
A Cold Goodbye

Chat Noir's POV


I opened the door to her room to see her already standing there waiting for me in her pajamas. The sun was already down and her porch lights were still broken from the snowstorm last Monday. She stepped up out of her room closing the door behind her, avoiding eye contact with me. I backed up to the railing to give her some space to walk out to me, but she stayed five feet away, with her arms wrapped around her torso from the cold.

Why are we still outside, she doesn't even have a jacket on!

I stepped closer to her but she lifted her head and screamed, "NO! NOT ANOTHER STEP CLOSER!" I froze in my tracks shocked at her outburst.

"Mari, it's freezing out here, please let's just go inside I don't want you to get sick!" I reached out to drag her inside but she slapped my hand away, "Marinette please...tell me what's wrong."

She looked up into my eyes with tears and whispered, "you stupid cat...You didn't think I would notice?" She stepped closer as a tear slid down her cheek.

I stared at her not knowing what to say. She was scaring me, maybe she's mad that I didn't visit her since the dance? I just felt guilty about not finding her that night that I just couldn't face her. When I came here in my civilian form to tell her the truth about everything though, she was sick. Plagg said to leave her alone for a while, but I needed a second opinion so I talked to Nino...

"That night...At the dance, you told Ladybug how you found me on the Eiffel Tower and her..." She looked up to the sky and breathed out heavily then started to laugh as she spoke, "honestly I don't know how you could think you'd get away with this shit." She put her hand to her forehead as she sighed again.

"U-uhm, what do you mean...?" I looked back at her horrified of the words that were about to come out of her mouth.

Oh god, please don't let her know who I am! Please, I was going to tell her the truth I swear!

"Go home, Adrien. I'm done talking and thinking about this whole thing. I should've never let you in as Chat Noir! how could you do this to me?!" She started screaming, her tears dry as the snow started falling from the sky like her anger pouring from her words.

I stood there staring at her still unable to bring myself to say anything.

She's right. I shouldn't have lied to her for this long...at all.

"I don't want to see you anymore. I can understand in school because we have classes together, but besides that, there's no reason to anymore." She turned around without waiting for me to process my own words and left me out there on the balcony alone.

How the hell did she figure out who I am...And how'd she known I was talking to Ladybug?

As if on impulse I opened the door to her room stopping her in her tracks. Before she could yell at me to leave I cut her off and straightly said, "if you were there, why didn't you come to see me instead of ignoring me and following me? I was honestly looking for you, but I thought you didn't show up!" I didn't realize I started to cry until my vision started to blur, "I was truly looking for you that whole night, but being there with Ladybug just made me confused and I--"

"And you kissed her." Her back was to me by now as she was remembering that Halloween dance. "You were dancing with her and at the moment it felt comfortable just to be with her, right?" She turned around with a determined look on her face.

I cowered back, not wanting to lie to her I whispered, "you're right. At the moment it felt right to be there with Ladybug, but the moment we kissed I thought of how you would feel. So I told her about what I did. I didn't think you'd be eavesdropping on us or even be there. I'm so sorry it turned out this way." I sat on the floor and started to full-out cry. I couldn't hold it back anymore, it was too much for me to hold back right now, I just couldn't.

I looked up at the sound of light footsteps and looked up to see my princess standing over me with her hand stretched out to me. I took it and swarmed her in a loving embrace. I could feel her lips open next to my ear as her breathing stayed level, "this is the last sign of affection I'll be sharing with you, Adrien. Please leave now, it'll be harder for you if you stay any longer." She backed away from me with her arms crossed in front of her chest as she stared blankly at me.

I didn't say anything as I turned around to leave. Before I jumped from her balcony I turned around to see her nowhere in sight. I laughed self-deprecatingly to myself and gently spoke with a single tear tracing down my cheek, "Merry Christmas my princess, here's your gift."

I'll give you what you want from now on.

I've realized from people DMing me on Instagram that my notes don't show up until the end...whoops? Anywho, I played 'Red' by Taylor Swift on a low setting to give a surreal feeling while reading :)

Thanks for reading!


SoFrancreators' thoughts