
Miraculous (M)

Miraculous_Writter · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Free day

Marinette wakes up before Alya. She goes to the vending machine. She sees Adrian.

" Good morning," Adrian says.

" Good morning," Marinette yawns.

Adrian asks," How was last night?"

"Me and Alya watched movies then went to bed," Marinette says.

"Right, " Adrian chuckles, " so why are you up so early?"

"I was getting cereal bars for me and Alya," Marinette goes in her pockets, "aaand I left my money in the room."

" It's okay, I'll pay for it," Adrian says.

Adrian buys the cereal bars. He gives them to her.

"Thank you," Marinette gives him a kiss, " see you at 6."

She walks back into her room to see Alya watching something on her phone.

"What are you watching?" Marinette asks.

" Just you talking and somewhat reenacting a time you had sex with Adrian," Alya chuckles.

" What!" Marinette says shocked.

Alya shows her the video.

" Delete that!" Marinette says.

Alya fakes to delete it," it's done, the video is terminated,"

" I got your cereal bar," Marinette says.

" Yes! You got froot loops ( That's how they're spelled)," Alya says getting one.

They eat Cereal bars.

"Sooooo," Alya says," did you give yourself those orgasms or are they reenactments from the night?" 

" Alya!" Marinette whines.

" What?" Alya chuckles," just curious."

" Even though it's none of your business," Marinette says,"  it kinda was reenactment but the scenario was my pure imagination?"

"Well then Adrian must have mad skills," Alya chuckles.

"Oh my god," Marinette laughs.

They hear a knock on the door. They open the door to see all the girls but Lila, Chloe, Sabrina, and Kagami. They let them in.

" Hey girls," Alya says.

" Hey, " Alix asks," Did you tell her about last night?"

" You heard!" Marinette says.

" The whole class heard," Mylene says.

" But Mrs. Bustier," Alya says," she was at the library, "

"She had the best timing too, " Mylene says

"That's why Adrian was acting weird at the vending machines," Marinette says.

"You were loud," Rose says.

" I get it!" Marinette says, " Is that all?"

" We were coming so we could get ready for the things we're doing for our free day," Juleka says.

"Where are you all going?" Marinette asks.

"Me and Juleka are going to the pier," Rose says.

"Me and Ivan are going to the park," Mylene says.

"I'm going to the creek with Kim," Alix says.

They start getting ready. They gossip about the boys. They finish getting ready. Marinette comes out of the bathroom in a robe.

" Well, then," Alya looks at Marinette," what's under the robe?"

"Uhhhh," Marinette says, " nothing,"

She sits on her bed making her robe tight.

"You're just gonna say you're wearing nothing when you're about to be with Adrian," Alix says, " and be all cool about it."

" I meant nothing as in nothing that needs to be worried about," Marinette corrects, " I'm not that type of girl."

" We wanna see," Rose says.

" Fine, fine," Marinette shows them the outfit, "here it's is,"

"Damn, Mari," Juleka says.

" When did you buy this?" Mylene asks.

"I think you just made me just made me gay," Alix says, " like seriously."

" Guys," Marinette says," It's not that serious,"

" Yes, it is," Alya says, " your wearing a deep red dress with sparkles that make you look like a goddess,"

Rose says, "Adrian is a lucky boy,"

" I'm putting the robe back on," Marinette says grabbing her robe.

"Oh no you're not," Alix takes the robe, " when you two go where ever your going he needs to see you in this!"

They hear a knock on the door. Alya cracks open the door to see Ivan.

" Is Mylene in there?" Ivan asks.

" Yes," Alya turns to Mylene, " it's for you,"

Mylene walks out, " bye girls,"

The boys pick up their girlfriends one by one. Someone knocks on the door. She opens the door.

"Hi Adrian," Marinette says.

" You look, wow," Adrian says.

" Don't look too bad yourself," Marinette says.

"Thank you," Adrian says.

"What do you want to do on this fine evening?" Marinette sits down.

Adrian kisses Marinette, " What about your dream last night? what was that about?"

"It was nothing," Marinette says.

"It must have been something because I don't remember having a tail," Adrian says, " at least this side of me,"

" You were in your Cat Noir costume," Marinette says.

"Oh really," Adrian says.

"Yeah and I know it wasn't gonna happen because of Plagg and how our suits don't have zippers," Marinette says.

" My suit has a zipper," Adrian says.

"It does!" Marinette says.

He nods his head, " right down the middle, the bell is the top of it,"

"Does that mean my suit has one too?" Marinette asks.

"I don't know, why don't you check," Adrian says.

Marinette transforms into Ladybug. She checks for a zipper.

" I don't have one," Ladybug says.

" Turn around," Adrian says.

Ladybug turns around so Adrian can check the back.

" You have one," Adrian moves the zipper up and down," right here,"

"Okay, see, now I feel it, " Ladybug says.

"Do you want to try your dream?" Adrian asks.

"No, it's fine and too risky anyway, " Marinette says.

" Well, then sweet tea, " Adrian kisses Marinette.

Adrian sits on the bed. Marinette sits on Adrian's lap facing him.

" Your strap is falling off, " Adrian says.

" That's not the only thing falling off, " Marinette says.

Marinette slowly takes off her dress.

Adrian snickers, " To be honest, I knew that your birthday suit was better than that dress, "

"Well, I think your birthday suit is better than mine, " Marinette says.

" Oh really?" Adrian smiles.

"Really, " Marinette says.

Marinette helps Adrian take off his clothes. He stands up while holding her. He turns her on her back in the bed.

" Want to know what I haven't had in a while, " Adrian asks.

" What is that?" she asks.

"Your sweetness, " Adrian smiles.

"We're you hoping you to get some tonight?" Marinette asks.

Adrian nods smiling. Marinette smiles back at him. Adrian starts.

* * *

"A-Adrian, " Marinette trembles, " S-Stop, "

He sits up, " Am I hurting you, I'm so so so so sorry, "

"No, it's just I don't want to ya know, " Marinette says.

"Does it hurt?" Adrian asks.

"No, but, I don't want it to get on the bed then there will be a stain then someone will ask, " Marinette rambles.

"Then why don't I make sure none of it gets on the bed, " Adrian smirks then goes again.

"O-ok-kay, " Marinette trembles.

Adrian gets on top her. Marinette sits up annoyed.

"What's wrong?" Adrian asks.

" I don't have a condom, " Marinette whispers.

" I have one but it's in my room, " Adrian says.

"I got it!" Plagg leaves the room.

" I keep forgetting they're here, " Marinette says.

Plagg flies back to the room, " I'm baaaaack, "

Plagg throws it to him. He catches it then puts it on. Adrian starts. Plagg sits on the dresser. Tikki pulls him.

"In. The. Wall, " Tikki says irritated.

"Okay, " Plagg sighs.

* * *

Adrian and Marinette spoon in her bed. Adrian being the little spoon.

"Why am I always the little spoon?" Adrian asks.

"Because this is the only time I'm the 'top' in this relationship, " Marinette says, " I'm normally the bottom."

"That's true but you're a good bottom, " Adrian smiles.

Alya opens the door.

" I'm back from my-, "Alya sees them, " date."

"Alya!" Marinette says, " how did you get in?"

"I have the key card, " Alya walks to the bathroom, " I'm gonna change while you two get dresses and Adrian leaves before Mrs. Bustier checks rooms for the wrong gender on the wrong side."

Alya walks into the bathroom and closes the door. Adrian and Marinette put their clothes on. Alya walks out with her eyes closed.

" I'm not looking I'm just trying to get clothes, " Alya says.

"We have clothes on, " Adrian says.

"Great, " Alya opens her eyes and gets clothes, " you should go, Mrs. Bustier checkrooms at 8, it's 7:50."

Adrian gives Marinette a kiss, " bye babe, bye Alya."

"Bye babe, " Marinette says.

Adrian leaves. Alya changes into pajamas. Marinette does too.

"How do you always find out when me and Adrian have sex, " Marinette asks.

"It's not like I try, " Alya says, " it's just you two are bad at hiding it, "

"For your information, we know how to hide it we just forget to, " Marinette says.

"Yeah right, " Alya thinks.

"How was it, " Alya plops on her bed.

"Alya!" Marinette says.

"Was it like your dream, " Alya asks.

"Better, " Marinette sits on her bed.

"How is that possible Mrs. Bustier would have said something, " Alya says.

Marinette throws her a pillow, " I used this to cover my mouth, "

"Savor him, " Alya throws the pillow back.

"If that's the case why don't you like him?" Marinette chuckles.

"He's cute but he doesn't give that tingling feeling, " Alya says, " ya know, "

"No, I don't, " Marinette says.

"Like a girl erection, " Alya thinks of what else to say, " like that felling right before your gonna have sex but just by looking at them."

"And you get that with Nino, the boy who is grass until he was 13," Marinette says.

"You two are close I'm surprised you never had a thing for him, " Alya says.

"Gross! he's like a brother to me, " Marinette says.

" He had one for you when we played ultimate mega strike lll he talked about you like you were together, " Alya says.

"It sounds like your trying to hook me up with your boyfriend when I already have one, " Marinette says, " So want to invite the rest of the girls over play games like never have I ever."

"Why not, " Alya says.

Alya and Nino text.

"I don't even get to try to ask her about it, " Alya says, " Try with Adrian, "

"I'm already on it, " Nino says.

They invite all the girls and all the girls come.

"Why am I even here, " Chloe scuffs.

"We didn't have to come here, " Sabrina whispers.

"What did you say, " Chloe says.

"Uh-uh, nothing, " Sabrina wimpers.

" Anyways, " Alya says.

"If you want to play never have I ever please grab a bowl, " Marinette says.

All the girls grab a bowl. Marinette puts five grapes in each of their bowls.

"If you have done someones never have I ever you eat a grape, " Alya explains, " whoever survived the end wins, "

"Who wants to go first, " Marinette ask.

"Me!" Lila says, " never have I ever had sex with a girl, "

Rose, Juleka, Sabrina, Chloe, and Alix eat a grape.

"No way, " Kagami points to Chloe and Alix, " You two, "

Chloe says, " Alix is gross."

"Rude, " Alix says, " but no not with her."

"Never have I ever..." Kagami thinks, " Masturbated."

Everyone but Kagami eats a grape.

"You don't know what your missing, " Alya says.

"Rose how about you go, " Kagami says quickly.

"Okay, " Rose says, " Never have I ever been to the states."

Alya eats a grape.

"What really, " Juleka says.

"Yes, ma'am I was born and raised in the u.s of a" Alya says.

"Cool!" Rose says.

"Never have I ever sexted before, " Mylene says.

Marinette is the only one who eats a grape.

"Was it my brother, " Juleka asks.

"Next question, " Marinette says.

"Was it Adrian, " Kagami asks.

"Next. Question, " Marinette begs.

"Never have I ever had sex today, " Alya looks at Marinette smiling.

"I hate you, " Marinette mouths to her.

Alya smiles, " but you don't really."

Marinette eats a grape.

"Never had I ever..." Sabrina says, " had sex in a pool."

"How is this possible, " Marinette eats a grape, " how do I only have one left, "

"You have sex a lot, " Lila says, " am surprised your not pregnant at this point?"

Marinette fake laughs, " I know right."

"Never have I ever said I love you to a partner, " Alix says.

Everyone but Alix eats a grape.

"Since I'm out the game I'm gonna get snacks from the vending machine, " Marinette says.

Marinette goes to the vending machine. she has a realization. She gets the snack while crying. She turns around and gets scared.

"You scared me, " Marinette huffs.

"I'm sorry, " Luka says, " what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I'm going to get back to my room, " Marinette walks away.

"No, wait how can I help?" Luka asks.

"You would understand, " Marinette says.

Marinette walks in to see only Rose and Lila in the circle. Marinette wipes her tears before anyone can see.

"They look like they're about to kill each other, " Marinette fake laughs.

Rose wins. After the girls leave the room.

"I'm going to bed, " Alya says, " you should too."

"Yeah okay, " Marinette says.

Alya falls asleep. Marinette watches tv on her phone.

Adrian texts her, " are you okay Luka said he found you crying."

"It's April 15th, " Marinette texts.

"It's their birthday, " Adrian says.

"Yeah, When we get home in going to the graveyard and put gifts there, " Marinette says, " will you come with me?"

"Of course I will, " Adrian says, "Now get some sleep, love you bye, "

"Love you too and I'll try, " Marinette says.

* * *

Marinette hears a know on the door.

"Who could be up this late, " Marinette asks.

"I don't know, " Tikki says.

Marinette opens the door, " Yes?"

Luka gives her a gift, " This for Tj and Ezra for their birthday, "

"Thank you, Luka, but I can't take this, " Marinette says.

"How come? this has nothing to do about you I promise, " Luka says.

"I know, Luka, but I really can't take this, " Marinette says.

Luka says, "I thought They love bubbles, "

"Don't you get it, Luka, " Marinette asks.

Luka still is confused.

"They're dead, Luka, " tears fall from Marinette's face, " I can't take this because no will use them."

"Oh um, " Luka stammers.

"Don't say anything I can't deal with this not today, " Marinette says.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mari, " Luka says.

"You don't need to be sorry, " Marinette slowly closes the door, " you were trying to do something nice."

"How can I help, " Luka says.

"You can go back to your room and let me be, " Marinette says, "thank you again for it though."

Marinette closes the door. She turns around to see Alya sitting straight up looking at her.

"Alya!' Marinette whisper screams, " How much did you hear?"

"Enough to where you need a hug, " Alya reaches her hands out for a hug.

"It's okay I-I don't need it, " Marinette denies the hug, " I just need sleep."

"Are you sure, " Alya asks.

Marinette wipes her tears, " I'm sure, "

Marinette falls asleep. Alya not long after.

I'm slowly starting to run out of ideas for them being in high school so I'm gonna fast forward it to after college for the next chaper

Miraculous_Writtercreators' thoughts