

Chapter 1018: Perfect Replica of Su Yang's Dragon

"Follow me." Su Yang said to Lin Xinyi after they entered the third floor of the Treasure Exchange Gallery.

He walked to a specific counter, where a beautiful object was displayed.

"Is this...?" Lin Xinyi's eyes widened with surprise when she saw the toy in the display case.

Even though she has never seen Su Yang's little brother before, Lin Xinyi knew at glance that the toy was definitely a replica of his little brother.

Compared to the toy from before, this one was much more refined and perfectly shaped, almost as though it was crafted by the heavens itself.

"Indeed, this is the God of Pleasure's dragon- a perfect replica of it."

Lin Xinyi swallowed nervously, and she could feel a strong sensation to stick the toy inside her body growing within her.

"Hello, I can tell that you're interested in this treasure." The person working behind the desk noticed Lin Xinyi's coveting gaze on the toy and approached them.

Furthermore, with one thousand pleasure points, one could purchase an abundant of treasures that could assist their cultivation, making it really hard to justify such a ridiculous purchase.

"I don't even have one hundred pleasure points, much less one thousand... It's too expensive." Lin Xinyi sighed.

"Believe it or not, despite its price, this treasure is actually our best selling treasure on this floor with almost every Inner Court disciple owning one." The woman said.

"Almost every Inner Court disciple?" Lin Xinyi was

left speechless by this information.

How do they justify spending so much pleasure points for this sex toy? Or do they simply treat it as their guilty pleasure?

"I'm sorry, but I don't have enough pleasure points. Are you accepting any other forms of payments? Like spirit stones." Lin Xinyi then asked.

"Unfortunately, this is the only treasure on this floor that accepts only pleasure points. Although this treasure may be nothing more than a sex toy outside of the sect, it is actually very important with many significances to it within the sect, especially for the female Inner Court disciples."

"For example, female Inner Court disciples that do not own this treasure are ostracized by the other disciples, as most female disciples in the sect are his admirers."

"I-Is that so..." Lin Xinyi mumbled in a dazed voice.

Sometime later, Lin Xinyi left the desk and sighed, "Looks like it will be mandatory to buy one if I want to survive in the Inner Court."

Su Yang chuckled and said, "If you really want one, I can get one for you."

"Huh? Really?" Lin Xinyi looked at him with flickering eyes.

Then she snapped out of it and frowned, "If you're going to ask me to cultivate with you in exchange..."

Su Yang's eyes widened with surprise as she spoke, "How could you say such a thing? I had no intention of doing that, nor am I the type of person! I was going to give it to you for free!"

"I-I'm sorry... I had misunderstood you. Please forgive me." Lin Xinyi lowered her head and apologized to him.

"Alright." Su Yang casually nodded.

"Then I am going to buy the materials now. Want to come?" He asked her.

"Materials?" Lin Xinyi raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"The materials to make the replica, of course. How else am I going to get you one? I also don't have the pleasure points to buy it."

"You can make those things...?" Lin Xinyi was stumped by this information.

Su Yang showed her a profound smile.

Not many people know this fact, but the first replica of his penis was actually self-made. In other words, he was the one who started this replica craze.

As for his reasoning for doing so, it was quite simple.

He wanted to be able to please women even when he could not be there physically.

Sometime later, Su Yang brought Lin Xinyi back to the second floor, where medicines are sold.

"Let me buy some medicine first. After this, we can go buy the materials." Su Yang said to her before approaching one of the clerks.

"How may I help you?" The woman working behind the desk asked Su Yang.

"I would like to buy the ingredients on this list using spirit stones." He handed her a piece of paper.

"I understand "The woman said as she accented the list.

However, her eyes widened with shock the moment she saw the actual ingredients.

She turned to look at him and asked in a stuttering voice, "Y-You really want these ingredients? T-They are..."

"Don't worry, I have enough money. Just give me the price."

"Please give me a moment to calculate the amount..."

The woman did a quick calculation after looking at their individual price and said, "The total will be 250 high-grade spirit stones."

"That much?!" Even Lin Xinyi was surprised by the amount, and she became interested in the purpose for these ingredients.

Chapter 1019: Crafting His Own Dragon

"Here's 250 high-grade spirit stones." Su Yang placed the money on the desk without hesitation, leaving Lin Xinyi and the clerk speechless.

Although the money isn't anything ground breaking, it was definitely a lot of money for an outer court disciple.

Seeing Lin Xinyi's funny expression, Su Yang smiled and said, "I owned a massage parlor before, and it became somewhat popular."

"Why are you buying so much medicine? Are you also an Alchemist?" Lin Xinyi asked out of curiosity.

"I indeed do alchemy once in a while for fun, but it's not anything amazing."

Even though Su Yang said that, Lin Xinyi couldn't help but be impressed by his unusual and profound background.

Sometime later, the clerk returned with all of the medicine, and she asked him, "Do you need any storage rings to carry these medicines?"

"I have my own, thank you." Su Yang sucked all of the medicine on the desk into his storage ring.

He turned to Lin Xinyi and said afterward, "Let's go and get your treasure now."

"Okay." She nodded and followed him to an underground floor, where they sold all sorts of materials.

"Go look around and see what type of materials you want your treasure to be made out of." Su Yang said to her.

"Are you sure? Aren't you the expert here?" She asked him.

"The material doesn't really matter since they are mostly for appearances. However, if you prefer something smoother and easier to 'use', I'd recommend using jade, since they are the silkiest in terms of texture."

"Then I will pick jade," she said.

"The jade section is over there. Let me know when you're done. I am also going to look around." Su Yang said, as he suddenly had an idea.

'If the replicas are too expensive for outer court disciples, I can simply make them and sell them to outer court disciples at a much cheaper price. This way, I can acquire not only pleasure points but also reputation...'

A smile appeared on Su Yang's face as he thought of this brilliant plan.

Thus, he began looking around the store, buying many types of materials.

Once Lin Xinyi decided on what kind of material she wanted her toy to be made of, she bought it and gave it to Su Yang.

"Crystal jade, huh? They're extremely fragile, so you cannot be too rough with them. Are you sure?" Su Yang asked her.

"I-I am not going to use it, so it's fine!" She quickly said.

"Right." Su Yang chuckled.

Crystal jade has a jade-like texture, but they're translucent and much more fragile, so they're mostly used for decorations, not toys for pleasure.

Now that they had everything they came for, Su Yang and Lin Xinyi quickly left the store.

"Do you want to watch me craft your treasure? It won't take long, only a few minutes." Su Yang asked her as they walked outside.

"I would like to watch if you don't mind."

Su Yang nodded, and he said, "This is something I must do while sitting, and I prefer doing it privately. Do you want to do it at my residence, or should I go to yours?"

After her initial surprise, she said, "W-We can do it at your place..."

"Alright. Follow me."

Su Yang then brought her to his residence in the outcast area.

"You live here...?" Lin Xinyi was surprised to learn that he was living in this place.

"Yes. Although there are bad rumors surrounding this place, I actually like it here. It's nice and quiet, and I don't have many neighbors." Su Yang said.

Once they reached Su Yang's doorstep, Lin Xinyi's nervousness started showing on her face.

Seeing this, Su Yang showed her a calming smile andsaid, "Don't worry, I won't do anything weird to you, and we won't be alone. My servants are also inside."

"Sorry, I don't mean to..." Lin Xinyi realized that she has been apologizing to him a lot recently for some reason.

"I don't mind. It's only natural for a beautiful lady such as yourself to be wary in this sort of environment. Please, come inside."

Lin Xinyi swallowed her nervousness and entered his residence.

"Welcome back, Manager-" Mei Ying greeted them at the door, but she was surprised to see that he wasn't alone and had even brought back a beautiful young lady.

Lin Xinyi was also surprised to see such a beautiful woman in his house. "Hey, I am about to make some fun toys. Wanna watch?" Su Yang asked Mei Ying.

"Toys?" Mei Ying raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner.

However, she was curious about what he was making, so she nodded her head in the end.

Su Yang sat down in front of a table in the living room and placed the crystal jade purchased by Lin Xinyi onto the table.

"Can you get me a kitchen knife?" Su Yang asked Mei Ying.


Mei Ying returned a moment later with the knife and handed it to him.

"Thank you."

"You're going to use a kitchen knife to craft the treasure...?" Lin Xinyi held a look of disbelief on her face, and she began wondering if she'd wasted her money buying the crystal jade.

"Just watch." Su Yang said with a smile.

A moment later, Lin Xinyi could feel a sharp aura suddenly enveloping the kitchen knife.

"T-That's... Sword Qi? You're also a Swordmaster?" Lin Xinyi couldn't believe it.

'How old is he? He doesn't look any older than me, yet he's already learned alchemy and sword qi. This Xiao Yang... he's more than meets the eyes.' She thought to herself.

Su Yang began carving the crystal jade once he was ready, and the ladies in the room watched as he slowly turned the crystal jade that looked not much different than a chuck of rock into something with elegance and grace.

'Eh? He's crafting... a penis?' Mei Ying was dumbfounded when she realized what Su Yang was making, but what surprised her the most was how much the sex toy resembled his own dragon.

Chapter 1020: Do You Prefer the Real One?

Do You Prefer the Real One?

After spending about ten minutes craving the crystal jade, Su Yang finally finished the work of art, and he showed it to Lin Xinyi, who held a dazed look on her face.

"It... It looks exactly like the one in the store..." She mumbled in a low voice.

"Of course it does. I wouldn't lie to you. If I say I will do something, I will always do it." Su Yang smiled.

"T-Thank you!" Lin Xinyi bowed to him after accepting the crystal jade that is now a sex toy the shaped of Su Yang's dragon.

"If you ever need help in the future, I will definitely return this favor!" Lin Xinyi said to him. Lin Xinyi left his place shortly after.

Once they were alone, Su Yang turned to look at Mei Ying and asked her, "Do you also want one?"

Su Yang continued to speak before Mei Ying could even respond, "Or do you prefer the real one?"

Seeing the smile on Su Yang's face, Mei Ying immediately blushed, but she still nodded her head.

"I prefer the real one," she said a moment later.

"Let's first improve your innate talents first. I have the treasures with me."

Su Yang retrieved the treasures he bought at the Treasure Exchange Gallery and placed them on the table. Once everything was prepared, Su Yang summoned his alchemy flames and cooked the treasures until they turned into a single orange-colored pill.

"Here you go." Su Yang handed it to Mei Ying afterward.

"Once you swallow it, your body will feel a little hot, but you don't need to be alarmed. That's the effect of the treasure, which will reconstruct your meridians and make them better." Mei Ying nodded.

She swallowed the pill without hesitation the next moment, her trust for Su Yang on full display.

Immediately after swallowing the pill, Mei Ying could feel her body flaring up, almost as though a fire had lit inside her stomach.

This fire continued to burn her body until it felt like her entire body was engulfed in flames.

However, despite the terrifying feeling, it wasn't painful at all, and it was more of an uncomfortable feeling. The burning sensation stopped ten minutes later "How do you feel?" Su Yang asked her.

"I don't feel any different," she responded after feeling around her body.

"That's good." Su Yang said. And he continued, "Now to see how effective it was, let's go test it out ourselves."

Mei Ying nodded, and they entered her room shortly after.

"Please lie down, Manager. Allow me to please you for a bit first."

Su Yang nodded and laid on the bed. Mei Ying crawled in front of him and began loosening his robes, revealing the hidden dragon inside, and she couldn't help but stare at it for a moment while thinking to herself that it looked exactly like the pleasure toy Su Yang made for Lin Xinyi.

"Are you wondering why I gave that disciple a replica of my thing?" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

"A little..." She nodded.

"You can say that she is an admirer of mine, so I did her a favor and gave her a replica of my little brother."

"An admirer?" Mei Ying raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, maybe she was a customer before?" She suddenly realized this.

"Perhaps." Su Yang smiled. Mei Ying didn't continue questioning him and focused on the dragon between his legs. She opened her mouth and began slurping it with passion.


Many minutes later, Mei Ying removed her clothes and sat on his rod, riding him like a horse. Su Yang released his Yang Qi inside her body an hour later, filling it to the brim.

"Try cultivating now." He said to her afterward.

Mei Ying nodded and began cultivating, ignoring the sensitive sensation around her body. A couple more hours later, Mei Ying suddenly opened her eyes and exclaimed, "It worked! I can finally absorb the spiritual energy from your Yang Qi!"

"Congratulations." Su Yang smiled.

"This is all because of your effort, Manager. Thank you." Mei Ying stood up and bowed to him "You can thank me by cultivating diligently. You don't want to lag behind your daughter, now do you?"

"If you say it like that..." Mei Ying chuckled.

"Then I will leave you alone to cultivate. I am going to return to my room." Su Yang left her room shortly after.

"I'm surprised. I never knew you had such talents " Xing Aiying said to him when he returned to the room.

"I am a man of many talents, after all." Su Yang chuckled.

"When did you start doing such things? I would love to know."

"If you really want to know, I will tell you."

Su Yang sat on the bed and spoke, "It all started when I met this woman who was reluctant to let me leave after we spent the night. She told me that she wouldn't be able to live without my thing and that she would take her own life if I left, but there was no way that I could stay there with her forever, and since she only wanted my little brother, I decided to craft her a replica of it so that she would still be able to enjoy my thing while I am away."

"This trend continued many more times in the future, and before I was aware, replicas of my thing had become widespread."

"Wait... So you were responsible for starting this trend? I thought it was started by some fanatic..."

"It was never my intention to make it into a trend, but it ended up that way." Su Yang shrugged.

After learning Su Yang's story, Xing Aiying asked him, "Hey, can you also make me one?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "Why would you want a replica when the real thing is right next to you?"

"Who said anything about using it? I want it for collection purposes. If you don't want to give me one, that's fine."

"How can I refuse my own wife's request? Just give me the material you want the replica in and I will craft it for you." Su Yang quickly said.

Chapter 1021: Celestial Meteorite

"Material, huh?" Xing Aiying pondered for a momenc before retrieving a black crystal that appeared to have tiny stars flickering within.

Su Yang's jaw dropped the moment he saw this crystal, and he said in a dumbfounded voice, "Y-You want to use that chunk of Celestial Meteorite for a toy? Do you have any idea how valuable that treasure is? You can fund the Boundless Yin Yang Sect for ten thousamd years with that kind of money!"

The Celestial Meteorite is an exceedingly rare material that can only be found in the scarry sky above the heavens. The Celestial Meteorice is rumored to be part of many top-tier divine artifaces within the Four Divine Heavens and that it can make even an ordinary weapon into something that can kill immortals.

And the amount of Celestial Meteorite in Xing Aiying's hands was enough to make even the Ten Families go to war. However, Xing Aiying would racher use this precious material to creare a sex toy. If news of this were to spread, the Thivine Heavens would most likely be outraged by such a wasteful use of material.

"It's not like I have any other uses for this treasure," Xing Aiying casually shrugged. Su Yang shook his head and sighed, "Even if you tell me that, I won't be able to make a dent in that chunk of rock even with my strongest Sword Qi, much less carve my penis out of it..."

"It's alright. I can wait, We have plenty of time, anyway." Xing Aiying smiled.

"If you really want to, we can have someone else make it. We happen to have an expert in our family, and since she's part of the family. ic would be fine to let her know about my situation." Su Yang suggested.

"Firs of all, we don't even know where she is right no. Second, I don't want to. The toy will not have the same sentimental value if it's not done by you, making it worthless."

"I understand. In the meantime, you can play with che real one." Su Yang chuckled.

A playful smile appeared on Xing Aiying's peerless face as her hand slowly crept onto Su Yang's dragon. She moved her body next, lowering her body until her face wres right before the rod.

After giving it a gentle kiss, she began sucking on it with passion.

Once they were both ready, they connected their bodies and started cultivating with each other until they were both soaked in sweat.

The following day, "Su Yang left the house early in the morning, and three figures greeted him at che entrance to their land.

"I knew you'd show up." Li Sang showed a wide smile on his round face.

"I am bored, that's all" Su Yang said.

"Trust me, you won't be bored after roday when you get a partner! Ji Ning laughed out loud.

"Let's hurry up and get to the location. They will start the briefing soon." Wu Bing said to them.

Sometime later, they arrived an this island floating in the sky above the Outer Court, In the Divine Heavens, these floating lands are a very common sight, and ane can see them in pretty much every sect. Onn this largue island was a huge stadium and thousands of disciples from Outer Court disciples to Inner Court disciples.

Although most of these spectators already have 4 partner, they all wanted to experience this matchmaking event that only happens every ten years.

"If you're participating in the event, go onto the platform in the middle! Everyone else will go to the spectators! area!" There were multiple sect elders there giving directions.

Su Yang and che Outcast Triplets entered the stage, where hundreds of participants gathered.

"Wow, there are so many single disciples this year. I wonder if something happened." Wu Bing mumbled to himself when he saw how many disciples were looking for partners this year.

Even though the event was created for new disciples like Su Yang, old disciples can also participate in the event if they were single as well, In fact, there are usually more inner court disciples than outer court disciples ar this event.

After waiting around tor about half an hour, an exceedingly handsome middle-aged man descended from the sky and hovered above the platform in the middle of the stadium.

"Welcome to another matchmaking event, disciples. I, Shengguang Qiang, will be your host today." When the ladies saw Shengguang Qiang, they all began shouting like fangirls, as he was one of the more popular elders within the sect.

"Today, all of these unfortunate souls have gathered here today for one purpose. Whether they have always been single or used to be single. they wish to leave this place today with a partner."

Shengguang Qiang spoke as he pointed at the people on the platform. And he continued, "The rules are simple. These individuals will each be given 3 minutes to introduce themselves, and at the end, those who are interested will have 2 minutes to approach them and become their partner."

"Whether you are a spectator or a fellow participant, you are allowed to approach the individual."

"If there are multiple interests for one person, that disciple will get to choose one— or as many as they want. Of course, your parthers will also have to agree if you want to accept multiple partners.

"Once their time is over, nobody is allowed to approach that disciple any longer. You will have to wait until the event is over."

"As for the participants, you may use whatever means you can to attrate your parential partner. That as all. I wish you all the best of luck."

Shengguang Qiang retrieved a box that had a hole on the top from his storage ring afterward, and orbs of lights would escape from this box, flying towards the participants.

"These orbs will give you a number, which will decide the order."

"It you have number one, you may step in the red circle and begin, Your timer won't start until you enter."

A few moments later, the disciple that got to go first approached the red circle thar was in the front ot the plartarm. He took a deep breath and began introducing himself in a loud and clear voice.

Chapter 1022: I Am Xiao Yang

"My name is Yang Kai, and I came from a middle-class family in Spirit Heaven..."

The disciple used all three minutes to introduce himself, and he would talk about his hobbies and what he was talented in.

Despite his calm voice, everyone could tell that he was nervous from his stiff body movements, which isn't an uncommon emotion during this kind of event.

Hawever, even then, someone from the audience approached him and offered to be his partner, which he gladly accepted.

"What are you going to say when you're up there?" Li Sang asked them while the disciples continued to introduce themselves one by one.

"Fuck, I forgot everything I wanted to say!" Ji Ning began tapping his legs in a nervous manner.

"I'll just say whatever comes to mind." Wu Bing shrugged.

"What about you, newcomer, Disciple Xiao?"

"Who knows." Su Yang also shrugged, but he appeared more nonchalant than Wu Bing.

"By the way, what are your numbers?" Wu Bing asked.

He showed them his card.


Ji Ning showed his card that said, '311'

Fuck, I got 99. That means I go ahead of you two."

They tumed to look at Su Yang's card.

"696? What a lucky number you have there. You're practically last!" Li Sang said.

Sometime later, Li Sang approached the front of the platform when it was his turn.

He took a deep breath and began speaking in a confident voice, "My name is Li Sang, and I am 25 years old! If you wane to feel warm and cuddle with this round body during cultivation, come with me! My Yang Qi is also a little special, and it will benefit your cultivation greatly!"

The audience fell silent after hearing Li Sang's awkward introduction, and after a moment of silence, it roared with laughter.

Li Sang's face immediately flushed with redness, but he didn't dare to run away and waited for his partner.

And right when his two minutes were up, right as he was about to walk out of the red circle, a figure appeared before him, and lt was a pretty young lady.

"If you don't mind, I will be your partner," she said to him with a charming smile on her face.

This shocked the audience and the other participants. They didn't expect for Li Sang to actually get a partner after his introduction!

"I-I-I don't mind!" Li Sang stuttered, as he was just as shocked as everyone else.

"Motherfucker, he actually got a partner!" Ji Ning cried in a low voice.

Su Yang smiled and said, "In the world of dual cultivation, there are people who are desperate and are willing to sacrifice anything in order to achieve their goal, just like the normal cultivation world.*

"You could be the ugliest man in the world, but as long as they are desirable for whatever reason, they can get a woman,"

"Fuck! If Li Sang can get a woman, I don't believe that I cannot de the same!" Ji Ning's eyes flared with excitement.

Sometime later, Li Sang returned to the group with his new partner and a wide smile on his face.

"Hahaha! I knew I could do it! Meet Miss Wu, my new partner!"

While Li Sang introduced his new partner to the other two, Su Yang looked at this woman in the eyes.

He could tell that this woman wasn't actually happy about her new partnership, but for whatever reason, she chose him.

The woman noticed Su Yang staring at her and smiled at him.

He decided to smile back and no longer bothered with her.

Regardless of her reason, it was none of his business, and as long as it wasn't malicious, he won't intervene.

Somerime later, Ji Ning went onto the stage and began introducing himself.

Once he was done, he began waiting for his faithful partner.

However, two minutes passed in a flash, and nobody approached him.

Ji Ning released a depressed sigh before regrouping with the others.

"Dont worry, you'll eventually get one." Li Sang patted his back when he returned.

"Fuck you." JT Ning sighed.

Eventually, Wu Bing entered the red circle and began his introduction.

"Wu Bing, 27 years old, I have special Yang Qi, bur I am unable to get my treasure to work. lfbyou can help me get it up, I will give everything I have to offer."

A minute later, three disciples appeared before Wu Bing.

"Let us try."

"Of course." Wu Bing nodded.

"That fucker got three women?! Damn it!" Ji Ning felt a serong urge to cry. "

"It doesn't matter how many he gets. lf he cannot get it up, they will all eventually leave him. This isn't the first time." Li Sang chuckled.

"Oh, right. Now that you mention it, he had over 20 partners since he joined, but none of them could get his ching up." Ji Ning nodded, feeling a lot less envious.

Eventually, it was time for 696 to enter the stage.

"You're up next, Disciple Xiao." They turned to look at Su Yang.

"Looks like it." Su Yang smiled, and he slowly approached the red circle.

'Itd that stalker...' Disciple Fei narrowed her eyes at Su Yang when she saw him from the audience.

Once Su Yang stepped into the circle, he swept the audience whith a sharp gaze before speaking in a loud and clear voice, "I am Xiao Yang, and l used to own a massage parlor in che City of Pleasure before coming to this place. I don't care if you're an Outer Court disciple or a Core disciple, if you're bored of your current partner or you're feeling stressed, my bedroom door will always be open."

Su Yang then retrieved a small box and opened it before everyone there, revealing a golden pill within.

"This is a Golden Yin Pill. I won't explain its properties since I trust that most of if not all of you already know its effects. If you're not satished whith our cultivation, I will give it to you.

You can find me at building 9 on Outcast Peak."

Su Yang's introduction was only a minute long, and after he finished, he turned around and walked out of the red circle without giving anybody the chance to approach him, which

left the audience and even Shengguang Qiang dumbfounded.


At the moment I have two more chapters, but they are in jpg format, if someone wants to help me turn the chapters into text I would greatly appreciate it and so I can update new chapters frequently. Feel free to write to me at dm.

Chapter 1023: Warming Up

"W-What the hell kind of introduction was that, Disciple Xiao?" Ji Ning asked him when he returned.

"That was more of an advertisement for your massage parlor than a freaking introduction! How are you going to get any partners like this?!"Li Sang sighed out loud.

"By the way. I am more interested in the Golden Yin Pill. I have never heard of it. What does it do?" Wu Bing asked him.

"The Golden Yin Pill increases the quality of one's Yin Qi by two to three levels. It's not a priceless treasure, but it's good enough for a place like this." Su Yang said with a smile.

"And my objective for coming to this sect isn't to find partners. I'm here to raise my cultivation, and that's all that matters," he added.

After Su Yang's little show, the place did not return to normal for many minutes, and the next few disciples that stepped inside the red circle were unable to find partners.

Eventually, the event came to its end.

"Thank you all for coming to today's event, and I bless all those who were able to find a partner today. As for those that were unable to find a partner, don't lose hope. There will be countless more opportunities for you to find a partner in the future." Shengguang Qiang said to the disciples there before flying away.

The spectators salso began disappearing from the scene shortly after.

Su Yang and the outcast triplets returned to the Outcast Peak.

"Then I will see you guys later. I am going to bond some more with my new partner." Li Sang said to them before walking away with his new partner and a smug smile on his face.

"That damn fatty... How the fuck did he manage to get a partner and I didn't?" Ji Ning sighed.

"I will also see you guys later. Good luck." Wu Bing said to them before walking away with his three partners.

"So it's just the two of us that are still single, huh? I thought it was going to be easy to find a partner in a place like this when I first joined, but alas... Competition here seems even more difficult than the outside world."

Su Yang smiled and said, "Have some faith and confidence in yourself. Women- they don't like men with such weaknesses, at least most of them." read on ligh­tno‎velpu­b.c‏om to see more.

"Thanks. And good luck to you too, I guess." Su Yang nodded and returned to his living quarters.

"How did it go? Your matchmaking." Xing Aiying asked him when he returned.

"We'll find out soon."

"Knowing you, you probably used a treasure to challenge them. So... what kind of treasure did you offer?" Xing Aiying stared at him with a smile on her face.

Su Yang chuckled, "The Golden Yin Pill."

"I see... That is definitely enough to stir up chaos within the Outer and even Inner Court."

"Are you sure you don't want to prepare? There's going to be a

line outside this building very soon."

"I'll be fine, but I can use a warmup." Su Yang said with a profound smile.

"I was thinking the same." Xing Aiying didn't waste any time removing her clothes.

However, before she could even remove a single piece, someone knocked on his door and said, "Manager, there are people standing outside our building." Mei Ying's voice resounded.

"Looks like they came sooner than expected." Su Yang said.

"What a pity. I wanted to help you warm up."

"Silly thing, you think I'd put others ahead of my own wife? Family comes first." Su Yang smiled.

He then spoke out loud, "Tell them that I need some time to prepare!"

"I understand." Mei Ying responded before going outside to speak with the disciples.

"Shall we get started with the warm up?" Su Yang asked Xing Aiying as he started loosening his robes.

A beautiful smile appeared on Xing Aiying's face, and she quickly sealed the room with a powerful formation that not only removes their disguise but also completely separates them from the rest of the world so that nobody would be able to disturb them.

Meanwhile, outside their building, Mei Ying said to the three beautiful disciples standing outside, "I'm sorry, but the Manager is currently preparing. He should be with you shortly."

The disciples looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Manager? I guess he really owned a massage parlor... Are you his client or worker?" One of the disciples asked her.

"I work for him."

"I see... Can you tell us a little more about him?"

"What do you want to know about the Manager? Unfortunately, my knowledge is limited since I am still relatively new."

"Well... You can just tell us everything you know about him."

Mei Ying nodded and said, "The Manager is not only the most generous person I have ever met, he's also my savior. He-"

"What about his skills?" One of the disciples suddenly interrupted.

"If you're talking about his hand techniques, then I can only say that he's one of if not the best out there. As for his other techniques..." Mei Ying blushed slightly when she recalled how he embraced her body. Try the lightnovelpub platform_for the most advanced_reading experience.

"His massage parlor became one of the most popular businesses in the City of Pleasure in a few weeks for a reason."

"I've never been to the City of Pleasure, so I do not know their standards, but I have high expectations after hearing his little speech today. He sounded quite confident in his abilities." The disciple smiled.

"To bet on a Golden Yin Pill... I am going to be the one who acquires it."

"Keep dreaming. If anybody is going to get the pill, it will be me!" A fourth disciple suddenly showed up.

Soon, more and more disciples started showing up at Outcast Peak.

Just what in heavens' name is the Manager up to this time? Why are there so many people looking for him? It's almost as though he started his business again...' Mei Ying wondered inwardly as she managed the line, which filled up quite quickly.