
Miss Princess Wants A Commoner Life

Living in her castle all day, Princess Celestina always wanted to experience what it was like to live as a commoner as she said it. The only things that bring light to her are the romantic novels that she reads every night.. showing how students find the love of their lives and live happily after but once she gets a taste of it. It's not what she had expected...

Beelieveinyourself · 若者
165 Chs

Chapter 1: Normal Life

"I love you. Please be mine." The boy confessed to the girl in front of him. Who he has forever longed for. The girl that he loved the moment he saw her. They both locked eyes with each other.

"I love you too Danny! I want to be yours..and yours alone." The girl responded in a heartfelt confession to the boy standing in front of him.

They both started to passionately hug each other as the images of their face fade to black.. until.. the next page. "The End."

"Where's THE NEXT PAGE!" The girl on the bed slammed the book on the bed along with the other volumes scattered around her bed. Fidgetting around the neatly placed bed. She looked in her box and had realized that it was the last volume.

"NO! I HONESTLY ENJOYED THAT... WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NOW..." She shouted slamming her face on the bed.

She then looks at the window. As the sun's rays seeped through the red curtains, hitting the white carpeted floors and the furniture that seemed to have a reflecting effect. The birds chirped. It was a sign that it was already morning...

Not what she expected. She yawned slightly as she can feel her eyes grew heavier and heavier. Her head was pounding after staying up all night reading the whole series of romance novels. Forgetting about what time it was.

She stood up.. covering the curtains to prevent the sunlight from seeping through. She then massages her head trying to ease her aching head and her aching back due to her posture when reading on the bed.

She was ready to call it a night although it was bright as day outside. Laying around her queen-sized bed as she got comfy trying to sleep and finally take rest after staying awake the whole night until.

"Princess Celestina!" A deep but mellow voice came from the door interrupting her efforts to sleep.

Her eyes widen in deep annoyance as she covered her ears with her pillows. "Can I please slumber for the rest of the day?" She humbly requested the man on the other side.

It went silent and she finally got back into her comfortable position as she was about to sleep she hears a loud thumping sound from the man again on the other side.

He then suddenly opens the door of the room. Scaring Celestina, making her jump from her bed in a panic.

"I had requested on your behalf that you will be staying in your sleeping quarters. However, it was denied due to you having your classes today." The man that entered was a person of her age and someone that she was familiar with.

The teen boy that entered her room unattended, scanned the room seeing the scattered books on the floor.

"You know the books aren't going anywhere princess..." The boy realized what happened, coming in and then picking up the books scattered across the floor to put them on her bookshelf

"You're right Lawrence... I really shouldn't have stayed up very late on reading..." Celestina sighed deeply as she laid around her bed.. being comforted by its fluffy texture as if her body were to melt when she laid on it.

"Not to worry princess.." Lawrence reassures her sitting on the bed as well while she continued laying on the side. "I'll personally see to it that your classes are to be canceled in some other way so that you are to be able to sleep peacefully. Although please get ready to have breakfast."

Celestina continued to limp around her bed... "This is quite bothersome... having to wake up early just to have tutorial lessons.. can it happen during lunchtime or some other time..." The girl ranted on her bed.

Lawrence finished neatly placing the books on the shelf, he then turns to her responding to her rantings "You know it's no different from commoners. Commoners have to wake up very early just to attend school."

What Lawrence said sparked a bit of curiosity in her mind. Seeing as she was a princess and was always locked up in a castle. She had never experienced what it was like to be in a school ever or what it felt like to live in a regular household. Her life was always handling royal duties.

"What do you think it's like to attend school?" She suddenly muttered out from her.

"Hm.. well.. from what I heard. It's quite a different princess. The students are divided into different sections. Although they have the same teachers the students have different schedules meaning some of the sections can be ahead in lessons and some can be behind." Lawrence answered with a dead tone, just like his usual speaking voice.

"No. What I meant is.." She stood up, dragging her feet, and took one of the books she was reading before. "In this novel, the main character saw her one true love in a school. If it's true that you can meet the love of your life in school then maybe I should also go to school." Celestina says to Lawrence wide-eyed and bushy-tailed.

"From what I remember correctly, a school is an establishment for learning and developing one's mental and physical capabilities. I think that the novels you read don't show you exactly what the true purpose of school is." Lawrence responded to her suggestion shutting it down with facts.

She then frowned and sat down on her bed. "I guess... I always wondered what these students feel. Reading all of these novels I'm just rather curious about how they live their lives... that's all.."

"Well, I don't really think you'll be able to experience what they feel. Considering that in order for you to go to their schools. You will have to leave the castle and live your life just like a regular commoner." Lawrence discouraged Celestina.

Celestina frowned as the situation prevents her from going to what she wants to go. Although it's a lot of people's dreams to be a princess, her dream and her wish are to live her life as a commoner and nothing more.

Being the first one in line to be queen after her mother dies. Celestina is given so much pressure to be responsible and to study always. She was always pressured to continue her studies without any type of conversing that's why she has never met anyone else that she deemed as her friend except for her attendant, Lawrence. Who she had met when they were younger.

"Don't be so sad. Don't tell me you don't like spending your time with me? Cheer up. You don't look good when you're frowning you know." Lawrence sat beside her in an attempt to cheer her up.

Although Lawrence is Celestina's attendant and the one that somewhat takes care of her. They both see each other as friends, their relationship even being more on par with a brother and sister relationship making their bond thicker than blood as they said it.

"Thank you, Lawrence.. anyways.." She stood up slowly as she started to fix her bed. She then turns to Lawrence. "What's my breakfast today?" She asked.

"I told the chefs to serve you crumpets and tea since it's your favorite!" Lawrence answered her enthusiastically.

"Thank you so much, Lawrence!" She went in for a hug.

Lawrence was slightly shocked by the gesture, blushing and slowly pushing her away. "Well since I know your day is going to be a bit stressful. I at least want you to start off your day, eating something you like."

Celestina jumped up and down enthusiastically as she couldn't wait but to eat her favorite thing to eat when it was breakfast. She then put on her slippers and walked to the kitchen along with her attendant.

They both sat down on the table carefully waiting for the chef to finish the dish. The smell of the crumpets being cooked danced in the air.. giving off a pleasant smell that makes everyone in that room at ease.

"Good morning Princess Celestina. Did you have a good night's sleep?" One of the maids greeted the princess.

"I wouldn't say that she had a good night's sleep," Lawrence responded to Celestina in a comedic manner.

"Oh. I do hope you try to get some sleep soon. It's always good to maintain a good sleep schedule princess." The maid responded chuckling a little bit.

"Ms. Lorena," Celestina spoke out to the maid.

"Yes, princess? Is there something you need?" The maid responded with open ears.

"What was it like going to a regular school? Celestina asked her wagging her tail like a puppy dog.

She knew very well that the maid went to a regular high school when she was in her age due to her being a commoner that's why she felt eager to ask her.

The maid was flabbergasted by her question although she was eager to answer the princess.

"Well... it wasn't very pretty... there were a lot of moments that made me feel like I wanted to stop going to school. Although there were times that I really enjoyed hanging around with my fellow classmates. It's as if being on the school was the thing that molded my personality." The maid responded.

With this response, Celestina's curiosity with going to regular commoner schools grew even more. She wanted to experience that life.. although if she wanted to.. she would have to throw away her life of luxury in the palace...