
Minecrafting in Terraria as the Beheaded

What happens when someone dies? Well usually they go to the God they believed in or enter the Hell that was in their religion, or if they were atheist's... Not anymore they weren't Reincarnation was a sub subject of death, but it wasn't any easier to understand. When I died, I wondered how things would happen in death. I did not expect that I would get another chance of life. With three very different, but similar games that give me powers that go against common sense. So equipped with new powers I was all set on exploring the world. But why is it that I had to defeat the end bosses of all three games gunning for my head?

TreeBriarWood · ゲーム
173 Chs

The blackened skies

I'm in actual tears.

The document has somehow reverted to the prehistoric era and nothing but documents of the ancient age of 2020 is left.

Like I don't fucking want documents of a day I don't even remember! I want documents that I don't remember from 2024!!!


Falling from my high platform, I just as quickly leapt to another platform taking a large portion of carriage top for myself.

Bringing out the multiple nocked bow this time, I made sure to prevent any malaise from seeping into the bow this time while unleashing several arrows in quick succession.

Dotting the sky in purple tipped arrows that autonomously searched for the bloodiest and soon to be killed targets possible, this time I could actually appreciate what my malaise powers could do.

Not that I didn't know they could create monsters beyond my wildest imaginations, but it's just something so absurd to think about.

Forming a row of sharp teeth in addition to their already rather sharp arrow heads, the fletching itself seems to gain more vibrancy as their feathers twisted and turned in the air.

Gnashing their teeth together than manipulating themselves to fly at any of the three types of targets I pointed them to, I couldn't help but notice that the monster arrows were slightly swerving to the warriors fighting on the front line.

'Oh yeah, can't forget monster ice bow'

Feeling some sort of untapped sense of my mind being opened when the ice bow came to life and devoured the monstrous skeleton horse riders and assimilated itself into its very being.

I could actually sense the vague position of the Ice bow monster.

'For example, I can tell right now that Ice bow monster is directly to my right with it's bow arm pointed point blank at my face!'

Flopping to the ground, the hand of arrows in my bow were loosed towards the enemy semi elite monster called [Awakened Ice Bow]

Dodging the hail of frozen arrows that passed through my heads previous position, I didnt care enough to see where the arrows would land next as I quickly rolled onto the battlefield.

Dodging the crushing force of icy hooves, the frozen skeleton roared soundlessly before mustering their mustang to jump off the carriage.

Leaving behind a frozen nebula in its wake, the deadly flurry of frost that was left in its trail of following my ass to the ends of the earth, I turned around and shot the Frozen rider.

Arrows quickly landing on the bodies of both rider and mount.

Sadly enough and confusedly enough, they both somehow and some when got icy armour tainted in black.

Appearing like black ice of some sort of tainted desires, the black ice armour of the ice bow monster sucked up all of the damage.

Squeezing it all for it's worth, every single arrow that I successfully sunk into the armour was quickly crept up upon by the black ice and consumed in its entirety.

And soon enough, the protruding icicles would break apart and smoothen out as if those parts hadn't ever been damaged in the first place.

Grimacing slightly, I took a look at the gigantic visage of the horses hooves looming over my head in an eager stance of crushing people's heads.

I rolled away.

Feeling my body slam against the magmatic stone ground, every bit of heat collided against the frosty armour of the awakened Ice bow, creating a veil of steam.

Seeing that, I was enlightened to an old battle style that I abandoned early on for its incredible resource efficiency.

Efficiency in wasting resources that is.

Opening my inventory, I took a quick glance at the several empty slots that used to be filled with weapons and grinned.

Swiping at the screen, a torch made out of wood and slime gel appeared right before it was joined by an old friend.

And old friend that was the cousin of alcohol that is.

Slime gel.

Tossing the torch directly at the frozen horseman while retreating, by either some sort of arrogance or disdain for such a weak weapon, the Awakened Ice bow raised its hand to block the attack.

This was mistake number 1.

Opening my inventory wide to the point of reaching my entire arm span, I turned around and pointed the inventory at the quickly approaching ice rider.

*Klack clack black

Clattering it's skull together in a vague representation of a laugh, I ignored how foolish I may loom to those unaware of my own powers and unleashed the tide.

The really small tide of gel that is.

'I really should restock on slime gel when I get the chance.'

Using all 254 little blobs of slime gel left in my inventory that amounted up to around roughly 4 cubic meters of slime, I threw it all at the enemy.

And when extremely flammable alcohol of high alcohol percentage met with incredibly not so hot fire made with combustion of oxygen in the air, things happen.

And by things, I mean incredibly hot burning things that would scaled ones skin.


'Yeah, not laughing anymore aren't ya?'

Mildly sneering at the panicked awakened Ice bow that I should probably nickname Frost rider I knew for a fact that I would be the same if I was in the frost riders position.

I mean, no one in their right mind would actually expect for a torch that they just blocked like any other projectile in the world would lead to them catching on fire.

Unless those flames were powerful ones like the blood fire, but in those cases it's just a given that they blocked.

Holding my slightly sjnged porcelain skin that had turned black underneath the scorching heat, I turned around and slammed the multiple nocked arrow into a nearby skeletons head.

Transitioning that action into a hand stand where I twisted my body to the side and kicked at another Wither Skeletons rib cage, rattling their bones.

I felt a dull pain at the base of my foot.

'Ugh, what the!?'

Wincing, I brought my foot back and quickly reoriented myself before throwing a few normal sized pebbles from my inventory that quickly enlarged into full size 1 cubic meter sized blocks.

Buying time for myself that way, I glanced at my foot and was taken back.

'Man I'm getting surprised at every little thing today'

Staring at the black blight attacking my leg, the wither skeleton seemed to have inflicted something onto my leg in hopes of turning me into a pirate.

And I appreciate the sentiment of wanting to turn me into a pirate, but I would have to gracefully decline by shoving so much malaise into my leg in a panic that it turns orange.

'Oh... Wait a minute, that isnt good'

Widening my eyes, I distinctly felt the bones in my leg shift in real time to be fitted into my skin.

Thus converting my leg into a porcelain one that had the exact same functions of a cybernetic arm.

'Except in this case its a leg powered by magic'

Worrying over some rather crazy things, I quickly had my attention ripped from my own inner world and ducked underneath a black long sword of death.


Bending over backwards to achieve such a feat, I quickly pulled my back upright with the help of core muscles and stared at the enemy which was deemed so important for me to come out of my inner world.

'Huh, I guess the leader itself is reason enough though'

Without my knowing, somehow and some when, the leader of these ambushing forces had suddenly appeared directly in front of me as I retreated and unleashed a hail of arrows in return.

Casually blocking most of the arrows with a flick of the wrist and a twist of the body, most if not all of the arrows found no purchase on the black knights body.

And seeing as it just ripped an arrow out of its empty eye socket, I really wasn't confident that I could deal much damage or the Wither skeleton.

'Actually, why am I even worrying?'

Thinking about how I dealt with Mama tick I regained my confidence and infused malaise into my bow and arrow.

'Oh wait, now I remember why I'm worrying'

Grimacing slightly I recalled the words of the Queen before I left the island.


"My inheritor... I do not know how to bring it about easily to your knowledge but..."

I looked at the Queen from my memories that somehow conveyed hesitation through an unfeeling gold mask and cloak that revealed absolutely nothing of her inner thoughts.

"You must learn to control your powers"

"Currently it runs looser than a colt run wild, and the Sea Colts of our island are as wild as the stormy waves."

And I must admit, when the Queen said that, I had no idea what a colt was, but I could draw a conclusion on what it was when thinking of the comparison.

Bending down, her triple slitted mask without a single light casting an image on the face within stared down at me.

"So in order to master my specialty of cutting space, learn how to control the overflowing mana within you."

Raising her hand, a small gout of flame exploded in an outwards motion before being strictly controlled into a small flickering flame.

"Be it through repetition or need." The flames in her hands flickered and morphed into chains which bound a much smaller figure of fire. "Control your flame, and the rest will follow."

"And if you don't control your flame by the time I come to you, I will chase you down to the ends of the world until you do."


Tree that is going to do a double chappie today.