
Mischief & Dai-Jin

AnnGuslavia · 都市
39 Chs

XVI. Her

["I know you're not sleeping anymore,"] whispered a small voice.

I said nothing, sensing the presence of three humans by my side, all but pretending to still be asleep, scared of seeing anyone after I absolutely lost it last time. What kind of drug did they put in my veins back then? I had no control over myself, over my words, my actions, I lost my mind as if I was being held in psych ward.

Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.

Why the hell did I told them? They weren't supposed to know. They shouldn't know what happened to eomma, to my family… I…

["You are safe here, Missy. You are safe with them!"]

Safe? I don't want to be safe, I want to die.

I didn't want to meet appa or Ari or their pretty lovely circle. I did not want to see them, because I knew it would hurt, I knew envy would take root on my heart, and I hate that feeling. I was fine with dying having only an idea of who they were, that's how it was supposed to be.

But no… they had to fucking save me. That… pretty fucker.

The tall Asian boy, it was him. I have a faint memory of seeing him in the pool, and though I have no fucking idea how he did that, how he got there, I know in my bones, he was the one to save me. Save… hah, that was not saving, he doomed me.

["Why are you faking? You have nothing to fear here, Missy!"]

"Fuck off!" I yelled, feeling suffocated. "Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don't know anything," ignoring all the humans, my eyes searched for the damn animal. "Where are you, you little shit?"

["Well, that's better than silence for sure,"] it grinned, and when my eyes went to the window, I found a raven peaking through the part I broke. ["How do you feel?"]

"Alive, unfortunately," I hissed annoyed, jumping from the bed and getting rid of the shit in my veins forcefully, "fuck this." But that was when my eyes feel to my wrists and I saw the bandaged on it, I recognize the soft pain clinging to my now scarred skin.

Finally, I turned my eyes to see the humans, finding my technical older brother on the chair uncle Daniel was sitting on last time, a pretty tan-skinned guy with monolid eyes sitting down with his back to the door, and him, the stupid tattooed guy who 'saved' me, sitting on the chair on the opposite side to the one my brother's in, and too fucking close to where I'm standing right now.

"You!" I glared at him, pointing my index finger at his pretty face. "It's your fault, you doomed me," I took a step closer to him, and he stared at me with those dark monolid eyes, his black wavy hair parted right in the middle of his head, parts of it falling over his face and casting a shadow over his eyes. And why is he so huge? Sitting down he's almost my height.

"Doomed?" He licked his lips, grinning. "I saved you, Yeji. Not that you seem to know the meaning of that, but you're welcome."

"You fucked me up," I hissed. I can't believe he speaks Korean, is her Korean? That's makes it worse. "Why the hell did you do that? Why did you fucking come? Why didn't you let me get fucking free?" I clenched my jaw, wanting to kill him with my eyes.

He tilted his head, a damned sensual grin making his dimples pop. Jesus Christ, he has DIMPLES? Why? Why? Why?

"Fucked you? You wish," he purred. "And in my defense, the birds threw me on the pool, and I happened to find you there. I couldn't take the rewards for that, I was as shocked as you probably felt in that last second before you lost your consciousness, Yeji."

I clenched my hands in fists, eyes flaring and going to the raven in the broken window, watching me, "Why? Why did you do that? Why did you threw this ahjussi in the pool? Why? You know better than anyone what happened, why didn't you leave me alone? Why? Why did you make such as fucking commotion?" I yelled.

["You are precious to us, Missy! We couldn't let you go, we could never just stand there and watch you wither away, to watch you kill yourself. Would you do that? Would stand by and watch a loved one kill themselves?"] He frowned, clearly annoyed with my words.

"It's different," I snapped.

["The human was after you, we just used that to save you. And even then, just taking you out of the pool wouldn't do, we got lucky that he knew how to do a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and to pressed down your wrists' wounds with his shirt to help the bleeding, as well as to take you to the hospital in time!"] He did what?

My eyes widened and I slapped his face hard, "You pervert!"

The other boy and my brother gasped, and so did he, "What was this for?" He blinked in pure shock, touching his cheek, where I had left a mark of my… rather small hand compared to his size. "I'm not a pervert!"

"You kissed me!" I yelled in English, as he has switched to it.

It took him a second to understand what I was saying, "I didn't kiss you, you fucking idiot. I did a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in you, or you would have fucking died from drowning," he yelled back at me.

"Quite the excuse to kiss an unconscious girl!" I yelled.

"You were dying, I had to save you," he yelled again. "And did you really call me ahjussi?" He gasped absolutely offended, still sitting down on the disgustingly pink chair. "I'm nineteen, ajumma!"

My jaw dropped in dismay, "I am seventeen, ahjussi!"

"You are 18, ajumma!" He yelled back again.

"I'm 17, ahjussi!"

"Ajumma!" He glared up at me.

"Ahjussi!" I glared down at him, and we kept glaring. We glared at each other for so long, his eyes began to burn my skin, and I swallowed, anger slowly subsiding as I took in everything, avoiding his eyes. That is, until I spotted a river in the window, "There are no hospital with lake view in Sofia," I whispered, running to it, running to where the raven was, only to find myself waaaaayyyyy to above the sea level, in the top of a fucking skyscraper.

A scream left my throat and I fell down.

Well, I should have fallen down, had that idiot not caught me in a quick reflex, "Hands off me, ahjussi!" I yelled, pushing him away.

"Can't you just say 'thank you', ajumma?" He growled.

"Where am I?" I kicked him away, pressing my back to the wall under the window, "Why are we so high?" I yelled. "You kidnapped me, ahjussi!" I accused. "Take me back to Sofia!"

"You ain't going back, ajumma. This is your home now!"

I glared at him, "In your dreams, ahjussi. Where. Am. I?" After a long silence, I cursed them all in Bulgarian. "If you don't tell me, I'll jump from this window, and your effort would have gone to waste, ahjussi!"

"Chicago," my brother finally spoke, looking overwhelmed. "We are in Chicago, sister."

There was no not flinching, "Don't call me that," I hissed and my eyes snapped to the boy who was still silent, and his cheeks turned red under my gaze. I raised an eyebrow, "I know ahjussi and I know obnoxious no. 4, who are you?" I fully on glared at him.

He swallowed and the idiot behind me barked a laugh, "That's my cousin, ajumma." I glared back at him. "What?"

"I did not talk to you, ahjussi," I hissed and turned to the tanned guy who the idiot claimed to be his cousin, and I slowly put the pieces together. "Wait, cousin?" I blinked, turning my eyes back to the idiot. "How old are you again, ahjussi?"

"What? Now you're talking to me, ajumma?"

This men is absolutely infuriating, "How. Old. Are. You. Ahjussi?"

He rolled his pretty eyes, "I'm nineteen, ajumma. Nineteen. 19," he repeated it in Bulgarian, and then in Korean.

"So, you're the Japanese-Korean-American, ahjussi!"

"You do know hacking information like you did is a crime, right, ajumma?" He grinned, but didn't deny it, meaning I'm right.

"And if you got to me, you probably should have gotten your hands on the criminal records I left in there, so you would see that I'm a criminal and back the fuck off, ahjussi!" I snapped through clenched teeth.

The grin on his lips turned wolfishly, "So, you did that deliberately, ajumma," he purred. "Otou-san was right!"

Otou-san? That's father in Japanese. So, he really is appa's best friend's oldest son, the son of Yoshihiro Nishimura and Moon Hyo-rin! I didn't find out his name, but I'm not asking it, I'll just wait for someone to tell me. "If you're ahjussi's cousin," I turned to the boy in the door again, "you must be the 18-year-old son of Sakura Nishimura and Javier Herrera-Aguilar. What's your name?"

He blinked, "You don't know my name?"

"If I knew your name, I wouldn't be asking it, dumbass!" What's with these people? Jesus Christ, they are unbelievable. "Your name!"

I heard my brother and the idiot laughing behind me, but I ignored them both, focusing my glare on the Mexican-Japanese-American boy in front of me, "Diego," he said at final, "Diego Kento Nishimura Herrera-Aguilar. But everyone calls me Diego."

"Go die," I mumbled.

His eyes widened and he gasped, "What?"

"Way to interact with people, ajumma," the idiot mocked.

"Shut up, ahjussi," I hissed and turned to his cousin again. "Go die, it's your name backwards. Die and go. Go die. Diego," well, he probably didn't get the joke if he's staring at me like that. "Ahjussi," I turned around.

"Ajumma?" He greeted me with a mischievous grin.

"You said I was 18," a nod. "What day is today?"

"December 7th!"

My eyes widened, "What? What do you mean December 7th?"

"Stop messing with her, Dai-Jin," my brother growled at him. "If she snaps and attack you, no one is going to save your condescending ass. It's October 15th… what… what should I call you?"

I swallowed, meeting his eyes, eyes almost identical to me, which is unsettling for sure. He's looks like me, without my Asian traces. "Five."

"What?" He blinked confused.

"Aren't you number Four? You have a IV at the end of your name, no?" I folded my arms over my chest, feeling a sting of pain in my wrists. "I was born after you, thus, I'm number Five.