
Miss Static and the CEO

Lin Yun Xi is a special girl who meets Mo Luhan the CEO of the Mo Corporation.

Qp83 · 都市
17 Chs

Chapter 4

Without looking away from Lin Yun Xi's eyes he said with full confidence, "She's my girlfriend and from now on you don't have to bother coming back to work."

When the receptionist heard what he said her knees that were still weak lost all their strength and she slumped down onto the floor.

Several of the onlookers gasped quietly in surprise. Their CEO had a girlfriend? Several of them took secret glances toward the girl and realized she had a very pretty face, it was only a shame she was hiding her beauty under that hoodie.

"Let's go. It's to noisy to talk here." Mo Luhan said and grabbed Lin Yun Xi's hand and led her to the elevators.

Once inside the elevator they stood quietly next to each other, he was still holding her hand without realizing it. He glanced over at her but couldn't see her face as she was facing the front. It wasn't until now he realized what he's done. When he saw the receptionist bullying this quiet and shy girl he just lost it. And since he'd already used her once as a shield telling his mother that she was his girlfriend and she didn't seem to mind, it just came naturally to he do it again. As to why she was here or even if she was here for him or waiting for someone else didn't even come to his mind.


The elevator doors opened and he lead her through a landscape of desks and cubicles that were occupied by workers who currently were to busy to notice them as they entered his office where he had her sit down on a black leather couch. He sat down on an armchair next to her and poured a glass of water and put it down on the glass table in front of her.

His office had a dark interior design that was rather masculine with its black leathered furniture and hard glass surfaces and gray walls. If it weren't for the one wall which consisted entirely of floor-to-ceiling windows which showed an impressive view of the city skyline and let some warm evening sun light into the room, it would've looked too depressing.

Lin Yun Xi's mind slowly calmed down. It had been a complete jumbled mess ever since she looked into his eyes and wasn't aware of what happened after. It wasn't until now she could begin to filter through all the noise and realize how she'd end up in this room, sitting on this couch.

She grabbed the glass of water and took a few sips.

Mo Luhan's gaze never left her. And when he saw her grab the glass with both of her hands like a child he couldn't help but smile.

She put down the glass again, but didn't let her eyes move away from it. She was afraid she'd accidentally look at him again and once again loose her mind. Then she felt her hoodie slide off her head, just like in the restaurant the man had pulled off her hoodie. Usually, she would be really bothered if someone touched her or tried to get close to her belongings, but when it was him she didn't find it bothersome at all, in fact she found it rather calming.

"I'm sorry about what happened before. I'll make sure it never happens again." Mo Luhan said as he looked at her carefully trying to read her mood. But she was still the quiet and shy girl he was used to, not seeming to be bothered at all. So he continued, "Where you looking for me?"

Lin Yun Xi bit her lower lip as she tried to filter through the noise. She had completely forgot why she was here, but after thinking for a while, she finally remembered. "This." She said and pulled out his wallet from her pocket.

"My wallet?" Mo Luhan was rather surprised. "Did I forget it at the restaurant?" He quietly mumbled to himself.

However, Lin Yun Xi heard him and said, "No. You dropped it on the bus."

The bus? He thought back and remembered he took the bus after leaving the gym as his car had broken down. Then he realized something, "Oh, so that's why you came to the restaurant?"

Lin Yun Xi quietly nodded.

Mo Luhan suddenly laughed. He just realized what this girl had gone through just to give back his wallet. First she had been used by him as a shield in front of his mother, then she had walked over to his company and waited for an hour, only to be berated by a rude receptionist, and then once again been used as a shield by him. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you."

"It's fine." She said and she truly ment it. Everything that had happened was buried among all the rest of the noise.

"How about I invite you out for dinner as a way to thank you?" Mo Luhan suddenly said, surprising even himself. He'd never asked a girl out for dinner before, though he had probably been asked out over a thousand times only to reject it every time. He never had time for romance, neither in his school days nor now. He was always busy either studying or working.

Lin Yun Xi bit her lower lip and nodded.

Mo Luhan smiled and then casually glanced at his watch and realized it wasn't that long ago they ate. "It's still a bit early... do you want to do something else before we eat?"

Lin Yun Xi thought for a bit and then realized what she wanted to do most at this moment and picked up her phone and began playing a puzzle game.

Upon seeing this Mo Luhan raised his brows in surprise but then smiled gently. Seeing as how he still had some work left to do, he got up and walked over to his desk where he sat down and began to go through a bunch of papers.