
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · アニメ·コミックス
1578 Chs

-1229- The selection of all school students

In various striking ways, it was finally time for class.

Before long, the students returned to their seats and welcomed a young female teacher.

And she was a teacher with quite distinctive characteristics in various ways.

"Congratulations on your formal admission. I am the homeroom teacher for Class 1-A, named Oreki Yuuri. Please feel free to call me 'Yuuri-chan' Thank you very much!"

Speaking in a seemingly lively but actually quite tired and weak tone, a female teacher with a youthful appearance, yet with extremely dark circles under her eyes and emitting a sickly aura, giving the impression of being frail and sickly, addressed Rozen and the others with a smile. The students looked at each other one after another, appearing apprehensive.

It couldn't be helped.

"...I can't shake the feeling that she's too excited, like she might collapse from excitement at any moment. Is she really okay?" Stella, sitting next to Rozen, couldn't help but whisper the concern shared by everyone present.

But naturally, the teacher didn't hear.

"This year, due to some very special circumstances, our class is actually a bit different from others. There are some things that may distract you, but I hope everyone can focus on studying and not mind those trivial matters. If you do that, sensei will be very happy. Thank you very much."

Oreki Yuuri spoke in a gentle and friendly tone, trying to blur the lines of this uniqueness, even though she still seemed on the verge of collapse, her tone becoming increasingly lively.

"Now, because today is the first day of school, first, sensei needs to announce something very important."

Oreki Yuuri took out a piece of chalk and wrote a line on the blackboard — "Seven Stars Sword Art Festival."

"Seven Stars Sword Art Festival..."

Seeing this, Ikki's expression immediately became serious.

"Seven Stars Sword Art Festival..."

Stella seemed to already know about this, her gaze fixed on the blackboard becoming sharp.

Even the other students were all spirited.

It was inevitable.

"I believe everyone knows that the so-called 'Seven Stars Sword Art Festival' refers to an annual athletic competition jointly held by the seven knight academies in our country. Its purpose is to select the strongest student knights of the year. The seven knight academies also rank themselves based on the results of this competition. Therefore, this competition is the most important event for the seven knight academies every year. It is promoted and prepared for on the first day of the new semester, even though everyone is newly admitted students, please consider this as a matter directly related to yourselves."

Oreki Yuuri spoke these words in a mild and friendly tone.

"Of course, the 'Seven Stars Sword Art Festival' held by the seven knight academies is also a nationally renowned event, with live broadcasts and coverage nationwide, even enjoying some fame overseas. I believe everyone has learned about or watched the 'Seven Stars Sword Art Festival' from various channels before entering school. Some even aspire to it, so if anyone wants to participate in the 'Seven Stars Sword Art Festival,' please pay attention to my explanation from now on."

After this lengthy opening statement, Oreki Yuuri took a deep breath, invigorated herself, and began to explain.

In principle, the annual 'Seven Stars Sword Art Festival' is where the seven knight academies jointly select the most outstanding student knights as representatives to participate in designated stages and compete.

Before the competition begins, each knight academy will select six students from their own academy to serve as representatives in the competition.

However, the methods of selecting representative players vary among the knight academies.

Some use academic performance as the standard, selecting the top six among their students.

Some use combat results as the standard, selecting the most brave and skilled student knights.

Others select based on strategic significance, picking students who can apply various tactics in the competition.

Each knight academy selects representative players in their own way before the 'Seven Stars Sword Art Festival' begins, ultimately deciding on six players, a total of forty-two student knights, to compete and determine the strongest.

Hagun Academy is the same. Before the 'Seven Stars Sword Art Festival' begins, it must decide on six students to participate in the competition.

Last year, due to the policies of the former chairman, Hagun Academy's representative players were selected based on their ability values.

In other words, all the participants last year were students with the highest ability values in Hagun Academy, without considering any other factors.

Rozen glanced at Ikki sitting beside him and saw his solemn expression.

Presumably, this selection system was extremely targeted and helpless for Ikki, whose ability values were too low?

With the goal of becoming the 'Seven Stars Sword King' and aiming to graduate, Ikki had such a dream, making it too cruel for him to be unable to participate in the competition due to his low ability values.


"This year, due to the inauguration of the new chairman, the way our academy selects representative players will change."

Oreki Yuuri said so in a cheerful tone.

"Specifically, we will no longer use ability values as the standard for selection, but instead adopt a combat selection system that all students can participate in."

With one sentence, the students present erupted into excitement.

In other words...

"This time, the representative players will be determined by all students fighting each other, determining the winners and losers, and selecting the top six performers as representative players for the competition!"

Oreki Yuuri's cheerful announcement seemed to invigorate the atmosphere.

"The schedule of the competition will be sent to your student handbooks by the selection committee, so please confirm the time and go to the designated place before the specified date."

"Those who are absent will be judged as forfeiting without fighting."

"Students who do not wish to participate can voluntarily abstain."

"However, as long as you want to participate, no matter how low your ability values are or how poor your grades are, you can still join."

"Finally, if you can stand out among all the students and achieve high results, you can directly become a representative player and participate in the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival."

"Becoming the Seven Stars Sword King will no longer be a dream for everyone."

"Please make sure to give it your all!"

Oreki Yuuri's words resonated with everyone present.

At this moment, Stella's eyes were filled with determination.

At this moment, Ikki's eyes were also filled with passion.

Even the other students began to shine with determination.

Only Rozen whispered softly.

"The Seven Stars Sword Art Festival..."