
Dance for me

A man squirms around on a chair.

His wrists painfully tied behind the wooden border.

The ropes cutting the males skin and making a few drops of blood land on the dark wooden floor.

Some footsteps slowly pase around the room as the man tries to scream through a fabric tied around his mouth.

His screams come out muffled, barely hearable due to the loud music downstairs.

The footsteps come to a stop and the tied mans' body starts to slightly shake.

His head low, not brave enough to lift his eyes.

A chuckle rushes through the air, making the man gulp and stiffen up more.

"I'm disappointed to see you like this Mark." The male, Mark is his name, flicks his eyes upon the mention of his name and a hand grips on his jaw.

"I'm really sad I have to do something like this to such a good man." The other man says, bending his knees and making Mark look right at him.

"I know you didn't have a choice." The male smiles, looking quite apologetic.

"I know what they told you." He continued slowly and reassuringly.

"But I don't give a fuck about it all." He let's go of Marks jaw and gives him a good punch in the nose.

The chair falls back together with the tied up man as he let's out a scream of pain.

He's been tortured right before this. It was painful.

The other male comes a little closer, putting his feet on the either side of the chair.

"Look." He starts and his hands go to his belt to pull out a gun.

Marks eyes go white as he follows the mans movements.

"I know you didn't want to die." He continues, the gun now in his hand and slowly making it's way to Marks forehead.

"But you should've." He finishes and the gun let's out a not so loud screech.




Three bullets stick in the now dead mans skull as he lays there, blood slowly making it's way to spread around the floor.

The man pushes his gun back to his belt and distances himself from the body.

He sighs, looking straight, not minding the body.

"Find me the card."


"Don't you have a dance?" Naeun asks out while jumping on one of the bar seats next to you.

You look at her and simply shake your head.

"No, my shift is basically over." With a snap of your fingers you let Rio, the bartender know that you'd like a re-fill.

"Then why are you here?" The girl asks, grabbing a whole bottle of liquor from the bar and opening it.

Rio snatches the bottle from her as soon as he sees her take a giant gulp out of it.

"You can't drink from the whole damn bottle, woman." He hisses while srewing on the bottle cap back on the bottle and putting it farther away.

Naeun rolls her eyes, sticks out her tongue and only then turns back to you to continue your conversation.

"Wait, then why are you here? If your shift is over, you can go home." She states, acting like you're dumb and you didn't know that already.

"No shit sherlock." You say with a 'duh' tone and Rio places another light blue coloured glass infront of you.

"Jin told me that someone requested a private dance from me." You sigh.

"Extra cash." You both say in unison, smiling at eachother.

"Okay, well. Get that coin sis." Naeun laughs out, grabbing your drink and pouring in down her throat.

Nothing new, Naeun loves to drink and that no secret.

"Well." You mimic her tone and stand up, balancing yourself because of the high heels that you're wearing

"I'm gonna get that coin." You roll your eyes at her when she just nods.

You look at Rio for the last time before turning around and he smiles at you.

You smile at him too.

Just to be polite.

And here it comes.

Your feet make their way to a huge red curain, behind it - rooms for private dances and stairs to the VIP section.

You could hear grunts and moans since people like to get nasty here.

It makes you sick to your stomach.

The idea of fucking people for money creeps out out and you can't do anything about it.

It actually is forbidden to do so. Dancers can't have sex with clients.

But they do anyways.

Nobody seems to give a fuck about it.

And so do you.

Your heels continue to click against the floor, walking up the stairs, making your way to the VIP section.

You pass the familiar guard as he leaves.

Why is he leaving?

One by one, questions start to make their way to your mind when you look around the second floor.

It's empty.

You could only hear the clouded song from the first floor.

Soon enough you spot a group of men.

Four men dressed in all black, standing near a dark red couch.

And one other man, sitting on the sofa with his legs spread open and his elbows resting on his knees.

Did they rent out the whole fucking floor?

Suddenly you feel intimidated as ever.

You? Dancing for someone who has enough cash to rent out a whole VIP section?

Maybe you could go back to Jin and ask him to replace you?

"Here miss." One of the standing men call you and you stiffen up.

Oh god.

There's no turning back now.

You brush you hands against your hips and start to make your way to the group of males.

You stop right in