
Mind and Heart

kita_0903 · 都市
3 Chs

1. First meeting

Kyung-Jin's pov~~

As rays of the sun fell on my eyes waking me up from my sweet sweet sleep I groaned and turned to another side. Today's the first day of school after winter break and I'm so not ready to go to school again.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate school, I just particularly don't care about it, as a high school student this should be like, best years of youth, or most important school years but to me, it's just another school year nothing more nothing less.

Cause schools have bullies, who are nothing more than just some people bored enough by their own life trying to find fun by making fun of other people.

Ohhhh right, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Yun Kyung-Jin, I'm 18 and I moved to this city with my Dad and big brother in summer vacation before school started.

"Get that ass out of bed now!" A voice came from the side and I opened my eyes to find my bestfriend standing inside my room with her hands on her hips, looking down at me throwing daggers from my eyes.

She's my neighbour, Hwang So-Ra we met in summer vacation and we really bond with each other greatly. She's polar opposite to me but also similar to me in some ways. We are in the same school and we also have many classes together, so we mostly stick together all time.

"How did you get in here?" I asked yawning.

"Like I always do by the door," she pointed back at the door, "Uncle let me in," she shrugged.

"Ohh," I said closing my eyes again and she sighed.

"Look I know you don't like school but I do and I don't want to be late today so, in the bathroom now," she threw her backpack on the bed and pulled my blanket.

I sighed and scrambled off from the bed going inside the bathroom and quickly washed up, I would have liked to shower a little longer but then again I don't want someone to barge in while I'm taking a shower so I brush my teeth, wrap a towel around myself and go out.

I saw So-Ra sitting on my bed comfortably with her legs crossed and leaning against the headboard, checking her phone. Probably scrolling through some weird shit again.

"It's cold today so wear something warm," She said and even she herself was in a hoodie except we would be wearing skirt so our legs would be exposed to cold wind.

I rifled through my closet and took out a grey turtle neck sweatshirt which was a bit bigger than my size. Unlike Stacy who was slim and beautiful, I had this pear shape, where I had a slim waist but thick thighs and butt. I was kinda insecure about my shape, though I know I'm not fat.

I quickly got changed and after drying my hair tied it in a messy bun leaving a few strands loose and a few bangs falling on my forehead. I had this dark brown hair and brown eyes, pretty normal right? But I still like them.

"Good, now let's get going, "So-Ra threw my backpack to me and hanging hers on her shoulder she interlocked our hands and we went down where my Dad was in the kitchen making breakfast for himself, I'm not a breakfast person so I never eat breakfast, "Bye Dad," I shouted while wearing my shoes.

"Bye sweetheart, take care," He replied.

We were in same class, so we went ahead and after going inside we settled in our seats which were of course in the last.

So-Ra had many friends in the school, while I used to exchange greetings and small talks with them I never really hung out with them. I too have my own friends in school. Like Jung-Hwan, I met him when he accidentally hit me with a ball when I was passing by, then he just stuck around and we became friends, and also his girlfriend, Mi-Ryung, who is very hot and kind. We get along very well with each other.

They always stay together most of the time, but they are not that cheesy and stuff so I don't gross out when I'm with them.

The teacher came and I started paying attention to the lecture, I'm not a nerd or a topper, I'm an average student-a little above average-who pays attention in class since I don't know what I should do if not that.

I do sometimes zone out to another world somewhere in my mind but then again, it's normal everyone does so.

After lectures when the the bell for break rang, I sighed and streached my arms.

"So-Ra, I'm going to Cafeteria, I'm hungry, you want to come?"

"Nah, I'll be here come back soon," she waved her hand at me and I nodding went down to Cafeteria.

I bought a drink and sandwich and was coming back to my class when the hallway suddenly started crowding.

I just stood on the side to let the crowd pass, I don't like walking through a crowd saying, excuse me at every step.

When I looked up to see why the hallway was so crowded I saw a few guys walking ahead with a lot of people, like both guys and girls flocking around them.

I scoffed looking to the side, "Are they filming F4 or what?"


Jun-Seok's Pov~

I opened my eyes in the morning and looked around the house, I don't know who's house I was in and there was a girl sleeping beside me but I didn't know who she was.

I slid the blanket to the side sat up, the cold wind coming inside from the open window hit my bare chest directly.

'It's cold in the morning.' I thought stretching my arms.

I looked around to find my phone and it was on the desk, I got up wore my boxers and checked my phone, it was 7:30 in the morning.

I slept for around two hours or so last night, I sighed and wore my clothes and went out of the house, found my car, My Aston Martin DBS, she's hot and she's fast and I love her, then I started driving to school.

I'm Hwa Jun-Seok, I'm 18.

I'm the person that many parents tell their children to stay away from, causing trouble, drinking and smoking and partying all night, hooking up with girls, that's what I am.

But there are two things that I'm proud of, 1st I can hear peoples thoughts, yes you heard right, I can read minds from childhood and second I'm smart, I don't need to copy answers from others.

I have high insomnia, so every night I just spend hooking up with someone, after which I at least fall asleep for an hour or two or maybe collapse for an hour or two.

I entered the school and parked my car in the parking and got off, I saw my friends sitting on the side of their phones playing games.

Kim Sang-Hun, he's a genius with Computers.

Min Do-Hyun, is notorious as a Fabulous Racer and Min Soo-Hyun is a digger, you want any type of information just go to him, he knows everything. They both are cousins.

"Hey bud," Soo-Hyun got up and shoulder bumped me. They all stopped gaming and jumped down on the ground.

"So showing to school today, huh?" Sang-Hun asked and took his bag along with others and we started walking towards the building.

"Yep, thought I would come to check up on you guys," I replied with a smug smile.

We went to our class and going to the last and just slept till the bell for break rang.

"Let's go get some fresh air," Sang-Hun said and we all nodded getting up. we went and walked towards the cafeteria when everyone started coming and talking to us.

Mostly girls trying to ask how our vacation was, and stuff when they know very well how it would have been. But it's just a way of trying to build a conversation so I just ignore them.

I was walking when I noticed a girl standing at the side looking down tapping her foot impatiently and sighing.

She piqued my interest so I focused on her, her thoughts came to me like passing wind.

'What a drag these people are, Just get going already, you slowpokes. You are crowding the hallway.'

She frowning raised her head and looked straight into my eyes. She had these beautiful brown eyes, that were staring right at me.

I kept staring at her and then a voice came.

'Weird.' I raised my eyebrow, did she just call me weird?

I laughed suddenly making others confused but she was really funny.

I was curious so I tried to hear what she's thinking again, 'I'm late for class,' was the first thing I heard.

'Should I just wait here? Then again I don't know when this crowd will clear out I better get going,'

I looked around to find people blocking the hallway so I backed off holding Sang-Hun's arm leaning agianst the wall as everyone backed off with me and my friends, she looked up and her eyes lit up as she quickly made her way to her class.

"What are you looking at?" Theo asked and I shook my head.

"She looked pretty cute," I mumbled smiling.

"What?" Do-Hyun asked and I smiled.
