
Chapter 17 - Booth Talk

Shame swept over him like the blanket of darkness that graced the sky at night. Eric watched as Cora entered Goose and Gospel, though he knew she was capable of protecting herself, he couldn't help but want to stay with his daughter the entire shift.

Richard was similar to Eric, feeling responsible and extra considerate when concerning Cora's interactions with customers. He was beside her the entire shift, not close, but close enough so he could see she was safe. Serving customers and running around collecting drink glasses, she had his careful eyes on her: she was oblivious as he purposely ensured she wasn't aware of it. Though she was safe with the new locks, security system and the plethora of customers within the bar, Richard still decided to recruit someone else to retrieve the stock for the bar so he could stay with her.

Wednesdays were quiet: the jazz music was louder than usual to fill in the silence and Richard even found himself playing multiple rounds of 'I spy' with Cora to pass time. They both had a fondness for childish games such as this. It was a pleasant way to occupy themselves.

Cora's boredom also led to a lot of drinking, she had been needing to go to the bathroom far more often than usual due to her constant sipping of water.

"Oh dear." I sighed, combing my blonde locks with my fingers whilst staring at the knots through the mirror. The bathroom was dark tiled, accents of gold and white. I blended into the black walls with my black attire: black paper-bag trousers, a black turtleneck and black flats.

I cringed at the recount of my past experience at work, dreading the idea of seeing him again and feeling even worse when I remembered he was killed because of me. That his karma was no longer karma but an extreme ending.

Murder was never something I thought I would have to worry about.

Satisfied with my now untangled locks, I left the bathroom. At an instant, my hands collided with the opening of the door. It was an odd feeling because as I pushed, a force pushed back. Stammering back, I allowed the other to come through.

Richard was stood before me, in the ladies room.

"Cora, the police are here to speak to you about that man. Pretend you don't know about anything that happened afterwards, just tell them that -" Richard words spilled from his mouth with speed and anxiousness: he was aware the man was now dead. I comprehended his warning for a moment and then nodded in agreement meaning that he didn't have to explain, which caused his iconic smile to form.

"You've got this Cora." He patted my back and then used it to smoothen his already bald head, glancing around the bathroom sheepishly.

"Sorry for intruding in here." He apologised and I giggled in response.

The pair left the bathroom and greeted the policemen, mannerly. There were three officers: one was searching around the location and examining the security system whilst the other two introduced themselves to Cora and explained what they wanted from her. She was taken to a quiet booth and the two asked her questions, some seemed insignificant such as Cora's outfit that day and others more expected such as her interaction with him.

She learnt his name was Ben Jepson: a brick layer for a building company who they had found dead and washed up on the city's reservoir. His phone was found on his person, though it was severely damaged from the water, the specialists were able to find various places he had been before his death. This included Goose and Gospel, and so they asked Richard for a conversation with the staff working that day.

In detail, she explained that night's occurrence from start to finish.

"So he never physically forced or harmed you?" One of the officers asked. I straightened my back and watched as the other wrote on his pad.

"No, he didn't. But there was a moment when I rejected him and he instantly became enraged, he scraped the chair along the floor and looked like he was standing up to hurt me or do something. That's why I had to pretend, because I thought that if I didn't then he would do something." I explained and attempted to justify my actions, luckily, the pair seemed understanding and nodded as I spoke.

"That's understandable, you did well. I think thats all we need from you but before we go, is there something else you can tell us ?" The officer with the notepad, who had been writing the entire time, finally spoke. His warm brown eyes glistened with hope: he was eager to find something that would answer the question. Who killed him ?

I knew.

"Unfortunately not, i've only ever seen him twice and I told you all I knew from each encounter. He definitely didn't deserve this, regardless of what he may have done to me. I do hope you get to find how it happened, to give his family closure at least." I spoke in a sympathetic tone and sighed.

"Thank you Miss Edmundson, we will be going over the CCTV and may need to have you in further questioning if we feel that we must. Don't leave town, alright" He warned but with a simple smile, they both rose from the table and wandered off to Richard to speak. I continued to sit there, hidden by the height of the booths and isolated in thought.

This was serious as again, I was affiliated with crime and grief. I pondered whether such a life was possible: a simple, honest life.

"Were you nervous ?" Dean's figure rose from behind the booth in front of me and then appearing in full as he approached my booth, sitting across from me with his broad shoulders and dressy attire. Confidence radiated from him effortlessly, surely he had girls secretly swooning for him at school regardless of his status.

His question was playful, his smirk hinted at such. With folded arms, he leant his back against the booth and looked at me with his intense glare whilst awaiting my response.

"Well I wasn't going to be confident was I? I'm not used to this." I rolled my eyes and glared, his grinning face seemed punchable. He was clearly unaware of how uncomfortable the event was, how it made guilt rise within me.

"Confident? I saw the CCTV from that night and let me tell you, you handled yourself better than I had imagined." My brows scrunched at his words.

"It almost looked real, like you were actually going to fuck him. Well done." He quickly looked me up and down, fast enough that I could swear I had envisioned it. I mirrored his body by also folding my arms, still staring at him with disgust.

Planning what I was going to say, I turned to my right to check whether the police or anyone was near. They were gone.

"He's dead, Dean. Let's not speak about him like that, okay ?" I shook my head and stared at him with a deadpan expression.

His smirk was still present.

"Tell me, if he was more of your type, you know, old and grey. Would you have actually left with him ?" He asked in a husky voice leaning closer towards me from across the table.

"I'd love to chat more Dean but i've got work to do." I sneered, then gave him a fake smile as I stood from the booth and waved goodbye.

I looked back to roll my eyes at him but he was already staring at me with an odd smile mixed with a smirk, regardless of my own angered expression he continued his. Turning my head back to the front, I pondered as to what that boy was thinking. His brain seemed to be a strange and confusing organ that would continue to surprise me.