
Mitsuki's Personal and Totally not Filled With Tea Diary

Mitsuki has got all the tea of the universe and he puts it into one small book. He goes through everything you can think of. Literally normal Boruto Universe but make it everything that shouldn't be in it but in a good way. Literally it is in the name, want a rollercoaster ride, just look in Mitsuki's Diary

Siyeon_Min101 · アニメ·コミックス
117 Chs

Birthday Special: March 31th 2021

Dear Diary;

Today I woke up like a normal person, well as normal inside an Uchiha household can be. Because after breakfast, I was carried outside Konoha where my people proceeded to sing and dance my birthday away. Then underneath the full moon- Grandpa Madara, uncle Itachi, Uncle Shisui, Uncle Izuna and papa Sasuke decided hey let us activate our perfect Susanoo and walk back home. Imagine how scared people must have been seeing literal Susanoo in the night sky because they bright too.


Birthday girl Sarada.