
Miss CEO And Her Hopeless Romantic Man

Zesther (Thinking that most women don't like men that know a lot about make-up trying to make Sereena dislike him): Wait, are you using the Sweet Red lipstick from Alferra Cosmetics? I have always wanted to owe one! Sereena (The owner of Alferra Cosmetics that likes men with no fragile masculinity taking out the bag of her company products that she always brings in case she had to advertise them): Do you want to have one? I think Sweet Pink would suit you better instead of the Sweet Red shade. Zesther (Trying hard to make himself sound like a fuck boy): Actually, I am very into doing the 'deed'. I'm afraid I cannot be faithful if my... n-needs are not satisfied. Sereena (Seeing through Zesther's clumsy act that can't even say the word 'sex'): Is that so? Then, I just have to make sure that your sexual needs are always satisfied. Don't worry, I am confident and good in that aspect. Zesther (Flustered and blushing hard): H-how can you say s-such l-lewd things in p-public! ---- Zesther Callisto is a hopeless romantic guy that wished to someday have a sweet romance with the woman of his life. He yearned to have a romantic love story similar to the dramas he enjoyed watching. He is the type of person that dates to marry and a person that made sure to avoid women that he instinctively knew are not up to a serious relationship built upon love. Sereena Alfierra is a strong and independent woman that has peculiar taste in men. She likes men with soft personalities, especially those that look sexily cute while crying but while she would date them, she never took these men seriously. In terms of physical charms and personality, Zesther is definitely her type but her upbringing made it so that she was not the type of woman that could love someone easily. When Sereena decided to marry someone to make the only family member she cared about happy, her path crossed with Zesther. One side wanted to have a casual marriage while the other side wanted a serious one causing the start of a long chase. Will our leads find a happy ending with each other?

KenceRussel · 都市
10 Chs

Chapter 5: Drunk

"One overload fries and a strawberry margarita, no, actually make it two, no three for me!" On the terrace of a resto-bar, a man with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes ordered with an expression on his face that screams this night will not end without him getting drunk.

Sitting on the opposite side of him was another man with hair that is dyed blue in color that narrowed his eyes.

"What happened for you to decide to drink when you can't even take the bitterness of alcohol?" The blue-haired man asked the person with him.

"Nothing! I just want to drink!" Zesther replied to his friend Jayden and the latter shrugged his shoulders.

"One sip and you'll be spilling all the beans" Jayden said with a chuckle. He knew his friend really well, there is nothing that this man could hide about his life.

One sip is more than enough for Zesther to spill whatever was bugging him.

After some time, their orders finally arrived. It was a tray of fries with three strawberry margaritas for Zesther and a bowl of chips with a large glass of beer for Jayden.

Looking at the three pink drinks of his friend, Jayden couldn't help but chuckle. While Zesther wanted to get drunk, since he can't stand the taste of anything bitter, he had to order drinks that could mask the taste of alcohol. His friend is really something.

As if he was thirsty for ages, Zesther immediately grabbed his glass and took a large sip of his drink.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down!" Jayden said out of worry. While the drink with its color looks like a normal juice, it was quite strong. It is not something to be drunk in large mouthfuls.

However, Zesther didn't listen, and only after his throat can't take it anymore did he put the glass back on the table.

Due to Zesther drinking too fast, his cheeks immediately blushed as he stared at his friend.

"Do you know where Keisha is right now?" Zesther started and as expected, it didn't take that long before this man started talking.

"Yeah, she's on a da— I-I mean, I don't know" Jayden almost answered truthfully before retracting his answer and giving out a safer one.

However, it was already too late.

"Lies! You're a liar too! You know that Keisha went on a date!" Zesther said angrily while pointing a finger at his friend.

If the two were not close, Zesther might have caused a fight already. With a sigh, Jayden grabbed Zesther's finger and forcefully put it down

"Alright, alright, since you know it already what can I do? It's not like I can stop her from going on dates" he said before taking Zesther's glass and giving it to him to drink again.

It was better if Zesther were to be knocked down as soon as possible so that Jayden doesn't have to deal with him.

As if he was an obedient kid, Zesther took another sip of his margarita but after he placed the glass down, he started speaking again.

"Why is she on a date and I don't have one?! I want to go on dates too! I'm jealous! I want a date! A date!"

Jayden scratched his ears while thinking "Here we go again"

His friend has always been a hopeless romantic. He badly wanted to be in a relationship but although his standards are not high, it was different.

He was waiting for a woman that could make him feel the 'magic of love'. In short, the exaggerated things that romantic series portrayed. As a result, Zesther has been single for a long time already.

"I mean, am I that bad? Am I ugly? Am I not desirable? Am I not boyfriend material? Is my personality that horrible?" Zesther continued as Jayden's ears twitches.

"With the way you are acting, maybe yes, you are not boyfriend material" Jayden thought while shaking his head. Without a choice, he could only drink his beer as he braced himself for a night full of this.

Once Zesther went into a full depressed mode, it would definitely last the entire night.

"Argh, fine, fine! How about I introduce you to my friend's friend? Here, look if she is your type!"

After fishing his phone out of his pocket, Jayden showed a woman's picture to his friend who narrowed his eyes.

"Well..." Zesther muttered and Jayden creased his forehead before taking a look at the picture that he showed to his friend.

"Why? Is she not your type? I think she looks cute though" Jayden said out of confusion and Zesther immediately shook his head.

"No, no, I also think that she is cute but..." he trailed off and Jayden urged him to continue what he was saying.


"Well... she gave me a vibe that she's not looking for someone to date seriously" Zesther truthfully answered causing Jayden to stare at the woman's picture again.

"You can say that after only seeing one picture of her?" He mumbled in disbelief.

"I mean, I could be wrong but I always trust my instincts! I can instinctively feel if someone is searching for a serious relationship or just a fling!" Zesther said confidently causing his friend to scoff at him.

"Who are you? Superman?" Jayden muttered while pursing his lips. This friend of his is really frustrating.

"I'm telling the truth! Do you remember my last girlfriend? I ignored my instincts that told me she was not serious and guess what? She cheated on me! Even some of the girls I went on dates with before only wanted me for my body and before I heard it from themselves accidentally, my instincts already warned me!"

"From then, I vowed to never ignore my instincts ever again! I absolutely won't date someone that my instincts are warning me!"

Zesther was completely serious with his words and Jayden was in disbelief at his friend. This man is really something and frustrating!

"Come on, don't be silly! That's just a coincidence! Coincidence!" Jayden insisted but Zesther strongly shook his head.

"No, trust me, you'll know when a woman doesn't date people seriously when you see one!" Zesther said with utmost confidence before taking another sip of his margarita.


Alferra Cosmetics

While most of the employees clocked out when it was time, the CEO and owner of the company is completely different. She always went to the company on time and she never clocked out before 6 pm. There are even many instances where she stayed an entire night in the company while working.

Only the sound of the clicking keyboard can be heard inside Sereena's office as she typed on her computer.

"This lack an impact..." she muttered as she type notes on the script draft on the monitor

With her order, the creative team tearfully created a new script. Of course, they couldn't finish it in a single day but Sereena ordered them to submit what they could finish today.

Sereena doesn't like wasting time and instead of finding out that the script given to her was garbage when the creative team spent days working on it, it was better to check the script this early.

However, while the creative team started incorporating the values of the company into the script, Sereena is still not satisfied. It was still something generic and lacked a strong impact.

This is not the kind of promotional video she wants her company to release.

As a result of the incompetent creative team, Sereena had to work overtime while butchering the script. Only when she was done with it did she decide to return home and rest.

Since the staff already went home, aside from the patrolling guards and Sereena herself, there weren't any other people inside and she reached the underground parking lot with no problem.

Sereena went straight to her white car and started driving to her house. From time to time, she would stare at the billboards both traditional and digital on her way to check the ads of various companies.

She was trying to gain inspiration for the promotional video. If the creative team can't give her a quality script, she wouldn't have any other choice but to create it herself.

She absolutely won't let the company release a garbage advertisement video.

However, inspiration doesn't easily come just because a person wants them and Sereena could only turn her focus on the road to find that the traffic lights were red.

Since it was a red light, Sereena naturally has to stop her car and she tapped on her steering wheel while waiting for the green light and that is when something caught her attention.

"Aahhh!!! The world is so unfair! I want a girlfriend! A girlfriend! I want to go on dates and fall in love. I want to smile when receiving her texts, I want to smile and giggle while scooping rice after I remembered her, I want that! Why can't the universe give me what I want?!"