
Minecraft warden system

lysan was your average Joe who always like to play Minecraft but when he died due to a heart failure. a god let him reincarnate as one of his favorite mobs the warden he's even given a system watch as he grow in this fantasy world either as a savior or menace. this is my 3 book as I will work on the others huh hell this book might even give me some ideas for the others hope you like it and give me any suggestions if you look now let's dive in chuckle fucks.

C_TaCylsm · ファンタジー
4 Chs

1 reincarnation

Welp I'm dead said a voice crap! I should've deleted my browser history and I shouldn't have built that dick next to my house oh I can feel it as people are gonna be saying on the news on how a man was playing Minecraft being immature when he suddenly died of a heart attack sigh! are you done said a voice coming from behind him wait who

are and where did you come from I don't have money 💵 lysan announced I don't want money hell what can I even do with it and I'm a god for Fuck sake so I'm not in hell 😊 no nor in even as I'm going to reincarnate you in a modern fantasy world as anything you want ooooh mmmmy ggggoood! REALLY yes now pick before I do ok gesh why you gotta be a bitch but any way I would like to be

a warden From Minecraft and I would want a system ok but do know things will be changed including you to make things fair so I don't have other gods or mortals up my ass complaining about why you did this and that an... enough less bitching more sending me to the world please.

Fine cunt! goodbye and hope to never see you again he said as he snapped his fingers and I started to turn to dust I don't feel to good I said as I made a overly used reference good one was all I heard before I disappeared.What an ass hole the god mumered before leaving his realm woah for a moment I thought 💭 that god of B's lied to me but I'm really back I said as I started to get up and look around man I'm tall they did say wardens are 5 Block tall in Minecraft I thought as I then said system then came a screen where i got to see my self I had black arms with color of white

and dark or faded blue same with my legs as my rib bone were shown with a hole in the middle showing souls or something else my head looked as if it was wearing a hoodie as he had two blue fungus looking things on both sides of his head he realized that he had stats on all parts of his body what the fuck is this he said as he heard a noise in his head this is your system your arms legs and head have stats a... error system being tampered with rebooting WAIT WHAT! do you mean and why is shit

hitting the fan so quickly am I that unlucky [reboot complete system have been updated and had unwanted limitations removed showing status] alright yeah boi let's check it out.

In a far away place king Avon! we detected a increase of magic in the forest of the damned said Evan what but how is it so close Avon said out loud as he looked at the scout send a team to see what it is Avon said as he thought how in hell did this go unnoticed maybe it's an attack from that damned holy

faction the king thought as he started to feel anger rising but quickly and quietly calmed himself king Avon was a man in his 30 but in reality he was in his 50 he had black hair with a crown 👑 on top his eyes were green as he wore clothes that were majestic and we're of high quality although his faction tech wasn't the most advanced but they made up for that with they're magic and alliance with the elves.

But I wonder why is there such detection huh guess I'll now sooner or later.

Hope you enjoy leave you suggestions and give me your stones if y'all want and enjoy your day goodbye.