

It's a waste of vacation!

"I didn't like the holidays at all." Beth said sadly to Pip. "No Larry, no Daisy, no May - summer waste!"

"Well, you got me." said Pip. "Didn't I take you for a bike ride, a picnic, etc.?"

"Yes, but because my mother said so." Beth said still with a sullen expression on her face. "My mum said she was lonely so I had no choice but to help. You were great, but I know you did it because of your debt or something.

"You look very unhappy." said Pip gloomily. Beth sighed. "You're back, Pip!" Ido, I wish there were other people here. It's our first vacation, except for us." "Well, the other three will be back in a few days," said Pip. "This vacation is two or three weeks away.

"But is there enough time for a mystery?" Baz asked, looking for a shady spot in the grass. "It used to be a holiday mystery to solve. I didn't always like our mysteries, but I kind of miss it when we're not together."

"Then look for him." said Pip. "I'll miss Buster the most."

"good." Bets said thinking of May's goofy happy dog ​​Scotty. "I miss you too. The only person I don't want to see is Mr. Move."

Mr. Gun was a village policeman, a handsome, clumsy man who was constantly fighting with five boys. The bet seemed to greet him three or four times a day, riding a heavy bicycle here and there and ringing the bell at every corner. - He's a postman. said Pip. "Go see if he has anything to give us, Betts." Maybe old Mai has a card. He said.

Beth stood up. It was so hot I felt like I was going to melt, even though I was only wearing a cotton suit. He went to the postman riding his bicycle on the road. - Hello, I'm the Postman! she cried — I get a letter.

"That's right, Missy. Two cards, one for you and one for you. said the postman. "That's it."

They made a bet. "Oh good!" he said "One from the Maidan - it's for me!" He ran to Pip again. "A note for you from Larry and Daisy and a note for me from Fatty." He said. Let's see what he has to say..."

Pip immediately read his card aloud. "I'll be back tomorrow, thank God. Is the mystery solved? If you don't take one of these vacations as soon as possible, you don't have much time! We are brown like a gypsy. You don't know us! Definitely a good mask! Hi. Love to bet. - Larry and Daisy. »

"Oh, good, good!" Beth said happily. "Of course they will be here tomorrow. Now for my ticket, Pip.

sherry out. "How are you, Betts?" I hope you have a high level of mystery that will keep my brain busy when you come back the next day.

Tomorrow. When will Larry and Daisy come back? Time for the FiveFind-Outers (and the dogs) to dive into something. Nice to see you and old Pip again. Fatty.'"

Beth strokes his hand happily. his face lit up. "All the Find-Outers will be together tomorrow," he said. "And even if he doesn't smell mysterious, I think Fatty will hit him as soon as he arrives."

"I hope you're right." said Pip, lying on the grass. "I have to say this holiday has been very interesting. I want to end it with a fun and juicy mystery," he said.

"What do you mean – juicy mystery?" Beth said in surprise. Pip didn't have to explain. Hayleyd thought about the riddle.

heandBets, Larry and Daisy, Fatty (and Buster of course) decided. There was a burning house, there was a disappearing cat, there was a hidden house. God, there were so many!

Suddenly another mysterious secret was revealed. He sat down and looked at Beth. "Fetch the morning paper, is there anything interesting?" - He said. "It was all for us. You can tell Mayly as soon as we get there. Maybe she'll bring us all."

Buster was excited. He went to buy a newspaper. He brought it to Pien and they studied it carefully. But nothing seems to have happened. "Photos and clothes of ugly women, horse racing, hot weather and..."

"Scoring cricket, and..." as disgusting as gingonBets, Pip. — Ah, the cricket results are interesting. said Pip immediately. "Look at the bowling analysis here?"

The punter was not at all interested in cricket. He turned the page. "She's just a girl." said Pip in a more disgusting voice. "On paper, what really matters is a cricket. You can't even see it!"

"There's something here, it's about our town called Peterswood," said Betts, reading a small paragraph in the corner.


"what is this?" Pip asked curiously. Read the paragraph and smell it. "pooh

It's a mystery, really interesting."

Read it out loud. "The weather was perfect for the school camp on the hill between Peterswood and Marlow. Two or three interesting visitors joined the camp this week. One of them is Bongawa, the Little Prince of Tetarua, who brought the umbrella of the state to everyone's delight. Needless to say it was only used once! »

"If you thought Fatty could do fortune-telling or that you were interested, think again," said Pip. "Who cares about Prince Bonga-Bang-Gabin or whatever his name is?"

"Bongava," Betts said. "Where's the State Library, Pip?"

Pip didn't know and didn't care. She turned to face him. "I'm going to sleep," he said. "I'm too hot to say. I've had enough of five weeks of hot weather. The worst thing about our weather is that when we set our minds to something, we never stop."

"I don't care about the weather or anything." Beth said happily. "Now that Fatty and the others are back, he can do whatever he wants!"

Larry and Daisy were the first to return. They came home the next morning to help their mother unpack and then headed straight for Pip and Bets. "Larry! daisy!" exclaimed Beth happily as she entered the garden. "I didn't know you'd be back so soon. God, you're brown!

"Well, you're not bad either." Daisy said hugging little Beth. "I mean, it's been years since we've seen each other! What a waste of vacation if we can't mystery hunt together!"

"Hello, Betts, hello, Pip." Larry said. 'Any news? I must say you are a bad reporter. I sent you four postcards and you didn't answer me!'

-You send them! that!' Daisy said angrily. "I wrote one of them!" You never contacted them."

- Okay, I bought it. Larry said. Do you mean "fat" news brochures? Came back?

"Today he comes." Bets said happily. "I hear his bicycle bell or the bark of the old buster. Wouldn't it be nice to be together again with the five of us and of course Buster!

Everyone agreed. Bets made the rounds of the small group and Larry and Daisy were delighted to be there. He is fat and cunning, has a big face and an excellent brain. Beth's heart swelled with joy at the thought that he would be there soon. "The phone rang." said Pip aloud.