
A nice upgrade

The Dark Pirates are heading to Merchant Island because Jack, the pirate who just joined, said that if they want people, they should go there and not wait like crazy here.

and it's not reliable to recruit from here..

it was a island for all type of people.

pirates, slave traders, navy, merchant everyone can come here and trade here.

"How many days will it take us to get there " prince asked

"we should get there in three to four days" Jack replied...

He had been traveling the seas for the last two days, being a pirate was new to the Prince and he was just going by what the system said...

'i think i should make my ship attractive first '

'it's name is blakk pearl, So maybe I should make this ship like the original Black pearl.

since already painted the ship in black. Now I had to make it scary.'

he bought another cannon and put it on the other side.

he had 7 cannonballs left and got 10 more,

so he bought 20 more cannonballs from the shop.

12000 points were spent in this.

now he have 10000 more left.




"All of you gather here, i have something for you "


In a few minutes everyone gathered.

he had 6 people, 3 girls for chore, one person who monitors everything named Lucy, first mate kann, she was good at shooting so he gave her a gun it was not a old model nor a high-tech model.

it was a mid 19's version of the gun, but it was enough to kill anyone with one shot, it's range was 20 meters, he got 50 free bullets with it, and he brought 200 extra.

she was like a personal bodyguard.

and the last member jack , he said he is a fighter and good at swords and sphere.


"i have something to announce"

"since we are dark pirates, so our ship should be scary"

"That's why I want this ship to be scary"

"lucy go and tear up the sails, Jack go and scrape the boat's exterior, this ship should look like it's been through a lot of wars."

"But scraping will make ship weak ,and without sails how we suppose to travel ? " Jack asked...

prince smiled "just do as i say...we aren't gonna face any problems ....hahahaha "

nobody noticed his smile though...

'I had already made the ship strong with the help of the system, now even if a cannon ball hits it, it will not break and I had already fitted the engine which runs automatically. you just need to use it like a car. hehehe i am a genius'

the specialty of this engine was that it used to run by using kinetic energy, which means that the more our ship runs, the more its battery will be charged and it will run forever.

although not forever but for a long time and when it's not sailing, it will charge the battery by making energy from sea wave motion.

after all it's not a magic item.

Because all this stuff was given by the system, so it was many times higher quality than the stuff on earth.


"Cap, all done "  Lucy said

"Ok now come here i have something for you"

he said and gave him modern binoculars.

"Cap it looks like telescope but it's different, what is this thing " he asked

"it is indeed a telescope, but different from others, You can see much further with it than with ordinary binoculars. And its specialty is that you can see everything even at night."

i explained everything...

"captain i've wrecked the ship" Jack reported....

"ok come on i have something for you too "

"since you use sword and spear, take this"

he gave him a high quality spear and sword...

"thank you cap"


After that prince went to his room and asked the system to update the status

system increased my status by 10

[host you are now a master fighter]

[what can I do for you now]

'can you please show me some skills, i want to acquire some new skills '

[ here is the available skills ]

'There are a lot of skills here, I guess I'll have to see which ones are good'

'i think this master craftsmen is good '

master craftsmen - you can make anything perfectly, if you know how to build it .

in next level you could be able to make anything as long as you know how that thing work.

'thats some good stuff, system please buy this skill '

[ sure host, it will cost you 2500 points and you will left only 500 points, are you sure ?]

'yes, please buy this'


[ new skill acquired ]

'i hope it's worth it, now what should I do with this skill, i want to try it but what should I build now '

'i think i should upgrade my ship...

according to system ship's battery is very high power, so i think it will be enough to meet the power requirements of the ship.

'system please buy some wires, light bulb, some pumpkin shell and a speaker '

[ it will cost 480 points ]

After this he did the fitting of lights in the whole ship. he put the lights in every room on the ship and the outside of the ship with the pumpkin.

he put the speaker on the highest point and programmed it to emitte a ghostly sound whenever anything comes near it, such as another ship or an island.

all the bulbs lit up in the evening....he told everyone About new features...

and everybody likes it...but they wonderd how is it possible?? for so many new things to be here..like these are all new gadgets and the world didn't even have a idea about it.

they thought he was a magician described in legends...


yohohoho...yohho hoho hohoo...

PRINCE_0F_DARKNESScreators' thoughts