
Chapter 452

This beautiful, exceptionally poised woman with a stunning figure was none other than Qin Ying.

When Qin Ying saw Mi Yun, she was a bit flustered and quickly put on a smile to greet her.

Mi Yun chuckled as she packed up several cosmetics and handed them to Qin Ying, as for money, did they even need to talk about money?

They had both been fucked by Song Tian.

Mi Yun had also been fucked by Song Tian, both front and back, along with Qin Ying.

Mi Yun gave Qin Ying a meaningful glance, and with no other choice, Qin Ying shook her head and left without saying a word.

Once out of the mall, the short-haired girl immediately wrapped her arms around Qin Ying's waist, and Qin Ying helplessly patted her hand.

The girl pouted and said, "Mrs. Qin, keep playing pretend with me. You say you're not into women, but the way that beautiful lady looked at you was all wrong. You two have definitely fucked each other, haven't you?"