
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
475 Chs

Hand Over That Dog!

"A mutant beast? Do animals mutate?"

The new term drew everyone's attention. mutant trees were something that they had already known and the military had made an official announcement that opened the existence of mutant trees and the way to defeat them. There was no trace of mutant beasts yet, so people didn't have any idea of what they were at all.

"If plants mutate, so can animals."

Yun Che acted like it was super normal. Heiyu was such a special case, it would be impossible for him not to speak, so Yun Che might as well fool the crowd around instead of asking Heiyu to shut up because a mutant beast could imitate the way people spoke when it reached level 5 anyway.


The crowd was wordless. It was no good news for them. Now they had one more enemy other than zombies, zombie animals and mutant plants. The emergence of mutant beasts meant that humans' place in the food chain was further threatened. Mankind would have to fight with all these rivals over survival space with their lives.

"Master, I'm back again. It felt great. Let's do it again."

"Catch that dog!"

Leaving no chance for people to ask more questions, Heiyu jumped back on to Yun Che's shoulder. But he was followed by several soldiers. Now look further, the lined-up three formations were in a mess right now. The soldiers were looking in their direction from a distance. Needless to say, Heiyu must have done something. Yun Che, once again, was exasperated by the trouble-maker.

"Move over, move over! Hand over that dog!"

Three soldiers shoved through the crowd and stopped in front of Yun Che. They pointed at the puppy on his shoulder and commanded. Heiyu crossed his legs like a condescending human being would do. "Shut the hell up! Do you think my master is a sissy? Tell you what? My master is a really macho. Come on, try him. He'll whop your asses and make you cry. Master, show them no mercy, go get them!"

The soldiers already wore a grouchy look their faces and Heiyu just made things worse. The soldiers' tall, big bodies quivered in anger.

"Hand it over!"

One of the soldiers almost snarled with his blazing eyes staring at Heiyu. The awkward grimace on Yun Che's face never faded. At last, he managed to hold in the impulse to lightning-strike Heiyu and beamed at the soldiers, "Um, officers, you can have him but for the sake of your health and everything, I suggest you not."

He had no doubt that Heiyu would turn their lives into hell.

"Hand! It! Over!"

Yun Che tried to be nice, but sadly, not only these people didn't appreciate it, but they also got more pissed. Yun Che grabbed Heiyu by one of his legs and passed him to the soldiers after he sighed heavily. "I've warned you. Don't blame me for what will happen next since you asked for it."

"Shit, shit, shit! Can't believe I'm betrayed! You've disappointed me! You don't love me anymore, master! I'm so so sad! Aaaaah!"

Heiyu, "betrayed" by his master, struggled drastically. His exaggerated statement put everybody to silence. They just wished the military to take him away as soon as possible.


But right before the soldiers took him over, Heiyu escaped from the seizure. He jumped from one superfunction possessor to another and landed in an empty space near the crowd. His tiny body grew and in the blink of an eye, he became as large as a hillock. People gasped and marveled at his transformation.


As if the magnification wasn't shocking enough, Heiyu roared to the sky. The whole world was shaken due to the vocal of the awesome beast.

"You try to catch me? Come on! When I had my way in the god beast world, you weren't even a splash of semen!"

The majesty and awe disappeared instantly as soon as he opened his mouth, all there left was obscenity and brazenness. The looks on the soldiers' faces changed over and over again, from shocked to awed to disgusted. Yun Che heaved a sigh as he witnessed everything. No human could subdue this jerk.


At this time, the eyes of Jiang Shang, someone never talked much, sparked and rubbed more salt on the soldiers' wound. Ye Xingchen pulled him in secret. "You don't admire him right now! Can't you see those soldiers are fuming?"

"Huh! The home-guarding beast even has a sidekick beast."

The commotion sure had drawn the attention of the armies over here. Mo Wenyang stepped out of the car and muttered as he looked at Heiyu. Thankfully, everybody was looking at Heiyu, so no one noticed what he said.

"Catch it!"

Soldiers were hot-blooded and all the superfunction soldiers gathered here today were even prouder. The three furious soldiers dashed at Heiyu. One of them used his speed-enhancement superfunction to reach him in a flash and his blade was only centimeters away from Heiyu's skin.

"Hey! What the heck? Don't you have the basic courtesy to tell me it's on? You scare me, OK? Luckily, I'm fast!" Heiyu mocked, "Ooh, fire and wood? Scary~ Come and get me if you can. Haha!"

But to everybody's surprise, Heiyu was faster. As a flash of black curve darted across the sky, Heiyu moved to a different spot. The other two soldiers brought forth their superfunction, fireballs and wood spikes came from two sides. The speed-enhancement soldier swiftly turned around and lunched another attack. But too bad, their attacks didn't even touch one piece of Heiyu's hair. Heiyu didn't do anything to fight back, he just kept jumping from left to right like he was playing a game with them.


Anyone who could read the situation knew that those three soldiers were no match for Heiyu. Someone couldn't help but exclaim and the rest of the crowd nodded along. Amazing indeed! Heiyu was toying those three by only dodging their attacks. "If he strikes…" Everybody wondered. One thing was for sure, Heiyu's strikes would be powerful and intimidating.

"So he's the real deal, I thought he was just a shameless talking dog."


Ye Xingchen expressed his sincere admiration for it was the first time he saw Heiyu show his power. Jiang Shang kept nodding with twinkling eyes. Before the doomsday, Jiang Shang was a writer, one of his many jobs. To be a writer, you'd need wild imagination and creativity apart from solid writing skills. This surreal scene that was beyond human knowledge sure had captivated Jiang Shang.

"You won't stop him?"

Xing Feng looked sideways at Yun Che and asked. The only one that could put a stop to all this was, of course, Heiyu's master. Yes, Heiyu did often screw his master over but at critical moments, he'd still listen to Yun Che.

"From the look on your face, I know they aren't Mo soldiers. So why would I stop him?"

It wasn't like Yun Che hadn't warned them before. They had to live with the consequences because it was them who insisted on having Heiyu.


Holding hands with Yun Che, Xing Feng had a great time as well. The military, however, was having a bad time. Yun Che was right, those three weren't Mo soldiers. Mo Wenyang was always shy of Yun Che, he wouldn't have sent people to seize Yun Che's pet, but his fellow major generals felt like their pride and honor had been trampled over.

"Help them! Now!"

They almost roared out the order.


Wang and Wei Army both sent another a dozen soldiers from each formation. Nearly 30 soldiers in total went at Heiyu.

"Goddammit! Do you have any respect for the code of combat? From 3-on-1 to 30-on-1? This isn't fair! Aww! Ice arrow? Cool me down, please. Shit, power-type, huh? Are you tickling me? Hit harder! Harder! And you lot, make your fires hotter!"

Being attacked by tens of people, Heiyu clamored and made comments, arousing more fury in the soldiers. All kinds of superfunction rained on him but sadly, even level-3 superfunction power felt like bullets made of paper to Heiyu. None of the superfunction power dealt any damage to Heiyu. This was how formidable an ultra physique was!


The rest of Wang and Wei soldiers couldn't watch their brothers being toyed by a beast anymore. Such humiliation was already too much for them.

"Send more people!"

"Knock it off! Have some decency, will you? Pull them back. You're also putting shame to my army!"

While the two desperate major generals decided to press the attack, Mo Wenyang stepped up and put a stop to this farce. They got a more important thing ahead, which was the quest.

It would be a huge disgrace if the other two armies failed to capture the dog. Mo Wenyang, however, didn't let them talk back, he walked straight past them toward Xing Feng and Yun Che. The two major generals clenched their fists and gritted their teeth. They didn't stop Mo Wenyang, but didn't pull the soldiers back, either.

"Home… Ahem, Captain Yun, can you ask your pet to come back? How are we supposed to set out if it never ends?"

Standing two meters away from Yun Che, Mo Wenyang requested. He caught himself right before he blurted out the nickname. He acted like casual but his eyes turned to Xing Feng for help.

"Not my problem. You all heard me warn them, they insisted on having Heiyu. I, as his master, don't want any of this to happen."

Yun Che intentionally raised his voice to make sure everybody heard him loud and clear. The soldiers had it coming, Yun Che had nothing to do with it.

"But you didn't tell them how mighty your dog is!"

The crowd objected inside but no one actually made a sound. They didn't want the beast to come for them and ended up like those pathetic soldiers.

"Ahem, it's our fault but the quest comes first. So please do me a favor and ask him back."

Mo Wenyang kept clearing his throat to prevent his grouch from erupting.

"Well, since you implored, I'll have to ask him back, then."

Yun Che begrudgingly said yes and lifted his fingers to his mouth.


"Woof! I'm coming, master!"

Yun Che whistled. No one saw exactly how Heiyu got away from the superfunction barrage, all their eyes caught was a black curve dashed across the air above their heads. When Heiyu landed on Yun Che's shoulder, he was in his puppy form again. All kinds of weird looks appeared on people's faces. Despite the varied expressions, they all froze for a long, long time.