
Having nothing inside

Rohith was not good at anything and who score average percent in academic side. So his mother dicided him to joining a tution center for improving his academic side.after joining the tution center he feel some kind of freedom . The teacher who running that tution center not forcing his students to study all the time .rohith got some new friends still nobody seems to be close to him.he also got one crazy friend who always teasing him. Rohith doesn't care about anything.so quickly one year passed. His tution master arranging a trip to his students. Rohith was so excited to go. His parents also allowed him to go. For the first time in his life he was going somewhere outside his house.tution master arranged a bus for trip. They were going to chennai Zoological Park and also mahabalipuram beach. Whole day he enjoyed alot with his friends.while returning home rohith got some panic about future public examination