
Miraculous (M)

Miraculous_Writter · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Too many to count

"You have one new message, "Marinette's phone speaks.

It wakes up Marinette and Adrian. Marinette checks it.

" What is it?" Adrian asks.

"You remember my friend group from high school right?" Marinette asks, " And how I was asking people to help with my website?"

Adrian nods his head.

"Well, Alix, Alya, Mylene, Rose, and Juleka all asked if they could help with it, " Marinette says, " and it's today."

"We won't see each other much, " Adrian says, " I have my photo shoot today."

Marinette gets out of bed and stretches, " shower time."

"Damn, " Adrian thinks out loud on accident.

Marinette lays close to Adrian. She uses his chest as a pillow.

"What has you damned?" Marinette asks.

"You, your body, your everything," Adrian says.

Marinette rubs his cheek. She lifts herself to kiss him. As she kisses him he moves on her. He kisses her neck.

(A sex scene at the beginning of the chapter 😲 it's a scandal) (I'm sorry quarantine is getting in my head. I have been out in 2 months and 4 days)

"You see my sweet... I've been craving you, " Adrian says between his kisses.

She raises his head back to her face with a finger.

"Yes?" Adrian smiles.

Marinette whispers something in his ear.

"Are you sure?" Adrian asks.

"It's my suggestion, " Marinette smiles.

She takes him to the bathroom. He turns on the shower. She takes her clothes off. He walks up to her.

She moves him back, "no-touch, just watch."

She continues.

"This is called psychological harassment, " Adrian says.

"No, It's called seeing how long you last without being in charge, " Marinette takes off her last piece of clothing, "I've noticed something with you."

"What is that exactly?" Adrian smiles.

"You like being in charge, " Marinette gets in the shower, "You like making the first move."

"That's true, " Adrian says.

"I take charge, you change your approach to be in charge, " Marinette grins at him.

"I'm being exposed, " Adrian thinks.

"You can join me now, " Marinette says.

Adrian quickly takes off his clothes then joins her. He rubs her cheek and kisses her lips. She moves him back.

"Can you do me a favor?" Marinette asks.

Adrian nods.

"Try not to move, " Marinette says.

Marinette squats. She runs her finger up and down his leg.

"Calm yourself, " Marinette stands back up, " You've become tense thinking I'm either going to give you one of two things, neither will happen."

Adrian says nothing.

"I know I'm right from your silence, " Marinette kisses him, " your adorable when you have no control."

"M - Marinette, " Adrian studders.

"Yes, my kitty?" Marinette wraps her warm around his neck.

"You're driving me crazy, " Adrian says.

"I know, " Marinette says.

⚠️ Getting intense!!!⚠️

With more teasing Adrian finally 'broke'. He walks to where Marinette's back is on the shower wall. He picks her up. She wraps her legs around his waist.

He uses one hand to hold Marinette's hands above her the other to position himself right. He starts. Marinette tries to free her hand to block her hums. Adrian keeps her hand above her head.

"I want to hear you moan ( The characters say moan), " Adrian whispers in her ear.

Marinette squeezes the hand holding her hands up, " A - Adrian!"

Adrian whispers, "I knew you would like that."

"Adrian, " Marinette hums.

"My name in your moan, " Adrian grins, "it's my motivation."

"Let go of my hands, " Mariette says between hums.

He lets go and stops, " did I hurt you?"

"Not at all, " Marinette says, "please continue."

"those are all the words I need, " He starts again.

Marinette holds Adrian. She buries her head in his shoulders. Both of their tensenesses fades. Marinette grabs Adrians face with both hands and kisses him.

"If I wasn't already pregnant I am now, " Marinette smiles.

"I know, " Adrian smiles as he turns the shower off.

"Marinette!" A voice on the other side of their house says.

"The girls!" Marinette panics.

Adrian and Marinette dry off. Marinette grabs her phone and headphones then sits at the table.

"Okay let them in, " Marinette says.

He lets the girls in.

"You're not Marinette, " Rose says.

"Good to see you too, " Adrian lets them in.

"Nice to see you, Adrian, " Mylene says.

"Yeah, I've been waiting for that basketball game, you challenged me to, " Alix laughs.

"Yeah I have to catch you up on that, " Adrian walk up to Marinette, " They're here."

Marinette takes off her headphones, " oh hey girls."

Marinette practically gets trampled by Rose.

"Watch the b-, " Marinette catches herself, " the broom."

"I'm so happy to see you, " Rose says.

"Yeah, we all are, " Alix says.

"Good to see you all too now how are my newlyweds, " Marinette wraps her arms around Juleka and Rose.

"We're awesome, " Juleka mumbles.

"So what's the agenda?" Alya asks.

"You guys already choose your parts. I'm surprised you wanted to be the model Juleka, " Marinette says, " which reminds me. I need a male model, Alya can you ask Nino to be the male model, "

"I'm right here, " Adrian says.

"Well don't you have a photo shoot of your own today?" Marinette says.

"Yes, I can cancel it, " Adrian says.

"You'd do that for me?" Marinette says.

"Anything, " Adrian whispers in her ear.

"Okay, where are the outfits?" Alix asks.

"I'm not coming to the photo shoot today, " Adrian texts his dad.

"Oh yes you are your bodyguard will pick you up soon, " Gabriel texts.

"These designs are pretty, " Mylene says.

"And with the right accessories, " Alya picks up earrings and rings, " it's better."

Marinette gives Adrian and Juleka the clothes to change into. Marinette makes sure her set up is ready. Adrian waits for Juleka to get out of the bathroom. Juleka walks out of the bathroom.

"Are you guys ready?" Marinette says.

"Almost, " Adrian walking the bathroom.

Juleka doesn't say anything.

"Are you ready Juleka, " Marinette asks.

She doesn't say anything.

"I can tell that your not comfortable, " Rose says, "do you want to do it or do you want Marinette to do it. It is for her website after all and she couldn't ask you if you're uncomfortable."

"Okay, " Juleka says.

Adrian comes out of the bathroom to see Marinette with the outfit on.

"When did you change?" Adrian blushes.

"Just now, " She says.

Marinette gets supplies. They all help her set up.

"We can change the position since it's me, not Juleka, " Marinette says.

Marinette and Adrian get in a set position. Adrian's face turns beet red.

"So Romantic!" Rose whisper screams.

"Alya can you take the picture I can't stay this way that long, " Marinette says.

" Closer, " Alya says, " Adrian isn't in the shot."

"Even more romantic, " Rose whisper screams, " they're practically kissing."

"I don't understand you two, " Alix says.

"What do you mean?" Adrian asks.

"Nevermind, " Alix says

Alya takes the picture. Once Marinette hears the click she falls on Adrian. Alya takes a photo on her phone before Marinette gets up.

She gets up, " I'm not doing that again."

"I got the perfect phone on my phone, " She says.

She shows them the photo of when Marinette fell on Adrian.

"This is why you're the photographer, " Marinette says.

"Send me that photo, " Adrian whispers.

Alya gives him a thumbs up. She sends it to him.

"Adrian are you okay?" Mylene asks.

"I'm fine she's just too hot I'm mean what!" Adrian says speedily, "I mean it's hot in here."

"Why don't we do the rest of the photo shoot outside, " Alix says, "Adrian looks like he's gonna spontaneously combust."

"I'll drive!" Mylene says.

They grab their things and start leaving. Juleka does grab her things.

"Are you coming, my devil?" Rose asks.

"No my angle, I don't feel well so I'm gonna stay, " Juleka says.

"Then I'll stay with you, " Rose says.

"Go, I know you were looking forward to this, " Juleka says.

"Oh okay, " Rose gives her a kiss, " ill see you when we get back. Love you!"

"Love you too, " Juleka waves.

Rose leaves and joins the group. Leaving Juleka in the house alone.

"He's not home, "Adrian's bodyguard says on the phone with Gabriel.

"Well, find him! you should know where he is you've driven him since when he was a baby, " Gabriel hangs up the phone.

"When I say I don't know where he is, " The guard gets in the car angrily.

In Hawkmoths layer.

"Yes, Natalie, I have a chance to akumitize two people at once, " Hawkmoth says, " I'll also need you for this."

"Anything for you sir, " Natalie says.

"Duusuu, Spread my feathers!" Natalie becomes a supervillain, "such a rush!"

Hawkmoth sends out two Akumas one to Juleka and the other to The bodyguard. Natalie, the supervillain sends out an Amuck.

The Amuck and one of the Akumas goes to Juleka. The other Akuma goes to The bodyguard.

"I'm so stupid why did I say I didn't want to be in the photo shoot, " Juleka says in the mirror.

An Akuma and Amuck come in the room and Go into her bracelet and hairpin.

"I am Hawkmoth and I will give you the power to make people you, " Hawkmoth says.

"I am Mayura. I will give you the help with Refectdoll she gives you less work, " Mayura says.

"Yes Hawkmoth, Yes Mayura, " Juleka says.

Seconds later. The Akuma goes in The Bodyguards phone.

"Gorizilla, I am Hawkmoth, You need to find Adrian to please your boss, " Hawkmoth says.

"Yes Hawkmoth, " The Bodyguard says.

In the park.

Alya says, " So where should we-, "

"Marinette! Where are you, " Reflekta yells, "changing people into her on her way?

"What was that!" Marinette turns around.

She sees Marinette, " Just the girl I've been looking for."

"Juleka!" Rose says in a panic.

"Juleka is no more I am Reflekta, " Reflekta says, " don't worry I wouldn't hurt you my angle. I want Marinette!"

They scatter. Reflekta puts Rose in the doll with her.

"What did I do?" Marinette asks," you said you didn't want to be in the shoot."

"You wouldn't let me explain!" She grabs Marinette.

"Marinette!" Adrian yells.

"Jul- Reflekta this hurts, " Marinette says.

"Now think of that pain but in your head when you're me, " Reflekta changes her to look like her.

She drops her. Adrian catches her. He puts her down. She falls to the ground. He tries to help her up.

She doesn't let him then get up, " I'm alright. We need to get Plagg and Tikki."

"Your hurt, " Adrian says.

"I fine, " Marinette walks to the car.

Adrian follows. When they get to the car Reflekta has the doll throw it across Paris. When it lands Tikki and Plagg fall out of the car. The get their miraculouses and looks for their owners.

Reflekta hits Adrian with the beam changing him to her. She pushes Adrian away from Marinette. Adrian tries to get to Marinette but can't walk in heels.

Reflekta picks Marinette up again, " what's wrong. Are you hurting?"

Reflekta messes with Marinette for a while. Tikki flies around looking for Marinette.

"Tikki!" Adrian calls.

"Who are you?" Tikki asks.

"It's Adrian, " Adrian whispers, "I can't find Plagg can I use you as my Kwami. Marinette has been captured by Reflekta."

Tikki hands the earrings to him, " anything for Marinette."

He puts the earrings on, "Tikki! Spots on!"

Adrian turns into a Ladybug themed superhero.

Reflekta sees The new 'Lady' bug, " what happened to tomcat?"

Marinette turns around, " Cat Noir?"

"Not anymore I am Mister bug, " He says.

"Okay, then Mister bug. Catch! " She throws Marinette.

Mister bug catches Marinette then runs away with her in his arms.

"You could've gotten hurt, " Marinette manages to say.

"But you actually did, " Adrian says, " I need to get you somewhere safe."

"No, put me down, " Marinette says.

He stops in an alley then puts her down.

"Your dad isn't happy with you, Adrian," Gorizilla walks past them.

"Another Akuma, " Mister bug says, " I have to capture three Akumas."

"No, you don't. It's two Akumas and one Amuck, " Marinette says, " And I'm getting them. It takes a lot of practice to catch Akumas the right way, "

"No, I'm not letting you. you can barely stand, " Adrian says.

"But I need to help, " Marinette says, "I can't let you go against two Akumitized victims and one having a centimonster with them."

"Fine but you're using my kwami it requires less work, " Adrian says, " Spots off."

Mister bug goes back to Adrian.

"Tikki can you find Plagg for me?" Adrian asks.

"Of course, " Tikki says.

She flies away looking for Plagg.

Adrian sits next to Marinette, " don't scare me like that. Not again."

"You know I can't promise that, " Marinette says.

Tikki flies back with Plagg, " I got him."

Marinette forces herself to stand, " Plagg claws out."

Marinette turns into a Cat themed superhero.

"Tikki spots on, " Adrian turns back into Mister bug.

Marinette stretches, " Interesting I can't feel any pain."

"Your welcome, " Plagg says from the ring.

"Are you sure?" Adrian says.

She hesitates, " Yeah of course... Ladynoir can do this."

The two superheroes run to the scene where they see Carapace and Rena Rouge fighting Gorizilla, Reflekta, and her doll.

"Guys come over here!" Lady Noir yells.

The two of them come to where they are.

"What happened?" Carapace asks.

"Just a little mix-up, " Lady Noir says.

"Interesting?' Rena says.

"I think I have an Idea, " Mister bug says.

He explains the idea to the group.

"Okay, I'm on it!" Rena says, " but why don't we just use the real Marinette and Adrian?"

"I don't want them to get hurt," Ladynoir says.

"Of course, " Rena says, " so right there?"

Mister bug nods.

"Mirage!" Rena makes a Marinette and Adrian appear.

Reflekta sees Marinette, " I thought I changed you."

"I guess you didn't, " Fake Marinette says.

"I guess you didn't get the damn memo, " Reflekta picks her up and throws her.

Ladynoir turns away as Reflekta beats up who she thinks is Marinette.

"I talked to the real Marinette before I got here, " Ladynoir says turned around, " she says all she did was misunderstood this woman and now all she wants to do is hurt her."

Mister bug runs her back, " it's okay."

Gorizilla picks up fake Adrian, "I got him, boss!"

"John ( let's pretend that's the Bodyguards name), " Mister bug says.

"You this monster, " Carapace asks.

"I've seen him around, " Mister bug says, " now Carapace phase two, "

"Right!" Carapace says, " Shelter!"

A green bubble forms around the group. They walk out.

"Lookie there princess your friends have come to save you, " Reflekta turns fake Marinette around who's dripping in blood.

Ladynoirs' eyes begin to water but she doesn't full-on cry. The group walks as close as they can to Reflekta.

"Get any closer and I swear Marinette won't see the light of day tomorrow, " Reflekta says.

"Phase three, " Mister bug says.

"Cataclysm!" Ladynoir says.

Carapace takes down the shelter. Ladynoir Cataclysms the doll.

"Okay, the beam is broken, " Mister bug says, " it's time for phase four, "

He wraps the doll with the yoyo. Ladynoir trips the doll with her stick. Carapace does the final kick to knock it down.

"Lucky Charm!" Mister bug gets a circle mirror.

He throws it to Rena, " You need to I screw the screw in the back.

Rena Rouge gets Reflekta and Rose out the doll.

"The Bracelet!" Ladynoir says.

Rena brakes the bracelet. Mister bug purifies the Akuma. Juleka turns back to normal.

"What am I doing here, " She sees fake Marinette in the ground, " I'm sorry Marinette."

"She's fake, " Rena points her flute, " Reality!"

The Marinette disappears.

"My devil!" Rose hugs Juleka.

"My angle, " Juleka hugs her back.

The Amuck floats around. Mister bug catches it, "A feather?"

"From the miraculous of the peacock, the second miraculous Master fu lost, " Ladynoir says

"Boss, Boss, I got Adrian?" Gorizilla says.

"Oh yeah, we got the gorilla, " Carapace says.

"Rena I called Adrian and he says he's gonna help us so take away the fake, " Mister bug says, " and I got to get him so BRB."

"Reality, " She points to the fake Adrian.

He disappears. Mister bug leaves.

"Where did he go!" Gorizilla asks himself.

Adrian suddenly appears, " Hey flyweight I'm right here."

Gorizilla picks Adrian up.

"I didn't think about that, " Adrian thinks.

"Dumbass, " Ladynoir thinks smiling.

"Now we have to help the real Adrian, " Rena puts her hand on her head, " Do you have an idea?"

"As in matter fact, I do, " Ladynoir says.

She tells the group her plan.

"Better than Mister bugs!" Carapace says.

Lady Noir smiles as she follows Gorizilla with Adrian. He stops at the top of the tallest TV center. She climbs up.

" Look it here!" She waves, " The new gorilla has his toy!"

He gets angry and grabs her upside down.

"What are you doing!" Rena yells.

"Just watch!" She yells back.

"This woman's crazy, " Carapace points to Ladynoir.

"But she's the boss, " Rena raises her hands.

"Now Gorizilla take her miraculous the ring!" Hawkmoth says through his face.

He tries to grab it but his hands are full. He tries a lot of different ways. Gorizilla flips her around to where they are facing each other. Ladynoir upside down.

"Let go of Adrian, " Hawkmoth says.

He let's go. Just as he's about to grab her miraculous.

Adrian stands on the edge of the building, " Ladynoir!"

The Ladynoir and Gorizilla look at him.

"Catch you on the flip side!" He jumps off.

"No! Adrian!" She bites the gorilla.

She gets his phone and a jar. She brakes the phone then catches the Akuma in the jar. She jumps where Adrian did. Adrian still is falling. She does this as fast as humanly possible.

Ladynoir makes herself go faster tears in her eyes, "Don't leave me!"

She catches him then extends the stick to keep them from dying. They reach the ground.

Ladynoir hugs him crying, "Don't do that you didn't know if he was gonna let me go. You could've died. You can't leave me!"

Carapace and Rena run-up to them, " Is everything alright?"

Ladynoir is still hugging Adrian, "I just saw his life flash before my eyes."

"Are we interrupting something? " Rena asks.

"What?... Oh I know it's just that was too, too close, " Ladynoir let's go of him, " Rena do you still have the mirror?"

She shows her the mirror.

"Okay, I'm gonna take him home then ill have Mister bug return things back to normal, " Ladynoir says.

Rena gives her the mirror. Ladynoir goes home with Adrian.

"Tikki spots on!" Adrian turns back to Mister bug and grabs the mirror, " Miraculous Mister bug!"

Everything goes back to normal.

"Spots off, " Mister bug turns back into Adrian.

"Claws in, " Marinette falls down, "shit!"

"You need to let me help you, " Adrian says.

"Okay, " Marinette says reaching for Adrians hand.

He picks her up and puts her on the bed.

"The girls are still in the park!" Marinette says.

"Can you tell them we'll have to reschedule, " Adrian says, " I'm going to be your server for the rest of... until you can stand without it hurting, "

"That's fine by me, " Marinette says.

"Wait don't you have your photo shoot still?" Marinette asks.

"Yeah I'm a little late but I'll go later, " Adrian says.

"Since I can't really stand while you're gone I'll ask the girls to come to keep me company, " Marinette grabs her phone and calls them.

"Hey, girl we're at the park can you come, " Alya says.

"Hey, Alya are the girls with you?" Marinette asks.

"Yeah they're all here, " Alya says.

"Alya is that Marinette, " Juleka asks.

"Yeah, it's her, " Alya says.

"I'm sorry, Marinette!" Juleka says.

"It's okay but that's why I'm calling, " Marinette says, " Adrian insists I stay home because of the Akuma I don't know why."

"Oh that's a bummer, " Alya says, " Hey Adrian why can't she come?"

"Because she can barely walk by herself let alone have a photo shoot, " Adrian says.

"Why not take her to the hospital?" Alya asks.

"No hospital, I'll manage, " Marinette says, "I was also wondering since Adrian has a photo shoot and we were supposed to be having the photo shoot for a whole 3 or so hours you guys can come to my house and we can watch movies of something?"

"Yes that sounds awesome, " Alya consults with the girls, " They all agree, it'll take us 10 minutes at least, "

"My house is only 3 minutes, away from the park, " Marinette says.

"Juleka insists we go to the store so she can buy you something, " Alya says.

"Tell her she doesn't have to, " Marinette says.

"Oh but I do, " Juleka says.

"Okay see you in a little while, girl, bye, " Alya says.

"Yeah see you guys, " Marinette hangs up the phone, " earlier you said It was physiological harassment from me getting undressed in front of you."

Adrian nods his head.

"But you're doing the same thing to me, " Marinette reaches for him, " and I can't even get up and kiss you."

"Okay, then I'll come to you, " Adrian gives her a kiss.

They hold the kiss. Marinette leans backward. Adrian follows.

The doorbell rings.

Adrian brakes the kiss then walks to the door, " that's my cue."

"Hate to have you go but love yo watch you leave, " Marinette extends her arms.

Adrian opens the door. The girls come into the house. They sit on the bed with Marinette

"That's my cue to leave. See you later, " Adrian steps out the door.

"No, " Marinette reaches for him, " Goodbye Kiss."

Adrian gives her a kiss, " I really have to go."

He leaves and closes the door behind him.

"You two need a room, " Alix says.

"We do, " Marinette says, " you're in it!"

Marinette walks the fastest she can to the bathroom

"I thought you couldn't walk, " Alya says.

"No, it just hurts to walk, " Marinette throws up in the toilet.

The girls jump up, " what's wrong!"

"It's fine, " Marinette says, "That happens."

"No you're not fine, " Mylene says.

"Did I do this to you?" Juleka asks.

"It's physically impossible for you to have done this to me," Marinette wipes her mouth, " Adrian did this."

"Adrian is abusing my friend I'm calling the police, " Rose says.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Marinate asks.

"Adrian is abusing you that's why you're throwing your guts out after you kiss him, " Rose says.

"What! No! Adrian isn't abusing me, " Marinette walks back to the bed slowly, " I'm just pregnant."

"What!" They all scream.

"What did I say?" Marinette realizes, " oh yeah that..."

"You're pregnant!" Alix pretends to faint.

"You're so overdramatic, " Marinette says.

"No, she's the right amount of dramatic, " Mylene says.

"How far?" Rose asks excitedly.

" What's today?" Marinette asks.

"It's September 28th, " Juleka says.

"Oh well, less than 2 months, " Marinette sits at the top of the bed.

"You didn't listen to my lesson it was 5 years ago but it still happened, " Rose shakes her finger jokingly.

The girls chuckle at Rose's comment.

"We got movies!" Mylene says, "and popcorn!"

"Wait, can you eat popcorn when you're pregnant?" Alya asks.

Marinette nods.

"We got crazy rich Asians, " Alix says.

"We got Twilight, " Juleka says.

"We can watch either one, " Marinette says.

They watch movies.

"It's getting late I've got to get going, " Mylene gets out the bed, " does anyone need a ride."

"yep, " Alix raises her hand as she gets up.

"Yeah, we do!" Rose says.

"Yeah sorry to leave you, " Juleka says.

"It's cool, " Marinette says.

"I wish I could stay until Adrian comes back, " Alya says, " I'm sure Nino would mind. I stayed too long."

"Okay, then bye girl, " Mylene says.

"Yeah see you next time!" Rose says.

"Don't forget to remind Adrian about our basketball game, " Alix says.

"I'm still sorry Marinette, " Juleka says.

"It's okay Juleka It wasn't on purpose, " Marinette says, " bye girls."

"See you later girl, " Alya says.

The girls leave. Marinette closes and locks the door behind them.

"Alone at last, " Marinette sighs as she lays down.

"You have us, " Sass says.

"Yeah I do, " Marinette says, " Did you need anything?"

"No, I'm am bored. I'm not used to it being mostly quiet. " He says, " When Master Fu still was the guardian there were people coming in and out."

"That's what happens when he leaves the Miracle box with me, " Marinette says," but I can make you something to play with."

"No need for that, " he says," you need your rest."

"I insist, " Marinette looks for something, " Where is that damn mouse thing?"

"What are you looking for?" he asks.

"Oh well I found this toy mouse and since you're a snake I think you'll like it, " Marinette looks more, " Here it is!"

"Thank you Master Dupan - Chang, " He says.

"Come on Sass, Marinette is fine, " She says.

"Okay, thank you, Marinette, " He goes back to his room.

"Is everything okay?" Marinette text Adrian, " you've been gone for a bit."

"Yeah, I'm on my what home, " Adrian texts.

Marinette makes herself a cup of coffee. She sits at her desk with it. She puts on headphones and stats working on designs.

Adrian walks in the house, " I'm home."

Adrian thinks she can't hear him. He sneaks up behind her.

She takes off her headphones, " I can hear you."

Adrian walks up behind her and hugs her, " good evening my sweet. how are feeling?"

"I'm fine, " She gives him a kiss, " how was the shoot?"

"It got delayed a little because the photographer couldn't find the right angle but hey it's done, " Adrian says, " Anything interesting when I was gone?"

"I told the girls I was pregnant, " Marinette says, " Alix was dramatic but she always is."

"Yeah, " he gives her multiple kisses.

She spins the chair to face him, " So Mr. Agrest what are you up to?"

"Me? Nothing, " Adrian says.

"Your voice changes when you want to have sex ya know, " Marinette says, " that's the I think fourth time today."

"You can read me like a book, " Adrian says.

"I know, " Marinette shows him one of her new designs, " Do you like it?"

Adrian nods. Marinette starts to walk to the bed.

"Be careful, " Adrian says.

"I have to walk by myself, " Marinette stops then starts again, "It hurts like hell but I can manage."

"I'll bring you your coffee, " Adrian brings her coffee to her nightstand.

She manages to walk to the bed by herself. She takes out her contacts. She lays in bed. Adrian gives her a kiss then lays next to her. Marinette taps his shoulder.

He turns around, " yes?"

Marinette gives him a kiss that lasts longer.

"What was that for?" Adrian asks.

"No reason, " Marinette uses his chest as a pillow, " I love you."

"I love you too, " Adrian says.

The reason I skip through parts of time is that I don't know what else to write! I am taking suggestions as long as it goes along with the story! This is also the 20th chapter!!!!!!!!!

Miraculous_Writtercreators' thoughts