
MISERABLE HEARTS: The Encountered War

"It was just yesterday when I had just entered my first day of Senior high. I thought everything would be just fine. My last moments of my highschool days were taken away from me. He took it from me.. Eversince I met him, everything fell apart. I became a different person. I changed. I evolved to something I couldn't imagine. It wasn't a war between the living and the dead, It was a war between the mind and heart. And it all started when I met him.." Olivia Jean a.k.a. Liv is just a teenage girl ready to face the next step of high school, senior high. She then meets Jaxon Grey who then changes her life and her perspective in life. Her whole life was actually just a dream when Jaxon showed her the actual reality. Demons. Will Liv run away? Or will she face the true enemy of humanity, the demons?

hanzeeeyyy · ファンタジー
2 Chs

CHAPTER ONE: This is me

"Mom?" I confusingly called out for her. I know it's her. Hazelbrown colored hair swaying against the wind, wearing her favorite polka dot dress with puffed sleeves. She stood by the cliff by the sea as she watches the sun set not knowing I was behind her. As a slowly approach her, I lay my hand on her shoulder. She looked back at me smiling. "I miss you mom." Tears started to seep out of my eyes.

Alarm goes off..

"Wake up sleepyhead!" my little brother Jacob harshly shook my shoulders back and forth.

"Did you really have to yell at me doofus?" I rubbed my eyes as I sat up.

"Sorry, it's just that you were calling mom in your sleep." Jacob explained. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ohh and by the way, you're late." He added. Holy gravy! It says 7:04 am on my alarm clock! I hurriedly shoved Jacob out of my room. "You're welcome by the way doofus!" I heard him yell outside my room.

I brushed my teeth, wore my skinny jeans and paired it off with a cute tank top that says 'get out of my way'. Stupid isn't it? I did my hair into a high ponytail and wore a pair of Chelsea boots to complete my badass look. I took my bag and hurriedly went downstairs.

Dad was cooking some scrambled eggs and I can sense that it's burning with all the smoke coming from the pan. "Goodmorning sweetheart!" Dad greeted me while trying to get rid of the smoke coming from the scarmbled eggs. "Breakfast?" He placed the burnt eggs on a plate with some orange juice.

I appreciate him for never leaving us alone after mom died 3 years ago. Mom was the best cook, and eversince she was gone, he did his best to take care of me and Jacob.

"Thanks dad, but I'm running late for my first day of senior year." I took a bite a few bites of toast and drank a little bit of orange juice. "Love you, dad" I kissed dad on the cheek and took the car keys by the counter.

"I love you too! Have fun on the first day of school!" I heard dad, as I went to open up te garage with mom's old Mercedes-Benz 450SEL and hurriedly went to school.

I as parked by the parking lot, I watched my friend Aleia wait patiently for me by the entrance. "You're late princess Liv." Aleia scarcastically rolled her eyes. I jokingly made a curtsy. "Sorry, I woke up late. I couldn't sleep yesterday." I explained.

"Hey Ollie!" Mark waved at me ran towards us. I rolled my eyes, disgusted by the name he called me. "Will you please stop calling me that?" I shook my head. 'Ollie' is just not for me at all. I'd prefer Olivia, Liv or just my surname Jean. Yes, unfortunately Olivia Jean is my whole name.

"Fine, fine.. Liv it is." Mark annoyingly agreed. "I can't believe this is our last year in highschool! I'm estatic!" Aleia squeeled in excitement. "You're just excited for prom Aleia. Give us a break." Mark sarcastically replied.

"Yeah, you've been planning and talking about it the whole summer Leilei." I laughingly agreed. "Hey! This is my last chance to prove them that I am fashionable and is qualified for arts and design at Wolkin University." She angrily explained. She's so cute when she gets annoyed.


I've been thinking about journalism lately but I'm still not sure. Mar wanted to take business to take over their family business. Everyone here at senior year Georgetown High have been ready to take one their next step to college.

Yet here I am, still stuck.

The school bells rang just in time for the first class.

Aleia, Mark and I both parted ways for class since we don't have the same schedule together in the first class but we take Spanish class together.

I as soon as I found my first class English literature. "Hey look what I've found! The scrawny shrimp is here!" rolled my eyes as Carrie and her little minions approached me.

"Hey Carrie! I didn't know you and your plastic barbie minions  having a bitchy tea party here?" I gave her a plastic and sarcastic smile.

"Well I didn't know you were going to a funeral with your ugly shirt and worn out jeans. Like come one, do me a favor. Take your trashy bag and move out of my chair." She spat back at me.

I chuckled. "Seriously Carrie? You're that insecure of me that you would move mountains to take my seat? I didn't know you were that desperate." Other classmates from the class laughed.

"What are you gonna do? Call your daddy?" I added. My classmates except her minions laughed even harder.

"Goodmorning, class!" Mrs. Whitney calmly greeted and stood at the front. "Goodmorning Mrs. Whitney!" We all replied. We all settled down to our seats.

"I'll give you your taste of your own medicine later bitch." Carrie dreadfully smiled and stepped back. I chuckled and shook my head. Carrie hated me way back in middle school, and I never knew why. She basically thinks she's the typical Regina George here in Georgetown High.

"Okay guys, settle down. We have a new transferee." Mrs. Whitney announced.

A guy with auburn colored hair and mesmerizing deep hazelbrown eyes, fair skin. I could see his built up body from his worn out skinny jeans, a navy blue fitted vneck shirt, Chukka boots and a backpack hanging on his left shoulder.

I felt that weird feeling where I kinda knew him and I don't why. I stared at him when he suddenly made contact with my eyes. I felt my stomach churning, making me nervous. What's his problem? He gave me that confusing stare that made me uncomfortable in m own seat.

"Kindly introduce yourself Mr. Grey." He stood in front and anxiously scratched the back of his head looking nervous or something. "I'm Jaxon Ryker Grey. I'm from Greenmile, Wyoming." Everyome was silent for a bit until I heard Carrie clapping behind me, maybe considering this new guy here to be her flavor of the week. Whore. I shook my heaad in disappointment.

There was an empty seat on my left side by the window, he was expected to sit wherever he wants to sit. but suddenly he stopped by my seat. "You." he gave me an annoying smirk.