
Mischievous Wife : Reborn Into The Novel

She was dead! Falling from the 50th floor, really horrible. When she woke up, she found out that she becomes the supporting role in the so-called 'Love story' as a canonfodder. From then, she decided to change the tragic life of the side character and quickly signed the divorce paper that was thrown to her as soon as she woke up. She happily thank the ML and even urged him to get their divorce certificate right away. Finally getting the divorce she want. She bowed to herself that she would focus on herself making more money and swore him to never cross life each other again. However, after the divorce her so-called ex-husband started to pester her annoyingly. And oddly, all the elites that were prepared for the mistress suddenly aimed her! 'What the heck is happening!' ....... Disclaimer: You may find this story 'Cliche'. Very common and dull. So if you're looking for something different and with unique plots. Then this is not your typical, 'Cup of tea'. However, I can guarantee that this novel has a strong, funny, sarcastic and independent protagonist. Although, she is not one of those very smart and genius character, Our FL just don't bark ,but also bite very hard. The story has a very light plot and background. It doesn't have those , shady, dark and very heavy plot drama and twist. The FL somehow, always manage to turn everything on her favor. And foremost, she loves money! This story is combined with romance and comedy. With a protagonist , who's being Reborn into the novel. Just try give it a chance. [Your Author doesn't have that much wide knowledge of writing skills since this is the very first time. So please pardon her for some grammatical errors, loopholes of the plots, poor background of the story and characters and some misused words. Your Author happened to be not a fluent English speaker and English is not her first language.] Thank you. *Cover photo not mine* *credits to its willful owner*

YoungJhude · 都市
179 Chs

Sick In The Head.

Hearing this, Sandy stopped pretending to be pitiful. But she was still very cautious.

Although no one else was here, perhaps Julia equipped herself with cameras.

Julia was amused by Sandy's cautious expression. She had to admit that compared with those brainless entertainers who talked nonsense, Sandy was more suitable for this work.

She knew how to seize the opportunity, and how to carry out every plan.

Having switched off her phone, Julia threw it aside. Dressed in a tight knee—length dress, she couldn't hide anything on her body.

She then said to her, "Don't worry. I won't film you. Let's talk."

Julia casually pushed a chair over. "Sit down."

Sandy sat down, looking very calm. Compared with her previous timidity when she was on the train and the filming site, this should be her true color.

After a moment of silence, Sandy said, "Anyway, thank you."

Julia remained silent. Sandy revealed a bitter smile. "Julia, believe it or not, I have no other choice but to do it."

Julia asked in powerful voice, "So you are willing to sacrifice your morality, aren't you?"

Staring at Julia blankly, Sandy returned without any expression, "I won't ask you to forgive me. In short, sorry for letting you down."

Despite of the current situation, Sandy, who was cautious, had no intention to offend Julia. After all, she did not know what would happen tomorrow. From her point of view, Julia had a strong backer behind her.

Adults couldn't simply be divided into good ones and bad ones.

Sandy was just being selfish. Mainly for her, It wasn't wrong for her to choose a shortcut that was good for her.

"How do you know I won't forgive you if you don't try?"

Sandy rounded her eyes in shock while looking at Julia innocently.

Julia continued "I'll give you another chance."

Pointing at the phone beside her, she added, "Log on your Twitter and tell everyone that you and someone with ulterior motives are pulling the strings. As long as you do as I tell you, I will give you another chance to atone for your sin."

Julia stared at her, revealing no feelings. Sandy finally failed to keep her calmness.

After a pause, Sandy laughed at herself. "In fact, for you, I'm just like a kitten or a dog that you save on a sudden impulse."

She slowly looked up with a smile. "On that day on the train, with a condescending attitude towards me, you said that only when one was strong would he not be hurt."

"I'm just doing what you have taught me." Sandy smiled. "I'm just getting stronger in my own way. What's wrong with it?"

Julia found it funny. Sandy looked as though she were saying, 'I deserve praise, for I'm willing to do anything to become strong. Why do you criticize me?'

She then heard her again say, "That you criticize me means you look down on me."

Julia was beyond shocked by this girl's unreasonable logical ability. Had Sandy been influenced by her teacher who might once get involved in pyramid selling schemes?

Sandy must have learnt a lot from this teacher.

Although Julia was angry at her, she was reluctant to ruin the life of this 20—year—old girl with distorted values. Her brilliant and beautiful life had only just begun.

Julia closed her eyes and slowly said, "Did you do it for money?"

After she said that the room became so quiet that even the breath could be heard clearly.

But soon afterwards, Sandy suddenly stood up and kicked over the chair behind her. "So what? Should I be looked down on because I want money?" She even sounded herself hoarse.

It seemed that Julia had touched her raw nerve.

"It is not a big deal that your reputation has been ruined. Netizens won't remember it. After half a year, the public will forget about it. But if I don't do that, I'll be treated like a dog forever at the bottom of the society!"

Julia shook her head helplessly and sneered "Sandy, how can you destroy the reputation of others so as to make yourself strong? If you are given a knife tomorrow, will you kill others for your own sake?"

Staring at Sandy's eyes, Julia continued, "After that, will you say that I teach you to do so again? You have done it. But you slough off responsibilities rather than bear them."

Losing her patience, Julia felt a little tired, not wanting to argue with her anymore.

However, Sandy grabbed her wrist. Her eyes were red, and her lips trembled slightly. She innocently and pitifully begged. "Julia… I really like you … You've already helped me once. Can't you help me again?"

At last, Julia was in rage.

'This dumb girl is sick in the head.'

It seemed that Sandy, who pretended to be weak and innocent, were now feigning her act once again and was begging to her.

"I have just ruined your reputation. It's your honor to be used to help others become strong. Why do you blame me?"

"I just don't understand. I don't!"

"It's immoral for you to refuse me."

"That's all. I haven't gone too far."

Finally, Julia have heard it all. There's no way to help such twisted person who's completely sick in head.

This kind of bullshit, she doesn't have any tolerance.

Having looked at Sandy for a long time, Julia broke loose from her grip with noticeable disappointment and disgust in her eyes.

Sandy was too familiar with this kind of gaze. She put on a strange smile. "Don't look at me like that. Can you swear that you've done nothing immoral for your status? If you haven't, I think that you just don't stand a chance. Given the opportunity, you might be even more disgusting than me."

Sandy felt that she was not wrong.

Was it wrong of her to change her life!?

She didn't want to be taunted and scolded by her aunt again. Was it wrong?

Was it wrong of her to get more resources to completely change her humble status?

Cindy offered to help her. Considering what she saw in the filming site, Sandy knew Cindy had been nursing grudges against Julia. Although Cindy did not say it clearly, Sandy understood what she meant.

She successfully signed a contract, worth millions, with Glory Entertainment after putting on an act.

She would not be able to obtain it even if she worked hard for another ten or twenty years.

Then why should she refuse? A fool would do it. She was just being selfish.

On the train, Julia almost wavered her determination. Julia had never suffered the hardships she had suffered.

Now she could afford a five—star hotel, not an average one.

Her aunt, Camilla began to respect her and stopped scolding or humiliating her. Instead, Camilla listened to her.

So, for Sandy, the so—called principle and morality sounded funny. She had been told that money and high social status mattered the most.

At this moment, there was a loud knock on the door. A seemingly shrewd woman screamed at the door. "Bitch, why do you lock Sandy inside?"

"Open the door! Open the door!"

Failing to expect her aunt to come so quickly, Sandy looked at Julia.

Julia smirked and snickered , "What? Waiting for Christmas? Get your ass there and open that goddamm door!"

That old hag pitch voice scream is getting onto her nerves.

Hello guys, I know my updates are on random mode but I hope you can still bear with it. I'm doing my best on both writing and editing. So yeah, for a noob like me it's really a struggle but then I kinda survived it! Again, thanks for staying with me. I'm currently editing, so hopefully I can update more. Thank you. Btw, pardon for all the errors. Hehe

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