
Misco’s Game

A boy who is internally curious and questions things transfers to a new high school, average in every way until...

Claw_Plus · アクション
4 Chs

“The shard”

The teacher walks in softly holding a students hand, it's been 3 weeks since Dane first transferred and so there are two transfer students so far~

Dane noticed who she was right away but said nothing, She introduced herself to the class and said her name was Lisa and the teacher sat her on the third row from the teachers desk near the window. Dane sat in front of her. He didn't really pay attention, what he was waiting for was the end of the day, but not because he didn't like school, in fact he enjoyed learning and reading and drawing during free time but he loved after school where he could practice whatever he wanted. Dane starts walking home with Mike who is fussing about the homework and how easy Dane has it that he gets 80s and above on every test, quiz or homework. When Dane gets home he practice fighting on his punching bag his favorite activity he shares with his dad and brother who are living in different houses. Dane lives in an "average" house, paid for by his dad since his dad is a manager at a amazing Company which cells electronic products. They always got along so not only does he pay for his house he gives him 5k every 2 months to spend on food and other stuff but Dane isn't spoiled and doesn't ask for more or over spend. The next day Dane walks to school well rested and noticed something drop from the roof. It's shiny and has a small blue glow. As it land it makes a little sound hard to hear from a distance. Dane confused where and who it came from went to pick it up. The glow got bigger and he held it in his hand stood there and then put it in his pocket. He decided he was going to find out who or where it came from. He walked into class confused why someone would drop a cool shard in front of the school. Then 15 seconds before class started Lisa walked in with a warm expression and sat down. The teacher entered the classroom like always with a I had too much coffee, look. Dane still confused asked Lisa if she knows anything about blue shards, since he's "never" seen one until she came, surprised she stopped and said "wait you know what "The Shard" is". As Dane was about to answer a question with a question Lisa stoped him and told him to meet her on the roof at lunch. At lunch Dane comes up to the roof but no ones there he starts to head back but Lisa who was walking behind him jumped at him and said boo. Startled Dane fell back catching himself from falling.

She told him to sit down and she'll tell him but first he has to show her.

[Lisa] Ok, so a shard is a magical device that comes from the sky to the chosen. The chosen are people who has come across a shard before in their lives changing their lives once based on earths standards so for example one person might be as healthy as the average person but they could also have the chance of being healthier then the average person.

[Dane] So, it's based on the average people and decides weather you are the average or better?

[Lisa] Right, but it's very rare so for two of the chosen to be in the same place at once is pretty rare because the shards are only for people who has strong desires to make them selves better then the average person does. Have you ever seen a shard before now?

[Dane] I don't think so but I must have and there has been something like that, I can do pretty much anything just not super well until I practice a lot.

[Lisa] By the way once you get a second shard your life becomes a game.

[Dane] Wait how so

[Lisa] You'll see, by the way I don't think I caught your name

-it's Dane

Hey if you enjoy this could you show some love it takes a while and I’m still getting use to this and if I get a high enough rating I might make this a comic with pictures. :)

Claw_Pluscreators' thoughts