
Milo and Maisie

|ONC 2024 LONGLIST · AMBASSADORS' PICK · 8X FEATURED| Two years after her older brother's tragic death, anxiety-stricken Maisie and her emotional support cat, Milo, attend the Disney College Program, where they must discover a new life meaning in the most magical place on Earth. *** The death changed everything. Milo, an orange tabby, has always wanted a little sibling, but after the tragic loss of his owner's older brother, adoption was put on hold, and he became her Emotional Support Animal. Now, two years later, Maisie's determined to grant Milo's long-overdue wish; however, she's still grieving and overthrown with anxiety, leaving Milo to tag along with her for the famed Disney College Program. Nevertheless, when heartbreak catches him, too, Milo must push past his grief to save himself and his wish. Maisie Claire is ready to move on but not prepared to leave her family after two years for the DCP. She would've never accepted that offer letter if it hadn't been for her parents helping her get an ESA. Now trapped in an unfamiliar world, Maisie must find a new life meaning while still keeping her brother's memory alive. It starts with discovering the courage to befriend her mysterious suitemate and thanking Milo for everything he's done. After all, sometimes moving on just takes a little bit of courage. *** *Prompt Used: #24-"A desperate wish, made from the heart, is always answered. Sooner or later.* *Based on a true story.* *Contains a subtle, LGBTQ+ subplot because of Disney's Inclusion Key, but it's not the main focus. However, please be respectful.*

CroodsGirl · LGBT+
35 Chs

Chapter Treasure Island: Flight of Passage (Part One)

 Maisie checked the weather on her way to Animal Kingdom. While she didn't mind it storming on her, she wondered if she should've grabbed a rain jacket. All-Star Sports introduced her to a weather app called WeatherBug. In taking a close look at it, she sighed. It looked like it would be overcast for the rest of the day. The real rain and storms were coming tomorrow, but luckily, there was no hurricane... yet. Maisie wondered how long it would be before Florida got one.

 She made her Animal Kingdom reservation and reached into her pocket (she still wore her costume), removing her wallet. Maisie slipped her Disney Self-Admission Pass, which she got three days after Traditions, in with her blue ID and housing keycard. She and Feya had talked about going to the parks as soon as they both had a day off, but Maisie cut the deal short—for a good reason, she hoped.

 The Academy bus pulled up to Animal Kingdom's CP bus stop. It was tucked into the Cast Parking lot and around the corner from the entrance.

 Maisie was the first one off. She slipped off her blue Custodial shirt and scrunched it. She followed two more CPs to the sidewalk parallel to a line of trees and the parking lot.

 Maisie peered down at the scratch Milo gave her and cursed to herself. She probably shouldn't have stormed out on him like that, but she was so worried about Feya. Going to Animal Kingdom likely wasn't the best form of tough love; however, Maisie felt she had no choice. That dreaded feeling she got a few days before Matthew died had haunted her all week. Something was going to happen if she didn't turn the tide. Feya was playing a dangerous game by not seeing the doctor, and she had dragged Maisie into it.

 Coming around the corner, she stepped into a mass of people. It was 5:00, so most were leaving, but a few groups were entering, probably hoping to catch rides quickly, especially that Avatar one. Speaking of which, that was where Feya worked that day. Pandora. Maisie didn't remember much of her last visit to Disney World. Only Expedition Everest because she rode it until the park closed. Therefore, a map would be the first thing she'd grab.

 She got through security relatively quickly, considering all she had on her was her phone and Custodial shirt. Animal Kingdom's gate was a short distance behind it, past a Joffrey's café stand. Maisie scanned herself in and placed her index finger on the fingerprint reader as the final step. It turned green and beeped, and the Cast Member waved her through.

 At once, Maisie approached a stand of maps and removed an English one. She opened it and stood before a bird exhibit near the Rainforest Café. Maisie studied the map for Pandora and saw it was down the path on her left, just past Discovery Island and Animal Kingdom's famous Tree of Life. Where she was now was the Oasis, a small zoo.

 She almost went to Asia instead to ride Mt. Everest but remembered her mission. Maisie walked through the Oasis and Discovery Island shopping center, trapped in groups of people shopping and leaving. She got a quick picture of two golden statues of Pumbaa and Simba and the elegant Tree of Life behind them before following the signs to Pandora.

 The talent behind the Disney Imagineers was incredible! Maisie forgot how real Pandora: The World of Avatar felt. She was in both Animal Kingdom and a rainforest. The Valley of Mo'ara, to be exact, according to the sign. The trash cans were the only things that took a little of the wonder away.

 Maisie hit a fork in the path. One side led to Na'vi River Journey, and the other to Flight of Passage, Animal Kingdom's most popular ride under Pandora's hunched-over trees and waterfalls. A Merchandise stand separated the two attractions, and what do you know? There was Feya.

 She finished helping a Guest with her iPad and pointed them toward Africa. Her eyes diverted and landed on Maisie. "Maisie?" She took off her hat and stepped back.

 "Hello, Feya," Maisie sarcastically stated, coming within reach of her.

 "Girl, what are you doing here?" Feya sounded both excited and nervous.

 Maisie scoffed and held up her hands. "Well, excuuuse me, Princess. You came to All-Star Sports because you were worried about me." Her stomach sank. "Am I not allowed to do the same?"

 Feya hesitated. "Well, I guess, but—"

 Maisie couldn't hold it any longer. She flung herself forward and hugged Feya like a child who hadn't seen their military parent in six months.

 Feya's eyes widened.

 A few Guests stared, but Maisie didn't care. "For God's Sake, Feya!" she said, letting go. "Don't go anywhere without your Service Dog! I've had that sickening feeling all week, and seeing Daisy home only made it worse!"

 "Sickening feeling?" Feya, still stunned, slurred her words.

 "Like something terrible is going to happen." Tears appeared in Maisie's eyes. She picked up a stuffed banshee and embraced it like it was Milo. "I had the same feeling a few days before my brother died. Please, see a doctor."

 Smiling gently, Feya grasped Maisie's shoulders. "Maisie, nothing is going to happen to me. I promise. I know what I can and cannot do with my leg."

 "I'm staying here until the park closes. We're going home together."

 Feya chuckled. "Girl, you need a little Disney magic to help de-stress you." She turned Maisie toward Flight of Passage. "Since the park closes soon, Flight of Passage's wait time has dropped to thirty minutes. Could you do me a favor and give it a whirl? See how you feel afterward, and we'll go from there."

 "But, Feya!"

 "Sometimes moving on just takes a little bit of courage."