
Miss Corrupt and Mister Righteous

Cuteness overload! Fluttering moments! Mysterious and unpredictable ride. The cute love story of a corrupt Policewoman and a Righteous Prosecutor. A guaranteed rollercoaster that will bring you Joy, happiness and a lot of laughter and leave you rooting for the main leads to get together already.

ZoeyA · 都市
33 Chs

Secretly dating

''Oh, grandma Chon?'' Avery recognized the older lady.

''Child, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here.''

''No! I don't want to go. I want to stay here with elder sister. This place is peaceful and beautiful.''

''You do not belong here, child. You should go and get her and both of you should leave here.''

''Grandma Chon, can't Avery stay here a little longer? I missed her.'' Anita said as she held Avery's hands.

''If she spends more time here, the soul of the other person will be lost. Avery still has a lot of things to do. If she can't finish what she was sent to do, then, she can't ever come here. Let her go, Anita.'' Grandma Chon said.

''No…'' Just as Avery was about to hold on a moment, the distance between them started becoming wider. Avery's body disappeared from the garden.


''Avery Sandas, died on the 23rd August, 2022!'' Dr. Ozge announced and bowed along with the nurses.

The doctor lifted the white quilt to cover Avery and the monitor suddenly went off and one of the nurses screamed.

''Her pulse is back!''

''This is impossible!'' Dr. Ozge said and checked Avery's wrist. ''She is alive!'' She announced.

''Then, what do we do next?'' One of the assistant doctors asked.

''Prepare to open and patch up her rips. We have a patient who is a fighter. Since she wants to live, we should help her.'' Dr. Ozge said.

''How is it going old Lau?'' Dr. Ozge asked the other doctor operating on Fiona.

''I'm wrapping up.'' Dr. Old Lau replied.


''Doctor, how are they?'' Prosecutor Oak asked immediately when the door opened and the two main surgeons walked out.

''We have one good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?'' Dr. Ozge asked.

''The good one first! Just tell us the good one first.'' Mariah said.

''The surgeries went well for both patients but we have a little situation where we really don't know and can't tell when the patients will wake up. The only one who woke up midway into the surgery was Miss Sandas, but she fell asleep again. And the bad news is that, Miss Fiona got badly hurt and went into a coma as soon as the surgery was done.'' Dr. Ozge explained.

''Avery will wake up, right?'' Mariah asked and clasped her hands anxiously.

''Yes, she is currently sleeping but she will wake up after 24 hours.'' Dr. Ozge replied.

''Thank God! That's a relief.'' Mariah said and heaved a relief.

''And, Fiona is in coma?'' Kai asked.

''Yes, unfortunately, but we tried out best…'' Dr. Ozge said.

''Thank you!'' Kai said and sighed.


Avery's surgery room.

Fiona's soul sat by the window watching Avery keenly as she slept. The door opened and Kai and Mariah entered, arguing.

''I said I will take care of Avery. She is a member of the Violent Crimes Unit.'' Mariah said.

''Avery and I are friends. I will take care of her.'' Kai insisted.

''Friends? The last time I checked, you and Avery didn't have any relationship with each other. Prosecutor Oak, I really don't want to argue with you on this.'' Mariah insisted.

''Aye, at this rate, they are going to wake her up. What is wrong with these two?'' Fiona stood up and muttered as she walked over to the window. She lifted the curtains and saw the reporters camped outside.

''There are reporters everywhere.'' Fiona mumbled.

''Your shirt is stained with blood. You need to get changed. There are reporters outside. You should leave.''

''I already asked someone to get me clothes to change. Mariah, I am not leaving Avery alone. Not especially now that her life is in danger and there are reporters camping around.'' Kai said sternly.

The door suddenly opened again and a middle aged man looking younger than his age walked in with four other men who seemed to be his bodyguards.

This man was the dangerous and mysterious drug lord, Adonis Birchwood and his men.

When Adonis entered, he didn't bother to pay attention to the two arguing and simply walked to Avery's bed.

''Adonis Birchwood?'' Fiona mumbled.

Looking at Avery's body, he shook his head. ''This stubborn fly. Look at what you've done to yourself?'' He said as he touched Avery's face.

''Who are you?'' Kai asked and Adonis turned to look at him.

''Me? I am the owner of this body!'' Adonis said with a straight face. Her expression was quite similar to that of Avery.

''What?'' Mariah asked and stepped closer. ''What did you just say?''

''Aye, this man thinks he is in District K right now.'' Fiona muttered and walked closer. Since no one could see her, no one took notice of her.

''I said I am the owner of this body. Who are you two by the way?'' Adonis asked and put his hands inside his flashy blue suit pants.

''I am Detective Mariah and he is Prosecutor Oak. Now, cut the nonsense and tell us who you are and why you are here? Avery didn't owe you money, right?'' Mariah asked.

''She does owe me money, a lot of it but that's not what's important. I want to know why the police department didn't stop this idiot from getting hurt. If only she had listened to me and come to work with me… someone with her brains shouldn't work for the police force. It's a total waste of her brains. In any case, I am this idiot's stepbrother, my name is Adonis Birchwood.'' Adonis said.

''You are Adonis Birchwood, that Adonis is that is wanted by the police force?'' Mariah asked.

''The police can arrest me if they have the evidence. I am not a criminal. My business is legal!'' Adonis said proudly. He turned and looked at Prosecutor Oak.

''You are the one who saved this idiot, right? I will remember your face. If you ever need my help, just let me know.'' Adonis said confidently.

Mariah cleared her throat and spoke. ''We do not know whether what you said is true or not. We can't leave Avery to you just because you claim to be related to her.''

''I know you would say that. Albao, give her the documents.'' Adonis said and Albao, his special assistant came forward with a suitcase. He opened it and removed Avery's birth certificate, her graduation picture frame which was of her and Adonis and Avery's school certificates.

''This idiot, entrusted all these to me. This is not my district, so I won't go against you, but she is my family. That's why I left everything and came when I heard what happened to her.'' Adonis spoke.

Mariah checked the certificates and passed them to Kai. Even Fiona went closer to have a look at it.

''Do you believe me now? If there is nothing more to check, then, I shall have the doctor discharge her. I am taking her back to district K with me immediately.'' Adonis said.

''You can't take her with you!'' Kai said firmly.

''Why?'' Adonis asked.

'Because she… because she is my girlfriend and I will take care of her.'' Kai suddenly said and everyone looked at him in shock.

''Whoa!'' Fiona chuckled.

''What? Elder sister had a boyfriend?'' Albao asked and looked at Adonis.

''This idiot is your girlfriend?'' Adonis asked.

''Prosecutor Oak, what are you doing?'' Mariah turned and asked.

''My question exactly!'' Fiona said.

''Stop calling her an idiot. She has a name. Avery and I were dating secretly.'' Kai said and looked down.

''Do you have evidence?'' Adonis asked.

''Yes, I do.'' Kai took out his phone and showed Adonis a picture of himself and Avery inside his car. This was taken the day he sent Avery home and she fell asleep in his car. He had taken it in a wimp but he didn't know it would come in handy.

Mariah snatched the phone and looked at the picture. ''Prosecutor Oak, what exactly are you getting at? Avery and you…''

''Avery wanted us to keep it a secret. You can ask Suleiman, Avery's right hand man.'' Prosecutor Oak said.

''Why do I feel that you are not telling the truth? Prosecutor Oak, you are a man who works for the state and honors the law, if you tell lies, then, your credibility will go down the drain. Who is this Suleiman that I should ask him?'' Adonis asked.

Just then, the door opened and Suleiman rushed in and went to Avery's bed. He started crying and speaking incoherently.

''Senior, I told you to let me go with you. Why did you go alone?'' Suleiman sobbed.

''He isn't Suleiman, right?'' Adonis asked, finding his behavior a little cringe.

''Yes, he is Suleiman.'' Mariah replied.

'Bring him over!'' Adonis told his men and they pulled Suleiman closer. That was then Suleiman realized that the ward was filled with other people.

''You are Suleiman, right?'' Adonis asked.

''Yes, I am… but, who are you?'' Suleiman asked back as he looked at the people.

''I am Adonis Birchwood, this idiot… no, Avery's brother. I came to take her body back to District K but this Prosecutor here says he won't allow it because he is dating my sister. I heard you are the closest person to Avery. Tell me! Do you know that they are dating?''