

What would you do if you were forced into marriage? Amelia chose the least sane option and ran away from home. “Getting married before 25 is like leaving a party at 8pm, NOT FUN, take it from me.”- Amelia the “wise” person. Amelia Smith, heiress of the Smith family, daughter of the CEO of Oasis and granddaughter to the Chairman of the largest jewellery company in the country, had to marry some dude she never met. The “dude” whom she had to marry was Jason Wilson, a very famous actor with the prestigious title “Movie King”, the second son of the Wilson family. “Can you guys believe that he literally begged to marry me?”- Amelia Author: I can’t, and you are literally my creation. Amelia: “And because of that, I’m being forced to marry him! I know I’m pretty and that many people want to marry me, but what I want is to find my own true love!” Author: Tone it down, you’re being cringy. Amelia: -_- “Okay, so you ran away. How’s that going on for you?” you may ask. Amelia: In a very weird- Author: But completely believable way! Amelia: LET ME SPEAK! Ahem, where was I? Oh right! I ended up working for my “fiance’s” brother. -_-||| *Scene* “Wait! You’re the CEO of this company?!” Amelia almost shouted. “Yes, Ms Luna Brown, I am the CEO of this company. And from now onwards, you are my servant” *cue an evil smirk followed by malicious laughter* Chris Wilson, the heir of the Wilson family, is the type to hold grudges, poor Amelia should not have offended him, especially since he is her boss. “I think you meant ‘secretary’, I am not your servant” Amelia (fake name- Luna Brown) nervously laughed. "…..same difference.” Chris Wilson said with a straight face. *cut* No big misunderstandings (I noticed the irony in the title, what I meant is that the misunderstanding won’t make you all frustrated), no snake like step-mothers or step-sisters. A slow romance between the protagonists, and there is no extreme OPness, so the characters are believable. Sorry, but no smutty or steamy scenes. This is a clean, slow romance and comedy novel :)

CinRoll · 都市
65 Chs

What Happened Before?

"Oh, so you want him to fight your battles? Pathetic." I turned towards Mr Wilson and said, "Here is the recording that you need. I hope you make the right choice."

I was honestly dissapointed ny him, and this was not even the first time. I left the room.

After half an hour, Laura came out looking smug while Mr Wilson looked like he was lost.

Oh, Mr Wilson..... Why?

"Ms Brown, I-"

"Oh, save it. You do not seem to be the guy I know. Where is he? I want him back." Mr Wilson was not this type of guy. If he cannot do it himself, then I will do it, but I have to make sure Revolution's goodwill doesn't go down.

I came out of the office, completely in a bad mood. There is something behind this whole thing. Mr Wilson would never allow someone to take advantage of him. So what is his relationship with Laura?

Why does he accept it when he gets pushed around by Laura? I need to know.

Adam was his friend for a long time and I could ask him. It's just shocking when I compare the arrogant Mr Wilson and the present Mr Wilson who looked helpless.

"Adam!" Adam was standing near his desk in his office looking seriously at the computer, he was furiously typing something with one hand, he had some files in another.

"AAH!" All those papers flew from his hand while slammed the keyboard with the other,

I did not know I was that quiet. His reaction made me feel like I snuck up on him.

"God Luna! Make a sound, you scared me!"

"Hehe sorry."

As it turns out, Adam was in the middle of some intense coding when I entered the room, cough snuck up on him.

Adam told me to take a seat while he continued his coding process. I thought, okay, I disturbed him, it's okay to wait.

I grabbed some book to side and opened it; it was a huge coding textbook, so I slammed it shut and put it back. I spent some time on my phone while I was waiting for him.

Hmm, this girl was mean to me back in highschool, let me stalk her. Oh? This guy seems very familiar...

And after a good half an hour which seemed like an eternity, I interrupted him, "Hello? Adam, I'm kind of in a hurry. I have places to be."

He looked up at me like -_- and started furiously typing again.

My work with him was a five-minute job, and he is making me wait for an hour.

What a waste of time. I do not even know for sure that he knows about Mr Wilson's past or not. Maybe it's better to leave.

"Um, I'm gonna go.... You, well, you do what you're doing... so..... bye!"

And I got up to leave. Are there friends other than Adam, Mr Wilson is not the type to have many friends, ughhh, I can't even investigate him properly and I am broke to hire a private investigator.

"No! Wait, just give me a minute." Adam yelled at me. What the-

"..." You've been saying this since half an hour ago.

"I have work to do too you know!"

"Lol what work, the guy you were supposed to babysit ran away."

Brutal, just brutal. And how does he know this? Is he up to date with all office gossip?

"Argh, that's not the point! I'm in a dilemma."

He looked at me like 'Oh, really? That's too bad'

I could see him mocking me because he was in a dilemma himself, his hair all ruffled, tie open, while he just kept on typing.

I rolled my eyes at him. If he was busy, he would have told me to leave and not stay.

"Yeah, so anyway, how long have you been friends with Mr Wilson?"

Adam slammed the files on the table and looked up at me, "This again? Why is it that every time you find me it's because of Chris? Why don't you find meet me for another reason?"

Honestly, I did not know how to answer that. "What do you mean, we're friends, why do I need a reason to meet you?"

He just glared at me. Come on Adam, my objective is not to use you or something. I even started paying back all that I owed you. Sigh why are relationships hard? He just seems so moody.

"What do you want? Get to the point."


Of course I am not going to ask him when he is in a bad mood. Maybe I should buy him some lunch. It is going to be his break soon, anyway.

"Join me for lunch?"

He looked up at me and let out a sigh. Phew, that means he's mood got a little better.

"Sure. Let me just fix this up a little." Like that, he started typing again. UGH!


He shut down his computer and followed me; I was walking fast to get out of this damned building. After my encounter with Mr Wilson, this place frustrated the heck out of me.

I want to go to a decent restaurant and have food peacefully without a single thought about Chris Wilson. And then I can ask him whatever questions I have.

"Woah slow down. You look like you're running away from me."

"Not from you, from this goddam building." I turned my head to see Adam when I dashed into someone. So ladies and gentlemen, do not look back when you are walking forward, especially when you're turning around a corner.

"AH! Ow, I am so sorry, I should've-"

I looked up at the person I bumped into, of course, who else could it be? Mr Wilson. But wasn't he in his office? How did he come here?

"Mr Wilson? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in your office?"

He looked at me and then looked at Adam, he pursed his lips before saying, "That was one hour ago Ms Brown. Where are you headed?"

"To a place to eat. We did not have lunch yet."

"Ahh I see, you and Adam are having lunch, outside. It so happens I did not either, may I join you."

No. No, you may not. Cough, yeah, I did not say that to his face. There was an elderly man next to him. He looked at me curiously.

"You're probably busy Mr Wilson and also, we're not going to a five-star hotel, we're just getting some food from a food truck." So say no and we'll be on our way, plus I cannot ask Adam about your private life when you're right next to me. That would be awkward.


"Come on Chris, we have an important meeting now, we cannot postpone it. You can eat with your friends later."

Mr Wilson had no choice but to leave with the old man.

Adam and I sat at a small cafe. No sooner did we order something than I bombarded him with various questions.

"So Adam, what's his deal with Laura? Like why is he allowing her to order him around?"

The reason why I did not update yesterday was because I was busy preparing! Woo hoo, an up spree of five chapters tomorrow! I can't release them all at once, but it will be released in one day but in intervals.

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