

it began to rain so heavily, that everything was roughly thrown away, everyone was thinking why was it raining like this, some said it was a superstition, while I said to my self that it was because of the raw wickedness of my mom's fiancee, when suddenly I heard my name "angel!!!" I answered sluggishly 'yes mom, what is it aga....' before I could finish my sentence a loud thunder blew and I ran over to my mom hide behind her and holding her so tight, that if it were to be a smaller person I would have squeezed out life from thee, suddenly I heard my mom said " come on don't be afraid, I thought you are now a grown up" immediately I hissed and went off.

Still thinking of all the things that happen to me while I am in this hell called house, I began to cry silently hoping that one day my mom would understand my feelings and accept my decision. It wasn't long ago I was whispering things into my brother's ear telling him of how arrogant my mom's fiancee is, not knowing that the devil himself was eavesdropping, when I noticed, it was to late because I was already given a dirty slap on my cheek and then he began to scold me saying " I know you don't like me to be your father, but it doesn't matter because your mom has chosen me, whether you like it or not I am going to play my rolls to you as your father," then he stared at me and began," as for you, you won't be going to school till d next two weeks it's your punishment", I never heard the last sentence because I fainted.