
Mind, Spirit and Soul

A story about a transmigrator. Cultivating his Mind, Spirit and Soul in order to avoid an early death and prevent the loss of his memories. Volume 1 Synopsis: Mordax woke up and found himself hanging by a noose, gasping for air as it tightened around his throat. By chance or destiny, he freed himself from death's sure grip. Without his memories, how will he live in this alien world as an alien himself? Why does it feel strange to be in his own skin? What is wrong with him? His memories seem to be slowly returning. Can he figure out how he got into this situation? There seem to be a couple of mad and/or cute alien girls interested in him. But how is he going to navigate this alien love life while missing a critical piece of himself? With a soon-coming invasion targeting their homeworld by another alien species, Is he someone special, or just another Xeno to be cut down? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This novel contains Mature content. To improve grammar, word choice, and sentence structure, I am using AI assistance. The novel is not AI generated.

ExaltedAI · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Cultivation, Mind, Spirit and Soul 1

Between bands of stars that stretched on endlessly, a lone floating isle drifted amidst the cosmos, its shores held aloft by an unseen force.

In one particular place on this island, Cryptomeria trees dotted lush green hills, their boughs swaying in a phantom breeze. Peals of gentle laughter and the melodies of strange yet soothing instruments drifted from hidden bamboo groves. 

A sudden explosion abruptly cut through the melodious sounds, its sharp report startling birds from their roosts.

As scents of blossoms, fruits, and aromatic teas mingled with the aromatic fumes of elixirs simmering in alchemical workshops. One of the workshops, instead of white and pure smoke, belched only black smoke, creating a stark contrast to the picturesque scenery surrounding it.

The door to the smoky workshop swung open, and a coughing young man exited, waving a hand before his face in a futile attempt to clear the acrid air.

"Damn, I shouldn't have listened to that crazed fellow Daoist Elixir Monk's advice," the alchemist choked out in exasperation.

A melodious laugh drifted from somewhere to the alchemist's right, instantly capturing his attention. Its tone carried both mirth and playful teasing. Turning, he saw a woman of surpassing beauty approaching. Her hair pale as new-fallen snow and eyes bright as fresh-spilled blood.

"Fellow Daoist Many Wolves," she called, red lips curled in amusement. "I see your latest experiment met with...limited success."

Manywolves let out a weary sigh, but before he could reply, the earth trembled with a resounding cry that sent shivers down his spine.

Two thunderous roars followed in quick succession, their primal fury causing the hair on the back of Manywolves' neck to stand on end.

Within this island's sheltered center live both humans and heavenly beings. Seekers of wisdom like Daoist Manywolves devote themselves to learning the Dao through meditation and study. Air spirits dance upon thermal airs, while aquatic beings softly sing and illuminate the waters with their phosphorescence. A microcosm of the cosmic Tao itself.

As their eyes shifted towards the origin of the thunderous roars, they beheld a majestic peak that soared high above the clouds near the edge of the isle. Its summit, adorned with a crown of glistening ice, stood out against the vibrant emerald fields below. Clear springs and cascading waterfalls flowed down its sides.

Through a divine gaze, Manywolves and his fellow daoist friend observed a confrontation within the mountain's base. A huge ape had engaged in feral combat with an immense serpent, both utterly enthralled by a Heavenly Fruit.

Though locked in contest, an aura of femininity shone through each creature's manner. The ape grappled with its mighty hands and legs, while the serpent cunningly spun her coils around the ape.

For a moment the fruit rested in the ape's grasp. By some chance, the fighters' faces neared where it was divided in half. Both bit down at once, each receiving a half of the 'Heavenly Peach'. 

As the essence of the heavenly fruit spread through the combatants, their cultivation bases improved by leaps and bounds. Even their cheeks burned brightly at the delectable taste. However, a startling realization dawned upon them in that fleeting moment when their mouths met.

Twin looks of abject horror overcame the pair! Each thought wildly, 'How dare this filthy ape's/snake's lips touch mine!' Revulsion and rage reignited their bout with a ferocity befitting celestial dignitaries of their stature.

Now determined to utterly vanquish each other, the clever serpent wove mystic arts through polished techniques, while the sturdy ape unleashed raw passion and power honed over centuries.

Their dazzling display captivated nearby creatures, who gathered to observe the spectacle and placed wagers, cheering for their favored combatant.

Manywolves trembled with indignation as he watched the renewed contest. Veins bulged on his tightly clenched fist as he exclaimed, "Damn you, you filthy ape! You lucky bitch! To share the embrace and kiss of a lamia and still seethe with loathing — has no one taught you to cherish such fortune? If my cultivation ran deeper, I would beat you to death for such foolish ingratitude!"

"Ahahahaha!" Beside him, the youthful woman nearly doubled over in mirth at his fervor. "Your fiery heart always finds the strangest things to ignite over," she chortled.

As Manywolves turned to respond, her crimson eyes glinted with martial fervor. In the mere breath it takes to exhale, her leg lashed out - only to meet the stalwart kneecap of her fellow Daoist.

BOOM! The impact shook surrounding bamboos, sending grasses reeling under its aftershock. Yet Daoist Manywolves stood unmoved, effortlessly intercepting her blow.

"Tsk tsk fellow daoist Violent Kiss, did you truly believe I would leave myself vulnerable in your deadly presence?" He wagged a finger teasingly.

A smile bloomed on her porcelain features, resolute yet bearing no ill-intent. "Come, this encounter has whet my appetite for battle too. Shall we engage in a sparring match?" Her hands darted like lightning, seeking any weakness to exploit.

From atop the ridge, a shadowed figure gazed darkly upon the spar below. Rage and envy seethed within at seeing the agile Violentkiss dance with that upstart Manywolves.

At his side stood two hulking brutes. One opened his drooling maw and spoke, "Young Master, shall we ask to join in? Are you going to watch your fiancée spar with her cousin?"

The man's frigid eyes slid towards him. "You forget yourself. Remind me - what name do others know me by?"

"Y-you are Daoist Void Comet, my Lord," the oaf stammered, then doubled over. His mind plagued by visions of being repeatedly killed by black flaming meteors.

Steeling himself, the sharper brute murmured, "Young master, please restrain yourself. Soon our plans will remove that irksome Manywolves, and Violentkiss will see where her future surely lies."

Voidcomet relaxed, the frigid air around him lessening as he composed himself. "When she tires of play, she will come seeking my eternal comfort as fated." His hand waved them away. For now, patience remained his gambit.

As Manywolves and Violentkiss finished their friendly sparring match, they clasped forearms, muscles flexed with friendship. Manywolves couldn't help but tease, "Starting tomorrow, I won't have to look at your ugly mug for a year?"

Violentkiss retorted with fire in her eyes, "Just wait until we finish our secluded cultivation. I'll be so far ahead that you'll be begging me for pointers, cousin!"

The two lifelong companions burst into laughter, voices melding into a harmonic echo.

With a final firm clasp, Manywolves and Violentkiss took their leave to begin a year of rigorous self-improvement.

An Elderly person stood silently atop the highest peak of the Isle of the Nine Heavens, eyes gazing deep into the cosmos while his white robes and facial hair flowing majestically in the ethereal mountain airs.

Behind him, a voice spoke "Master Nine Heavens, the students are making their way to their respective caves for secluded cultivation. I have also prepared everything needed for your Dao Sermon once they complete their training."

Senior Nineheavens remained still, peering intently at some disturbing movement in the stars. After a long moment, he said gravely "This new generation of disciples will require every ounce of training and experience gained if they are to withstand what is approaching in the coming tribulations."

Daoist Passing Dust followed his master's gaze, and he saw stars and celestial bodies shifting in peculiar formations...grouping together in ways that seemed ominous.

In a hidden corner of the isle, nestled among crags and cliffs, thousands of caves were etched into stony peaks. Each served as a sanctuary for cultivation during this period of seclusion.

Manywolves cheerfully made his way to his cave, waving to Violentkiss as she departed for her own retreat. Meanwhile, Voidcomet smiled slyly before slinking off to his appointed meditation cave.

As the artificial sun crested overhead, tremendous rumbles echoed across the mountains as stone slab doors sealed each pupil within their own sanctum. 

Daoist Manywolves settled into a meditative posture, cross-legged at the chamber's center. He drew the rich heavenly qi into his being with deep breaths, sensing its potency surge through his meridians.

'As one would expect from Senior Nine Heavens, the number one peak expert in all realms, his island truly is a miracle locale for cultivation,' Manywolves mused internally.

All around, mystic arrays pulsed with stored essence, saturating the ambient qi to the pinnacle of perfection. With such ideal conditions and provisions removing all distractions, the coming year of solitary focus promised to unleash untold growth.

Manywolves steeled his resolve as he declared proudly: "Through nothing but hard work, dedication, and my own talent, I have clawed my way from the most humble origins to this point. I, Mo Yuan, swear upon my name that I will surpass all who ever looked down upon me."

A fiery determination and unshakeable confidence burned in his eyes.

Then, his gaze shifted to the corner of the cave, where two glistening cultivation pills lay waiting - provided to each disciple to aid their cultivation. He approached and lifted the first pill between finger and thumb, examining its pure essence before popping it into his mouth.

With the pill's empowering energies coursing through his veins, Manywolves commenced his secluded training in earnest.

Two months passed, and he opened his eyes for the first time.

He flexed and released his hardened fists, savoring his increased strength. Walking to the heavy stone door, he remembered his earlier, futile attempts to leave even a dent. Focusing his qi, he adopted a martial stance and threw a simple punch.

With a resounding BOOM, the cave shook slightly as his fist struck the door with incredible force, leaving a dent a couple of inches deep. He smiled, pleased by how far he'd come in so short a time.

Manywolves solemnly consumed the second refinement pill. Returning to a meditative pose at the cavern's center, he sunk deeply into cultivation.