

MissRRL · 若者
5 Chs

Ace of Cards: CHAPTER 5

Everyone seems to be dedicated to do good as this is also an opportunity to show off for a higher rank. Millena is the only assassin left from the organization since the breakdown of CAO. After less than a minute, Millena appeared and all the metal doors closes as she walk with elegance with her weapon in both hands spinning, her gaze is so dark and strong, she is intimidating looking at each agents fiercely.

Millena stop on her trace analyzing everyone and the surrounding. 'This is kind of dangerous yet fun. Just as I thought there's snipers around.' she thought while still looking at the agents in front of her not showing any gestures that she is aware of the snipers above. The training ground is wide and there's rooms to hide, but there are a lot of trap around. Aside from the agents weapon arrows are also expected at times, so this is a game of life and death, its chance of survival is very low so may the best win.

This activity will last in three minutes or more. Millena loves playing music a lot especially when training, music makes her more energetic and have the desire to kill, therefore music will be their timer. As soon as the music stop they still have three seconds to show off or kill before the activity officially stop.

Millena pressed the button of a small bluetooth remote control she was holding and there the music starts.


(this music has a loud and strong beat, so it perfectly fit for such activity)

Everyone started to run towards Millena while her team just sit on the side watching how number of agents started to lessen, blood is everywhere and Millena move like a superhero in a movie uses her whip like weapon to travel from one place to another. Blood of stains can be seen on her clothes that makes her more badass.

Arrows and bullets are everywhere and everyone has it's own tricks and plans on how to atleast give Millena a single wound.

"This is fucking useless, she move like spiderman, how could she do that? She do uses this whip but seems like she moved like no gravity at all." two agents run to the side away from everyone breathing deeply, almost exhausted.

"If only we can hurt her, not even a single arrow or bullets hit her. She's too wise as soon as the music started she jumped walked on those poles with ease to reach those snipers and cleaded them, I don't know if they're still alive or not but the chance of surviving this is getting low." said the other one, the two lady seems to be in a peak of surrendering when they saw the situation.

Millena is eliminating those agents like a maniac showing no emotions at all.

The two decided to just hide until the music ends, after all being an agent is not only being the most strongest but it is thinking how to survive especially in a situation like this in an actual mission. The music is already in half, Jared, Andrei, and Francesco stand up to fight with her as only five agents are left fighting with her.

Millena is currently in the air holding on her whip that hooked on a pole when suddenly it unhooked making her fall to the ground. She then stand up, fix her composure and look at her left side above. There, Sam, standing with his pc smiling and waving at her. As soon as she saw him she just smirk and turn her gaze to the gentlemen in front.

Sam made some works to make Millena's weapon not work like it used to, therefore she can only use its original design of her weapon and that is it's blade. Since Sam is a programmer he knew as well how these advanced weapons works along with Millena's.

Millena uses a pair of weapon (glaive). She made some tricks, spinning her weapons around and then attack them. She acts so quick as they attack at the same time, her team are as good as her also so they can't be underestimated in terms of fighting . When the music is near to an end, a metal floor open showing a pool behind Millena.

Unaware, her team tried to make her close to the pool, they're planning to make her fall into and they did succeed. Millena can't swim so she is trying to go to the surface gasping for air. The music stop and a green light appear, showing that the activity officially ended, they then help Millena get out of the water before she get drown, she successfully got out of the water but she is breathing heavily, the fact that she's almost near to her death her expression did not say so.

Everyone starts to walk to the middle and gather, these are the agents left, some got out where they were hiding the entire time and Sam entered the ground through the door.

"Almost 50 of our agents who fought only 21 agents left that include Millena." a voice of a baritone man speaks to the speaker. Those 50 agents who fought are new to the organization, of 5 years serving HQ only 21 will step ahead. These agents are not mediocre in terms of fighting, it's just Millena who is beyond supernatural.

An announcement once again occur saying that 5 agents are dead and the rest are injured. Some are relieved they survived while some are sad because their co-workers for 5 years won't be joining them in the future.

Everyone get out of the ground to fix themselves and health department help those agents left in the training ground.

"Gosh, thank goodness I didn't get a bad injury, it was difficult to move since there are traps, and arrows from those walls are everywhere." a lady in her late 20's said looking at her wound while still being in pain.

"Well the two of us didn't get that bad injury since we haven't get in touch or near Millena, we were just too focused to her forgetting there are arrows shooting at us." Greta replied.

" And we hid mid fight." Senna added and laugh. " I couldn't believe she didn't kill any."

The two ladies look at her in confuse. " What do you mean it was literally announced that 5 were dead." Jinny explained still in confuse.

"No they were killed by Esther, I was in the middle of finding a spot to hide when I accidentally laid my eyes to where Esther was hiding, I observed her and to everyone she laid eyes on or get near her she killed them." Senna said, the two look at each other in shock not being able to believe what they just heard.

" Omg, Esther really is strong, she seems to be near Millena's league." Greta said.

" Well it's still confusing why Millena didn't kill any." Jinny said and the two shrugged their shoulders conveying they don't know anything at all.

" Who knows, we don't know how Millena's mind work." Senna added and the two then agreed.

"Hey Esther, I didn't see you earlier where were you?" asked Sam, smiling innocently. Esther look at him without any much attention. "I was there the whole time but I hid, I can't afford to get kick out of here." she replied looking at him and then walk passed him.

He turn around watching her leave and said. "Me either."

"You still can't swim." a baritone voice of a man said calmly, his voice gives you chill to the spine whenever you hear it but Millena remain unfazed. They are sitting to a long table and the surrounding of the room is dark the only source of light is above Millena's, you can't see the face of the man sitting in front of Millena.

"Yes, and I have no plan of learning it." Millena replied giving back the attitude that this man is giving, the tension and the aura keep on rising and the scene look so scary and intimidating. The man made a noise, since his face can't be seen you are unaware of his expressions and can't read what he thinks.

Millena knows she is strong and she acted like one even though her appearance physically when in one glance is too fragile.

They talked and couple of minutes later Millena stand up looking fiercely to the silhouette of this man and said. "Thank you." after that she left.

Millena is in her room talking to Lance in the phone. "Tomorrow's party will be held on a grand hotel at 6 o'clock, everything is ready along with your gown and mask, do you want me to change your mask's design to that mask?" Lance asked at the very end of his sentence talking about that thing that only some know about. "No just leave it, thank you Lance." she replied and hung up the phone.

Millena get out and go downstairs to meet with her team, there they are partying, drinking and eating chips and snacks. They greet Millena and so as her by looking at them.

She sat down and took sone foods to eat, they then give her a drink and she drank it. "Today's number of deaths is new, I couldn't believe you are able to kill only 5 now, you're getting weak." Jared said and drink smiling while looking at her. Millena took a sip of her drink before answering.

" You're wrong, I didn't kill any today." everyone was shock hearing her answers. If she didn't kill any then how come 5 were announced dead? And also it's impossible for everyone to get hit from those traps and arrows since they are better than that, they are aware of where those traps and arrows are and how it shoots.

Everyone from the organization are trained and they've mastered almost everything, and they do train between life to death. They can't be hit by those traps other than Millena and the other agents in the training ground.

"To those injured agents, that was my doing I only fractured them so they can no longer stand up and fight again. In short, I hit them to lost consciousness." she added calmly and eat some chips.

"Well maybe they weren't just focused on bringing Millena down, they must've tried eliminating others also.... I guess." Andrei said and the others nodded. Thinking even if they failed of hitting Millena it was still a good chance for them to show off to the officials.