
Miss Not so Typical: Consider me Humored (GL)

Ginny Green, an aromantic nerd, accidentally slept with the infamous campus Princess, Persephone Campbell, but she can't remember. ** Ginny Green is an aromantic nerd who only believes that love only exists in movies and novels, but still wishes to find that special someone even though she's thinking that it's impossible. After she got drunk at a party, she found herself tangled in bed with the infamous campus Princess, Persephone Campbell. Persephone Campbell is an extremely attractive, charismatic, misjudged individual due to her wealthy background. Deemed by the people as coldhearted and a snob, but she's totally the opposite. She fell in love with Ginny after their faithful night together and would love to start a relationship with her. But there is a problem, Ginny is aromantic and doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone. Now, Persephone is on a mission to make the aromantic nerd fall in love with her. ** "You're not going to run away and walk out of this room and pretend that this didn't happen, are you?" In every accidental one-night stand, of course, that thought is not an option anymore. Embrace each other at night like long-time lovers, and in the morning, shrug off every memory like it never happened. That's always been the case. And of course, that was Ginny's initial plan after assessing the situation. But looking at Persephone's threatening, yet smiling face, she knows well how screwed up she was. Let's just laugh first. "N-no, I wasn't thinking of that at all." "Good." Persephone smiled, satisfied with her answer. She gingerly moves closer to Ginny, wrapping both of her arms around her waist. Ginny can't seem to utter a single word. Seeing a naked Persephone in front of her was... was... was - she doesn't even have any words to describe it. ** This story is slowburn that contains fluff and will contain some mature scenes soon.

Talesofheaven · LGBT+
26 Chs

Chapter 4

What was supposed to be a one-time thing turned out to be a daily scenario.

Ginny wasn't shocked when she saw Persephone, back facing a wall, dressed in all Chanel glory with a white Armani tank top, black skinny jeans, and a stylish tweed jacket as she waited for her class to finish. Ginny admired the view briefly because it looked like she was doing a magazine pictorial. Then she gradually tiptoed in the other direction to escape, silently wishing Persephone wouldn't see her.

When she thought that she had gone a bit far away from her, Ginny sighed in relief and went to her locker to get some of her stuff for the next period.

She wasn't in the mood to deal with the latter right now. The wrath that she was receiving from Persephone's fangirls was already enough to eradicate her whole existence from the world. And it was also making her hiccups even worse.

She couldn't even count how many people had tried to snatch her wig off since yesterday. She was able to avoid that kind of nonsense, fortunately, because, as some of you might not know, Ginny has a master's degree in Sneaky Stealth and a PhD degree in Avoiding Problematic People.

The only thing that helps her suppress her anger is munching on her gummies like a feral puppy as she stares at nothing in particular. Why? She mentally questioned no one. Is this her karma for being such a bratty rich girl in the past? Is living like a hobo still not enough to repent for her past mistakes? Why?

Her annoyance grew when she received a text from Natalie saying that she had taken some of the gummies she'd stored in her locker. She wouldn't mind such a thing if she wasn't craving her daily dose of serotonin booster. But Natalie, just like the glutton she was, ate the whole pack of her gummies. She sighs in defeat. She has to go grocery shopping again for snacks later.

She had an idea why Persephone was probably looking for her. Surely it was because she hadn't contacted her for two days like she'd expected her to do so. Why wouldn't she anyway? It was because of her that she was being hunted like prey by those crazed fangirls from the start.

She didn't give the latter information about her class schedule. Well, what did she expect? It's Persephone freaking Campbell. She probably bribed someone from the faculty to get that personal information. That's why lying to Persephone from the very beginning was never an option because the girl knows how to obtain the truth by just using some dirty tactics.

While in the middle of grumbling her curses, she received a text from the so-called little devil, her best friend, saying that she'll replace her snacks. Oh, you better be. Before she could respond to Natalie's text, a loud voice startled her from afar.

"Ginger Green!" was called by an unfamiliar girl fuming as she marched towards her while two other people were trailing behind her. "How did a 'nobody' like you manage to seduce Persephone Campbell?"

All eyes were on them. Why does she feel like she's in some sort of cliche rom-com movie?

"I didn't seduce her," came her simple reply, glaring, as she closed her locker with utter displeasure.

"So are you saying that the picture was fake and Persephone was lying?" said the Regina George wannabe, her nostrils flaring.

"Yeah, are you saying Persephone's a liar?" Mocks Girl Number 2.

"Yeah." Then, Girl Number 3.

Well, like the stereotypical mean girls they're trying to portray themselves to be, they're all full of bullocks. Ginny doesn't understand these girls' logic. She knows well that she doesn't need to fuel the rumours swirling around about Persephone and her. But she's utterly annoyed and grumpy right now because she hasn't had her daily pack of gummies. And to make matters worse, she's late for her Bio class! And these dimwits wouldn't let her breathe.

"Chill, Regina George." She mocks stoically, "Why do you sound so jealous? Are you Persephone's girlfriend?"

The girl was taken aback. She probably didn't expect that the latter would fight back.

"I—No, I was just—" She pauses and looks at her two minions and says, "We were just curious."

Honestly, Ginny despises nonsensical confrontation, and couldn't care less about it. It just so happened that these people barged in at the wrong time.

"Curious? Well, if I happened to smash each of your faces onto these lockers, would you still be curious?" She simply threatened.

The three of them slightly flinch and back away a bit. Ginny thought they were going to leave her alone, but Regina George was just too stubborn as hell.

"That's such a completely barbaric way to say, especially if it's coming from a lady."

"Well, she's not a lady, isn't she?" Murmurs Girl Number 2 to the both of them, making sure Ginny hears it. They all laugh in mockery.

"Well, isn't it also completely rude to call someone a 'nobody' just to inflict damage?" She bites back.

Regina scoffs, rolling her eyes. "I don't like you."

"Well, the feeling is mutual," she mutters, uninterested. "So what if I happen to seduce her then?"

"I beg your pardon."

"So what if I happened to seduce Persephone? What's it to you, anyway?"

She scoffed yet again, snarling in anger. She closes their distance and mutters, "Slag."

How dare she? Ginny's fight mode has switched on. How dare this person make such comments about her? How. Very. Dare. She?

"Are you talking about yourself?" She answers in a deadpan tone, "Look, Regina wannabe, I don't know who you are, and I doubt Persephone knows you exist either. So why don't you just leave me alone before I break your nose in half, hm?"

Ginny is pretty much an expert at throwing snarky remarks at someone. This silly banter they're having is not even considered mediocre in terms of level. If these inexperienced sheep experience Rich Girl Ginny 1.0 in high school, they're all probably going to worship her.

"You whore!" She fumes.

Ginny knows Regina Wannabe will smack the crap out of her at any time. So she's going to stand her ground with her mighty fist ready for a punch. She's not going to walk out of here without putting up a fight. Nuh-uh. Let it all be damned.

"What do you think you're doing?" Said a cold voice.

Ginny felt a hand on her shoulder. And soon she realised that Persephone hooked an arm on her in a securing manner. Persephone's expensive vanilla perfume scent was invading her senses.

"Persephone we—" Regina looked shocked. Her two minions mirrored the same reaction. "We were just trying to get to know Ginny." Her two minions nod in response.

Get to know your arse. Ginny mentally mutters, as she throws daggers in their direction.

Persephone didn't entertain their response, instead, she looked at Ginny as she asked the words, "Are they bothering you?"

She has this serious look in her eyes that seems like she wants to murder someone.

Ginny, being her honest self, just replied, "Yes," in a deadpan tone.

It's so satisfying to watch the three of them share a face of complete horror. Persephone turned back to them. They began to fidget and find themselves utterly speechless at the same time.

"She's lying." Regina blurted out in a hurry. "We were just trying to get to know her. We didn't mean any harm. But she tried to threaten to break my nose." She said in the most pitiful voice she could ever mutter.

Ginny could feel her left eye twitching because she was cringing too hard. Someone should throw an Oscar at her for showing the most outrageous performance ever. She mutters silently to herself, but Persephone hears it, making her grin in amusement.

"Well, I did say that, but it's just that they don't want to leave me alone. And she called me a slag." Ginny let out an exasperated sigh, as she impatiently looked at her wristwatch. She's definitely late for her Bio class.

Persephone gave the three of them a cold look, as she seriously said, "Well, that's not a very nice thing to say." Ginny can hear the venom in her words. It actually made her shiver.

"W-We're sorry." Regina abruptly said, her two minions mirroring her response.

"Don't apologise to me."

"Pardon." Regina looks conflicted.

"Apologise to Ginny. Not me."

Ginny flinched a bit because of how cold her tone was. She hasn't seen Persephone get angry before because she seems to be the kind of person who doesn't get angry. Well, not until now that is. She's very collected and absolutely intimidating. Now, she understands why a lot of people don't want to mess with her.


"I don't wanna hear your nonsense explanation. Apologise to Ginny right now." She cut her words in a cold tone.

Regina and her minions apologise to Ginny while gritting their teeth in annoyance. She didn't acknowledge their half-arse apology. Although she gave a slight nod and didn't say anything.

"Well, now that's out of the way." Persephone faces Ginny with a stern look on her face, "You. You haven't called me. Why?"

Ginny unconsciously gulps nervously. Her mouth starts to open and then close, gapping like a dead fish gasping for air.

"Please don't bother lying." She crosses her arms in a defensive manner, as she frowned a little bit, "I would prefer it if people were honest with me."

Ginny gulps again, as she carefully thinks about the words she wanted to say.

"I didn't call because…" she began saying, "I—" she paused a bit, and then gagged the words out, "didn't know what to say."

It came out unconsciously. It was half true and half not, so technically she didn't lie fully. She hopes her answer is enough to let her live for a day.

"Oh, you adorable little thing." Persephone coos, cupping and squishing Ginny's cheeks with both hands.

Ginny immediately went stiff. A scent of expensive vanilla engulfed her senses. And the latter seemed to be leaning forward. Ginny was too rigid to even move. Persephone's blue eyes stared at her and seemed to be dazed. Before she could continue what she wanted to do someone called her name from a distance, immediately cutting the tension between them. She could hear Persephone was slightly annoyed by the interruption because she groaned a bit.

"Persephone!" Called a man, seemingly in a hurry.

Ginny took a deep breath. She was thankful for the sudden distraction. It appears to be that Persephone was planning to snog her if she's not mistaken. It immediately sent her into a state of panic. Apparently, the two seem to be discussing something very important, which is good because it's her chance to sneak out. She gradually tip-toed backwards and slowly walked the other way.

"Wait." She heard the latter speak, but Ginny continued walking, not even looking behind. She puts her headphones on as she pretends to listen to music. Persephone might still be talking to that person, she lies to herself.

"Ginny!" she could hear heels clicking following behind her.

Before she could walk further, someone hooked an arm around her torso and lifted her up slightly.

"You're pretty fast for having such tiny feet." Persephone wrapped both her arms around her waist, not letting her escape.

How very dare you. Ginny mentally gasps in disbelief. How dare she make fun of her height? Now, she has done it. Ginny is growing sulky and grouchy.

"What do you want, Persephone?" She faces the latter. Persephone's hands are still grasping the side of her hips.

"What do you mean?" She tilts her head, looking genuinely intrigued.

"Persephone, what do you really want for me?" She straightforwardly asked as she grows slightly impatient.

"Isn't it obvious?" She matter-of-factly said, "You," she emphasises, "I want you."

Ginny blamelessly blinks, silently taking everything Persephone was saying.

"You and your silly way of dressing." Her blue eyes strike her yet again, looking so daring and charming at the same time, "You and your dorky face."

"Why would you want something like that?" Ginny frowns. It's madly baffling why a person like Persephone Campbell would want something so plain and simple.

"Oh, Ginny, Ginny. How humble of you." She chuckles.

The way her thumbs circled and caressed her hip was definitely giving her some type of effect that she couldn't fathom.

"Why are you such a freaking tease?" And then bite her lower lip as if she was trying to suppress something. "Would you like me to show you how much I want you?"

Immediately, Ginny gulps nervously, as she tries to decipher what the latter was trying to imply.

"I wouldn't mind." She smirks in a very charming way, and slithers both arms around her waist, as she gradually leans on her ear, whispering the words, "Although, it's going to be exclusively private only for the both of us."

That definitely made Ginny shiver, making her fist unconsciously grasp the latter's jacket tightly.

To be continued...

This one took a bit of time to finish because this is not the scene that was written in the draft version. This is completely new. And you'll definitely see more of these added scenes in future chapters.

So what do you guys think about this chapter? Also don't forget to check the official Playlist for this story!


(Playlist link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2HsUbe4n7iuwRJS0uW4Q6r?si=07dccbaf8087488a)

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