
Mission of Gods

Allen Klein, an Antique store keeper, holding a silver mirror he is destined to the world of Yuri what is it? what will he do? what mystery does this mirror hold? follow his journey as he explores the world of yuri

RaphaelThatSleeps · 都市
5 Chs

chapter 5

author's note: I will make sure to update 5 days a week and woah the novel has 200 views by the time i am posting this chapter, thanks guys


"I have... Super strength, super speed and the ability to control the mirror..."

"Woah... If only i had super strength i don't need to worry about my weakness...."

"Yea yea either way you die"

"Stop your nonsense with death already max! Let's go go!!"

"Hehehe death death!!!"

Chimed in Asmodeus as will hooted

"It's your first battle? Have you ever tried to summon some low ranked mirror creatures? *Hoot*"

"I don't know how it works..."

"So you just found out your powers but didn't manifest them?"

"Yea kinda..."

"Ye lad! It's simple ye just need to think about it constantly to manifest them permanently... But the catch is ye have to control them and learn to restrict strong movements in mortals

"If not they die"


Said Max and Mr Hopkins as Allen shuddered

"Fine i will not"

"Nah! You should, we will help you slightly by controlling it but yes do you know how to use your mirror?"


"*Hoot* do you know the difference between your mirror ability and the ability you manifested?"


"What kind of guardian do you have?"

"I don't know"

Allen said being bombarded by these questions as he looked at Mr Hopkins with a sharp gaze

"Ye know he is new! Lad don't worry its simple just think that you will be strong when using the sword!"

He said as Allen looked at the sword hanging in his hips

As he nodded

"Then it's set for now don't worry as seniors we won't leave you alone!"

"Don't believe that dipshit he is a kinda guy to murder you from back to steal from the front"

"Hehehe! Let's gooo!!! Murder! Hehe"

"Calm down Asmodeus! No I'm not shut up Max, for now!"

Max waved his hands as a car which was parked at nearby cane forward

"Get in!!"


Allen gazed at the building, it was board day light as he called onn his phone

[Thanks... Mrs. Henderson please take care of him]

[No problem dear~ just come home fast!]

"Okay so what's next!"

"It's simple!"

Said Ryan as he petted Asmodeus's little horns as the little demon from his shoulder jumped out to grow into a full sized demon

A demon with big horns and a pointy tail, well dressed with a cape fluttering as he held a key which he turned as the whole place shattered

The usual looking middle school turned into a building of blue and green with lucious trees oppose to the silent standing gaints he saw at the entrance as his ears perked

"Bubbly bubbly with two flushed cheeks;

Red as a tomato, red as a rose!

Orange fur with a big big body!

With a pointed nose! Here is Mr. Raccoon!

He loves to play and give us hug

When we are sad he comes with a sound

Chimes the bell it's him!

Give him some milk and get some hugs!!

He is happy; we are happy!


" 'Haha' he laughs the scary kids cry!

He is the hero! He is great

If you make us cry! He is scary!

With big whiskers and claws!

His teeth like knives!

With a army of raccoons he punishes bad people! While laughing and cheering the scared children!

The big fat talking raccoon!

Our hero!"

"Bushy and cute!

His army is so furry!!

With just a smile and toothpicks they are mushy!!

Big big cardboard!

Cute papers as hat!

They have a trumpet and violin through which they all dance!"

A continuous array of a rhymes sung by kids rung through the groups ears as Will hooted

"These are memories imprinted into the walls once contaminated for awhile by the continuous rumours and songs they flow through this world, as a light for lost yuri, don't know exactly why this happens"

"Eww Eww slimy and sticky!

Eww Eww the wicked monster!

It scars Mrs. john! And the children!

Scary scary!

With big legs and belly!

With a face of a baby!

Stealing children and faces!

Scares them and fools the parents!

Poor parents poor parents!

The children are eaten while the bullies torment all!"

"Oh a new legend"


"Yes.. this guy was not here before... Should we go in? We will die though?"

"Why do you always talk about death?"


A echo of laughter sounded as the group lay their eyes to raccoons

With thick bushy fur, big eyes and ears

"I want to hug them"

Allen said sighing as his hands tickled looking at the small warriors holding a big cardboard sheild and a toothpick as a weapon

Especially two raccoons at the back bigger than the others but it had huge bells as they chimed continuously into soft sounds

They had small whiskers swirled beautifully with their fur being orange

"They are like red panda but cross dressing as racoons"

"Keep your mouth! Human!"


Allen couldn't resist his urges

["What would happen if i just smash it with my hands no no! Press it with my hands!

Will it pop! Or else will it squeeze what sound will it make!

I wonder how they will squeak! Scream! hehehe!!"]

"What business do you children have with me!"

"Huh... You are raccoon man right?"

"indeed, the one, else would you go?"

"We want to know why you recently attacked some children?"

Mr. raccoon said

His body was tall with his teeth as arranged knives, his claws as big as a half sized car

His body was fluffy with the iconic orange fur and swirled whisker with a deep breath from his pointed nose he said

"Noble I am! Spirit! Monster squeaky it did!"

"... Who is he?"

"New the monster, sticky legend bullies made! Hehehe! He punished, didn't i attack!"

Mr. raccoon said

"Can I touch them??!"

Allen asked as he moved forward to the raccoon warriors

"Nah! Lad!"

Mr Hopkins held him as Ryan coughed

"So can you show us where he is?"

"Do Can't! Hiding monster"


Allen gritted his teeth as max sighed

"Let's go around thanks mr-"


Max looked around as he took a deep breath

In his shoulder was Will with its huge eyes open prying in the darkness

"This shared vision is quite useful... So did i die?"

"Quit acting, max... So will you escape?"

"No... This guy is quite interesting..."

"Hmm? The legend?"

"Haha let's die together will!"


Ryan swallowed his breath as he got down from Asmodeus

The room they stood in has a small bulb glowing

Asmodeus was the same height as he was as he smiled

"So the plan has started?"

"Yes Master, but... It looks like someone from higher officials interfered"

"As expected! So it's our trial!"

"Maybe quite fortunate or unfortunate you have bought the guy with the mirror"

"I did indeed, i was able to sense some abnormality in the mirror before but now for some reason the mirror seems to be mysterious did you pry it?"

"No, I can't, dear master"

Asmodeus said as he caressed his horns

"It's been awhile, master~ will you focus on the mission or me"

"You always do seek pleasure! Don't forget it's an important mission"


Asmodeus's tail rapped the floor as he moved towards Ryan forcing him to the corner

Ryan pushed Asmodeus to the wall as he felt Asmodeus hands around his cheeks

The caressing of his cheeks made him blush slightly as he placed his right leg between Asmodeus's legs

With his hands caressing Asmodeus's cheeks

"Better last longer"

Ryan declared as he bend towards Asmodeus


"Where are we!!?"

"Calm down! Lad! We seem to have fallen into a trap!"

"You don't say!"

"*Sigh* it seems like the Mr. Raccoon is not a noble spirit, ye lad let's leave!"


As Mr Hopkins said he took a deep breath and spit out a huge flame

"This .."


"Anti teleportation!"

"I can say! This is the time we want a main hero to give a big entrance!"

"Really lad?"

"Mother fucker! What do you want me to do!!?"

"Let's calm down!"

Mr Hopkins said as he took out a chain which had a coin which rotated fixed on a pendant

The coin started to rotate as the pendant showed them forward

The room they stood in had two paths with flickering lights as Allen coughed

"I...want some light please!'

"For my fur's sake!"

Mr Hopkins glowed a beautiful white as he said

"Follow close lad!"

"Aye aye but still I wanted to touch them"