
Meet Mindscape

MindScape POV

  Hello! What? oh yeah the reader may think it's weird that the author started with "Hello!" but the author has no choice. I CHOOSE WHAT I FUCKING SAY!!!!!!! No one can take that from me, and I mean no one. 


  A short time ago in the same Galaxy

  Que the star wars music

  du da dun dun dun du da dun dun dun du da dun dun dun daaa… 

  My name is Andrew. But everyone calls me mindscape probably because I am a nobody who no one talks to; as a superhero I'm all over the news as that guy named mindscape who has super powers. I introduced myself to the world so they don't give me a stupid name. Now on TV there trying to figure out what my "power" set is. Yes power is in quotation marks that's because they think I'm a middle age guy who needs to grow up. For one I'm not middle age yet I'm still in my early twenties. Any ways time for a backstory.

  I was a average person. I had to pay taxes; I had to pay bills; and whenever I bumped into anyone on the street they jumped and yelled ****. I just look like a  rapist. I never actually raped anyone… ive thought about it before but I never acted. According to T.V. doctors, thoughts are normal. Oh God this is going to be listed under smut isn't it.

  "'Don't worry it's not going to be smut" Said the great gay voice. "'MMMIIINNNDDDSSCCAAPPEE!!! How many times have I told you not to edit the text, that's Christians job."'

  "Fuck you and your gay lover!!"

   "'Can we kill him?'" the great also gay editor asked "oh you little motherfucker never go near a street or prepare for a car accident, actually why wait…'"

  "You know we have complete control of what happens in the story. The only thing we can't choose is what you say. Heads up, very descriptive torture ahead and not so descriptive ****, no mindscape not girl's straight up anal by black guys.'"

  "Ok ok anything but that!! I'll be a good boy I promise"

  "Whatever, let's just get back to the story." 

  "No let's torture and kill him"

  "Christian how many times do I have to tell you, no killing off the main character."

  So where was I oh yeah. I'm one of those guys that just look creepy. I dont blink often, is a medical condition, or medical gift I don't need to blink. My eyes are always coated with a thick moisture at the perfect temperature. The condition constantly makes my eyes moist and in doing so it flushes out the old moisture therefore I don't have to blink. Well that's all the doctor speak I could translate. I'm pretty sure that's why I look creepy. I have shit brown semi long hair. This probably adds to my creepiness, my eyes are black. Kind of like a dog's the kind that seem like there looking into your soul. It's cute on dogs but boy do they make humans look creepy. That along with not blinking is why I look like a rapist. They make me seem like I'm trapped in my own head (actually I was once but that's for another part of the story) and most think I'm trapped in my own head thinking about what I'm going to do to them. 

  I am what you would call a nerd. I would lose a fight against nearly anyone. People always bullied me. But then I got a superpower and they all died…

  So my superpower. My ability is that I have the ability to control a place i like to call the mindscape. So the actual mindscape definition "A mental or psychological scene or area of the imagination." I have control of that to but the mindscape is a place that gives me access to everyone's minds. Ok story time.

6 months ago

  I was the most popular guy in school. I was super strong and beat up nerds.

  Not buying it are you?

  Ok fine I was the nerd. 

  I was starting my second year of college. In short a asshole (who I may or may not be related to) mind fucked me in several different positions. One day when I was walking down the street to the store this guy with the alias brainwave grabs my head and slams me to the ground. But the weird thing is i don't feel the impact and everything turned white. 'Fuck am I dead' I thought I tried to get up to find that the guy was here and was still holding me down.

  Finally he got up after about an hour. "What the fuck man what the fuck!" mindscape "Who the hell are you, you fucking perverted imp ill fucking kill you. Where the hell are we."

  "You gotta be kidding me!" he yelled into the sky, or is it a roof I have no idea. "You can't be serious, this can't be my heir."

  "Heir?" I asked slowly.

  "oh God, please, I can't be related to this perverted prick." I pleaded.

  "Shut up" he snapped.

  "No, I don't want to" 

  "I can't believe you are even remotely related to me but the mindscape says you are the only one with the gift that's still alive. So I guess" he said sounding very agitated. "Welcome to the mindscape. I am your uncle. You and I both have the power of the mind. I have to teach you how to use this power because my life is almost over…" 

  "What's the mindscape?" I asked.

  "It is the source of our power. It gives us access to everyone's mind. The power has some limits, for instance you can't use the power on people who have mind powers. And you can't bring people with mind powers Into the mindscape."

  "But if I have mind powers to then how did you bring me here."

  "Oh I tricked your mind into entering the mindscape. It's only possible to trick someone with mind powers to enter the mindscape if they can enter it on there own even if they don't know it. Like you."

  "Cool what can this baby do" I said gesturing to the mindscape.

  "Your power will let you gain access to everyone's mind. You can make people's heads explode, give people mild to severe headaches, though you could do that without using your power, trap people in their own imagination or into your imagination. You also have access to people's thoughts and memories."

  "Exploding heads?" Mindscape asked excitedly.

  "Yes but before you can do all that you will need training. Me and the mindscape will try are best to teach you to use your abilities. Once we start there is no backing out."

  "Sign me up"

  "We start now then"


So now…

  I'm mindscape master of the mindscape. Dam that would have been a better start to the story. Hay great straight author can I change the beginning.
