
1001 - 1011

Chapter 1001 Sneak Attack!

"Hades, you don't have a choice. Frost Monarch is dead. Only we can keep you alive." The other party had already gotten the news about Frost Monarch's death.

Hades thought about the mess in his base. He finally knew who had leaked the news of Frost Monarch's death to his subordinates.

"Why did you do this?" Hades couldn't understand. By doing this, wouldn't they be lowering the cumulative strength of the Hades Palace?

"Soul Society only wants elites," the young man replied. They didn't want people who would betray their organization during times of crisis. Hence, they made use of this news to clean these people up from the Hades Palace.

Hades knew that they were just trying to reduce his power and affect his reputation at the same time. That way, when Hades Palace merged with Soul Society, Hades Palace would just be an empty name.

He looked at the person's confident expression. They knew that he would… no he must agree to their request.

Just as Hades was deliberating on his options, he heard an explosion and the entire hall started shaking.

Hades knew that the person chasing him was here. He made a decision quickly. "I agree to your request. However, you must help me kill this person first. If not, I won't give you the Hades Palace."

As long as he was alive, he would be able to create a new future in Soul Society.

The young man nodded and turned to look at the youthful elder. The elder felt his gaze and opened his eyes slightly. He nodded at the young man. The young man replied, "We accept your condition."

Hades heaved a sigh of relief.

Since, the elder looked outside the door and said calmly, "Since you're here, why don't you come in?"

Hades' expression turned stiff. He didn't expect his opponent to find this place so quickly. The defensive system of his base was known as the most powerful and high-tech defensive system in the Chaotic Lands. Yet, it wasn't able to slow his opponent down at all. Hades felt that he was scammed, as he paid a high price for a useless system.

He didn't know that high-tech items or systems were of no use against Ling Lan, as she had the virtual god with her.

A person with a metal mask and black windbreaker appeared in front of them.

When Hades saw Ling Lan, his expression turned sinister. He would have pounced on her if he wasn't afraid of her strength. He wanted to bite a piece of flesh off her to vent his anger.

The elder was shocked when he saw Ling Lan's youthfulness. "I didn't expect you to be so young. You're already half step into imperial stage… Frost Monarch ruled over the Chaotic Lands for so many years and yet he died at your hands. This is really… hai… times really don't wait for people." He sighed as he was able to understand Frost Monarch's feelings at the moment of his death.

The elder thought that Frost Monarch died in Ling Lan's hands because his old age had caused his ability to deteriorate.

Ling Lan didn't mind this misunderstanding. Just from the aura of the elder and the middle-aged man, they were more dangerous than Hades. Although they were not as powerful as Frost Monarch, they were not much weaker too.

If there was only one of them, Ling Lan wasn't afraid. However, there were two. Ling Lan was in a kind of a predicament. Hence, she was happy that her opponent was underestimating her strength.

'If only I am able to operate a mecha.' Ling Lan sighed in her mind. Even if the person had advanced to imperial stage, she would be able to handle more than one of them with her imperial level mecha piloting.

Unfortunately, it was forbidden to bring mechas into the Chaotic Lands so their mechas were stored at the port of the Chaotic Lands.

This was why the Chaotic Lands were controlled by domain realm masters. There were people who wanted to bring their mechas into the Chaotic Lands but the Chaotic Lands had installed the extremely expensive Thunder System around their lands. Once a mecha entered the atmosphere of the Chaotic Lands, the mecha operator would lose control of his mecha and be hit by the land defensive system.

Ling Lan guessed that the three kings of the Chaotic Lands must have recognized the threat of mechas so they decided to spend a lot of money to buy this defensive system.

This thought flashed passed Ling Lan's mind. Ling Lan then heard the elder speaking in an amiable tone, "Better to make friends than enemies. Little kid, let me become a mediator. Can you let go of Hades?"

Ling Lan looked at Hades who face was filled with anger. She smiled and said, "Even if I want to, Hades might not be willing." The hatred of crippling him couldn't be gone with just a single sorry. Plus, Ling Lan never had the thought of letting Hades go.

The elder glanced at Hades and Hades just trembled under his gaze while his face went cold and numb.

"Hades will be willing to do as I say." The elder retracted his gaze and said indifferently. "Everything depends on you now."

Ling Lan smiled gently the scene in front of her. She remained silent for a moment before saying, "Sure…"

The young man's expression suddenly changed when he heard Ling Lan's reply.

The elder and the middle-aged man instantly attacked Ling Lan the moment she agreed.

Two domain energies flew towards Ling Lan.

Bang! A loud explosion was heard.

A huge ice mountain was manifested in front of Ling Lan. It blocked the two frightening gusts of domain energies.

The coldness from the ice mountain caused the air in the hall to become misty, blocking everyone's vision.

At this moment, the young man shouted in agony, "Hades, you despicable fellow!" Then, he slammed onto the ground.

The elder and the middle-aged man were flabbergasted. Two domain energies quickly flew towards Hades.

At the same time, Ling Lan attacked Hades with her domain energy too.

Hades was dumbfounded when he heard the scream of the young man. He was framed, but there was no way out of this situation now.

Without any hesitation, Hades quickly moved to the side to evade the elder and the middle-aged man's furious attack.

He managed to dodge one wave of domain energy and stopped the other domain energy forcefully.

"Pfft!" He vomited a mouthful of blood. His injuries worsened when he was directly hit by a gust of domain energy.

Just as he was feeling fortunate that he had managed to escape, an ice cold domain energy slowly crept up on him and entered his body.

"N…" Hades didn't manage to finish his scream before turning into an ice statue.

Ling Lan snapped her fingers. The ice statue broke and shattered into small ice shards. Hades, who had ruled the Chaotic Lands for over ten years, had disappeared from this world…

The elder and the middle-aged man felt that something was amiss with the situation. They looked at the young man on the ground who was lying in a pool of blood. He was fighting for his last breath. He had been attacked.

Chapter 1002 It's Me!

From everyone's positions, Hades was the only one who was able to sneak attack the young man. However, after they calmed down, they knew that Hades wasn't the one who did it. They couldn't sense any of Hades's domain energy in the air, but that shouldn't be possible if he had attacked the young man unless Hades was more powerful than them. But, if he was really powerful, he wouldn't be hurt by Ling Lan.

If it wasn't Hades, who was it? They didn't suspect Ling Lan. Although Ling Lan was half step into imperial stage, she still had to resist against both their attacks. Plus, they were standing between Ling Lan and the young man. She couldn't have evaded them and sneaked an attack onto the young man.

Were there someone else here? The elder and the middle-aged man were on their guard. They wanted to find the hidden enemy.

"I don't know what agreement you made with Hades but since Hades is dead, the agreement is irrelevant now. There's no point fighting with each other as it will only give the outsider an opportunity to take advantage of us." Ling Lan looked at the young man as she continued, "This outsider is able to attack the young man without either of us noticing him so he must be as strong as us. From the looks of it, he came for you all."

The elder nodded seriously.

Ling Lan said indifferently, "I've finished my task so I'll not interfere with your matter. Goodbye." Ling Lan disappeared.

The elder and the middle-aged man didn't let down their guard just yet. They waited for a few minutes and confirmed that Ling Lan was gone. They also didn't feel anyone's presence around them. The elder signaled at the middle-aged man and asked him to look at the young man.

The middle-aged man flipped the young man over. There was a knife stabbed in his heart. From the spot where the young man was lying, the knife came from Hades' direction. No wonder he yelled Hades when he fell.

The middle-aged man inspected the young man's wound. He was elated. He quickly took out an intensive recovery agent and fed it to the young man. Then, he used his domain energy to stop the blood from flowing out. After that, he used two fingers to grab the knife and pull it out.

"How is it?" The elder asked in concern.

"Qingyi's heart is quite unique. It's nearer to his right chest so he managed to survive this attack," the middle-aged man said happily.

"That's good. It's a pity that Hades Palace is in shambles," the elder sighed.

"No worries. We just need to use more effort to make a new Hades." The middle-aged man replied, "If we're not afraid that the other countries will notice our actions, we won't need to make use of Hades Palace's name."

"The various countries have been putting in more effort to annihilate the Soul Society so the headquarters had no choice but to start anew." The elder sighed again. This was why they came to the Chaotic Lands. They needed to survive.

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly. Soul Society killed many important people from various countries so it was understandable that they were in such a situation. If the various countries weren't already occupied with their enemy countries, their situation might have been even more dire than their current situation.

"Cough." The young man finally woke up. He coughed out a mouthful of blood and opened his eyes. When he saw the middle-aged man, he immediately shouted agitatedly, "Hades, he…"

"It's not him." The middle-aged man told the young man the truth.

"Huh?" The young man was stunned. Before he went unconscious, he thought that it was Hades. Did he curse the wrong person?

"Who is it then?" The young man was indignant when he remembered that he almost died. "Is it that man in the black windbreaker?"

"No. He didn't have the chance to attack you." The middle-aged man denied the young man's guess.

The young man was stunned once again. He asked curiously, "Who on earth is it?"

The middle-aged man gave a forced smile. "We don't know either. It might be a powerful person who used some special method to hide his presence. Either that or he is an…" Imperial realm formidable warrior! The middle-aged man shook his head as he denied his own thoughts. He couldn't understand why an imperial realm formidable warrior would attack the young man who was just at the peak stage of Qi-Jin.

The young man was flabbergasted when he heard that even the elder and the middle-aged man didn't know who their opponent was. "Then… is it dangerous here?"

"Let's go back. The people below will take over Hades' power." The elder felt that this place was unsafe too so he wanted to quickly return to their base.

It could be said that the recovery agent in this world was very powerful. The young man, who was on the brink of death just a moment ago, managed to recover much of his injury after resting for two hours. Of course, this was because he didn't injure his vital organs.

The three of them ate dinner and discussed their future plans. The elder and the middle-aged man were the ones talking while the young man just listened to them.

"We didn't sense the person who injured Qingyi. We need to be aware of him." The middle-aged man took a sip of hard liquor. This person injured the young man without alerting them.

"I checked all the data of domain realm masters when I came back. I feel that some people are suspicious. Qingyi, send some people to investigate them." The elder named some domain realm masters who had special stealth techniques. He asked Xia Qingyi to see if any of them had sneaked into the Chaotic Lands.

"I understand, Third Elder, Deacon Lin." Xia Qingyi nodded. Although he was the leader on the surface, these two people were the ones in power.

"Oh right, do you know who that man in the black windbreaker is?" Third Elder suddenly asked about Ling Lan.

"The leader of Little Four Mercenary Team," Xia Qingyi answered.

The investigating ability of Soul Society was powerful. He was able to find Ling Lan's identity within two hours.

"Little Four?" He should have become one of the kings of the mercenary world with his ability, but he couldn't seem to remember any king coming from such a childish sounding mercenary team.

"He might be in disguise," Xia Qingyi added.

"Find out where this person is and kill him if there is a chance," Third Elder said coldly. He wouldn't allow such a powerful threat to leave the Chaotic Lands. That person would be a massive threat to their Soul Society in the future.

"Yes!" Xia Qingyi replied with a smile.

Third Elder nodded at him and continued gorging his food. Suddenly, he looked up and stared at the smile on Xia Qingyi's face intently.

He was familiar with this smile. Xia Qingyi always wore this smile when he was in a negotiation or when he was greeting guests. It looked sincere but it was extremely fake. In the past, Xia Qingyi always wore a serious expression when talking to them. He never showed his smile to them.

"Qingyi, why are you smiling?" Deacon Lin noticed something amiss too.

Xia Qingyi didn't reply to him.

"Are you unhappy with our arrangement?" Third Elder asked him coldly.

"No!" Xia Qingyi continued smiling.

"Why are you smiling then?" That smile was infuriating.

"He is laughing at you because you're going to die soon but you still want to kill me." A calm voice rang in the room.

A masked man in a black windbreaker appeared beside Xia Qingyi.

"Master!" Xia Qingyi stood up immediately and greeted the person with respect.

Third Elder and Deacon Lin 's expressions changed. They suddenly thought of something and pointed at Xia Qingyi. "It's you."

"It's me!" Xia Qingyi smiled. "I stabbed myself."

Chapter 1003 Plan!

Was there anyone who understands his body better than him?

Xia Qingyi smiled brightly. Third Elder and Deacon Lin gritted their teeth angrily. If the knife was stabbed an inch further to the right, Xia Qingyi would be dead.

What a ruthless person! Third Elder gain a new opinion of the obedient and efficient Xia Qingyi. However, he didn't understand why Xia Qingyi acknowledged their enemy as his master. He grew up in the Soul Society and was groomed by them personally. If he was controlled by some poison, he could have secretly reported to them. Was it something the Soul Society couldn't handle?

Third Elder didn't believe that Xia Qingyi was forced under their enemy because of a hostage in the person's hand, as his family was fully controlled by the Soul Society. What made Xia Qingyi abandon his family to follow the other party?

Third Elder and Deacon Li couldn't understand what was happening. However, there was no time to solve this query. They exchanged glances with one another and attacked Ling Lan simultaneously.

The two people wanted to activate their domain but they quickly realized they couldn't. Not only that, they also felt tired.

"Damn it, what did you do to us?" Third Elder glared at Xia Qingyi. Only he was able to do something to them to make them tired.

"I just added something in your food," Xia Qingyi replied indifferently.

Ling Lan smiled. "According to our doctor, the effects should be happening soon."

It was obvious what had happened. They must have been given strong anesthesia. This anesthesia was odorless and tasteless so they didn't notice it.

"Despicable!" Deacon Lin shouted. He couldn't withstand the effects of the agent anymore and fell on the table.

Third Elder was more powerful than Deacon Lin so he was able to stay awake longer. He stared at Xia Qingyi and asked, "Why?" Even if he had to die, he must understand why he died.

Xia Qingyi smiled. "I don't want to die. Hence, Third Elder and Deacon Lin have to suffer in my place."

Third Elder wasn't satisfied with this answer but he didn't have the chance to probe further.

Bang! Third Elder fell on the table too.

Ling Lan turned and looked at Xia Qingyi. Her gentle aura had disappeared. It was replaced by an icy force of presence. She said seriously, "What do you think honestly?"

Cold sweat appeared on Xia Qingyi's forehead. He felt that if his answer wasn't satisfactory, that scary thing in his mindscape would devour him.

Xia Qingyi was afraid but as a hero of his era, he decided to cooperate with the man in the mask instantly when he knew that he was the person who was controlling him back in the hall. He also allowed the masked man to kill Hades and leave. However, the appearance of Ling Lan also forced out the ambition hidden in his heart.

At that time, he was the only person who came back alive. Although he escaped the questioning of the Soul Society, he was exiled to the Chaotic Lands to open a new market for the Soul Society. The Soul Society also sent Third Elder and Deacon Lin to supervise him. Xia Qingyi pretended to be obedient but deep inside, he wanted to take complete control of the Chaotic Lands. He didn't want to be a proxy person-in-charge.

But, he knew that with his own ability, he wasn't able to touch Third Elder and Deacon Lin's positions. Thus, he hid his ambition perfectly until Ling Lan appeared.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead and answered respectfully, "Master, since the last time we met, I was demoted due to my mistakes in command. If I want to return to the Soul Society, I must take over the Chaotic Lands from them. At the same time…" Xia Qingyi turned to look at the two people lying on the table. "I need their recommendation."

"So you want them to become your partners." That was why he came to ask if she was able to give him some agent and even took the effort to ask if she was able to come personally.

Xia Qingyi smiled. "Yes!" A clever master made him stressed but it made him feel at ease too. His master wouldn't die easily and that would mean he wouldn't die easily too.

Xia Qingyi knew that if anything happened to his master, the thing in his mindscape would devour him instantly. The time he spent with it made him understand that his master mustn't die. This was why he cooperated with Ling Lan. He did think of killing this person who threatened his life before but he couldn't do anything about it now.

Ling Lan looked at Xia Qingyi intently. She remembered that he was a righteous young man the last time they faced each other. She wondered if Little Blossom's replica had the ability to lead someone astray.

However, as someone who was able to climb to a high position in the Soul Society, Xia Qingyi was definitely not as pure and kind as he appeared to be.

At first, Ling Lan planned to let Xia Qingyi be her spy in the Soul Society because the Soul Society had the material that she needed to make a body for Little Four. But, after Liu Furong gave her the information about the mine, Soul Society's importance in her mind drop tremendously.

Ling Lan tapped the table lightly. She started thinking if she should fulfill Xia Qingyi's wish.

Xia Qingyi got nervous when Ling Lan was pondering. He continued, "With the help from Third Elder and Deacon Lin, the Chaotic Lands can still pretend to be controlled by the three kings."

"Oh? What plans do you have?" Ling Lan was interested.

"Soul Society will control most of the important powers within the Chaotic Lands by pretending to work with Hades." Xia Qingyi told her about the Soul Society's plan. "You can pretend to be Frost Monarch while Third Elder and Deacon Lin can pretend to be Hades and Ninja."

"If Third Elder and Deacon Lin become your men, you'll be able to rule over the Chaotic Lands." Xia Qingyi told Ling Lan his plan. He was only able to become the second most powerful person in this place if his master became the king.

Ling Lan thought the necessity of having a base to herself in case she was not able to stay in the Federation anymore so Xia Qingyi's plan was very beneficial to her. Hence, she nodded. "Let's follow your plan."

Xia Qingyi was elated. "Thank you for your trust."

Since Ling Lan had agreed to follow Xia Qingyi's plan, there was no time to waste. She asked Little Blossom to make two replicas of himself. The two replicas entered Third Elder and Deacon Lin's mindscape.

One hour later, Third Elder and Deacon Lin woke up. They remembered what had happened before they fainted and jumped up immediately. They then saw Ling Lan and Xia Qingyi smiling at them.

Chapter 1004 I Am Who I Am

The two of them wanted to fight but they felt the threat in their mindscape. As domain realm masters, they knew what this represented. They knew this fact even clearer than Xia Qingyi.

Third Elder's expression changed. He looked at Ling Lan and coldly said, "What do you want us to do?" If Ling Lan wanted to do something to the Soul Society, he wouldn't let her succeed even if he had to die.

Little Blossom immediately reported Third Elder's resolute mindset to Ling Lan.

"Find out why he's doing this and erase his memories too." Little Blossom allowed her to control people's memories too.

"I understand." Little Blossom quickly looked through Third Elder's memories. When he was about to erase those memories, he suddenly got a new idea. He slowly changed Third Elder's memories so that he would be grateful towards Ling Lan instead of the Soul Society.

After some time, Third Elder started relaxing his stance. He said respectfully, "Master, please give your order."

Little Blossom did the same thing to Deacon Lin. Deacon Lin's attitude towards Ling Lan also changed. He started being respectful towards her too.

Xia Qingyi was flabbergasted at the sudden change of attitude, and he got even more fearful of Ling Lan's capabilities.

At this moment, in the house that the Little Four Mercenary Team rented, there were a few guests.

Light and Dark Dragon, who had came back from killing Ninja, were present. Ye Shao, Dibi Luya, and Qiao Xing were also there too.

The member from the Little Four Mercenary Team were just relaxing the living room while looking extremely tired. Some leaned against the wall, cupboards and chairs. Some were even lying on the dining table and yawning.

Only Qi Long and Liu Furong came to welcome these two imperial stage domain realm experts who came suddenly.

Dark Dragon was a quiet person. He didn't like to talk so Light Dragon was in charge of communicating with other people.

Light spoke politely with Qi Long. He didn't see Jiang Hui so he asked in concern, "Leader Jiang is still not back?"

Jiang Hui and Frost Monarch's battle occurred in the mist so they didn't know what had happened. They only knew Jiang Hui was the one who won the battle. They knew that Frost Monarch had lost but they didn't know if he was dead. Hence, they wanted to take the opportunity of fetching their men to ask Jiang Hui about this.

Frost Monarch's death would affect their mercenary team's decision regarding their missions in the Chaotic Lands. If Frost Monarch was dead, they wouldn't have to worry about anything. If he was still alive, they would have to give up on any missions that required them to come to the Chaotic Lands. They were unable to handle such a powerful person even with the two of them at the helm of their team.

Qi Long wanted to reply to him but he quickly stopped himself as he sensed someone was in their room. He smiled, "Our leader is back."

A man in a mask slowly appeared in the room. It was Ling Lan.

Light and Dark Dragon narrowed their eyes slightly when they saw her. They detected Ling Lan's presence around the same time as Qi Long. This made them more fearful of the Little Four Mercenary Team. They only noticed Ling Lan's presence after she had entered the room. This meant that Ling Lan's understanding and control of her domain was higher than them. Plus, an average-looking member like Qi Long was as powerful as them too.

When Ling Lan appeared, the tired members of Little Four Mercenary Team were instantly reinvigorated as if they got their engines started. Some stood up straight while those that were sitting sat up straight too. Their tired expressions were all gone too.

Light and Dark Dragon were astounded. From the frightened and nervous expressions of these members, they could tell that Jiang Hui was not a kind person to his team members. He might even be someone who was vicious and brutal. This kind of people would change their minds whenever they felt like it so the two of them quickly dismissed their thoughts of forming a good relationship with the Little Four Mercenary Team, as they felt like Ling Lan was not a good partner to work with.

Ling Lan calmly walked to the sofa. Qi Long and Liu Furong quickly stood up and waited at her side respectfully.

Ling Lan hung her windbreaker and sat down like a mafia boss. Li Lanfeng also passed her a cup of hot tea, making her look more like some chinese emperor who had just came back from some excursion.

Ling Lan lifted the lid of the teacup and blew her tea. She took a small sip of it and then passed the teacup back to Li Lanfeng. Then, she looked at Light and Dark Dragon and asked, "What is the matter?"

Ling Lan's actions and demeanour had stunned Light and Dark Dragon.

'Damn it. This person is so arrogant!'

Light and Dark Dragon had climbed up from the grass-roots. When they were at Ling Lan's age, they were just nobodies in mercenary teams. They slowly climbed to their position now. However, when they could be haughty, they were already too old. They knew how to be humble at this age and weren't as hot-blooded as they were when they were young.

Ye Shao and Dibi Luya were shocked too. They were envious of Ling Lan. Qiao Xing, who was only 12 years old, also looked at Ling Lan with awe and respect.

This was how a leader should act like.

The other children in Little Four Mercenary Team were all staring at Ling Lan with stars in their eyes too. Ling Lan was now their ultimate hero in their hearts. Her position in their hearts would be really difficult to change.

Light and Dark Dragon managed to regain their senses after a short while. They went straight to the point, "We want to know if Frost Monarch is still alive."

Ling Lan shook her head. "I was lucky to win the fight but I couldn't kill him."

Light and Dark Dragon's face turned serious. This was not a good piece of news.

"What about Hades?" Dark Dragon continued asking

"He is dead," Ling Lan answered calmly.

Light and Dark Dragon relaxed a little. Two out of the three kings were dead. This was not too bad.

"However, when I was chasing Hades, I met two half step imperial realms warriors. They should be from the same side as Hades." Ling Lan's words made their hearts drop again.

"Luckily, I was faster than them. Hades is dead but we can't stay in the Chaotic Lands for long. I'm preparing to leave tomorrow." Ling Lan's eyes were deep and dark.

Two half step imperial realm warriors. No matter how powerful Jiang Hui was, he couldn't handle two half step imperial realm warriors by himself. It was indeed a good decision to leave the Chaotic Lands as soon as possible. Light and Dark Dragon understood Jiang Hui's decision and they exchanged glances with each other. Light said, "Your information is very valuable to us. In that case, we'll leave with the Little Four Mercenary Team."

Although they were half step to the imperial realm, there were many powerful people in the Chaotic Lands. They didn't know if there were other half step imperial realm warriors hiding in this place. Even if there wasn't, one Frost Monarch was enough to defeat them, so it was the best decision to leave. They wanted to leave with the Little Four Mercenary Team because they felt that with three half step imperial realm warriors between both teams, the people from the Chaotic Lands would think twice before attacking them.

But, that would mean that they needed to give up on their mission. Dark Dragon sighed in his heart. There were many missions they could take in the Chaotic Lands, and the rewards for them were good too. Many powerful mercenary teams would take these missions.

Chapter 1005 Birthday Present!

On the 17th of June, the Little Four Mercenary Team reached Planet Shanghai on schedule. The moment they left the port and entered Planet Shanghai, they felt as though they were in a dream. This place in front of them was so orderly and prosperous that some of the members exclaimed in awe.

As for the Rainbow Raiders, they parted ways with them after leaving the territory of the Chaotic Lands.

Compared to how enthusiastic they were when they left for the Chaotic Lands, this bunch of people were sad after they came back as they knew that their time with Boss had ended. They needed to return to 250 Ace Mecha Clan soon and had to suffer all kinds of questionings again.

"Tsk, what is this." Qi Long couldn't help but complain.

Han Jijyun was frustrated too. The stress and frustration he had were more than Qi Long. Qi Long still had two brothers to bear the burden with him while he was the only son of his family. He couldn't escape the responsibilities that he must take. During this period of time, the pressure from the elders in his family were suffocating him.

He looked at the calm Ling Lan. If Boss was still their regiment commander, everything would be great. He got emotional as he thought of this and shouted, "Boss, you must come back to 250 Ace Mecha Clan."

'As long as you come back, I'll have the courage to reject my father and stay at 250 Ace Mecha Clan with everyone else.'

Han Jijyun's words triggered everyone's thoughts. They raised their heads and looked at Ling Lan in anticipation. They hoped that Ling Lan would give them a promise as an assurance.

Ling Lan sighed in her heart. She patted Han Jijyun's shoulder and said, "I'm not able to interfere in this matter. Everything depends on fate. However, if there's a chance, I won't give


Ling Lan was sincere. Her wish in the past was already forgotten. After the battle on Planet Haijiao, she didn't want to leave the military anymore. But, she still had to consider her father's safety. The battle on Planet Haijiao pushed her father and her into the spotlight. To reduce the burden on him, Ling Xiao had to make some sacrifices. Ling Xiao had already preempted her when she came back from the battle.

She was still too weak. If she was stronger, she might be able to help her father and not be pushed around like a piece of chess. Ling Lan retracted the unwillingness from her eyes. She was calm and cold again. She turned and looked at Liu Furong. "I'll send Aunt Liu to the Ling family. It's not suitable for you to bring them around now."

Liu Furong looked at Ling Lan gratefully. He was worried about what he should do with Aunt Liu too. After all, it was inappropriate for a supposedly single man like him to bring back a wife and two children suddenly. Plus, he was also in a very complex and dangerous situation. Thus, he couldn't implicate his family and friends by bringing them along with him but luckily, Ling Lan's solution solved this problem for him.

"What about their identities?" Liu Furong could only ask his regiment commander for help. If not, Liu Aijun might not be able to attend the Scout Academy next year. He had already implicated his daughter so he didn't want to affect the future of his son too.

"I'll solve it. However, Aunt Liu and you might have to suffer." Ling Lan looked at Liu Furong apologetically.

Liu Furong was confused.

Ling Lan explained, "I'll give Aunt Liu a new identity. She'll be the daughter of my Chamberlain Ling Qin and her name will be Ling Hua Yun."

Aunt Liu's surname was Hua. Ling Lan didn't want Aunt Liu to give up her surname so she used her surname in her new name.

Aunt Liu smiled gratefully at Ling Lan. She was touched by Ling Lan's selfless help and she also very excited about having foster parents as her actual parents had died when she was very young. She never expected to have two respectable elders as her new parents. She was overwhelmed with emotions. Most of it was excitement and gratitude. She was finally able to fulfil her wishes when she was a child. Aunt Liu decided that she must be filial to her new parents.

"As for Aihua and Aijun, they'll be part of the Ling family too so that they will have the right to study the hereditary family martial arts of the Ling family. However, Liu Aihua's innate talent is amazing so you must groom her carefully. Don't waste her talent," Ling Lan spoke to Liu Furong seriously. At first, Ling Lan took pity on Liu Aihua because she had no father and she couldn't study in the Scout Academy. Now, after realizing that she was Liu Furong's daughter, she decided to not take her as her disciple. After all, she was Liu Furong's responsibility, right?

If Liu Furong knew that Liu Aihua had the possibility of becoming Ling Lan's disciple, he might have pleaded her to take Liu Aihua in. But, he wasn't aware of that now. He just knew that his regiment commander had done a lot for his family and it wouldn't be right for him to trouble Ling Lan any further. Thus, he listened to what she said and started considering how he should groom his daughter.

These were all future stories so we shall not mentioned them for now.

Ling Lan finished making arrangements for everyone before turning to look at President Tu's camp. She then showed an evil smile. "It's time for us to take our rewards and mechas.

President Tu was afraid that his merchant team would be implicated by Ye Shao and Dibi Luya so he escaped from the Chaotic Lands the moment he came out of the black market. Of course, he brought the mechas that belonged to Ling Lan along with him.

If Ling Lan didn't leave with the Rainbow Raiders, she might have to snatch a spacecraft from someone in order to leave the Chaotic Lands.

As expected, it's troublesome when she didn't have her own spacecraft. For the first time, Ling Lan wanted to buy her own spacecraft.

Little Four felt Ling Lan's thoughts. He clenched his fist tightly as he decided to fulfill Boss's wish. He was going to give her a huge surprise.

'Boss's birthday is coming. Let me give her a spacecraft as a present. Will she be happy?' Little Four felt elated as he imagined Boss kissing him out of happiness.

Little Four was extremely motivated by this thought.

It was actually quite easy for Little Four to get a spacecraft. He just needed to move his fingers and the money would come to him. However, Little Four didn't just want to buy any normal spacecraft for Boss. He wanted to give her the most extravagant, safest and studierst spacecraft so that would be a little difficult to acquire.

Little Four felt that his brain was not big enough to think about this. He quickly grabbed Little Blossom who had an indifferent expression on his face. They started talking secretly among themselves in a small corner of the learning space. Well, Little Four was the one who was talking most of the time. Little Blossom just sat there and listened to him patiently.

Chapter 1006 Old Martial Beitang!

Ling Lan found President Tu. When he saw that Ling Lan was safe, he was elated. He didn't forget how Ling Lan protected him. However, when he was running away, the place was a mess so they lost each other. To thank Ling Lan for being so professional, President Tu instantly gave Ling Lan all the money the Little Four Mercenary Team should get. He even gave her the portion for Ye Shao and Dibi Luya's team. This proved how much he hated those two people.

Since everyone needed to go back, Ling Lan rented a warehouse to put their mechas in. At that moment, Ling Lan really wanted to have the space button that Little Four had mentioned in the past. If she couldn't get a space button, a spacecraft would be a fine substitute too.

It was really troublesome if she didn't have her own spacecraft.

Ling Lan was frustrated. It looked like she needed to get a spacecraft soon. She had always wanted one but this time, she put it in her list of urgent matters she needed to do.

She watched as her comrades boarded different spacecraft to leave Planet Shanghai. Then, she went back to Doha with Aunt Liu and the rest of the people.

Chamberlain Ling Qin was already waiting for them on Port Doha. He welcomed Ling Lan and the guests to the Ling family.

After settling the guests down, Ling Lan left Doha again to continue her holiday. This time, her destination was Mai'er Fa. Another reason why she left so hurriedly was that she didn't want her mother to show her any of her loving 'concern'. She couldn't stand her mother's concern sometimes. It was too stressful to be constantly questioned about your lovelife especially from a family member.

Planet Bailing was an ecotourism planet. Many nature lovers would be attracted by the sight of this planet every day.

In the port of Planet Bailing, a luxurious private starship was parked inside. A life-like mythical wild beast with a purple ring around it was carved in the head of the starship. It was the symbol of an elite family. Purple was a color used by all the first-rank elite families. Without a doubt, the owner of this starship was one of the four first-rank elite families.

The huge starship was like a giant as it looked down on all the small starships around it. It also attracted the attention of the tourists.

Even the staff in the port were amazed at this extravagant starship.

"Leader, who is the owner of this staff member? It is so huge. It's almost as big as the starships from the Federation." One of the staff asked his leader as he exclaimed how big the starship was.

His colleagues were thinking about the same thing too. They looked at their leader and hoped that their leader would give them an answer.

Their leader was a middle-aged man around 50 years old. He smiled and stretched out his right hand as if he was smoking.

The staff member understood what their leader wanted. He quickly took out a cigarette from his pocket and passed it to his leader. He even lit the cigarette for him.

The leader took a puff of the cigarette. He whet everyone's appetite before saying, "That mythical wild beast is the symbol of Old Martial Beitang. Old Martial Beitang is one of the first-rank elite families in the Federation. They have always kept a low profile so most of you don't know them."

"This starship probably belongs to their family head." The staff member never met such a situation before so he thought that only the family leader had the right to board this luxurious starship.

"Ignorant fool. If it is the family head, there would be more than one starship. There would be another starship for his bodyguards." The leader reprimanded that staff member. "Since there's only one starship, and it arrived on our planet which is full of natural sceneries, the person on this starship might just be a direct descendant of the family."

'How lucky!' The staff member looked at the starship in envy. He hoped that he was lucky enough to be born as a direct descendant of the elite family too.

In a passage within the starship, a young man with working attire was sweeping the areas where the cleaning robot couldn't reach.

"Little Yang, it's already very clean. You can stop sweeping now. Go and have some food." A lady saw the young man working so hard that he didn't notice that time had passed. Hence, she decided to remind him.

Little Yang heard the voice and looked up hurriedly. A young-looking face was revealed. By right, he was quite a handsome person. However, there were a few white scars on his face. Although his face was destroyed, it didn't look hideous. Instead, it made him look weak and pitiful. Sometimes, when Little Yang smiled, he would look weirdly cute. Most of the ladies would want to take care of him, for instance, the lady that just walked passed him.

"Elder Sister Nuo." Little Yang smiled and greeted the lady. "There's still a part that's dirty. I'll go eat after I'm done."

"Why are you such a pushover? If you go later, there won't be any food left. Those old fools will eat all the food and you'll only be able to eat plain rice. Don't you want your health to improve?" Elder Sister Nuo grabbed Little Yang's broom angrily.

"Well…" Little Yang looked at his unclean spot and hesitated.

"Stop hesitating. Hurry up and eat your food. I'll handle everything here." Elder Sister Nuo snatched the broom from his hand and asked him to go for his meal.

Little Yang touched the back of his head shyly and said gratefully, "Thank you, Elder Sister Nuo…"

"Hurry up and leave. Stop wasting time. If you can't get any food, my efforts will be for nothing." Elder Sister Nuo waved her hands in contempt and chased Little Yang away.

"Okay, Elder Sister Nuo." Little Yang listened to her and rushed to the cafeteria. Elder Sister Nuo looked at Little Yang's back and smiled. She then saw another staff member trying to sneak past her. Her smile disappeared. She said fiercely, "Hey, why are you sneaking around? Come over here."

The staff member cried in his heart. However, he didn't dare to ignore her. He walked towards Elder Sister Nuo and greeted in a low voice, "Elder Sister Nuo."

"Here, here, and here. Clean them up for me." Elder Sister Nuo glared at him. "Don't think that I don't know you're bullying Little Yang. Clean all these for me and I'll pretend that I didn't see anything. If not, I might tell young miss."

"I understand. I'll definitely clean them properly." The staff member didn't dare to offend the personal servant of their seventh young miss.

"Hmph!" Elder Sister Nuo scoffed and left haughtily.

Elder Sister Nuo returned to Miss Seven's room. There were a few other ladies around her age in the room. One of the ladies noticed Elder Sister Nuo's unhappy expression and asked curiously, "Elder Sister Nuo, why are you in a bad mood?"

"Those bunch of lazy workers were bullying Little Yang again." Elder Sister Nuo pouted.

Chapter 1007 Create Difficulty!

"Little Yang? The young man who was saved by young miss?" The bunch of ladies seemed to be familiar with Little Yang.

"Yes. Young miss took pity on his plight and took him in. Unfortunately, those bunch of bastards bullied Little Yang together. They're getting overboard." They gave all the hard and tiring work to Little Yang who had just recovered from a heavy injury. He shouldn't do so much heavy work when he had just recovered.

For some reason, Elder Sister Nuo felt close to Little Yang the moment she saw him. If her little brother didn't get lost that year, he would be around Little Yang's age now.

"It's okay. Little Nuo, I just gave Little Yang an opportunity to flourish. Whether he managed to flourish here depends on himself." A light and clear voice resounded in the room.

"Young miss!" All the ladies stood up and shouted respectfully.

A beautiful young lady walked out of the room beside them. Elder Sister Nuo walked towards the lady and guided her to the sofa. She said, "Young miss, I know your intentions. However, Little Yang is a hardworking and serious worker. I just don't want him to suffer too much here."

"Sometimes, suffering is not a bad thing." Miss Seven shook her head when she noticed that her confidant wasn't able to understand her. She stopped talking and asked the people around her to serve her some tea.

"Miss Seven." A lady in uniform entered the room without knocking. She should be a servant too. However, her attire was different from Elder Sister Nuo. She smiled and said, "My young miss asked me to see if Miss Seven is free. If Miss Seven is free, she would like to invite you over for a gathering."

Miss Seven smiled calmly when she heard this. "Since Sister Li invited me, I'll go even if I'm not free."

The lady smiled happily when she heard Miss Seven's reply. She said, "I'll go back and tell my young miss." After that, she left the room without bidding farewell to Miss Seven.

"Tsk, no manners. Miss Li is just someone from the side family. Her servants also don't act like someone from an elite family." One of Miss Seven's maids was furious when she saw the other party's impolite behavior.

"Ci'er!" Miss Seven's expression turned cold.

Ci'er knew that she said the wrong thing so she looked down silently, not daring to say another word.

"Ci'er, all your words and actions represent me. Other people might be disrespectful towards me but I don't allow my people to be disrespectful towards others." Miss Seven reprimanded Ci'er and then looked at her other maids. "If I notice anyone of you acting like Miss Li's maid, you can leave this place immediately."

"Yes, young miss." Everyone replied respectfully. However, they could tell that the impolite maid of Miss Li had really angered their young miss.

After some time, a pleasant voice came from outside the door. "Sister Beitang, is it convenient for me to come in now?"

"Is it Sister Li? Hurry up and come in." Miss Seven happily called the person into her room. Compared to her impolite maid, Miss Li's aura and presence were as elegant as a direct descendants like her. That was why Miss Seven decided to be friends with Miss Li even though she didn't like Miss Li's maids.

A beautiful lady walked into the living room. The entire room seemed to light up in her presence. Miss Seven was already a pretty young lady but compared to Miss Li, she was nothing to awe about.

This lady was the renowned and famous idol, soul singer Li Yinfei.

Miss Seven wasn't as cold and distant as she normally was. She quickly pulled Li Yinfei's hand enthusiastically and sat down with her on the sofa.

"Is there anything you need?" Miss Seven was curious about why Li Yinfei came to look for her.

"Well, I've been thinking about it carefully for these few days and I think that you shouldn't go to Mailer Fa with me." Li Yinfei seemed worried.

Li Yinfei accepted a casino's invite to perform during the opening of its mecha tournament. The casino was at Mailer Fa. When she accepted the invite, Miss Seven was beside her. Hence, she excitedly told her that she wanted to come along and take a look at the world. Li Yinfei was in the moment so she agreed rashly. However, after traveling for so long, Li Yinfei had calmed down and she regretted her rash decision.

Mailer Fa was a huge planet full of dark dealings. Even if it was legal to gamble there, it was still a really dangerous planet to be in. If anything happened to Miss Seven, she would offend the entire Beitang family. She was from an elite family too but she was from the side family. If the Li family wanted to give up on her, they could do so easily.

Of course, she was the only one who knew what her position was like in the Li family. Outsiders would just think that she was someone irreplaceable.

Miss Seven was a smart lady. She instantly knew what Li Yinfei was worried about. She quickly consoled her, "Sister, don't worry. Whenever we go out, my family will send domain realm masters to protect us. I'm just going to Mai'er Fa to take a look. I won't cause any trouble. The people on Mai'er Fa won't dare to offend us too." As the top few families in the Federation, even after they left the Federation, other factions outside the Federation were afraid of them too.

Li Yinfei was jealous and envious of Miss Seven. This was the difference between a direct family and a side family. She did many things for the Li family but no one cared about her safety. She had only heard of domain realm masters before but she never saw one. The Li family would never send a domain realm master to protect her.

Li Yinfei had complicated feelings but Miss Seven's words made her feel at ease. With Miss Seven along with her, she would be safer in Mai'er Fa too. That was the main reason why she agreed to bring Miss Seven along in the first place.

The two of them chatted for a while before Li Yinfei bid farewell to Miss Seven.

Soon, the starship left Planet Bailing and flew towards its second destination. Along the way, Li Yinfei spent her time interacting with Miss Seven. Li Yinfei was a lady who talked well. After a few days, her relationship with Miss Seven got closer. By the time they reached Mai'er Fa, they had become best friends.

"Wow, so this is Mailer Fa." Little Yang leaned against the window of the starship and looked at the port below as he exclaimed.

The moment they entered Mai'er Fa, he saw how prosperous and lively this planet was. It was packed with people.

"Little guy, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you enter Mailer Fa, you'll realize what packed sardines in a can means." Another old worker laughed at Little Yang when he saw his shocked expression.

"Really? I want to look at it immediately," Little Yang said with anticipation.

"Hey, stop being lazy.. Hurry up and do your work." Someone behind Little Yang shouted angrily. Ever since Elder Sister Nuo spoke up for him, he had been bullied even more.

Little Yang's face was expressionless but when he turned around, he had a bright smile on his face. "Okay, Brother Yao." He looked as though he didn't know that he was being bullied.

Chapter 1008 Attract?

The older workers shook their heads when they saw this. Little Yang was a hard worker. Everything about him was good except for his shy and non-confrontational personality. He didn't know how to stand up for himself. However, that was his own life. They weren't so kind as to help him.

The younger workers smiled arrogantly when they saw Little Yang walking over to them obediently. Even if Miss Seven took special care of him, he wasn't helping himself. They didn't feel any guilt at all when they bullied him.

Hence, while everyone was preparing to get off the starship, Little Yang was still cleaning the inner parts of the ship.

At that moment, Miss Seven and Li Yinfei slowly walked out of the starship. Elder Sister Nuo was beside Miss Seven.

The guide of Mailer Fa that was receiving Li Yinfei was already waiting at the port. He was there to direct Li Yinfei through a special passage instead of letting her just registering at the registration counter.

Li Yinfei's entourage went with Li Yinfei. However, not everyone from Miss Seven's side was entering Mai'er Fa as some needed to stay back at the starship to take care of it.

All the workers wanted to see the famous gambling city along with Miss Seven. Hence, all of them waited for Miss Seven on the deck of the starship. They hoped that Miss Seven would notice them and choose them to follow her.

Elder Sister Nuo looked at the workers working waiting for them on the deck. But, she didn't see who she wanted to see. She frowned. "Why isn't Little Yang here?"

The moment she said this, the young workers gave looks of envy. Fortunately, they were intelligent enough to know that they couldn't offend the most beloved maid of Miss Seven so one of them hurriedly replied, "He hasn't finished his work yet."

Elder Sister Nuo frowned. "Not finished with his work? I'm afraid that it's your work." Elder Sister Nuo knew what was happening among the workers so she exposed them instantly.

The young workers' faces turned red in shame. However, no one refuted her.

Elder Sister Nuo knew she was right when they didn't say anything. She scoffed, "Hurry up and call him over. As for you all, go back and continue what you're supposed to do."

The workers' faces dimmed. They knew they had no chance of stepping into Mai'er Fa anymore so they turned around angrily.

Miss Seven sighed and shook her head. The better Nuo'er treated Little Yang, the poorer Little Yang would be treated by them in the starship. However, it was normal for one to lose something when gaining something.

After some time, Little Yang ran over panting. He only stopped when he saw Miss Seven and Elder Sister Nuo. He touched the back of his head shyly. "Miss Seven, Sister Nuo, are you looking for me?"

Elder Sister Nuo glared at him. "Didn't I tell you not to do the work that doesn't belong to you? Don't you know how to say no?"

Little Yang said honestly, "The work is not tiring at all. Plus, I feel obligated to do more. Miss Seven has took me in and even treated my wounds. I'll feel better if I do more work."

'Fine! My goodwill went down the drain!' Elder Sister Nuo stared at Little Yang angrily. Little Yang felt flustered under the angry glare. The other maids beside Miss Seven covered their mouths and laughed sheepishly. Miss Seven and Li Yinfei couldn't help but laugh too.

Elder Sister Nuo walked beside Miss Seven and followed her down the starship. Halfway through, she turned around and noticed that Little Yang was still standing on the deck, looking at them with a smile on his face. She felt helpless. "Hurry up and catch up with us, you idiot."

Little Yang's face was initially filled with confusion then realization before he hurried forward happily.

"At least, he's not too stupid." Elder Sister Nuo turned around and muttered to herself.

"Looks like our Elder Sister Nuo is attracted to this man." Another maid covered her mouth and laughed silently. It was obvious that Elder Sister Nuo treated Little Yang differently from the others.

"Pfft! Him? I'm attracted to him?" Elder Sister Nuo appeared disgusted. "If he isn't like my stupid little brother, I won't have cared about him so much."

Elder Sister Nuo was saying the truth. However, we wouldn't know if her sisters around her believed her.

Miss Seven treated her maids like her close friends so their teasing didn't affect her mood much, very unlike some pompous miss of an elite family. She smiled happily at the scene too.

Li Yinfei listened to Miss Seven's maids chatting among themselves and smirked secretly. Miss Seven's maids didn't like her maid. They thought that her maid was someone impolite and had no manners. But, they didn't look any better too. They were just discriminating against her status as a side descendant of the Li family.

The group of people entered the VIP passage. They saw the representatives from Mai'er Fa waiting for them there. After hearing Li Yinfei's introduction, they hurriedly opened the passage and allowed them into the special shuttle.

Besides her personal maid, Li Yinfei also brought her manager and four bodyguards from the Li family. All of her bodyguards were at the peak stage of Qi-Jin.

Miss Seven had more people coming with her. She had four personal maids, one butler, four workers to help with her luggage (including Little Yang), and six bodyguards. Four of them were at the peak stage of Qi-Jin while the other two bodyguards' strength couldn't be determined.

The representative from Mailer Fa didn't care about this. They didn't even ask for any information from the two mysterious bodyguards. On the surface, it seemed as though they did it because of Li Yinfei. In actual fact, it was because of Miss Seven's identity. She was after all the young miss from the elite Beitang family. If there wasn't a domain realm master protecting her, it wouldn't make sense.

Miss Seven didn't know this. She thought that the reason for everything going smoothly was because of Li Yinfei so she was even more grateful towards her.

Soon, the group of them arrived on Mai'er Fa. When they walked out of the shuttle, they were shocked by the number of people there.

"So many people…" Miss Seven had traveled to many planets but this was the first time she saw such a crowd on one planet. The station was almost exploding with people.

The representatives from Mailer Fa smiled and explained. "Most of the time, it's not so crowded. However, the new mecha combat tournament is starting in three days so many tourists who like mechas will be coming to our planet. This is not even the peak period yet. Tomorrow, there will be even more people."

Another representative from Mailer Fa added on, "During the last tournament, I was graced with the chance to welcome a very important guest for our opening ceremony. We were supposed to use the special passage but in the end, we came out of the normal passage."

"Why?" Li Yinfei's maid asked in surprise.

The representative replied helplessly, "There were too many people everywhere. We couldn't move at all so we could only move along with the crowd."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. How many people were there?

Chapter 1009 Goddess!

Right they were finished speaking, they had reached the end of the special passage. There were many people outside. However, because they stood close together, it made it seem that there weren't as many people as the station.

Miss Seven and her group got on a hover recreational vehicle. The RV was huge and had enough space to hold three times as many people as their group. It seemed Mai'er Fa's side had thought that Li Yinfei would take more people with her. Thus, they made sure they were prepared.

Everyone was instantly taken to the most luxurious part of Mai'er Fa's casino city by the hover recreational vehicle, which was the top-class seven-star hotel. Those who could stay in this hotel were either people of royalty and well-known masters. They must also be the VIP customers of Mai'er Fa. Although Old Martial Beitang was considered a top level elite family within the Huaxia Federation, a lady of direct descent still didn't meet requirements to enter this high-class hotel.

However, Mai'er Fa's side arranged for her to stay in it because of Li Yinfei. Of course, she didn't have a presidential suite like Li Yinfei and was only given a normal suite. But, this still made Miss Seven quite satisfied with the arrangement.

Li Yinfei was very pleased that Mailer Fa saw her as this important. Now, she felt like she actually was not much different from a lady of direct descent from the Old Martial Beitang elite family!

It was true. She was indeed not a direct descendant of the Li family. If her background was scrutinized deeply, she wasn't even considered a side descendant. She was a commoner from her very beginnings! However now, she was the idol of the soul that the entire world loved, Li Yinfei!

That poor Li Lin from the past was no longer connected to her! She was definitely going to achieve new heights!

Li Yinfei became more confident about herself. Her original elegant face became even more beautiful and eye-catching. She smiled as she invited Miss Seven to stay with her in the presidential suite. However, Miss Seven held back her wanting to do so and refused politely.

Little Yang, who was excitedly standing on the side, had inadvertently seen the change on Li Yinfei's facial expression. Little Yang actually stared at her blankly. Not only did he do that, the other staff members and guards also stared blankly at Li Yinfei. However, they were much more discreet. Although this type of discretion was useless in front of experts, it was still considered showing much restraint compared to Little Yang's blank stare.

Li Yinfei's beauty not only caught the attention of Miss Seven's group, Li Yinfei's own four body guards were also moved by Li Yinfei's indescribable beauty. What they should rejoice was the fact that they had always followed Li Yinfei, and was somewhat immune to her beauty. They weren't like those people who were following Miss Seven, gawking and staring.

"Little Yang!" Despite losing her focus for a moment because of Li Yinfei's beauty, Elder Sister Nuo was still a woman so she was more immune to her beauty. When she saw Little Yang's blank expression, she thought to herself that there was going to be trouble if this staring continued. She immediately prompted Little Yang as she was afraid Little Yang was going to cause trouble.

Little Yang was shocked awake and stopped staring. He immediately put his head down in embarrassment and said softly, "Elder Sister Nuo, Miss Li really looks like a goddess."

"Of course, she's the first daughter of the Li family and is everyone's idol. You need to wake up. Don't gawk at such an important individual," Elder Sister Nuo softly warned.

Elder Sister Nuo's words scared Little Yang and made him shake his head furiously, "No, no, no, I won't. Miss Li is the goddess in the sky. I'm only just looking, just looking." After saying that, he went to the back of the group and put his head down, not daring to look towards Li Yinfei's direction anymore as though he was afraid the goddess would get angry at him.

Despite their conversation being softly spoken, it was still heard by those around them.

Little Yang's honest behavior made Miss Seven smirk. Even Li Yinfei, who hated people looking at her to get something out of her, wasn't unhappy at the fact that Little Yang was looking at her. Instead, she felt Little Yang's stare was pure and sincere. Of course, the word 'goddess' that Little Yang had said made Li Yinfei happy. Everyone liked hearing good things about themselves, especially the words that came from their hearts.

Li Yinfei and Miss Seven was preparing to return to their rooms to rest and clean themselves up. Then, they made arrangements to go to Mai'er Fa's largest casino at night to see how it worked. Mailer Fa's side was also quite efficient as they instantly gave Li Yinfei a VIP card. This card would be able to be exchanged into betting chips at any of Mai'er Fa's casinos for 50 million chips.

It had to be said that in order to invite Li Yinfei to be the special guest for the opening ceremony of the Mecha Betting Tournament, Mailer Fa was quite sincere and didn't care about the costs of accommodating Li Yinfei. Faced with Mailer Fa's VIP service, the business-like smile Li Yinfei had on her face at the beginning had changed and became more sincere.

At night, Li Yinfei met up with Miss Seven, who brought Elder Sister Nuo, another female maid and two guards. Originally, Little Yang was not allowed to go in, but not sure whether if it was Elder Sister Nuo or Miss Seven who said something about him, that let them bring up taking Little Yang with them. Their reasoning was that he needed to help them hold the betting chips…

It was a reason that had flaws everywhere! However, the pure and sincere Little Yang didn't discover that. He actually thought Miss Seven and the others really needed someone there to do manual labor so he followed them gladly.

"I really don't f*cking understand. Why would Miss Nuo like such a dumb person… Why isn't the person that Miss Nuo likes me?" Seeing Little Yang shadow slowly disappear, the workers who were sent back were all green with envy. They didn't dare to think about Miss Seven, but the head of maids, the beautiful Miss Nuo, was everyone's dream girl. Now, they saw their dream girl being snatched away by a dumb kid. It was no wonder that they were feeling annoyed.

One can imagine that when Little Yang was to return to the starship, he would definitely be considered public enemy number one by all the workers. His life would be very difficult in the future.

Li Yinfei and Miss Seven chose to go to the casino that was situated below the hotel. It was casino was the most luxurious casino on Mai'er Fa. They were told that the Mecha Betting Tournament was going to be held at this casino and Li Yinfei would sing at the opening ceremony of this tournament, so Li Yinfei came to this casino to get familiar with the entire place and spend some time having fun with Miss Seven.

Once they entered the casino, the manager of the casino gave 50 million betting chips to Li Yinfei. Li Yinfei wanted to exchange some chips for Miss Seven, but Miss Seven graciously refused. She was already grateful enough to Li Yinfei so she didn't want to continue to take advantage of this lady from the Li family. Although her wealth wasn't as plentiful as her elder and younger brothers, she still had the power to move around billions worth of assets. A few million for gambling was still within her power.

Miss Seven's refusal didn't cause Li Yinfei to hold any grudge. She still smiled and patiently waited for Miss Seven to go exchange for some chips.

Not long after, Miss Seven's followers had exchanged 30 million worth of chips for her. Miss Seven didn't want her guards to continue to follow them, so she gave them a total of 10 million worth of chip for them to go do their own thing. Miss Seven was originally planning on giving Little Yang a few thousand to play with, but Little Yang firmly refused. He replied earnestly that he was only there to hold the chips and not to gamble. The earnest look on his face made Miss Seven and Li Yinfei laugh hysterically. However, their laughing just resulted in a more confused Little Yang.

However, when he saw Miss Seven handing over the betting chips, Little Yang had a difficult expression on his face. He finally understood why Miss Seven and that goddess, Lady Li, laughed.

Chapter 1010 A Familiar Face!

It turns out, the left over 20 million chips were actually just two circular chips that were made with some unknown material. When they were put in his hands, he couldn't feel any weight at all. In other words, Miss Seven didn't actually need him to do any manual labor or hold her chips. Even the physically weak Elder Sister Nuo could successfully throw the chips miles away if she wanted to.

However, Little Yang quickly felt the pressure and stress that the two chips were given him. With the chips in the palm of his hand, Little Yang suddenly thought about the resulting issues if he were to lose one of them accidentally… Little Yang's hand began to sweat and tremble.

The terrified expression on Little Yang's face when looking at the 20 million chips caused Li Yinfei to be a little playful. She smiled as she handed over her 50 million chips to him, "Here Little Yang, help me hold them as well."

She wanted to add into the pot and see how Little Yang would react.

Before Little Yang could react, Li Yinfei had already put the chips in Little Yang's hand.

Little Yang unconsciously held onto the chips then seemed to have discovered something. His entire body began to tremble in fear as he said weakly, "Miss Li, don-don't give it to


The chips in his hand were as light as feathers, but the responsibility they represented weighed tons on his shoulders. Little Yang felt like he couldn't endure the pressure much longer and began to have countless drops of cold sweat running down his forehead… If he lost them, if he lost them, if he lost them… His brain was full of thoughts about what would happen if he were to lose them.

"Alright, I'll stop teasing you." Li Yinfei saw the terrified and pitiful expression on Little Yang's face and understood she couldn't continue her teasing any longer. She reached out with her hand and grabbed her 50 million chips back.

"Thank you Miss Li, thank you Miss Li…" Little Yang said gratefully.

"Have I bullied you?" Little Yang's behavior also made Miss Seven want to tease him so she said this purposely after seeing him behave like that.

Miss Seven's words instantly caused Little Yang to go into panic mode. He held the 20 million chips in his hand and didn't know what to do as his head just keep turning from left to right.

"Hehe!" Miss Seven couldn't help but laugh again after seeing Little Yang's pitiful expression. "Alright, I'll stop teasing you. Just don't hold anything and follow us as we play."

Hearing this, Elder Sister Nuo grabbed the two chips out of Little Yang's hands. She then sternly rolled her eyes towards him, "So weak. You're already afraid with just this little amount of money?"

Little Yang could only smile earnestly. After seeing the millions leave his hands, he finally could breathe a sigh of relief as he used his sleeve to wipe away the cold sweat on his forehead.

He wasn't afraid of lifting weights, but the chips that had no weight, made him feel that he would collapse under the pressure. If he was to lose them, even selling his body wouldn't be enough to pay it back.

Li Yinfei's beauty was phenomenal. In addition to how she was a famous individual in the world, each of her actions and movements drew the attention of the other casino goers around her. She especially drew the attention of a few guests in the casino when she showed the warm smile she had when she was teasing Little Yang

"That person is the Huaxia Federation's queen idol, Li Yinfei?" said a 30 to 40-year-old young man who was blonde and had greenish eyes.

"That's correct, my duke," the servant beside him replied with certainty.

"As expected, she really is a one of a kind beauty. Luo Lin, help me ask her out…" The young man couldn't help but lick his lips as though he had just seen his prey.

"Oh, there's another little beauty beside her. Who's that? If it's possible, I won't mind a threesome." The young man's eyes blinked perversely. It seemed that he would always look for pleasure.

"My duke, looking at the logos on the uniforms of those around her, they should be from the first-ranked elite family, Old Martial Beitang family. The Federation's top 4 elite families are always very secretive, so we shouldn't provoke them." Luo Lin quickly wiped away cold sweat as he reminded his duke. His duke had an eye not only for the queen idol Li Yinfei, but also for a troublesome lady from an elite family.

Although Li Yinfei was also part of an elite family, the Li family, she was considered to be a political asset that the Li family would leverage whenever they could. However, as long as they gave the Li family enough benefits, they would be able to easily acquire Li Yinfei. This was why the servant didn't refuse his master from preying on Li Yinfei.

In the eyes of the common folk, these queen idols of the soul, well-known actors and other famous idols held high positions in their hearts. Some would even become gods among the public. However, when they fall under the watchful eyes of those with limitless power, these people were only considered to be playthings of those with power. On the other hand, they wouldn't dare to lay a hand on a lady from the elite family who was to the public knowledge, a nobody.

"Sh*t. I just don't understand why you're all afraid of the Federation. If we're talking military, they have Ling Xiao so he will breed fear in us. I can understand that. But, must we be afraid of elite families in the Federation?" When the duke heard that he couldn't lay his hands on the other beauty, he was unhappy.

"My duke, please watch you words," Luo Lin said softly.

The reason every country was afraid of the Federation was not only because they had more god-class operators than all of them in each generation, for example Ling Xiao in this one. It was also the reason that the Federation's elite families had kept their power a well-kept secret. There was once a king of a small country who had his eyes set on an elite family's daughter of direct descent. He wanted to take her as a concubine, and in the end angered the second-rank elite family. The results of this anger was the destruction of this king's country.

This incident made all the other countries understand that the power the Federation showed to the public was not only the military power on the outer surface. There was also hidden powers among the elite families. If it wasn't for the fact that the Federation's military and the elite families were on guard against each other and exhausting their resources through civil disputes, the strength of the Federation may reach a point where Caesar would have difficulty dealing against. The Federation might even take control of the entire galaxy and become an existence that could not be matched by any other country.

"Understood. I'm also satisfied if it's only Li Yinfei." The duke saw his subordinate's stern expression and knew he had spoke out of line.

On the other side of the casino, in the VIP lounge on the second floor, one of the young men also saw Li Yinfei's group while he was standing near the window looking down at the crowd in the atrium.

"Hey, our queen idol actually came here as well." The young man had a sinister smile on his face and spoke to another person who was sitting on the sofa trying out some red wine.

The young man holding the red wine glass hands shook, "Li Yinfei?"

"Other than her, who else would be invited to perform for the opening ceremony here?" The sinister young man looked towards the vague poster on the wall in the VIP lounge. Just from the hint of 'queen idol of the soul' allowed them to basically know who was coming to this event.

"If she's here, she's here. Don't make a giant fuss about it," the red wine drinking young man said indifferently.

"I'm not surprised she's here. I'm only surprised that she had brought someone that I didn't think would come here." The sinister young man had a weird smile on his face.

The red wine drinking young man saw the other man's expression and knew something was off, "Who?"

"That servant who is standing beside them has a chimera totem embroidered on his uniform…" The sinister young man looked towards Little Yang, who was following Miss Seven closely, and frowned. When he first looked at them, Little Yang gave him an odd feeling of familiarity. However, when he had a closer look, that feeling of familiarity disappeared.

Chapter 1011 Trouble!

The young man instantly jumped up from the sofa after hearing the word 'chimera' and leaped towards the window in one step. He saw Miss Seven down below and instantly gritted his teeth, "Tang Yingying. Didn't she go travel the world? Why would she come here?"

"Traveling the world and ending up here is quite normal. Especially when she familiarized herself with Li Yinfei." Seeing Tang Yingying and Li Yinfei familiarity with each other, he could tell that the two of them had definitely not known each other for just one to two days. The sinister young man half-smiled towards the man beside him, "Are you going to go say hi to your younger cousin sister?"

"We're here for a mission so we shouldn't expose our identities. I only hope this girl doesn't cause any trouble for me," said the man in dismay.

"I mean, it's fine if you meet up with your younger cousin sister. But, you will need to use your identity as a master of the Beitang family," the sinister man suggested.

"Don't cause trouble for me. We only got our identity so we can enter Mailer Fa with our leader as his assistants." The young man glared at his companion. "Plus, when I entered the Flying Dragon Special Forces, I no longer have any connection with that family. I'm just Tang Ningyu from the Flying Dragon Special Forces."

It turns out, these two people were actually Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran. Their trip to Mailer Fa this time was because they had received orders from the higher ups. They were told to disguise their identities as assistants of a chairman of a merchant group and sneak into Mai'er Fa to investigate the reason behind Magic Ace Mecha Clan's annihilation 15 years ago.

Although the battlefield where the Magic Ace Mecha Clan's tragedy occurred wasn't in Mai'er Fa's star sector, it actually begun from here… It was just the military didn't know what Magic Ace Mecha Clan had done 15 years ago to cause them to be killed and in the end become completely wiped out in a public star sector.

Tang Ningyu frowned. He looked towards Tang Yingying, who was playing around and having fun, and said in dismay, "Chaoran, looks like you'll have to work a bit harder. I have to go outside less during this time, in case I encounter Yingying and cause big problems to our mission."

As they were speaking, Tang Ningyu's eyes were fixated on Little Yang. Little Yang, who had his head down as he followed Tang Yingying's group, gave him a feeling that he wasn't a stranger. However, he wasn't too familiar with his younger cousin sister and her entourage. Thus, he decided to ignore Little Yang

Mu Chaoran saw Tang Ningyu's questioning gaze at Little Yang. Mu Chaoran couldn't help but send a glance at Little Yang again but this time, he didn't have the same familiar feeling he had at the beginning. The feeling Little Yang gave him was like a stranger. This made him doubt the feeling of familiarity at the beginning

Mu Chaoran couldn't help but laugh silently. Ever since Planet Azure, his senses were very off. When he saw people who spoke or acted similar to his younger brother Shaoyun, he would feel that slight sense of familiarity.

He didn't think that Shaoyun's death caused a huge void to appear in his heart… Mu Chaoran remembered what his team leader had told him. If he wanted to get stronger, he must quickly fill this void. Otherwise, it would become a roadblock that would hold him back from achieving his peak.

'As expected, Shaoyun was knot in his heart!' Mu Chaoran sighed in his mind. He put his hand out and pushed a button on the window for effects. The transparent window slowly began to turn black, cutting off all of the excitement from the outside. This made the VIP lounge return to its original peace and also allowed Mu Chaoran come out of the flashback of Pei Shaoyun in his mind.

Little Yang, who had his head down the entire time, raised his head as Mu Chaoran darkened the windows. He then slowly and silently looked towards the window on the second floor.

'Who knew that I would actually meet up with people I know here and they're both troublesome people…' Little Yang thought in dismay.

It turns out, Little Yang was Ling Lan in disguise. She wanted to use Tang Yingying and Li Yinfei to successfully infiltrate the central location of Mailer Fa's casino.

The reason she made such plans was because Mailer Fa would have guests at the central area to sign the guest book, and these guests must have their own personal invitation letters. Of course, Ling Lan could get her hands on an invitation letter, but the letters could only be used by the person named on the letter. Even if she managed to get a letter, without the actual person with her, she still wouldn't be able to get in. Thus, when Ling Lan thought of how to perfectly infiltrate this place, she got word that Li Yinfei was invited to do the opening ceremony. With that, she decided to hop on their backs and let them take her into Mai'er Fa.

Afterwards, Ling Lan purposely provoked two mafia groups to fight against each other. She then disguised herself as someone that was being chased and barely got away with her life. After encountering Miss Seven, she activated her spiritual power and hinted towards Miss Seven for her to save her…

The reason Elder Sister Nuo was so concerned about her was also the results of subconscious hinting. From the very beginning, Ling Lan had prepared to enter Mailer Fa with them. It was just every step was made so it seemed that it was Miss Seven and her group's decision and not something Ling Lan forced upon them.

Her originally perfect disguise had some flaws that were seen through by Mu Chaoran because when he looked towards her suddenly, Ling Lan couldn't restrain her force of presence. Luckily, she was above Mu Chaoran's physical stage so she was able to hide her presence quickly. This was also why when Tang Ningyu looked at her, he didn't have a familiar feeling. It was also because of this reason, Mu Chaoran thought his senses were off which allowed Ling Lan to have a chance of not exposing herself.

Ling Lan took back the glance she threw towards the second floor and silently looked towards the perverted blond young man who was greedily staring at Li Yinfei and Miss Seven. Although Mu Chaoran and Tang Ningyu were troublesome, she wouldn't be exposed as long as she was careful to not let them discover her. She could even use them to her advantage. However, the real problem was this person…

Ling Lan closed her eyes and brushed away the coldness in her eyes. If that person was to make a move on Li Yinfei and Tang Yingying that them couldn't handle, Ling Lan decided that she would personally lend a hand!

This wasn't because Ling Lan had a heart of saint but rather because Ling Lan had her own morals. She must return the favor since she borrowed Li Yinfei and Miss Seven's influence to enter Mai'er Fa. The least she could do was to not let anything happen to these two ladies during their time on Mai'er Fa.

Although Mailer Fa was a well known casino city, it was still relatively safe. At least in the casinos, there wouldn't be anything like rape or kidnapping women. Li Yinfei and Miss Seven played their hearts out for the entire night. As their servant, Ling Lan also followed them for the entire night. This trip opened her eyes and let her understand all of the tricks for different casino games.

Despite Mai'er Fa being publicly known as the fairest casino, it didn't factor in the fact that all the dealers were gambling masters. These dealers knew very well how to take all the money from the guests' pockets. When these dealers met with other experts, they would politely invite them to the upper floors where the guests could participate in higher stakes and higher level gambling games.

As expected, dealers are always the winners!