
Miraculous (M)

Miraculous_Writter · ファンタジー
25 Chs

The Proposal

Marinette wakes up to see Plagg flying around the house and Tikki watching.

"Why is he so energized, " Marinette yawns.

"He's been like this for hours and I still don't know, " Tikki says.

"Did you ask him, " Marinette heads to the kitchen.

"No, I'll try, " Tikki grabs Plagg, " Why are you like this?"

"Better question, where is the coffee?" Marinette looks through the cabinets.

"Third cabinet middle shelf, " Plagg jumps in Tikkis arms.

Marinette looks in there, " Thanks."

"How did you know that?" Tikki tries to keep him still.

"I ate some with cookies before you woke up, " Plagg says.

"Why didn't you eat cheese, " Tikki asks, " you still have five rolls."

Plagg shrugs, " Cheese doesn't taste good with coffee, Cheese doesn't taste good with coffee, "

Marinette walks to Adrian.

"Happy Anniversary, " Marinette gives him a kiss on the forehead, " You have a have a photoshoot today, Nino and Alya are coming to it this time,"

"Happy Anniversary, "Adrian kisses her, " Five more minutes."

"Okay, but do you want coffee?" Marinette asks.

Adrian nods his head as he falls back asleep.

"Did you eat coffee grounds for breakfast?" Tikki asks.

"And cookies they're actually good, " Plagg says.

" I know, " Tikki says.

Marinette makes coffee. Adrian sits up.

"Sleeping Beauty has finally awakened, " Marinette says.

"Good morning sweet tea, " Adrian sits at the end of the bed.

" That started off as a joke, remember, " Marinette says.

"Of course, it was when after our parents called us when we had our first time together, " Adrian says, " your dad called you it on the phone and it stuck with me?"

"Incoming call from Nadja Chemack (Manon mom)" Marinette's phone says.

Marinette says, " why call this early, "

"You should answer it, you should answer it, you should answer it, " Plagg repeats.

"What's wrong with him?" Adrian asks.

"Coffee with cookies, " Tikki says.

"Oh, " Adrian chuckles.

Marinette picks up her phone, " Nadja!"

"Hello Marinette, I know this is last minute but can you watch Manon for a few hours," Nadia asks.

" That really does depend on the time because I have somewhere to go today, " Marinette says.

"Between 10 am and 2 pm, is that okay, " Nadja asks.

"What she say?" Adrian asks.

"One moment Nadja, " Marinette mutes herself, " She wants to know if I can watch Manon from 10 to 2,"

"That's not bad, my photoshoot ends at 10 she can just drop her off at the park, " Adrian says.

Marinette unmutes herself, " Yeah 10 to 2 is great, "

"Thank you, Marinette, you're a lifesaver, " Nadja says, " Where should I drop her off at?"

"The park near my parent's bakery, " Marinette says.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, " Nadja says, "see you at 10,"

"See you at 10, " Marinette hangs up the phone.

She goes to check the coffee but Adrian gets her before she does.

He whispers in her ear, " What's the agenda for our 5 years?"

" Let me see, " Marinette says.

"They're gonna have sex, They're gonna have sex, They're gonna have sex, " Plagg repeats.

"Eat cheese or drink water do something, " Tikki says, "or shut up,"

"Alexa, " Marinette says.

"Good morning Sweet tea, " Alexa says, " Today is August 12th Exactly five years ago is when you and kitty became a couple."

"Why is my name sweet tea?" Marinette asks.

"I'm just as confused as you are I didn't even know my name was kitty, " Adrian says.

"I did that, " Plagg says, " it was supposed to be a surprise, "

"Very sweet Plagg, " Marinette says.

"The agenda?" Adrian smiles.

"Let me add Manon on there first, " Marinette says, " Alexa add watching Manon to today from 10 am to 2 pm."

" added watching Manon to today from 10 am to 2 pm, " Alexa says.

Marinette asks, "Alexa what's the agenda for today?"

" Today's agenda is Kitty's photoshoot from 9 to 10. Watching Manon from 10 to 2, -, " Alexa says.

Marinette gets cut off, "And that's it so-, "

"From 11 to 4 wax statue being made of Sweet tea and last but not least karaoke night with Alya and Nino at 8,"

"That's today!" Marinette says, " I thought my statue wasn't until tomorrow, "

"Hey, it's not bad, " Adrian says, "We got now until 9 then 4 to 8 then after the time we get home from karaoke. "

"I thought we just had your photoshoot then the rest of the day to ourselves, " Marinette says.

" But at least after all the things for the day, we can wind down with Alya and Nino, " Adrian says.

"I need to check the coffee, " Marinette walks to the coffee.

" I hate to say goodbye but I love to watch you leave, " Adrian says.

"What the theme for the photoshoot?" Marinette asks.

"It's your designs so I thing modern and formal, " Adrian says.

"Yeah probably, " Marinette says, " how much sugar?"

" I can make my own coffee, " Adrian says, " I'm a grown man."

" A grown man that doesn't know how to make his own coffee, " Marinette chuckles.

" Yes I do, " Adrian pouts.

" How many teaspoons of sugar to you get?" Marinette asks.

" I get one tablespoon of sugar and two tablespoons of cream, " Adrian says.

"I'm not even sure gonna tell you so let's see if it's right, " Marinette hands him the coffee.

Adrian puts it in them taste it, " it's still bitter."

"Let the master do her thang, " Marinette makes his coffee the right way.

Adrian drinks it, " Why are you so good at this?"

"Takes practice to know what you like, " Marinette says, " We should start getting ready for the day."

" Yeah, " Adrian sighs, " do we still have portable coffee mugs?"

Marinette checks.

" We do, " Marinette says.

The two of them get ready for the day. Marinette goes to the bathroom to fix her hair.

Adrian panics to Plagg, " Wheres Nino's ring, "

" If Nino is as careless as you then you should make sure he brings yours, " Plagg says, " And you put it in your coat pocket, "

He looks in his coat pocket to see the ring in the box.

Adrian text Nino, " I have yours do you have mine?"

"Of course I do dude 😅, " Nino text.

"Cool, cool, 😬, " Adrian texts.

"Be cool, don't let them figure out we're gonna propose, " Nino says, " See you in the park soon?"

"Kitty are you ready yet?" Marinette asks Adrian.

"Yeah, I'm coming, " Adrian replies to Marinette.

" Yeah, okay 😁, " Adrian texts, " see ya."

Adrian and Nino stop texting.

Marinette spins in her dress, " like my outfit?"

"Yes, it's very nice, " Adrian says nervously.

"What's the matter?" Marinette goes up to Adrian's face, " is my kitty stressed?"

"Yes! I mean no I'm okay, " Adrian says in a panic.

" Okay, let's head to the park, " Marinette says, " are we walking to say, or is the car a better and faster way?"

"We have an hour so we could go either way, " Adrian says.

"Walk please, " Tikki begs, " I can't be in the same car with Plagg when he eats cheese it reeks."

"Walking it is, " Marinette heads walks out the door.

"Yes it is, " Adrian grabs the keys and the ring.

They walk to the park talking about what pose Marinette should do for her statue. The get to the park and see Nino and Alya.

"Hey guys, " Alya hugs Marinette and Adrian.

"Hey Alya, Hey Nino, " Marinette and Adrian said.

Nino says, "Hey little blue ( I'm gonna cry ) (reasons: I had Nino call Marinette little blue even though he's never said that).

" Hey dude!" Nino whispers in Adrian's ear, " we have a minor setback."

"What is it?" Adrian asks.

"Alya knows your proposing to Marinette she saw the ring but she doesn't know about me proposing to her ( Alya not Marinette), " Nino whispers.

" That's okay, Alya would never ruin something like that for her best friend, " Adrian says.

Alya walks up to Adrian, " how's your day lover boy, "

"I'm so nervous, what if she says no, " Adrian whisper screams.

"She loves you she won't say no, " Alya says, "we've been talking about you two proposing to us or the other way around for while, "

"Adrian!" Natalie says, "we're setting up the photo shoot at the fountain instead of here, "

Adrian goes to the fountain to start the photoshoot.

"What are your plans for the big 5 years?" Alya asks, " anything special?"

"Well after this I'm babysitting Manon while we go to the wax museum to make my statue and after that, we get home for about 4 hours then that's when we go to karaoke, " Marinette says.

"That's dumb, " Nino says, " most of the day you are doing something that's professional except when we go do karaoke."

"Yeah but it's fine, " Marinette stretches.

* * *

Marinette drinks her coffee while they wait for the last shots of Adrian.

A yell radiated in Marinette's ears, "Marinette!"

Marinette jotted straight up, " Hey Manon, Hello Nadja, "

" Thank you again, Marinette for taking her so late, " Nadja looks at Manon, " be good with Marinette for mommy okay, "

"Okay mom, " Manon says.

"Bye Manon, " Nadja says, " Bye Marinette.'

"Bye Mommy, " Manon says.

"Bye Nadja," Marinette says.

Nadia gets in the car and drives to the TV station. Adrian's photoshoot ends not long after Manon gets there. Adrian walks to the group.

"Adrian!" Manon screeches while hugging Adrian.

"Looks like you got yourself a fan, " Marinette says.

"Marinette! Marinette! Can he come with us, " Manon asks.

They chuckle at Manon begging Marinette for Adrian to come.

"What's so funny?" Manon asks.

"Of course he's coming with us, " Marinette whispers in her ear, " he's my boyfriend."

"Yay! he's coming," Manon claps, " where are going?"

"We're going to the museum, " Nino says.

"Marinette is having a statute, " Alya says.

"Okay, " Manon skips as they go to the museum.

Alya and Nino make up a plan to get Adrian to propose at the museum.

" Be careful this time. Adrian is the only one that's gotta spill the beans to Marinette. So no matter what Marinette asks you, just deny. Okay?" Nino makes sure.

Alya nods then whisper to Nino, "So we could take Manon around and look at the statues, that will leave Adrian alone-, "

"Why do you want to leave Adrian alone don't you like him?" Manon asks.

" That's because Nino and Alya are Boyfriend and girlfriend and they probably wanna be alone, " Marinette says, " Not in a room waiting for the wax to dry."

"But I thought you and Adrian were boyfriend and girlfriend, " Manon says.

"We are, but so are Nino and Alya" Adrian says.

"Okay, " Manon hums.

They get to the museum. A lady waits for them outside the place.

"Good morning, Marinette Dupan Chang and Adrian Agrest, " She says, " I see you brought friends."

"Good morning..." Marinette looks at her name tag, " Lottie, "

Lottie walks the group around the museum.

"So you and Nino want some alone time, " Marinette nudges Alya.

Alya remembers what Nino said earlier, "No that's not why we're here, "

"Oh okay then thanks for coming just to keep me company, " Marinette says.

"That's not why we came here at all either, " Alya says.

"Then why did you come, " Marinette asks, " does it have to do with Adrian?"

"You got it all wrong, girl, " Alya panics, " not with you or Adrian an even less with you and Adrian by yourselves,"

"That doesn't make sense, Adrian wants to be alone with me?" Marinette says concerned, " We can be alone at home though."

"Adrian alone with you? Uh, no way, girl. You couldn't be further from the truth. It's the exact opposite, actually, " Alya panics more.

"So Adrian doesn't want to be with me" Marinette looks at Adrian sadly, " And to think."

"Lookie over here, " Manon walks away from the group.

Adrian runs after Manon " I'll get her."

"Does he want to break up with me?" Marinette asks.

" No, no! girl, he loves you a lot! I mean, no! I mean, yes? I mean... barely. He barley loves you a lot, so there you have it, " Alya panic really bad.

Marinette looks back at Adrian confused, " I'd be really bummed if Adrian broke up with me."

Let's see what Nino and Adrian were talking about while Alya and Marinette were talking. Let's rewind to show what Nino and Adrian talked about while Marinette talked with Alya.

"What we're you and Alya talking about in the car, " Adrian asks, " about leaving me alone."

"Alya and I are gonna help you propose to Marinette, " Nino says.

"No I was gonna propose during karaoke, " Adrian panics, " I haven't washed my hair yet I'm not ready."

"Today is the day and in a few minutes is the time, " Nino says.

"I didn't give consent, " Adrian says.

Manon runs off. Marinette looks back at Adrian and Nino concerned.

Adrian gets scared, "I'll get her!"

"Lookie Adrian my mom is famous, " Manon says.

"That's cool, " Adrian says, " now let's get back to the group."

Adrian gets Manon. The six of them get in the elevator. They walk into a room with a big box in it.

"This is where the magic happens, " Lottie says, " you will get into this box."

"Cool, Marinette is gonna be a box woman, " Manon moves like a robot.

"So is your pose gonna finish Adrian's new pose you can be together?" Lottie asks.

"Yes it will!" Marinette says in delight.

"Great, Adrian your pose is so perfect to where Marinette's statue can be to it looks like you're kissing her hand, " Lottie says.

"How romantic, " Alya says in awe.

"Yes, very much so but Marinette did you bring the outfits that your state is gonna wear?" Lottie asks.

Marinette lifts up a bag, " Here it is, ironed and everything, "

"It matches his outfit even better, " Lottie says.

A man walks in, " I'm Theo I'm the wax manager, "

"Does that mean you talk to the wax?" Man on says.

"No, but It means I help with making the statue, " Theo says, " as Adrian knows the procedure is fairly short. the time for the mold to dry is 5 minutes then the wax is another 5 minutes,"

"We already have your shoulders up from last week so we only need shoulders down then your statue will be basically finished, " Lottie explains, " so we have your hair for your statue ready and all the extras like your purse ready to go."

"That's cool, " Marinette says, " and it only takes ten minutes in total, "

"That's correctamundo, " Theo says, " you have to change into this suit so your clothes won't get messed up and you won't be naked when making the mold."

Theo gives Marinette a black skintight suit. Marinette goes to the bathroom to change into it. She comes out of the bathroom. She goes into the box. They pour the liquid mold in the box.

"We have to go but we won't be long, " Lottie says, " when The timer goes off you can get out the box. Ring us when It's done"

Theo and Lottie leave the room.

"Can we go to the play place!" Man on begs Marinette.

"I can't right now I'm box woman right now I can't move, " Marinette says.

"Okay, " Manon runs around the room.

"Me and Alya and take her to the play place, " Nino winks at Adrian.

"It's okay she's my responsibility, " Marinette explains.

"We insist, " Alya says, " come in Manon.'

Nino winks at Adrian, "Don't let Marinette get bored a single second."

They leave the room.

"No!" Adrian whispers.

"Are you mad at me, " Marinette asks.

"Of course not, " Adrian says, " why would you think that?"

Marinette gets cut off, " Because Alya said-, "

"Whatever Alya told you it's not true, " Adrian reassures her.

"Okay, so you still love me right, " Marinette says.

"Of course I love you, " Adrian says nervously, " who said I didn't."

"No one I just thought, " Marinette says.

The timer goes off. Marinette presses the button to buzz them.

"I'll be back!" Adrian runs out of the room.

"What's up with him," Tikki asks.

"I don't know, " Marinette says getting out the box.

Marinette goes in the elevator to the bathrooms. She stands near Adrians Statue then freezes.

"What are you doing?" Tikki asks.

"I think Adrian sad I'm gonna cheer him up, " Marinette says

In the bathroom.

"I'm gonna throw up, " Adrian says, " I didn't think it would be this hard."

"You're asking her to marry you till death do you part, " Plagg says, " chill."

"I can't chill, " Adrian says in a panic.

"Why don't you act like Cat Noir you're more confident as him, " Plagg suggest.

"Like role-playing?" Adrian questions.

"Role-playing a person who isn't nervous, " Plagg says.

"Your right, " Adrian says.

Adrian walks out of the bathroom.

He sees Marinette, " Aahh. Oh, wait that's the statue they finished fast."

"Why don't you practice with the statue, " Plagg insists.

"Can you move the arms?" Adrian moves her arm, " oh you can."

"Look it's perfect," Plagg says.

Adrian takes a deep breath, " Marinette, we've been dating 5 whole year's and I feel I've waited way too long to asks you this."

Marinette can feel herself getting hot.

"I mean like 2 years too late, " Adrian goes on one knee and takes out the ring, Marinette Sabine Dupan-Chang will you marry me?"

"Um Adrian..." Marinette let herself speak.

Adrian screams in fright.

"I'm sorry, " Marinette says, " you seemed nervous for some reason today so I was gonna try and cheer you up."

Adrian is at a loss of words. He sits at the nearest bench. Marinette sits next to him.

"Were you really gonna propose to me?" Marinette asks.

Adrian looks at Plagg still at a loss of words.

"Of course not, " Plagg thinks quick, " it was a prank he knew it wasn't a statue. "

"Oh, " Marinette says disappointed, " well where did you get the ring?"

"It's Ninos' ring, " Plagg says.

"Plagg!" Adrian says, " Shhh."

"Oops..." Plagg says.

"Ninos gonna propose to Alya, " Marinette says excitedly.

A man wearing all purple approaches them. Tikki flies in Marinette's purse. Plagg flies in Adrians pocket.

"Hawkmoth?" They both say.

The man doesn't speak just approaches them ready to fight. He strikes at Marinette but Adrian blocks it with an umbrella.

" You don't want to play with me so I'll deal with you myself, " A little girl says in the speaker.

"Manon?" Marinette says worriedly.

"Manon can't come to the phone right now but Puppeteer can, " Puppeteer (Manon) says.

"I'll be right back, " Marinette runs away.

She changes into Ladybug. She comes back and deals with Hawkmoth herself. Adrian runs away. He turns into Cat Noir. He comes back to see Hawkmoth in Her yoyo.

"You caught Hawkmoth, " Cat Noir says.

"I did but didn't at the same time, " She pulls the string to cut Hawkmoth.

"Wait huh, " Cat Noir says confused.

"If you didn't hear this villain is the puppeteer. She can control the statues. I don't know how but she can, " Ladybug says.

"Oh okay, " Cat Noir says.

" The heroes room, " Ladybug says, " that's where she found the Hawkmoth statue."

"I'll follow you malady, " Cat Noir says.

"Yeah yeah, " Ladybug runs to where the hero's room is, " Let's go."

"Are you mad at me?" Car Noir follows her.

"No, " Ladybug says.

They get to the opening of the room. She sees The Bubbler and Lady Wifi missing.

"It's a trap, " She says, " Jump!"

They jump. when they turn around they see Lady Wifi in a bubble and The Bubbler paused.

"I knew it, " Ladybug says.

They look around the room.

"Copycat had a lollipop stick, " Ladybug notices.

"Yeah, and frightening gale had a star right here, " Cat Noir points.

"She must have taken them and bet one of them has the Akuma, " Ladybug says.

"But which one, " Cat Noir thinks.

The statues move. They start fighting them. Ladybug and Cat Noir fight back.

"You know I'm really not mad at you, " Ladybug says while fighting, " I was excited but when you weren't I wasn't and still not mad."

"How do you just say things with such ease, " Cat Noir asks while fighting.

They got everyone.

"The things the hardest to way are the most important to say, " Ladybug says.

Wax eyeballs and heads roll down the stairs.

"The workshop, that's where she is, " Ladybug says.

Ladybug runs upstairs with wax Cat Noir. She locks the door behind them as they run to the workshop. While the real Cat Noir gets trampled by Wax statues. He gets them all off him. The wax Ladybug comes up to him.

"What's the matter bugaboo?" He asks.

The statue leans in for a kiss.

"I never noticed your new perfume smells of, " Cat Noir smells, " wax. Cataclysm?"

The statue breaks. Cat Noir runs up to the door which is locked. He detransforms. He feeds Plagg. Plagg Cataclysms the door.

He transforms back. He runs upstairs to see Ladybug pinned to the ground by a Cat Noir statue. Cat Noir kicks him off her. They stand next to each other.

"Uhh, " Ladybug doesn't know which is which.

"Of course I'm the real one bugaboo I can speak, " Cat Noir says.

Ladybug catches the on the other one in her yo-yo. Cat Noir Cataclysms it. He sees her holding a lollipop stick.

"Have you figured out what to do with your lucky charm, " Cat Noir asks.

"No, but I figured out where ever Akuma is, " Ladybug says, " She made a wand out of Copycats Lollipop stick and Frightening gales star."

"Crafty, " Cat Noir says.

Ladybug looks around the room. She spots black and blue paint, a star, and glue.

"I know what to do now, " Ladybug grabs the things and mimics her wand, " but your gonna have to act like a statue."

Ladybug walks in the room where Puppeteer is being held by Cat Noir.

"Yes, thank you, Cat Noir, " Puppeteer says, " now give me her Miraculous."

Cat Noir doesn't move.

"What's going on Puppeteer?" Hawkmoth asks.

"My wand isn't working, " Puppeteer says.

"That's because I switched them, " Ladybug show her a fake wand.

She bends it.

"If you break my wand I will drop these two knuckleheads in this hot wax, " Puppeteer show Alya and Nino hanging over wax.

"Okay, okay, " Ladybug gives her the wand, " just don't hurt them."

Puppeteer throws the wand at her. She catches it. Ladybug breaks the wand. Manon falls from flying.

" Cat Noir now, " Ladybug shouts.

Cat Noir catches Manon before she hits the ground. Ladybug catches the Akuma and purifies it. She gets the fake wand from Manon and throws it in the air making everything go back to normal.

"Thank you, " Alya runs to them.

"No problem all in a superheroes work, " Cat Noir says, " now who does this little girl belong to?"

"That's Nadja Chemacks daughter, my friends are babysitting her, " Alya looks around, " where are they anyway?"

"I'm sure your friends will turn up soon, " Ladybug leaves, "Bug out."

"It's my time to go, " Cat Noir leaves, " Bye now."

Ladybug and Cat Noir change back behind the door. They come into the room.

"You're safe!" Alya hugs Marinette.

"Yes we are, " Marinette hugs her back.

"Marinette I'm sorry I had Hawkmoth hurt you, " Manon says.

"It's okay, " Marinette says.

"We have another minor set back, " Adrian whispers to Nino.

"What did you do, " Nino asks.

"Marinette knows your proposing to Alya, " Adrian says.

"How? " Nino asks.

"I practiced asking Marinette on her statue, " Adrian whispers.

"But her statue isn't done yet, " Nino realizes, " Oh, dude what did you say."

"I said I knew it was her and I was holding the ring for you and I wasn't gonna propose, " Adrian says.

"Dude you fucked up, " Nino says.

"I know, " Adrian says.

Theo and Lottie walk in the room.

"Is everyone okay?" Lottie asks.

They all nod. Theo runs to the mold. He pours the wax in the mold.

"Theo calm down, " Lottie says.

"From that surprise Akuma we're an hour behind schedule, " Theo says, " I can't calm down, "

"Wait, what time is it, " Adrian asks.

"It's 1:50, " Lottie says.

"My mom is gonna pick me up soon, " Manon says.

Marinette checks her phone, " She called me eight times, "

Marinette dials her number.

She answers, " Sorry Nadja I was getting my wax statue done today and my phone was on vibrate, "

"It's okay, " Nadja says, " so that means your at the wax museum?"

"Yes, " Marinette says.

"Okay, be there in 5 or less, " Nadja says.

"Okay Nadja, " Marinette says.

Nadja hangs up the phone.

"She's in a hurry, " Marinette thinks.

"Your statue will be done in an hour at most, " Theo says, " at least 15 minutes."

"That's great, " Marinette thinks while nodding her head.

Nadja bust in the room, " is my Manon okay!"

Alya whispers to Marinette, " She scared the shit out of me, "

Marinette chuckles as she nods.

Nadja gets Manon, " I'll Venmo you, bye Marinette"

"Bye Nadja, Bye Manon, " Marinette waves.

"Bye Marinette, Bye Adrian, bye Nino, " Manon waves, " Bye Alya, Bye Adrian ( I know she said Bye Adrian twice).

"I'm just gonna ignore that, " Adrian thinks waving goodbye.

* * *

"And we're done, " They show the group the finished statue.

They look at it in awe.

"It looks so real, " Nino says.

"Oh my God and Adrian are kissing her hand!" Alya fangirl screams, "so romantic!"

" Thank you, thank you, " Theo thinks.

"Lookit there it's 4," Lottie says, " we kept you all here the right time expected, thank you for coming,"

"Thank you for inviting us, " Adrian says.

The four of them leave the museum.

"What do we do until 8?" Alya asks.

" We could go home for the next 4 hours, " Marinette insists.

"Yea, Alya we've been up since 6," Nino says.

" Well see you two later, " Adrian says.

They go their separate ways. Marinette and Adrian get into their house. Tikki and Plagg fly to their mini house ( A dollhouse).

"Ahh, home sweet home!" Marinette drops her purse, " gives us hours by ourselves."

The two of them in the bathroom to wash their hands ( Washing hands = no germs). Marinette sits on the bed. Adrian sits next to her in awe. He kisses her. She doesn't hesitate to kiss him back (who wouldn't hesitate to kiss their boyfriend).

Adrian rubs his hands up and down her sweetness ( I didn't know how else to word that...). Marinette hums in arousal(I say hum instead of moan... deal with it). He kisses her neck as he does it. He lays her down still doing it.

Marinette's phone speaks, " New text from Alya."

Adrian stops, " are you gonna get that?"

"No, " Marinette smiles, " we have had alone time in weeks I'm not gonna end this."

"Okay, " Adrian continues.

Marinette's phone speaks, " New text from Alya."

Marinette puts her phone on vibrate. They take off each other's clothes. She turns to be on top.

"It's my turn to be on top, " Marinette whispers.

Marinette's' phone vibrates. She kisses along his neck. He hums in arousal significantly louder than Marinette. Marinette reaches for the nightstand. She goes in there looking for protection.

"There is none in there, " Marinette says.

Adrian up looking for it. Marinette decided to check why Alya kept texting her.

"I was wondering if we can change karaoke from 8 to 6 or 7." Alya wrote, "?"

"..., " Alya wrote, " can you tell us so when we know when to get ready, "

"Alya wants to know if we can change Karaoke to 6 or 7," Marinette says, " which sounds better?"

"6 for sure, " Adrian says, "found the box."

Marinette texts Alya, " we can do 6."

Alya sends her, "😎🎤, "

"Aaand it's empty, " Adrian says disappointed.

"It's cool I'm on the pill anyway, " Marinette motions for Adrian to come back, " it's still my turn."

Adrian lays on the bed, " I'm all yours."

"I know you are, " Marinette rolls her finger up and down his stomach.

She moves herself to have Adrian in her. She starts and stays slow. After 9 minutes or so she stops and puts her hand by his sides.

"Did you?" Adrian asks.

"No but it's fine, " Marinette says.

"I can't leave you like that, " Adrian flips Marinette to be on her back.

He kisses his way down to her sweetness. When he is there he licks her multiple times while he put his fingers in. Over and over and over. With one hand Marinette holds on the sheets for dear life. With the other covers her mouth. If she doesn't her neighbors will probably (Definitely) hear her hums.

Adrian lays next to Marinette, " Better?"

"Mhm, " Marinette smiles at him.

"Beep! Beep! Beep! back the train out the station, " Plagg screeches, "you two have an hour to get dressed, ready, and be at the Karaoke place."

Adrian says, " I thought Tikki was the buzz kill."

"I'm not a buzz kill I just don't want to hear people have sex it's uncomfortable, " Tikki exclaims, " thank you for the sound poof walls."

"No problem, " Marinette says.

"And don't compare me to Tikki, " Plagg says.

"He is right though, " Marinette says getting up.

"I know, " Adrian hugs her from behind, "that's why I'm upset."

The two of them get ready for karaoke. Adrian is more confident about asking Marinette to marry him ( I wonder why???).

"Can you put your hair down tonight, " Adrian kisses her, " it's so pretty that way."

"Okay, " Marinette takes her hair out of her usual ponytail, " are you ready to go?"

"Yes I am, " Adrian says.

Marinette stands in the hall waiting for Adrian to come out. He grand the ring and puts it in the secret pocket in his jacket. They take the car, to the karaoke place.

"We're early, " Marinette says.

"Should we find a table?" Adrian asks.

Marinette and Adrian walk in. The place is packed. Surprisingly Nino and Alya already at a table. They walk up to them. They say their hellos to one another.

A waiter walks up to them, " Hello would you like to sing or order first?'

"Order, " They all agree.

"Okay then, " The waiter says, " since we have a celebrity in the house I'm allowed to offer one of the 'Food and Karaoke' rooms without any extra pay."

"What is that?" Nino asks.

"It's a private room where you can sing and eat, " The waiter says.

"Do you guys want to into it?" Adrian asks.

"I don't mind it, " Marinette says.

"That sounds cool, " Nino says.

Alya shakes her head rapidly.

"Okay then follow me, " The waiter says.

The waiter shows them into the room.

"Wow, so fancy, " Alya says.

The four of them sit down at a table.

"Would you like to order now or have you not made your decision yet?"

They all end up being ready. They order their food and drinks. The waiter leaves.

"Have you guys figured out what song you're doing?" Marinette asks.

"I and Adrian are doing a song together, " Nino says.

"Really, " Alya says.

"Yeah, we could do a competition to see who is better, " Adrian says.

"Yeah that's cool, " Marinette says.

"We should totally do Say So, " Alya whispers to Marinette, " They wouldn't expect that."

"Yeah and we can split the second verse that's honestly my favorite part," Marinette says.

"Yes girl that's my favorite part too, " Alya claps speedily.

The boys already planned what song they were singing ( Will you marry me by Jason Derulo).

They talk for a bit. Their food comes. They talk whilst they eat. They finish eating.

"Now the real fun begins?" Alya says.

Marinette gets everything ready for their song. They put hand free microphones.

"I know this song by heart so I don't need the lyrics, " She looks at Alya, "do you need it?"

"No ma'am, " Alya says, " Let's do this."

"You sing red ill sing blue and purple is us together, " Marinette says as the intro starts, " We're starting on the second time the chorus comes on."

⚠️ This is not my song ⚠️

"Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment, " Marinette sings, " I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?"

" Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with, " Alya sings, " You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so, "

"Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment, " Marinette sings, "I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?"

"Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with, " Alya sings, "You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so."

" Let me check my chest, my breath right quick. He ain't never seen it in a dress like this. He ain't never even been impressed like this, " Marinette spins in her dress, " Prolly why I got him quiet on the set like zip. Like it, love it, need it bad. Take it, own it, steal it, fast."

" Boy, stop playing, grab my ass, " Marinette winks at Adrian, " Why you actin' like you shy?"

"Shut it, save it, keep it, pushing, " Marinette sings, "Why you beating 'round the bush?"

"And knowing you want all this woman, " Alya shakes her hips, " Never knock it 'til you try."

All of them bitches hating I have you with me, All of yo " Alya pauses, " saying you mad committed."

"Realer than anybody you had, and pretty, " Alya says, " All of my body-ody, my ass and titties."

"Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment, " Marinette sings, " I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?"

" Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with, " Alya sings, " You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so, "

"Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment, " Marinette sings, "I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?"

"Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with, " Alya sings, "You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so."

The song ends. The girls stand back to back. Nino acts like he's dead.

"I think he's dead, " Adrian chuckles.

"I'm not dead just surprised, " Nino sits up, " When did you learn how to rap?"

Alya shrugs. As the girls sit down the boys get up. They get the microphones from the girls. Nino starts the song.

"I'm red your blue, " Nino says.

Adrian nods.

"105 is the number that comes to my head

When I think of all the years I wanna be with you, " Nino sings, "Wake up every morning with you in my bed."

"That's precisely what I plan to do, " Nino sings, " And you know one of these days when I get my money right."

" Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life, " Nino sings, " Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush."

"But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough, " Nino gets down on one knee, "I say will you marry me."

Alya jumps on him, " Yes!"

Alya starts crying. Adrian pauses the song.

"No, no don't cry, " Nino hugs her.

"I'm so happy you don't even know how long I've waited for this to hear those words come out of your mouth, " Alya says.

"So cute, " Marinette fangirl whisper screams.

"Finish the song, " Nino points to Adrian.

Adrian gets a deep breath. He starts the song.

"How many girls in the world can make me feel like this?" Adrian sings, " Baby I don't ever plan to find out."

"The more I look, the more I find the reasons why, " Adrian walks up to Marinette, " You're the love of my life."

"You know one of these days when I get my money right, " Adrian sings, "Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life, "

Adrian pauses the music, " Marinette Sabine Dupan - Chang will you marry me, "

Marinette looks at him with a loss of words.

"I think you broke her, " Alya says

Marinette tries to say the word yes. No real words come out just nonsense.

"Is that a yes, " Adrian chuckles.

Marinette whisper scream nodding her head intensely. Marinette gives him a kiss then shakes him.

" Yes, yes, yes," Marinette says, " earlier was real!"

Adrian nods.

"What happened earlier?" Alya asks.

"This one wanted to prank me, right, " Adrian smiles, " and she pretended to be her statue."

"and I thought it was the statue, " Adrian says, " So I practiced proposing to her on her."

"Woooooooow, " Alya says.

"It's crazy, " Nino says.

Marinette points to Adrain and Nino, " So how long have you two been planning this?"

"Yeah, did you two plan to propose on the same day?" Alya asks.

"We've been planning this for what?" Adrian says, " Four months, "

"Four months!" Marinette says.

"Yeah, we were gonna do it two months ago but, " Nino points to Adrian, " this one backed out at the last minute."

They talk for about an hour. They paid for their food and went home. They stop at the corner store.

"What are you buying?" Marinette asks.

"Just wait and you'll see, " Adrian says, " You can stay in the car."

Adrian comes out of the store with a box of Trojans. Marinette tries to figure out what it is but it's too dark. He gets in the car.

Marinette sees them then blushes, " really, "

"You said we were out, " Adrian shakes them, " I'm restocking."

Marinette walks into the house. Adrian is wide awake. She sits at the desk and works on designs. Marinette falls asleep. Adrian moves her to the bed. He then falls asleep not long after

If I wanted too this could be 10,000 or more words long bit I'm not doing that. I'm gonna spit up the chapters

Miraculous_Writtercreators' thoughts