

The day after Jose woke up and was better than I could have hoped, I took her out and we strolled the streets. She smiled at all the people and played with the children. It was nice to see her so happy.

I bought her clothes and jewelry, making her blush. I gave her sweet treats that got her giggling hysterically. We danced and played and had fun. It was the best day of my life.

The next day, I was tense. Jose was fidgety, pacing back and forth and wringing her fingers. "You don't have to go down with me," I say, strapping a knife to my belt.

"Jose Kesar help," she said, shaking her head.

I went up to her and cupped her face. "They won't hurt you. Zargis will be there. As well as Cam and Otreg. You will be safe, I promise."

She relaxed, nodded, and smiled. Taking her hand, I lead her out of my chambers and down to the dungeons where the other three waited. "Are you sure about this, Jose?" Zargis asked. She nodded.

He shrugged, then led the way to the prisoners. "Zargis and Cam will see Switch while I hell you two," Otreg said. I nod, holding Jose's hand firmly in my own, afraid to let her go.

The moment I saw my brother, my breath caught. He looked at me with wide fearful eyes. "Kesar?"

Jose got in front of me and bared her teeth at Einnig. She didn't say anything, just glared.

"Jose, I'm sorry!"

I wrapped my arms around Jose and took in her scent, let her be the strong one for now. She nodded to Otreg who seemed to understand. "Why did you and Switch attack Jose?"

"The first time, it wasn't supposed to end up with her hurt! Switch said he had something that could help a broken limb!"

"He didn't tell you it was poison?"

Einnig's eyes went wider. "No!" he gasped.

"And the second time?"

Einnig slumped against the wall. "I only wanted to talk to Jose. I didn't know Switch was hiding until he came out and held a knife to her throat. I swear!"

"What do you know of Switch's plans for the queen?"

"I am not a part of it! I swear! I had no part in his revenge!"

Otreg nodded in acknowledgment. "Tell me what you know."

Einnig told us: Switch had planned to take Thelia away and to the dragon-mappers, convince her that we were dangerous, then steal her away for himself. When Einnig was finished, I felt Jose tilt her head, studying my brother carefully. She had listened attentively during the entire interrogation and never showed any sign that she believed him or not.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Einnig," Otreg said. We began to turn away.

"Wait!" We looked at him. He looked directly at Jose. "You're still in danger! Someone is still coming after you!"

"Who!" I demanded.

Einnig shook his head. "I don't know the name. But I heard him call Switch his brother. He snuck in and told Switch he'd do everything right! I swear, he's dangerous! Worse than Switch!"

"We will stay on guard," Otreg assured, then led us away.

We met Zargis and Cam back up in the castle, then went to the war room where Thelia waited. I helped Jose into a chair and knelt beside her. "Are you okay?"

She nodded. When she looked at me, her eyes had fear in them, but also anger. "Einnig good. Switch bad," she stated softly. I nod.

Once everyone was seated, we began to discuss what everyone had learned, including Einnig's warning. "Did he say if this male was coming after Thelia too?" Zargis asked.

I shook my head. "Just Jose, though it seemed like business would include Thelia too."

Jose wrote, "Thelia Jose help. Jose Thelia help."

"We still don't know where the dragon-mappers are," Cam said.

Jose looked at me. Wrote, "people chains?"

I nod.

She turns to Thelia and writes something for her, which the queen excuses herself and leaves. "If Switch is Allie's with them, then he can tell us."

"Anything he says could be a lie," Otreg counters.

Cam growled. "He's the only lead we've got!"

Thelia returns with a map and puts it in front of Jose who looks at it then turns to me and points to a spot. "Chetia?"

She nods. Jose then starts a line from Bullarida to Chetia. Writes, "Man talk Jose. Talk Chetia."

"They're going to Chetia?" Again, she nods. I stand abruptly, making the room go silent. I grin at Jose, cupping her cheek gently. "Chetia. They're headed to Chetia."

"How do you know?" Otreg asked.

I look at the rest of the room. "While we were preparing to leave and come home, Jose was alone outside. There was an army with prisoners passing by. Jose had a male come up and start talking to her. I was worried because he seemed to be getting angry, but then he left, and the rest followed without incident."

"That's who you told me about during your report," Zargis noted.

I nod.

"Jose also pointed it out when you first gave me the map," Thelia recalled.

"She didn't know who they were," I defended. Not until we talked a day or so ago after she woke."

Zargis looked at Jose and held eye contact with her. "Are you sure?"

She nodded slowly, leaning back in her chair, nervous. I put a hand on her shoulder and said, "She didn't know."

Zargis nodded. "I believe you. She tried to tell us something when we got the map, but didn't know how, probably didn't think it was important. It's fine."

"Now, we need to know their underground system," Cam said.

The table agreed as I sat back down. Jose took my hand in hers, squeezed. I squeezed back.

After the meeting, Thelia followed Jose and I to the library where she planned to research and help Jose read and write. I dropped them off, then went to Zargis's office.

The king looked exhausted as he sat in his chair and waited for me to speak. I felt bad for him, and hoped this all ended soon. Before I could speak, however, he said, "I was not doubting Jose's loyalties back there."

I nod. "But she was scared."

"She has helped us multiple times. I just wanted to make sure she wasn't mistaking one town for another."

I nod, understanding his motives. "She's my mate."

Zargis raised a brow. "Is she?"

I narrowed my eyes. "You're mocking me."

He smiled. "I just wondered when you were going to accept it. It's clear she has."

I shook my head. "She doesn't know what it means yet."

Zargis shrugged. "I wouldn't say that," he said and stood. "Thelia told me Jose asked about a secret I had withheld from her. She explained the fact that we were mates. Jose went on to ask about you. Thelia didn't say anything about Jose being your mate, just that you had one."

"When was this?"

"The day Switch held a knife to her throat."

I thought back and remembered Sayma arguing with me the night before about telling Jose her role with me. "What did Jose say to Thelia?"

Zargis shrugged. "Nothing much, just excused herself."

"How do I tell her?"