
Misco’s Game

A boy who is internally curious and questions things transfers to a new high school, average in every way until...

Claw_Plus · アクション
4 Chs

"Ignited powers"

" Ok so let's test my powers now"


*ball hits a tree leaving a large tree*

Woah so I'm already strong enough to destroy a tree or two what about metal or a shield..

Well I'll have to test that theory later I have to head to school


[Lisa] So how'd it go?

Well i know what i need to know i guess im still confused, do we all have the same powers

- Well sort of, Its all of the same game type but everyone has their own specialties there ore even types of abilities. theres ice, fire, nature, shadow and normal. These are based on what powers you get so for example the power ball would be either ice fire nature shadow or normal. In this game normal is like a combat power in which it just does base power, but the others affect you if they hit you they will give affects such as freeze, burn, itch, and basically take control of you. Even though normal has no effects its very rare and powerful and so far only you and the Crecent Knight have it.

How do you know i have it?

- Well i have the ability shadow stalker which allows me to see others abilities unless they conceal it then i need a higher rank on it to see it... but it also says your lvl 54 but wernt you level 23 last time what did you do.

Umm well it is a long story...

[You have been forced to enter a dungeon]


[Calm down Dane, I have been sent to train you]

Wait are you using Telepathy

[Yes, it is a skill i have aquired over the years but i have come to help you]

Ok, but why would you do that?

[ The Twins or Auro and Lunaris have told me to be your guide because they saw great potential in you so they want you trained to your best so you can battle them one day]

Ok so uhh whats on the to-do's list?

[First I must change to human form]

*A boy about the same age as Dane appears from a bright light*

[So let get right to it]

First lets see your powers.

*Summons a golem*

[Shoot it with a power ball]




[Seriously, he's standing still try again]


-A headshot to the face knocking the 80 feet giant to the ground-

[You are in fact the one The Twins are looking for]

Whoa i just went up 31 levels-

[ due to mass leveling you have gained a ability: Teleport]

[due to mass leveling you have gained a ability : Speed increase]

[auto abilty used: Thought boost/ instead of 31 points you have gained 62]

WHAT !?!

[Hmm something wrong]

No but i went up 31 levels but got 62 points because of an ability called thought boost

[Incredible, you just keep getting stronger!]

Dragon dude said i should buy something from the eLoot shop wonder what its about

[Magic Book ]

If you read this your speed stat will go up 50% (5M)

[CloseCombatCurse Book]

if you read this book anyone you punch after activating the skill will be 40% slower, and their defence and attack will decrease by 20% EVERY PUNCH.
