cultivated these himself, then I cannot imagine how the world will react if they learn of his abilities…" Fang Zhelan could feel herself sweating after learning heaven-defying Su Yang's ability.

But of course, in Su Yang's eyes, the Seven Silver Blades are a common thing in the Four Divine Heavens and are considered as baby food but for Guardian Spirits instead. In other words, they are not rare as Fang Zhelan thought them to be.

"Go ahead and feed a single blade to the Snow Tiger," he suddenly said to her.


Fang Zhelan released Xiao Bai from her hold and quickly grabbed the Seven Silver Blades before Xiao Bai could swallow it whole.

"Xiao Bai, sit down!"

The white ball of fur immediate sat down when Fang Zhelan showed the Seven Silver Blades to her.

Fang Zhelan then plucked one of the seven silver grass from the pot and fed it to Xiao Bai, who swallowed the entire thing whole after chewing just a few times.

After eating the grass within seconds, Xiao Bai stared at Fang Zhelan, clearly asking for more.

Fang Zhelan turned to look at Su Yang, who shook his head and said, "I should warn you that each Silver Blade contains a large amount of Profound Qi, and if you feed it more than the recommended amount, it could greatly harm the Guardian Spirit, even killing it."

Su Yang's words easily scared Fang Zhelan, prompting her to immediately hide the pot of Silver Blades into her storage ring despite Xiao Bai's begging looks.

"Thank you for everything," she spoke in a sincere tone, even bowing her head slightly to him, something that rarely happens.

Chapter 253 Desire for Growth

"As long as you feed the Snow Tiger one blade of grass every four days, it should be able to reach maturity within one month of time, maybe even sooner than that depending on how talented this Guardian Spirit is."

Although he did not say it, Snow Tigers are actually at the very bottom of the ranks when compared to the other Guardian Spirits. That being said, a Guardian Spirit of this rank will be more than enough to dominate this world if matured and trained properly.

"Anyway, I have accomplished what I came here to do, so I will be taking my leave now."

"Wait a second."

Fang Zhelan suddenly stopped him.

"What is it?"

"Since you are already here, why don't you stay a little bit longer? I have a few more questions I'd like to ask you," said Fang Zhelan as she moves a chair towards his way.

Su Yang glanced at the chair for a moment before sitting down.

"What would you like to ask me about?"

"When I first saw you, it felt like I had seen you before. Now that I have taken a closer look at you, I think I recall seeing you at the Burning Lotus Auction House. Did you also partake in the auction?"

"Hoh? You saw me?"

Besides that time he watched her bid for his monster cores, Su Yang does not recall seeing her.

Fang Zhelan nodded and said, "It was only for a second but I remember seeing you leave the auction house afterward."

Because Su Yang's handsome features are so distinctive and memorable, Fang Zhelan was able to remember his face even though she had only glanced at him for a second.

"I didn't plan on saying anything, but since you asked, all of the Lightning Cat monster cores that you bought from the auction house belonged to me."

"Eh? Really? They were all yours? I had thought that they all belonged to some rich collector!"

Fang Zhelan expressed surprise, as she truly did not expect him to be the owner of so many monster cores.

"Then you must be fairly rich now, huh. No wonder why you refused to accept Spirit Stones in exchange for the Seven Silver Blades when any normal individual would've taken it even if they didn't ask for it."

Su Yang smiled and said, "What about you? The reason you bought so many monster cores was so that you can feed this Guardian Spirit, huh?"

"That's right," she nodded as she patted Xiao Bai, who was sitting beside her.

Su Yang then continued, "What else do you have for me?"

Fang Zhelan suddenly became silent, seemingly hesitant about her next question.

"If you don't mind me asking... since the Seven Silver Blades contain a large amount of Profound Qi, can humans also cultivate with it as they do with Spirit Stones?"


Although Su Yang could guess her reason for asking such a question, he did not immediately answer her.

"Don't worry, even if I am desperate for growth, I do not plan on taking Xiao Bai's share as her growth is much more important to the Sect than mine, not to mention that she will hate me if I do," said Fang Zhelan after seeing Su Yang's seemingly pondering expression.

Su Yang closed his eyes and said, "If I say that humans can also cultivate the Seven Silver Blades, will your next question be whether or not I can make more for you, right?"

Fang Zhelan did not hide her intentions and nodded with a serious expression.

"As you know, the Regional Tournament is right up the alley. Not just the sect elders but even the Sect Master has high expectations for me, so I must do whatever I can in order to achieve a high rank at the tournament. However, my opponents will be Core disciples from powerful sects all around the continent, and most of them will reach the Earth Spirit Realm before then."

"Although I do not doubt that I can enter the Earth Spirit Realm by the end of the year, I cannot see myself reaching that goal before the tournament. If you are willing to assist me with the Seven Silver Blades, I will be deeply indebted to you."

Su Yang thought for a moment before saying, "Why don't you just cultivate with that clown outside just now? He seemed pretty confident that he would be able to fulfill that wish of yours."

"Yun Nantian? That man only says things that people want to hear, no matter if it is true or not."

"Is that the reason you dislike him? I had thought that all Core disciples were quite friendly with each other — especially since there are only a few of you in this place."

"That cannot be further from the truth. Although we act like that in public, most of us actually despise each other. In fact, when looking for a cultivating partner, we always go outside, where there are plenty of powerful individuals."

Su Yang nodded, as her words made sense. Because all Core disciples are similar in cultivation bases, they would rather prefer individuals that are much stronger than themselves as partners. In fact, Core disciples rarely cultivate with each other if ever. And because of this, Core disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect usually have a deep connection with powerful and influential people from the outside world.

"Although I understand your situation, I will have to refuse to make more Seven Silver Blades," said Su Yang a moment later.

"May I ask why?"

While Fang Zhelan was upset that an Inner Court disciple had refused her personal request, something she didn't think could happen before today, she was not angry at him.

"It's simple — the Seven Silver Blades will kill you because humans are not capable of cultivating what is meant for Guardian Spirits, as their Dantian function greatly differs from ours."

"Eh? But you said just a moment ago…"

Fang Zhelan looked at him with wide eyes.

"I only spoke hypothetically."

Fang Zhelan quickly became speechless. To think Su Yang would get her hopes up and crush it almost instantly. Does he even realize who is standing before him? No normal disciple would dare to speak to her so casually, much less play with her emotions like this.

"That being said, if you want to reach the Earth Spirit Realm, I can help you achieve that."

Su Yang suddenly said, and Fang Zhelan's eyes flickered with a profound light after hearing that.

Chapter 254 Peak of the Earth Spirit Realm

"How will you help me reach the Earth Spirit Realm? What kind of tricks do you have up your sleeves?" Fang Zhelan did not immediately get too excited and asked him with a serious expression, as she cannot be certain that Su Yang would have that capability.

"There are no tricks involved."

Su Yang responded with a smile.

Suddenly, after Su Yang said those words, a profound and domineering aura emitted from his body, causing a powerful ripple to spread in the room.

Fang Zhelan could feel her entire body tremble in shock after sensing the powerful energy coming Su Yang's body. Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped to the floor as she realized that the Profound Qi coming from his body belonged to the Earth Spirit Realm!

Although she wasn't able to discern what level he was at due to her lack of cultivation base, Fang Zhelan did not doubt that the profound energy surrounding Su Yang is something only Earth Spirit Realm experts could achieve!

"I-I-Impossible!" she exclaimed with a shocked voice.

How could a mere Inner Court disciple be at the Earth Spirit Realm when even the most powerful sect elders in the Profound Blossom Sect are also at the Earth Spirit Realm? Could this Su Yang have been hiding his real cultivation base the entire time? What if this Su Yang is merely an expert in disguise and the real one is somewhere else?

"Although I did not intend on revealing my true cultivation base so soon, I will make an exception for you," said Su Yang with a smile.

That being said, since his cultivation base will be revealed at the Regional Tournament regardless, Su Yang wouldn't be concerned at all even if it was revealed before that.

And it's not like he's actively trying to hide his cultivation base. In fact, the only reason nobody has noticed so far is simply because they did not have the ability to see his cultivation base!

"Don't worry, I am truly an Inner Court disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect and not some expert in disguise," he continued after reading Fang Zhelan's concerned expression like a book.

"I was at the Profound Spirit Realm not too long ago, but after a fateful encounter, my cultivation base made a leap through the dragon's gate."

Fang Zhelan opened her mouth but didn't know what to say next, so she closed it and remained silent for the next few moments while her mind tried to make sense of the situation.

"T-Then the method that will help me reach the Earth Spirit Realm… is it to cultivate with you?"

Fang Zhelan asked in a slightly shaky voice, clearly still shocked by his sudden reveal.

"I won't force you if you don't want to."

Fang Zhelan narrowed her eyes and focused on Su Yang's handsome face.

After a moment of silence, she spoke in a much calmer tone, "Are you certain that I will reach the Earth Spirit Realm before the Regional Tournament?"

"The Regional Tournament?" Su Yang suddenly started laughing. "That's too long! I can guarantee you that you will reach the Earth Spirit Realm within two weeks and at least the fourth level in half a year if you cultivate with me!"

"F-Fourth level of the Earth Spirit Realm?" Fang Zhelan looked at him with a dazed face. Is that even possible, or is he simply trying to entice her? Because what he's telling her is basically that she will reach the Sect Master's level within half a year of time!

"You will understand once you have a taste of my Yang Qi," he chuckled.

Fang Zhelan narrowed her eyes, and after another moment of silence, she nodded, "Very well, I will cultivate with you. However, if your techniques suck, I won't bother with you even if you can help me!"

"That's reasonable," Su Yang nodded.

"When do you want to cultivate?" Fang Zhelan asked him.

"Anytime you want," he quickly responded.

"Then meet me early in the morning at the Chamber of Embrace in four days," said Fang Zhelan.

Su Yang agreed to her arrangements and left the place a few moments later.

Once Su Yang left, Fang Zhelan requested for Liu Lanzhi's presence with a communication jade slip.

A few minutes later, Liu Lanzhi showed up at Fang Zhelan's house.

"What happened? Did Su Yang give you a hard time?" Liu Lanzhi immediately asked her.

Fang Zhelan shook her head and retrieved the Seven Silver Blades to show Liu Lanzhi.

"What is that? I can feel a vast amount of Profound Qi within it!"

Fang Zhelan proceeded to explain to Liu Lanzhi the Seven Silver Blades and what happened today.

"The Seven Silver Blades will allow Xiao Bai to mature within a month, and he's given it to me for free despite my generous offers, saying how he only wanted to help the Sect grow."

"That's what he said?" Liu Lanzhi's face made a weird expression upon hearing that. Su Yang was thinking for the Sect when he gave her the Seven Silver Blades? Knowing Su Yang's nature, she couldn't help but doubt that statement.

Liu Lanzhi then inspected the Seven Silver Blades and nodded in amazement, feeling like she was looking at a peerless treasure.

"Did he tell you how he obtained this?"

"He said he cultivated it himself, but I am not sure how much of that is true," said Fang Zhelan.

Liu Lanzhi looked at the herb and thought inwardly, "It's most likely true, as he is an Alchemy Master who created the Euphoric Oil…"

"By the way, why is it called the Seven Silver Blade when there are only six blades here?" Liu Lanzhi asked.

"Oh, I have already fed one to Xiao Bai," said Fang Zhelan as she pointed to Xiao Bai, who was visibly shaking in the corner of the room at this moment.

"Why is she trembling like that?" Liu Lanzhi asked after seeing Xiao Bai's condition.

"What?" Fang Zhelan, who didn't notice it until it was mentioned, immediately turned to look at Xiao Bai.

"I-I am not sure…" Fang Zhelan shook her head.

"Xiao Bai, are you okay?"

However, just as Fang Zhelan approached Xiao Bai, a powerful pressure appeared in the room, and Xiao Bai opened its wide mouth and released a deafening roar, causing the place to tremble like an earthquake.

Chapter 255 Effects of the Seven Silver Blades

Both Liu Lanzhi and Fang Zhelan covered their ears when Xiao Bai roared, feeling as though the entire world was shaking at that moment.

"Xiao Bai! What is happening to you?!" Fang Zhelan cried out loud, feeling quite scared of the situation — especially when the atmosphere in the place suddenly became dreadful, feeling like it had turned into a life or death situation.

However, Xiao Bai ignored Fang Zhelan and continued to roar, her eyes glowing a silver light and her white hair standing straight, looking like a terrified cat.

Meanwhile, Su Yang turned to look at the direction of Fang Zhelan's house and thought to himself, "I forgot to mention to her that the Snow Tiger will get a little bit excited after consuming the Seven Silver Blades… oh well."

After shrugging his shoulders, Su Yang continued to walk back to his living quarters. What happens to Xiao Bai is no longer his issue but Fang Zhelan's problem.

Inside Fang Zhelan's living quarters, Xiao Bai slowly returned to normal after roaring for a few more moments. After eating the Silver Blade, it simply felt the need to release some excess energy out of her body because the vast amount of Profound Qi from the Silver Blade was making her body a little too excited.

"X-Xiao Bai… have you finally calm down?" Fang Zhelan spoke with a messy head, feeling like she'd just gotten out of the bed after a bad night.

Xiao Bai nodded with a refreshed expression.

"What happened just now?" Liu Lanzhi couldn't help but look at Xiao Bai with a surprised expression.

For it to have an Elementary Spirit Realm cultivation base and cause even an Earth Spirit Realm expert like her to feel pressured, the prowess of a Guardian Spirit is truly profound and unrivaled.

However, this only made Liu Lanzhi more excited about Xiao Bai's future once it matures.

"I don't know, this is also my first time seeing her like this," said Fang Zhelan.

After pondering for a second, she continued, "Maybe it's because she consumed the Silver Blade. The amount of Profound Qi she released just now is much more than what she could normally release."

Liu Lanzhi swallowed her saliva, and she unconsciously mumbled, "What if a human consumes the Seven Silver Blades?"

Fang Zhelan heard her whisper and responded, "I have also asked the same question, but Su Yang warned me that humans cannot consume it unless they want to die."

"I-Is that so…"

Once the place calmed down, Fang Zhelan went to inspect Xiao Bai's body.

"Sect Master! Xiao Bai's cultivation base has reached the Profound Spirit Realm! She had a breakthrough just now! And she's already at the third level of the Profound Spirit Realm!"

Fang Zhelan announced in an ecstatic manner.

"Really?! That's great news!" Liu Lanzhi's face also beamed with excitement upon hearing the news.

"This Seven Silver Blades is unbelievably effective… I am still having a hard time believing that a single blade of grass managed to boost Xiao Bai from the peak of the Elementary Spirit Realm to the third level of the Profound Spirit Realm when over two dozens monster cores barely filled her stomach!"

"This Su Yang… to think he could create something else besides the Euphoric Oil that has such profound effects… one has to wonder what else he has hidden in his sleeves." Liu Lanzhi sighed inwardly.

After seeing Xiao Bai's incredible rise in power, both Liu Lanzhi and Fang Zhelan no longer had even a shred of doubt that Xiao Bai will fully mature within one month of time.

However, what was even more incredible than the effect of the Seven Silver Blades would be Su Yang's ability to cultivate such a resource.

His abilities that could only be described as heaven-defying made Liu Lanzhi ponder the meaning of life, as everything about him defied her knowledge and expectations.

"First he survived consuming the Pure Yin Flower… then his explosive rise in cultivation base… his godly techniques, and now, he has become an Alchemy Master with incomprehensible abilities…"

Everything about Su Yang made Liu Lanzhi think of him as an experienced expert instead of a youngster with only 16 years old experience, as there's no way a 16-year-old could possibly know so many things that would take hundreds of years if not thousands of years to fully master.

In fact, Liu Lanzhi has already begun to believe that Su Yang might be the reincarnation of an incredibly powerful Alchemy Master — one that has tasted many women in his previous life.

"Did Su Yang say anything else before leaving?" Liu Lanzhi decided to ask Fang Zhelan.


Fang Zhelan opened her mouth but quickly closed it, nearly revealing Su Yang's true cultivation base at the Earth Spirit Realm.

"Does the Sect Master already know of his true cultivation base or…"

"Disciple Fang?" Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow after Fang Zhelan remained silent for quite some time.

After pondering for a moment, Fang Zhelan decided to keep the fact that Su Yang has reached the Earth Spirit Realm despite being an Inner Court disciple a secret, as some things are better off left unsaid.

"Besides asking me to cultivate with him, he has not said anything else."

Fang Zhelan finally said.

"What? Su Yang asked you to cultivate with him? What was your response?"

Normally, Liu Lanzhi would not bother with such businesses, but Su Yang was the topic, she just couldn't help but ask.

Fang Zhelan nodded and said, "I agreed. We will meet at the Chamber of Embrace four days from now."

"Is that so…"

"Is the Sect Master familiar with him? If so, can you tell me more about him?" Fang Zhelan suddenly asked.

"What's this? Our Disciple Fang is actually interested in a mere Inner Court disciple? Very well, let me tell you all about his tricky and ill-mannered character…"

Liu Lanzhi proceeded to talk trash about Su Yang, mentioning to Fang Zhelan how he's always arrogant and scheming things.

Fang Zhelan sat there and listened, and she couldn't help but notice how lively Liu Lanzhi acted when speaking about Su Yang despite talking bad about him; it was almost like she was talking about her ex-partner or something.

Chapter 256 Million Snakes Sec

While Liu Lanzhi badmouthed Su Yang to Fang Zhelan like some ex-lover of his, somewhere in the Million Snakes Sect, one of the top Sects within the Eastern Continent, a meeting was being held.

"Regarding the news, are you certain that we have finally located that Guardian Spirit?"

The Sect Master of the Million Snakes Sect spoke in a serious tone as he glanced at the sect elders sitting around him.

"That is correct. We have received a report just a few minutes ago from one of our men stationed at the Eastern Region, and in the report stated that he felt the Guardian Spirit's Profound Qi somewhere near the Blossom City," said one of the sect elders.

"Blossom City, huh? Have everyone gather at that place and start searching for the Guardian Spirit from there! I want every nook and cranny searched — no exceptions!"

The Sect Master commanded.

"Right away!"

The sect elder bowed before leaving to complete the task.

Once the sect elder left, the Sect Master continued, "Finally, after months of searching, we have found that damned thing!"

The Million Snakes Sect accidentally came across this Guardian Spirit a few months ago, and they have been tracking it down ever since. However, because Guardian Spirits naturally elude from all sorts of surveillance and detection techniques, the Million Snakes Sect has been running around blind until today.

"Speaking of Blossom City, the Profound Blossom Sect is in charge of that place, and I want someone from this room to give them a visit. Perhaps they are hiding the Guardian Spirit," said the Sect Master.

"What if they really have the Guardian Spirit?"

Someone asked.

"Isn't it obvious what we have to do? Even if we have to use force, we will have them hand it to us!"

The people in the room began laughing with malicious grins on their faces.

"The Profound Blossom Sect may be famous for its overall high cultivation bases, but the only techniques they know are sexual techniques used in bed, so they pose absolutely no threat to us."

The Million Snakes Sect was willing to wage war against the Profound Blossom Sect if the Profound Blossom Sect happens to have the Guardian Spirit that they were looking for.

"I will pay a visit to the Profound Blossom Sect."

One of the sect elders stood up and spoke, and surrounding this tall and bulky figure was a formidable aura that belonged to someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"Elder Wan, huh? Very well, I shall leave this matter to you."

The Sect Master nodded.

After a few more minutes, the meeting came to an end.




Four days later, dozens of experts gathered at Blossom City, which was only half an hour away from the Profound Blossom Sect.

"The Guardian Spirit was around this area four days ago and we are to search the vicinity for any clues. However, our main objective today is actually to wait for Elder Wan's signal. Once he knows whether or not the Profound Blossom Sect has the Guardian Spirit, he will notify all of us and we will back him up, so prepare for war."

"Profound Blossom Sect? Is that the place with all the perverts?"

One of the experts asked, and the area burst with laughter.

Meanwhile, at the Profound Blossom Sect, Elder Wu rushed towards the Yin Yang Pavilion.

"S-Sect Master! This is urgent!" Elder Wu screamed as she rushed into the place.

"What is the matter, Elder Wu? It's too early to be yelling like that."

Liu Lanzhi appeared from her room.

"M-Million Snakes Sect! Elder Wan from the Million Snakes Sect is here to see you!" Elder Wu said to her.

"What did you just say? Million Snakes Sect from the Western Region? Why would they be here?"

Liu Lanzhi frowned at the situation.

As far as she's aware, the Million Snakes Sect has no business with them, so why are they here? They even went as far as to sent one of their great elders, Elder Wan, to see them in person.

"Whatever the Million Snakes Sect want from us, for them to personally sent Elder Wan, it must be fairly important. Very well, I will go meet him."

Liu Lanzhi quickly left the Yin Yang Pavilion and followed Elder Wu.

A few minutes later, Liu Lanzhi could see a tall figure with a profound aura surrounding him standing near the entrance.

"Sorry for the wait, Elder Wu."

Liu Lanzhi greeted him with respect.

Despite being the Sect Master, Liu Lanzhi's cultivation base is far inferior to that of Elder Wu, who is only a Sect Elder, not to mention the Million Snakes Sect being a place they cannot afford to offend, so it was only normal for her to greet Elder Wu in such a manner.

"I believe this is the first time we've met, fellow Daoist Liu," Elder Wu said with a friendly smile, and he continued, "I apologize for the sudden visit, but my Million Snakes Sect has come upon a problem, and since we were already in the vicinity, I have come to seek for your help…"

Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow. Does the Million Snakes Sect have a problem that they cannot handle? That's unimaginable to her.

"If it's a problem that even the powerful and famous Million Snakes Sect cannot solve, the Profound Blossom Sect would most likely not be of any help at all. In fact, we'd probably just slow you down…"

Liu Lanzhi was not being humble at all, as that is what she truly believed.

"Oh, it's not that sort of problem."

Elder Wan chuckled, and he narrowed his eyes and casually spoke, "It's just that… have you seen a white baby tiger around? It's actually Guardian Spirit."

Hearing Elder Wan's unexpected words, Liu Lanzhi's face expressed shock for an instant, but she quickly changed it.

"He's here for Xiao Bai?!"

Liu Lanzhi finally realized why the Million Snakes Sect would show up before their Sect, but that only made her extremely anxious.

Chapter 257 Prepare for Battle!

"G-Guardian Spirit?"

Liu Lanzhi asked, hoping that Elder Wan did not think too deeply about her shocked reaction just now. Even better if he missed it.

However, Elder Wan was already laughing and dancing in his heart after seeing Liu Lanzhi's reaction, as he is almost certain that Liu Lanzhi is aware of the Guardian Spirit.

"That's right. The Million Snakes Sect is currently searching for a Guardian Spirit, and seeing your reaction just now, you must know something about it, right?"

Elder Wan asked her.

"No…" Liu Lanzhi could hear her heart beating like war drums. However, she managed to remain a calm face and said, "I was just surprised by the words 'Guardian Spirit."

And she continued, "Has the Million Snakes Sect found a Guardian Spirit? Congratulations."

Elder Wan chuckled and said, "Although we have indeed found ourselves a Guardian Spirit, we have not captured it yet. However, the Million Snakes Sect will do everything in its power to get their hands on it."

Elder Wan decided to play to Liu Lanzhi's tune, but he did not forget to indirectly threaten her by letting her know that the Million Snakes Sect is taking this matter very seriously.

"Is that so? But what does the Million Snakes Sect want our Profound Blossom Sect to do to help?" Liu Lanzhi asked.

"It's simple, really. We are not asking the Profound Blossom Sect to join our searches, but we will greatly appreciate it if you can notify us if anyone sees a white baby tiger. Of course, we aren't asking you to help us for free. Once we find the Guardian Spirit, we will greatly reward the Profound Blossom Sect for their cooperation."

Liu Lanzhi nodded and said, "I will notify my disciples and tell them to be on the lookout—"

"Oh, one more thing."

Elder Wan suddenly said, "If you find the Guardian Spirit and hide it from us and we find out, it won't be a pretty day for either of us…"

Liu Lanzhi narrowed her eyes and said, "I thought it was common sense that you should not threaten someone right after asking for their help."

Elder Wan chucked and said, "Do not take that offensively, fellow Daoist. It is merely a warning just in case someone has any funny ideas."

"Anyway, now that I have nothing left to say, I should take my leave."

Elder Wan turned around and left the Profound Blossom Sect, quickly disappearing from Liu Lanzhi's sight.

Once they were certain that Elder Wan had left, Elder Wu coldly snorted, "What an arrogant and rude individual. Sect Master, let's forget about them and not help them."

Liu Lanzhi shook her head and said, "He may be an asshole, but he has the ability to be one. In the Western Region, the Million Snakes Sect stands at the top. For them to even notice us is already a great honor."

"What about the Guardian Spirit? If there's really a Guardian Spirit in the vicinity, I am afraid that a war would break out and we might get caught up in it…"

Because Elder Wu isn't aware of Xiao Bai's presence, she has no idea about the situation.

"About that…"

Liu Lanzhi sighed, feeling perplexed.

If the Million Snake Sect learns that they have Xiao Bai, it would be disastrous for the entire Profound Blossom Sect, and Liu Lanzhi won't be willing to sacrifice her entire sect and its every disciple, even if it's for a Guardian Spirit.

"If only Xiao Bai is matured… But unfortunately, I cannot wait an entire month for her to grow up with the Million Snakes Sect actively searching around this place. I will have to let Xiao Bai go as soon as possible…" Liu Lanzhi sighed again.

"Fang Zhelan will not like this news one bit…"

Liu Lanzhi turned to look at the direction of the Chamber of Embrace, feeling regretful about the whole situation.

Suddenly, a powerful ripple appeared, spreading across the land at a rapid pace.

"Oh no!" Liu Lanzhi's face instantly paled when she realized what was causing the ripple.

"It's happening again… what is this ripple that contains a profound feeling? It also appeared four days ago." Elder Wu wondered as the ripples swept across her body, causing her body to tremble slightly.

Indeed, it was Xiao Bai who caused the ripples to appear. Because it has been four days since she was last fed the Seven Silver Blades, Fang Zhelan fed another one to her today before leaving for the Chamber of Embrace to meet with Su Yang.

"This must be the reason why the Million Snakes Sect chose to appear in this area! They also sensed Xiao Bai's Profound Qi four days ago!"

Liu Lanzhi didn't know what to do at this moment and could only stay standing there.

There was no way the Million Snakes Sect would not notice this when they are so close — especially when Elder Wan had left not too long ago.

After pondering for a moment, Liu Lanzhi bit her lips and shouted at Elder Wu, "Immediately gather all of the sect elders and disciples at the Center Court and prepare for battle! The Million Snakes Sect will be here at any moment!"

"E-Excuse me...?"

Elder Wu stood there with a dazed expression. She wasn't able to comprehend why Liu Lanzhi would be saying such things but nobody could blame her, as anyone in her situation would be shocked and dumbfounded.

"Hurry up and just do as I say! It's an order!"

After saying those words, Liu Lanzhi ran towards Fang Zhelan's living quarters, leaving Elder Wu standing there, looking like a dazed chicken.

Meanwhile, Elder Wan, who had just left the Profound Blossom Sect notified the Sect Master of the Millions Snake Sect of the ripple in the air.

"It's confirmed. The Profound Blossom Sect has the white tiger in their possession."

"Good, good, good! You know what to do, Elder Wan! I will leave everything in your hands!"

The Sect Master's delightful voice could be heard from the communication jade slip.

A few moments later, Elder Wan along with the other experts from the Million Snakes Sect approached the Profound Blossom Sect, and surrounding them was an aura of bloodlust.

Chapter 258 Array Master

Over thirty experts from the Million Snakes Sect quickly approached the Profound Blossom Sect after sensing Xiao Bai's Profound Qi erupt from within the place.

Although thirty people may not seem like anything when the Profound Blossom Sect has at least one hundred sect elders and thousands of disciples, each of these experts from the Million Snakes Sect were at least within the Earth Spirit Realm. Some of them were even at the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Meanwhile, the Profound Blossom Sect does not even have a single Heavenly Spirit Realm expert and only a few of them were at the Earth Spirit Realm.

Even if half of these thirty experts do not lift a finger, the Profound Blossom Sect will not stand a chance against the Million Snakes Sect.

This is the disparity between a mediocre sect and one that sits at the top of an entire region — like heaven and earth.

While the Million Snakes Sect approached the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang and Fang Zhelan stood before the Chamber of Embrace, seemingly getting ready to enter it.

However, because of the ripples that Xiao Bai created, they remained standing there even many minutes later.

"So this will happen once every four days, huh…" Fang Zhelan sighed.

She then turned to look at Su Yang and said, "But for you to forget something this important — I nearly had a heart attack the first time it happened!"

Su Yang merely shrugged his shoulders at her words.

"It will calm down in a few minutes."

However, Fang Zhelan was not worried about Xiao Bai getting excited. Instead, she worried that such powerful ripples might attract unnecessary attention.

"If people learn of Xiao Bai's existence because of this, who knows what will happen to this place…" she sighed.

"Just throw that Snow Tiger into a concealment formation before feeding her the Seven Silver Blades."

"That's easier said than done. Experts in arrays and formations are especially hard to find nowadays — especially one that can create a formation that can conceal such powerful ripples."

Although one does not need to be born with the talent to learn formations and arrays, not many Cultivators are willing to spend years learning something that requires extreme concentration and patience and is unconventional in battle.

In the time it takes to create a single formation, the enemy could have used at least a dozen different techniques, hence why formations are rarely used during battle, and because of that, many Cultivators view formations and arrays as something meant for support and defense. In fact, some of the most profound defensive formations require years upon years to complete.

"I will create a concealment formation around your living quarters after this — one that is strong enough to prevent these ripples from escaping," said Su Yang.

"You are also an Array Master?" Fang Zhelan looked at him with wide eyes.

In addition to being an Alchemy Master, he's also an Array Master? Not to mention his deep cultivation base at his young age.

Fang Zhelan couldn't help but wonder what kind of entity Su Yang will become once he grows up, as he is already a monster that defies all logic at this point.

"Anyway, enough standing around. The ripples will go away in a few moments, and everything will be back to normal."

Su Yang began approaching one of the entrances at the Chamber of Embrace.

However, before he could even enter the place, Fang Zhelan shouted, "Wait for a second, I see the Sect Master's figure heading our way, and she seems fairly agitated."

Su Yang halted his steps to look at Liu Lanzhi, who was running towards them with a face full of sweat and anxiety, and in her arms was Xiao Bai, who seemed to be unhappy to be carried by her.

"Disciple Fang! Su Yang! Stop what you are doing! This is an emergency!"

Liu Lanzhi shouted at them from afar.

"What happened, Sect Master?" Fang Zhelan asked her with a frown.

"The Million Snakes Sect has learned of Xiao Bai's existence! Not only that but they are coming here as we speak!"

"What did you say?!?!" Fang Zhelan exclaimed loudly. "Western Region's Million Snakes Sect?! What are they even doing here?!"

"I am not sure myself but they seemed to have known about Xiao Bai before we found her, and they are here for her!"

"N-No way… what should we do now, Sect Master?"

Liu Lanzhi looked at her and shook her head, "If we don't give up Xiao Bai, the Million Snakes Sect will surely use force, and our Profound Blossom Sect cannot deal with a colossal power such as the Million Snakes Sect. Even if we repel them today, they will surely return with an even stronger force."

Fang Zhelan immediately turned silent, her gaze on Xiao Bai.

"Xiao Bai…"

Although she didn't want to give Xiao Bai up so easily, Fang Zhelan knew that she had no choice, or else they will have to risk offending the entire Million Snakes Sect, one of the most powerful Sects within the Eastern Continent.

"Seriously? After all the effort I had put into cultivating the Seven Silver Blades?" Su Yang shook his head inwardly.

"Who the hell is this Million Snakes Sect, anyway?" he asked.

Liu Lanzhi looked at Su Yang's composed manner despite the situation and quickly explained, "They are the strongest power in the Western Region. Earth Spirit Realm experts are abundant in that place, and they even have a few Heavenly Spirit Realm masters in their ranks; it's a place we cannot afford to offend."

"Hmmm… is that so…" Su Yang narrowed his eyes.

"Anyway, the two of you should head to the Center Court and prepare yourself just in case a battle erupts," said Liu Lanzhi.

"What are you going to do, Sect Master?" Fang Zhelan asked.

"I will… I will hand over Xiao Bai to them."

Fang Zhelan nodded and approached Xiao Bai.

She petted the fluffy white fur on Xiao Bai's head and said, "I am sorry for not being able to protect you, Xiao Bai…"

Tears dripped down from Fang Zhelan's face, and for the first time in her life, she cried.

Xiao Bai didn't understand the situation but she could tell that Fang Zhelan was sad at this moment, which made it frown.

A few moments later, Liu Lanzhi left with Xiao Bai, leaving Su Yang and Fang Zhelan standing there alone.

"I am sorry, Su Yang, but I am no longer in the mood to cultivate, not to mention the situation…"

Su Yang shook his head and said, "It's fine, I totally understand."

However, in his heart, he'd already sentenced the Million Snakes Sect to death for interrupting his cultivation session, something he greatly despised.

Chapter 259 Is This the End for the Profound Blossom Sect?

After Liu Lanzhi left, Su Yang and Fang Zhelan proceeded to head to the Center Court, where all of the other disciples were waiting.

Once they were at the Center Court, all of the disciples there turned to look at them.

"Senior apprentice-sister Fang!"

The disciples there were elevated to see Fang Zhelan there, as her presence gave them a sense of security.

"Senior apprentice-brother Su is here too…"

When the female Outer Court disciples saw Su Yang approach them a calm expression on his face, they also experienced a mysterious feeling that helped them calm down. It was almost like the disciples indistinctively believed that they will be safe if his presence was nearby.

However, not everybody there was excited to see Su Yang's face — especially when walking beside him was Fang Zhelan, almost like they were together before arriving at this place.

"It's you again!"

Yun Nantian walked out of the crowd and approached Su Yang, seeming prepared to cause trouble for him.

Seeing this, Fang Zhelan stood before Yun Nantian.

"Stop it! We do not have the time for this, nor are we in the situation!" she spoke in a cold voice.

"Junior apprentice-sister…"

Yun Nantian bit his lips and stared at Su Yang with narrowed eyes.

"Are you not ashamed to stand behind a lady like this? And you call yourself a man? Hmph!"

Su Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, as Yun Nantian was beginning to piss him off.

"If you don't turn around now, don't blame me for not giving you any face!"

A dangerous aura emitted from Fang Zhelan's figure, causing Yun Nantian to tremble slightly.

Yun Nantian believed that Fang Zhelan was protecting Su Yang from him, which only made him feel more agitated. But little did he know, Fang Zhelan was actually protecting him from Su Yang, who was clearly not someone he could offend.

That being said, if Yun Nantian does not want to listen, she will have no choice but to let him walk towards death.

Suddenly, one of the sect elders there began speaking out loud, "Everybody! Calm down!"

All of the disciples there turned to see a group of sect elders approaching them.

In the front of these sect elders was Elder Sun and Elder Zhao, and although they seemed calm on the outside, their hearts were actually filled with worry about the situation.

"Although we are still not entirely aware of the situation, the Sect Master has ordered all of us to gather here just in case something happens," said Elder Zhao.

Because Elder Wu was in a hurry when she passed the word, all of the sect elders there are still unaware of the situation. However, since it was the Sect Master's orders, they will ask questions after obeying her commands.

"Elder Wu, care to explain the situation now that all of us have gathered here?"

Elder Sun asked her with a frown.

While he has no clue what is happening, he knew that the Profound Blossom Sect and its disciples are at risk, or else there wouldn't be such a gathering right now — one of the protocols during emergencies.

As the Chief of the Disciplinary Squad, Elder Sun is aware of all protocols, and this situation would only occur during times of war.

"I-I am also not clear about why this is happening."

Elder Wu shook her head.

"The Sect Master only ordered me to gather everyone here and prepare for battle."

"What? This is too sudden. Who are we fighting?" Elder Zhao asked her.

"T-T-The… The Million Snakes Sect…"

Elder Wu mumbled after a moment of silence, her voice filled with disbelief.

"What did you just say?!"

Not just Elder Zhao but all of the sect elders there exclaimed at the same time, their voices filled with shock and disbelief.

"The Million Snakes Sect from the Western Region?! Why on earth do we have to fight them?!"

"That's right! This is the Million Snakes Sect, the strongest power from the Western Region, that we are talking about!"

All of the sect elders and disciples were in disbelief. Since when did they offend a colossal place such as the Million Snakes Sect?

"F-Forget about the reason they are attacking us! What are we supposed to do against such a mountain?!"

Not just the sect elders but the disciples began panicking.

If the Million Snakes Sect were truly coming for them, there's no way that they would be able to defend themselves.

At this moment, they are all just chickens gathered in one spot on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered and without a chance to retaliate!

"Calm down!" Elder Sun suddenly roared.

The place immediately became silent.

Elder Sun looked at Elder Wu and spoke, "Are you certain that you are not mistaken? I do not want to doubt you, but this is just too absurd… This is the Million Snakes Sect that we are talking about. In their eyes, we are nothing but ants. Why would they even bother with us?"

Elder Wu sighed and said, "I don't blame you for doubting me, as I am also doubting myself as we stand here and speak. However, Elder Wan from the Million Snakes Sect was here speaking with the Sect Master not too long ago, and he mentioned about a Guardian Spirit being in the vicinity."

"Guardian Spirit?!"

Elder Zhao's eyes widened with shock as he finally understood the situation.

Because Elder Zhao holds an important position within the Profound Blossom Sect and happens to be someone that Liu Lanzhi completely trusts, he is one of the few people that is aware of Xiao Bai's existence.

"It couldn't be… how did they find out?"

Elder Zhao suddenly recalled the ripples that had appeared just before this gathering and came to a realization. It's no wonder why he sensed something familiar from the ripples that carried profound energy.

"Good heavens… Is this the end for the Profound Blossom Sect?" he wondered inwardly with a desolate feeling in his heart.

Chapter 260 Escaping with Their Lives

"Elder Zhao, do you know something about this?"

Elder Sun noticed his weird reaction and decided to ask.

Elder Zhao sighed and said, "There's no point in trying to hide it now… One of our disciples happened to encounter a Guardian Spirit a few months back, and we have been raising it ever since then. However, it seems like the Million Snakes Sect has learned of it. You should already know by now just how precious a Guardian Spirit is and what many people would sacrifice to get their hands on one."

Elder Sun's eyes — and everybody there — widened with shock upon hearing such words.

"A Guardian Spirit, you say?"

Elder Sun couldn't believe that the Profound Blossom Sect would actually have such a precious yet dangerous thing in their possession. However, since a colossal power such as the Million Snakes Sect noticed a small place like them, it wasn't too unbelievable after all.

That being said, what's even more unbelievable to Elder Sun was the fact that Liu Lanzhi had allowed a Guardian Spirit to be even near the Profound Blossom Sect despite knowing very well that they are in no position to raise one — especially when they would not be able to protect it.

Having a Guardian Spirit may be a fortuitous encounter to some, but it is akin to a disaster waiting to happen if it falls into the hands of unworthy places such as the Profound Blossom Sect.

In other words, unless you have the ability to protect the Guardian Spirit from being stolen by others, one would normally avoid it or act as though they've never seen it before.

"And you kept silent despite being aware? Elder Zhao, how could you be so…"

Elder Sun shook his head in disappointment.

"Perhaps both the Sect Master and I were blinded by the overwhelming prowess a Guardian Spirit could bring to the Sect when we agreed to keep and cultivate the Guardian Spirit, or maybe we truly believed that we would be able to keep it a secret until it fully matured, but alas, as you can see what disaster it has brought upon us…"

Elder Sun shook his head and said, "I understand your feelings to a certain extent, but this is not the time to sit around and regret, as we still have to deal with the Million Snakes Sect."

"Elder Wu, where is the Sect Master right now?"

Elder Wu shook her head.

"She disappeared after giving me the order to gather everyone here."

Suddenly, Fang Zhelan appeared from the crowd, and she spoke, "The Sect Master went to meet the Million Snakes Sect… with the Guardian Spirit."

"Disciple Fang!"

The sect elders there turned to look at her.

"How do you know this?"

Elder Sun asked.

"I spoke with her just before coming here," she responded.

"As for the Guardian Spirit… I was the one who found it and pleaded the Sect Master to keep it."


The sect elders there wanted to blame Fang Zhelan for the situation right now, but they believed that she was only trying to help the Sect, not to mention they would also do the same if they were in her shoes.

"Does this mean the Sect Master went to face the Million Snakes Sect by herself?"

Elder Sun suddenly realized.

Elder Zhao also came to this realization and immediately shouted, "I want half of the sect elders here to follow me and gather with the Sect Master! The other half will stay here with the disciples just in case the Million Snakes Sect really plans to attack us!"

"Yes, Elder Zhao!"

Although it will be a battle that cannot be won, Elder Zhao did not mention it, as he did not want to lower the morale any further than it ready is. That being said, everybody there that knows the name 'Million Snakes Sect' is already aware of their chances, so even if Elder Zhao did not say anything, they are all well aware that it will be an impossible battle.

"Let's go!"

Elder Zhao led the sect elders to the entrance.

However, just as they took two steps, the entire ground began to tremble, and a loud explosion resounded from a distance.


Debris began falling from the sky, and a large door landed a few meters away from Elder Zhao.

"The entrance door! The Million Snakes Sect has arrived!"

When the disciples and sect elders saw the entrance to their Profound Blossom Sect fall from the sky, all of their faces immediately paled.

Many of them quickly began to realize that they were all just waiting to die, so they all began running away from the place.

"Where do you think you are going?!"

One of the sect elders shouted at the disciples running from the scene.

"I am leaving this place! If I have to fight the Million Snakes Sect, then I might as well kill myself right now!"

The disciple cried out loud with tears and snot on his face.

The sect elder expressed anger and opened his mouth to scold — but he quickly realized that what the disciple had said was only the truth.

Once one disciple began running from the scene, many others followed, as none of them wanted to die to the Million Snakes Sect.

Many sect elders there felt pain in their hearts after seeing hundreds of disciples run away, but none of them bothered to stop them, as such scenes are a common sight when two Sect fight each other — especially when one of them has no chance of winning.

"If you want to leave, you may leave."

Elder Zhao suddenly spoke out loud.

"Although all of you have pledged complete loyalty to the Sect, I will not blame you for wanting to survive. However, if you leave today, you may never take another step into this place ever again."

Elder Zhao's words caused many disciples there to stop running and start pondering. However, a few moments later, almost all of them began moving again, as they were not willing to sacrifice their life for the Profound Blossom Sect.

In fact, there were even some sect elders amongst the deserters.

Seeing this scene, Elder Sun shook his head and sighed.

"What a pity..."

Chapter 261 Disciples Leaving Left and Righ

All it took was for one person to decide to leave, and within minutes since the first disciple decided to leave, more than half of the disciples there have followed and abandoned the Profound Blossom Sect, choosing their life over the place that could be considered their home.

In their minds, it was not worth sacrificing their lives over an unwinnable battle against the Million Snakes Sect.

In fact, although the sect elders there were pained by the disciples' decision to leave, none of the sect elders blamed them for their actions, as they were truly in a desperate situation that seemed hopeless.

What's worse, after just a few more minutes, more disciples and sect elders decided to toss away their identity as Profound Blossom Sect disciples.

At this rate, even if the Profound Blossom Sect manages to survive against the Million Snakes Sect, almost all of its disciples will be gone afterward. And what use is a Sect if there are no disciples to manage it?

"Junior apprentice-sister Fang, let's leave together. To offend a place like the Million Snakes Sect, this place is doomed regardless of whether we survive today or not."

Yun Nantian said to her. He was also prepared to leave, but even in the last moments, he wanted her to accept him, perhaps even leave with him and start another life together at another Sect. And with their talents, there will be plenty of Sects that will accept them regardless of their backgrounds.

However, Fang Zhelan shook her head.

She didn't give Yun Nantian any reasons, but she felt that all of this was her fault. If she hadn't found Xiao Bai and brought her back to the Profound Blossom Sect, this would've never happened.

"Even if I were to die here today, I will not leave this place."

Fang Zhelan said to herself inwardly, her gaze filled with resolve.

Meanwhile, Lan Liqing looked around the place for Su Yang but was unable to find him.

"Don't tell me he decided to leave, too?" she sighed inwardly.

Because of the situation, all of the disciples from the Medicine Hall has decided to leave the Profound Blossom Sect, leaving her alone.

While she would also like to leave with her life intact, the Profound Blossom Sect has done too much for her to simply abandon it — especially when it's because the previous Sect Masters had adopted her that she is still alive today.

After many minutes later, only a few dozen disciples and sect elders were left in the Profound Blossom Sect, most of which are people who have no other place to go.

Elder Zhao looked at the remaining disciples and smiled.

"It's your last chance to leave," he said.

However, the disciples shook their heads.

"Even if I leave, there won't be a place for me to go."

"I owe the Profound Blossom Sect too much to simply abandon it — even if my life is at risk."

"That's what I like to hear!" Elder Zhao managed to laugh despite the desperate situation.

"Very well. If we survive today, I will make all of you Core disciples even if I have to beg the Sect Master!"

"Now, let's go and meet up with the Sect Master."

Since there were only so few of them left, Elder Zhao has decided to bring everyone there with him to meet up with Liu Lanzhi.




At the Profound Blossom Sect entrance, once the Million Snakes Sect arrived, they blasted the entrance doors away and entered with force.

Upon entering the Profound Blossom Sect, the people from the Million Snakes Sect were immediately greeted by a beautiful female standing a few meters away, and in her grasp was a baby white tiger.

"The Guardian Spirit!"

When the Million Snakes Sect saw Xiao Bai, their eyes glowed with excitement. After months of searching, they have found it at last.

Elder Wan from the Million Snakes Sect stepped forward and spoke, "Fellow Daoist… what is the meaning of this?"

He decided to allow Liu Lanzhi to explain herself, but it was merely for his own entertainment.


Liu Lanzhi remained silent for a few moments before speaking out loud, "I have no excuses today, nor do I plan on making things difficult for the Million Snakes Sect, so here is the Guardian Spirit that you seek."

Liu Lanzhi immediately placed Xiao Bai on the ground and stepped back.

"All I ask of you is to leave the Profound Blossom Sect alone. If you are not satisfied, I am willing to bear all of the punishment alone."

Liu Lanzhi has no intention of fighting the Million Snakes Sect — especially when she is fully aware of their chances of winning. In fact, unless they force it upon them, the Profound Blossom Sect will not raise their weapons.

"That's quite the request coming from someone who lied straight to my face…"

Elder Wan narrowed his eyes, his expression grim.

Liu Lanzhi trembled upon sensing the killing intent from Elder Wan.

"It was not my intention to lie to you, as your visit was too sudden. In fact, I had planned on giving you the Guardian Spirit even if you never returned. If only I was given a few more days..."


Elder Wan began pondering.

"First thing's first, grab the Guardian Spirit before it runs away again."

Elder Wan commanded one of his people.

One of the Earth Spirit Realm experts immediately went to grab Xiao Bai, who couldn't resist the domineering strength being used to resistant her.

Xiao Bai began to scream, even looking at Liu Lanzhi for help while squirming left and right. But alas, Liu Lanzhi remained standing there like a frozen statue.

Once the Million Snakes Sect has secured Xiao Bai, Elder Wan said, "I admire you for making this easy on us. However, the fact that you lied to me — and the Million Snakes Sect — I no choice but to make it hard on you to set an example for others so this kind of situation does not repeat itself in the future."

Liu Lanzhi's eyes widened, and her heart squeezed tightly from stress after hearing his words. Even though she does not know what Elder Wan was planning, she had a feeling that it would not be good at all for the Profound Blossom Sect.

Chapter 262 Kill Them All!

"P-Please wait for a second!"

Liu Lanzhi raised her voice in panic.

"Why must you go this far? You will get nothing out of bullying a place like us!"

Elder Wan shook his head and said, "You are right, we will get nothing even if we rob this entire place. However, as a Sect Master, you should already be well aware of how the cultivation world work. If we leave you alone now, it will only make the Million Snakes Sect look like a place with pushovers, and other places will take advantage of that."

Liu Lanzhi could not refute his words. In the cultivation world, no matter how strong one may seem, even if the slightest weakness is shown, it will be taken advantage of by others.

This is especially crucial to places like the Million Snakes Sect — a place with both status and power, as there are people out there searching for such weaknesses every day to gain an advantage over them!

"And although this may seem like a situation that could be swept under the rug, you never know who might be watching…"

Liu Lanzhi gave up all hope after hearing Elder Wan's last words.

"At least allow me to bear all of the punishment! You can torture me however you like — even take my life! Just leave my disciples out of this!"

Elder Wan's eyes flashed with coldness, and he spoke, "Unfortunately, showing sympathy to people like you is also a sign of weakness!"

Then, he raised his hand and waved it downwards like a flag.

"Kill everybody in this place! I want even the chickens dead!"

Elder Wan commanded.

"N-No way…" Liu Lanzhi dropped to her knees as over thirty experts approach her with bloodthirsty expressions, her complexion pale, looking like all the blood in her body was drained.

"Hahaha! I have been waiting for this!"

"Profound Blossom Sect, you can only blame yourself for trying to take the Guardian Spirit for yourself!"

"However, the biggest offense is that you have lied to the Million Snakes Sect!"

The experts laughed as their aura exploded with the desire to kill.

Just as Liu Lanzhi collapsed on the floor from stress, a ripple swept the place, carrying a profound voice that seemed as though it belonged to God.

"The 'strong' using excuses to bully the weak, how many times have I witnessed such scenes before…?"

Elder Wan frowned upon hearing the voice and seeing the ripples.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!"

"Show myself? Who are you to command me?"

The voice was filled with a feeling of sheer dominance, almost like it belonged to a ruler of sorts.

"You are not worthy to be in my presence, much less request for my audience! Who the hell do you think you are?!"

The voice suddenly exploded in anger, sounding like thunder during a heavy storm.

Once the voice raised in volume, so did the ripples, causing a profound and terrifying aura to cover the entire Profound Blossom Sect.

When Elder Wan and the other Million Snakes Sect sensed this pressure, their faces instantly paled, as they finally realized that the individual behind this voice far exceeded their expectations!

As for Liu Lanzhi, she stared at the sky with a dazed expression.

"This voice… Senior?"

Liu Lanzhi's eyes began to flicker with hope.

"W-What is happening? Who the hell is this voice?!"

The Million Snakes Sect experts immediately fell back to Elder Wan's side, their expression filled with shock and fear.

"How the hell am I supposed to know that such an existence existed within the Profound Blossom Sect!"

Elder Wan felt like screaming out loud.

That being said, he did not believe that one individual could shake the entire Million Snakes Sect, and he spoke, "I don't know which senior is speaking, but we are from the Million Snakes Sect from the Western Region."

Elder Wan believed that there was no way such a powerful individual would not be aware of the Million Snakes Sect.

However, the voice merely sneered coldly at the name, "Are you trying to scare me or something with a place that is filled with ants like you?"

"A-A-Ants…? You dare curse at the Million Snakes Sect?"

Elder Wan mumbled in a dumbfounded voice.

A few seconds later, Elder Wan exploded in anger, and he yelled towards the sky.

"I don't care who you are! The fact that you don't dare to show your face means you are afraid to reveal your identity to us!"

He then turned to the experts by his side and shouted, "Ignore him! He can't do anything to us if he doesn't even show himself! Kill everybody here and force him out from whatever hole he is hiding in!"

The experts seemed hesitant at first, but once they recalled that there were thirty of them and one of him, their bloodlust remerged and stronger than ever.

"Is that so… what a pity."

The voice resounded once again, but this time it was filled with calmness, before turning silent.

A few moments of silence later, the voice returned, but it was void of emotions.

"Kill them all."

The voice only spoke three words, but once it appeared, the entire atmosphere changed.

Killing intent immediately enveloped the place — along with a powerful aura that none of the people from the Million Snakes Sect have ever experienced before.

This aura instantly brought the experts from the Million Snakes Sect to a halt, even forcing them to fall on the floor from the insane pressure that bore upon them like a mountain.

A few seconds later, a small figure could be seen appearing from beyond the clouds in the sky.

It was an extremely beautiful young girl with a petite body and silver hair and silver eyes, looking like a real goddess was descending from the heavens.

Her beauty immediately dazed the experts from the Million Snakes Sect, causing them to forget their purpose there, as they have never seen such a beautiful and flawless being before.

"W-Who is that?"

Even Liu Lanzhi was dazed by her appearance.