
Mirabel's Room

Growing up as a child to becoming an adult, things happen and changes occur, the unexpected and the unplanned comes up and we make decisions that determine who and what we will become and; how some of the decisions we make become scars that cannot be erased or even wounds that cannot heal up in a lifetime. These are all that add up in Mirabel's Room. Her room describes her life and how the decisions she made determined her future. Find out!

Inspired · 若者
23 Chs

Then, the Unexpected...

I had just sat up when I saw the doctor come in.

'Hey, how are you feeling now?' He said.

I was lost and had become agitated after sitting alone, wondering and thinking of what could possibly have happened. I just mumbled, 'I am okay sir'. I immediately retorted, 'But why am I here?,What really happened doctor?'.

'Oh! It seems you need a little more rest,but don't worry,all is well'.He replied.

'You were brought in unconscious as a result of the shock of the incident,but I guess you're stable now'.He added

"...all is well? Oh no..." I responded sharply.I mean, I haven't even seen any of my family, not even a friend,what are you hiding from me!,I shouted.

The doctor just Pat my back. 'You'll be fine...'.He replied and left.

Just when I was about to fuss up, Janice and Gladys walked in. I felt relieved, but their faces were not smiling at all,their eyes look even more teary. As much as they try to give a fake smile and put on a happy face, it's obvious they're pretending. I knew something terrible had happened plus my heart raced suddenly and my heart even beat faster. Whenever something is not right or something bad happens,my heart beat is always different (that's just me).

'Something is wrong', I muttered.

'Mira,we are so glad you're conscious now, it's been two days now', they both knelt by the bed side and hugged me tightly.

Really?, I drifted my arms from them.

Before I knew it, they had started crying profusely..."Mira, your family is gone..."Janice voiced.

Gone to where?. I retorted.

'Are these girls teasing me'.I thought

My head was trying hard to figure out what could have happened, but I couldn't.

Then, I heard footsteps,I presumed it would be my family,but it wasn't,a lady whom I know to be our neighbour walked in.She lives next to us, but no one seems to know her name. I just know her as a neighbour.Despite living close to each other for years, we don't know her in details. She mostly comes back late at night after she must have gone out very early, except on weekends that she normally come outside her compound to chill. She's more of a stranger than an acquaintance to me.

' Hello lady,you don't have to worry.All will be fine Hun!..the doctor just informed me that you'll be discharged but you'll need to have enough rest to bring back memories. So,I'll be taking you home".She said as she smiled softly.

Me,I couldn't wait to leave the hospital to unravel all of this mystery. I was lost in thought

What could I say?

'Em...thank you for your kind gesture ma,' I said with a forced smile.

Few minutes later,the doctor walked in and affirmed my discharge. Janice and Gladys packed my things and we left for the p

Pharmacy section and from there to the car.

As soon as we got into the car and zoomed out of sight,I started the questioning,but no one would even reply.

I became angrier, and threatened to open the door.

'If you all will.not talk,I'll open the door' ,I voiced louder.

Then,Gladys cried out,'You lost your family to the fire outbreak on the night of your birthday, that is what we have been keeping...' She said.


The fire Outbreak?

I became dumbfounded immediately. . .