
Mind, Spirit and Soul

A story about a transmigrator. Cultivating his Mind, Spirit and Soul in order to avoid an early death and prevent the loss of his memories. Volume 1 Synopsis: Mordax woke up and found himself hanging by a noose, gasping for air as it tightened around his throat. By chance or destiny, he freed himself from death's sure grip. Without his memories, how will he live in this alien world as an alien himself? Why does it feel strange to be in his own skin? What is wrong with him? His memories seem to be slowly returning. Can he figure out how he got into this situation? There seem to be a couple of mad and/or cute alien girls interested in him. But how is he going to navigate this alien love life while missing a critical piece of himself? With a soon-coming invasion targeting their homeworld by another alien species, Is he someone special, or just another Xeno to be cut down? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This novel contains Mature content. To improve grammar, word choice, and sentence structure, I am using AI assistance. The novel is not AI generated.

ExaltedAI · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Chapter 5 - Harmony

In the realm of the Vrosqui, As Mordax and Grixi emerged outside, a window on one of the upper floors opened, releasing a heavy mist-like air into the outside world. 

There a male Vrosqui appeared on the balcony, emerging from the swirling mist. However, before he could fully steady himself, a hoof-like leg struck him from behind, caused him to lose balance and fall towards the ground.

A worker with a platform rushed to catch him. It managed to intercept him mid-air, but due to the slimy substance coating his body, he slipped off the platform and crashed onto the ground with even greater force.

Mordax watched in astonishment as the familiar figure revealed himself. "Is that Xod?" Memories flooded his mind, reminding him of the brown-skinned, muscular warrior Vrosqui who had once been his closest friend. 

Something had happened in the past that led Mordax to distance himself from others, including Xod.

"Oww, I thought I was dreaming. You finally come out of your shell. I am so happy for you," Xod exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Then he continued. "I am also happy for myself too, come let me give you a hug in order to congratulate ourselves."

Before Mordax could react, Xod rushed towards him with startling speed, his superior agility making it impossible for Mordax to evade his grasp. Not to mention Mordax's body moved clumsily, as if it were unfamiliar to him. 

Xod enveloped him in a slick embrace, his exuberance evident in his actions. 

Mordax was taken aback by the casual familiarity. "I... don't know what to say, Xod," he stammered. "But please, let go of me."

Grixi observed the scene from a distance, a smile playing on her lips. "Take it easy with him, Xod. Remember, he has lost his memories."

Mordax struggled with all his might in order to escape from this thick oily brute. Xod's incessant chatter did not helped too.

"What? Is that true?" He tried to wear a mixture of concern and sympathy on his huge grinning face. "I am so sorry for what you've been through. But remember, in every bad thing, there is also a glimmer of good. Look at you now, emerging from your shell and embracing your fate just like I have."

"Truly, if this was not my best day, I would be devastated about you losing your memories, buddy," he said with voice overflowing with genuine care.

"Since you do not remember let me explain some things to you, buddy. I belong to the warrior caste, and here, it is customary for male warriors to sow a Lifesower caste female Vrosqui twice before they can go into battle." 

'This guy... isn't he going to stop talking to let me even speak a piece.' Mordax thought as he glanced at his sister who stood by silently, seeing she has no plans of saving him, he resigned himself to Xod's storytelling.

Xod's grin grew wider. "You see, buddy, I am considered the best fighter among our warrior brethren. However, when it comes to Lifesowing battles, I found myself lacking." 

"After countless attempts and many cycles, I finally managed to sow that bit... well, let's just say, challenging female for the second time."

Mordax couldn't help but chuckle at Xod's choice of words.

"But hey, now that you're here, let me bless you with some good luck till your next cycle. It's a tradition, so don't even think about running away."

Relieved that Xod had finally released him, Mordax took a moment to catch his breath. 

The relief was short-lived, however, as Xod's hand connected with Mordax's face, producing a loud slap and a sticky sound. Mordax felt a full handful of sticky liquid smear across his face.

Confusion turned to revulsion as Xod's fingers moved towards Mordax's eyelids, gently cleaning them so he could open his eyes. Mordax blinked rapidly, trying to process the situation. The sticky substance on his face felt strange, and the realization of what it was made his stomach churn.

"What in the name of the Ancients is this!?" Mordax exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and disgust.

Xod's laughter echoed through the air. "It's the Lifesower's nectar, buddy! A symbol of fertility and strength. It's believed to bring good fortune and success."

Mordax trembled, his eyes narrowing. "If this is some kind of sick joke, know that there will be consequences."

"Ahhh, my heart! You wound me, buddy. I would never take advantage of you like that," he said with sincere voice. "I'll only take advantage of you when all of your memories return."

"I'll believe you for now," he muttered, his voice laced with skepticism. "Thanks for the... 'blessing.'"

As Mordax turned away, making his way ahead of the two. Xod's happy facade quickly faded, replaced by an expression of sadness. 

'I am sorry, brother. I am not brave enough to face them. I am so sorry for being a failure of a friend. I hope this time, you can rescue yourself from their madness.'

Grixi, placed her clawed hand on Xod's shoulder. In that moment, her already imposing figure expanded until she blotted out the colossal star. 

The world around them darkened, becoming a void of pitch blackness, with only two faintly glowing pink-black holes in the sky.

No words were needed between them, for Xod understood everything that needed not to be said after all. 

Then Grixi quickened her steps to catch up with her twin. 

As Mordax was walking past in front of the annalist spire, a cold chill ran down his spine. 'To whom or what am I afraid this much,' he thought as he quickened his pace. 

Shaking off the chilling sensation, Mordax bid farewell to Grixi and made his way to the highest balcony of the spire they were residing in.

Mordax emerged onto the balcony, greeted by the sight of the dimly lit red star shining at its peak. 

'How beautiful.' he whispered to himself. It cast an otherworldly glow, turning the sky into a canvas of crimson hues. The red dwarf was so close, yet so distant, evoking a sense wonder.

His gaze fixed on the mesmerizing sight, in that moment, a memory from his past suddenly surfaced.

Young Mordax found himself sitting alongside a silver and black-colored alien. They were both gazing up at the same star, their expressions filled with awe and curiosity. The alien beside him had two antennas that jiggled with excitement.

"I want our ceremony to take place there." she said, her golden eyes sparkling with the prospect of the future.

Young Mordax blushed, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson as he turned his face away from her, unable to meet her gaze. The memory ended, leaving Mordax with a mix of nostalgia and unanswered questions. 

'Zilvera. What was that about ceremony about I wonder.' Crossing his arms, he gazed down in frustration as clarity continued to elude him. 'At least she was not dread-inducing like sister.' 

As he pondered, a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over him. It felt as if a tight vice had clenched around his heart, causing him to wince in pain.

'What is this pain?' he questioned, his voice filled with frustration and confusion as he massaged his chest. 'Just a second ago, I was completely fine.'

His mind raced, searching for answers and possible explanations. 'It is clear that there is something wrong with me, or perhaps with my circumstances. I should cultivate as that senior instructed.' 

'The Heavenly Way. Stage 0 - Establishing Harmony: The cultivator works to calm body and mind through breathing and visualization. They begin to sense ambient Qi and feel its ebb and flow around them. This awakens the dantian, the core energy nexus.' 

'The senior already helped me with its first step, only the last step remains for me.' 

Thus Mordax relaxed himself, cleared his mind so he can attune his awareness to the subtle sensations around himself. 

Then he started to feel small pulses, tingles in his extremities - these were the signs that his cultivation has begun to stir his Qi.

'It states that, "One has to trust what they perceived but should not grasp for more signs. With regular practice, One's attunement will strengthen like a muscle. One should remain patient and accept what is revealed in due time."'

Unbeknownst to him, someone was behind him, on the doorway in the balcony he was meditating, a silver and black alien as big as Grixi. 

Her two white horns protruding on her forehead were trembling as if in excitement. Her amber eyes, soft and round, held a mixture of awe, love, and anticipation as they shimmered with unshed tears.

'Not only did THEY grant you back to me, but THEY made you better, just as THEY promised.'

'My beloved, you and I will change everything.' she thought, her voice filled with conviction. She stood and watched her beloved, she thought he was engaging in the standard meditations of the Annalist caste.

As Mordax continued he began to sense an inner warmth kindling within his lower abdomen.

At first it was faint, more of a subtle change in temperature than any true sensation. But with each focused breath, the warmth became clearer and spread a little further. Soon it radiated soothingly throughout his torso.

Over time, he noticed the warmth pulsing in rhythm with his breathing - seemingly concentrated around a point a few inches below his navel.

As the pulses became steadier, Mordax knew his dantian had awakened. Energy was stirring within his core, ready to nourish further cultivation. A smile of quiet satisfaction came to his lips.