
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
475 Chs

Dragon Squad Made a Decision, Mo Wenyang Still a Virgin?

"Xingchen, what about the southwest government and the army? Any policies beneficial to superfunction squads? And how is the land divided for planting?"

Jiang Guohao respected them so he naturally gained their respect back. Captain Zhao exchanged the eyes with other people and decided to get to know the southwest first. Although most of them were local people in the capital, who still cared about leaving the hometown after the doomsday? To survive and to live better mattered most.

"Let me put it this way. The southwest has gotten rid of poverty. There were two harvests in the base this year, which laid a solid foundation of grain storage. Let alone superfunction squads, even ordinary survivors won't run out of food and clothes any more at least. And the situation will just get better and better. Under this premise, I don't see the point of elaborating, do I?"

Ye Xingchen thought about it and then added, "The land of the Southwest Base is inside the base. If you don't have high demands, no need to take the risk at all. The government will allocate the seeds as well. Of course, you'll have to turn in half of the harvested grains as taxes. If you don't wanna do so, you can enclose the land outside the base. Every piece of land enclosed will be privatized. Just take Peak and Chaoyang as an example. Last year, we enclosed a whole neighbor county and turned it into a planting base. This year, we harvested in three seasons and planted wheat again before winter. We can harvest again next March. This may sound a little cocky but grains are the things we're least short of."

"You can't be serious?"

Even the eyes of the fairly sophisticated people dilated uncontrollably with excitement. How wealthy a person had to be when he dared to say he was not in a lack of grains? To be honest, that was totally inconceivable for those people.

"Huh… It's certainly true. Do you think I'd make up a lie randomly that would be pricked once it travelled to the southwest?"

Ye Xingchen couldn't help but burst into laughter. No matter the Ye family or the Dragon Squad, they had quite interesting reactions which were surely normal for Ye Xingchen. After the doomsday, who would dare to say he didn't lack grains? Perhaps except Che.

"In that case…"

People were swayed. If being like Chaoyang and Peak was an option, ranking first in Section D was nothing. But…

"I guess only Peak and Chaoyang dared to enclose land like that in the southwest?"

People still remained rational though they were excited. The planting secret was in the hand of Yun Che, which no one in the capital didn't know. It would be in vain for other squads to enclose land without the planting method.

"No. Joy Squad which ranks the third in the southwest and Loser Squad which ranks the seventh also enclosed land as we did. They enclosed two villages respectively. And they have redundant grains reserves now, which I was told on the phone not long ago."

"They must have very close relationships with you."

Jiang Guohao saw him through with a glance and couldn't help but find him amusing. Ye Xingchen was obviously riding off on side issues.

Ye Xingchen didn't deny Jiang Guohao's words. "Yeah, we're pretty close. If you go to the southwest, Che will help you because of Shang. Actually, Che is very nice. As long as you don't set him up, he won't bother to set you up. Then everyone can lead a harmonious, stable life. This is what Che told us before our departure. If you're willing to move to the southwest dad, you can live in the community divided to us by the base. Joy and Loser Squads I mentioned just now also live there."

In other words, Yun Che didn't treat them as outsiders. He had extended a big olive branch by doing so.

"That's so generous of Captain Yun. How do you supervise the land?"

Jiang Guohao was already appealed and he could tell that others were also appealed.

"Senior, beast trainer, brilliant!"

Jiang Shang, a complete fanboy of Ye Xingchen, smiled with his thumb up before Ye Xingchen did. Ye Xingchen was resigned and amused. "By mutant birds. All squad members will help when it's time for planting and harvesting."

"Impressive! How did you come up with that idea?"

Upon hearing that, Jiang Guohao also put his thumb up. But he didn't react so overly enthusiastically as his son. Jiang Guohao was just impressed by the idea of managing the planting base by mutant birds.

"Huh… Dad, you should make a decision ASAP. We'll leave these two days. Although we'll come back for the new year before it and help the Capital Base take of the land issue, I think you'd better go to the southwest these days. So you can get familiar with the environment there and enclose land. Then next spring, you can plant."

"Dad, let's go to the southwest. I want to join them."

With that said, Jiang Yi who remained silent pulled his father by the arm and spoke. The relationships among the father and sons had just started to improve. If they were separated, they would estrange from each other again. Moreover, the southwest didn't seem worse than the capital. Did the rank of the squad matter? What mattered was that the whole family could lead a good life together after the doomsday.

"Hmm, what about you?"

Jiang Guohao nodded to ease his young son before turning to his subordinates.

People looked at each other silently. In the end, it was Captain Zhao who spoke. "Okay, let's go there."

Without a doubt, it was a huge gamble. They would like to come back if the southwest wasn't as good as Xingchen's description. Then they wouldn't rank the first in Section D. But they would like to take the risk in order not to separate the captain and his son and for the beautiful blue print that Ye Xingchen described.

"Good. Then you guys go make some arrangement. We'll leave whenever Captain Yun is ready."

Jiang Guohao finally smiled. In fact, he had made up his mind long ago. Even if other people were unwilling to go to the southwest, Jiang Guohao would still go there. After the death of his wife, he cared more about the family. He could give up Dragon Squad but he couldn't walk out on his son.


People stood up successively. Seeing that, Ye Xingchen stopped them. He grabbed at least 20 simple-designed rings out of nowhere and handed them over to the people. "These are the space containers we developed. They can be started with a hint of superfunction infused. The space is not large, only around 20 square meters. But it's enough to carry things."

It was Yun Che who had given them the space rings before they left. Leng Yehan's cultivation was slightly lower than theirs. But he had a talent for refining. He was capable of refining space containers as he wished. Now, each of the people had one space container. That was why he had said that Peak had plenty of space containers.


People were startled again. The captains each took a space ring and put it on with excitement. When their superfunctions were infused into the rings, they could really feel the existence of the space. Everyone was struck dumb with astonishment. With these space rings, why would they still need the space? Even though the space from the rings wasn't large, it was enough for them to carry on their missions.

"That's totally magic. Xingchen, the research techniques of Peak are more impressive than those of the capital."

Even Jiang Guohao trembled a little out of astonishment. Jiang Yi was even beyond excitement. "Xingchen, can I have this one?"

"Sure. These are all yours from Che."

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly. He then turned around and looked at Jiang Shang in the eye. The two of them held hands tightly beneath the table. Under this circumstance, nothing in the capital would concern them any more.

The Xing family in Section A

"Mom really seems to like children a lot."

When Yun Che came back to the Xing family, he brought the babies out. The moment he pushed the stroller indoor, Xing Feng's mother took over the stroller happily. Yun Che felt touched uncontrollably to see her make the milk and change diapers. It seemed he was looking at his sister because that was the way his sister took care of the babies. On the contrary, as the father, he didn't have much time to take care of the babies by himself.

"Hmm, the space corridor has been widened a lot and is even wide enough for small planes to pass through. Even if mom misses the kids after we go back to the southwest, we can ask our brother and sister to come to the southwest through the space corridor, which is very convenient."

Xing Feng said smilingly, strolling in the yard of the Xing's family with Yun Che's hand in his. The business in the capital had been dealt with, so Xing Feng could leave at any time. Now, they only had to wait until Weiye and Wenyang finished the handover with the Wang and Wei families.

"Huh… That's a good idea. Small planes can travel pretty fast. Mom sets off in the morning, dines in the southwest at noon and goes back home before night."

With the space corridor, it was more convenient for them to travel through the bases.


The two of them smiled at each other. A car drove in and stopped next to them. After rolling down the car window, Mo Wenyang said with a mocking smile, leaning on the window, "Will you stop being lovey-dovey? Not newly married but strolling hand in hand? Do you really think you're young ladies?"

Jiang Shang and Ye Xingchen were definitely the cheesiest couple though, Xing Feng and Yun Che were no less cheesy. In Mo Wenyang's eyes, the latter couple only knew to display affection publicly on purpose wherever they went. Even Mo Wenyang who had a family found them disgusting, let alone Wenqing and other single people.

"Who forbids that? Wenyang, just say it if you envy me. I promise I won't laugh at you."

It was nothing easy to defeat Yun Che by words.

"I envy you? I'm just warning you not to go so far in case you'd lose your friends."

Mo Wenyang was also eloquent, but…

"By the way, Wenyang, you've kissed my brother. Don't tell me you haven't held his hands yet."

Seemingly lost in thoughts, Yun Che rubbed his jaw as he stared at Mo Wenyang and Tan Weiye on the passenger seat. Being attacked innocently, Tan Weiye was ticked off. "Come on, Che. Just spare us. Don't you see Wenyang blush out of shyness?"

"Who? Who's shy? I blush because I was pissed off by a shameless person."

Mo Wenyang retorted unhappily with his flawless face blushed. How could he not get angry? Who would always talk about kissing? That was so typical of Home-Guarding Beast. He never cared about this issue.

"What makes you think I am shameless?"

Yun Che pretended to be confused. Xing Feng restrained himself from laughing and said solemnly, "I think he should put it this way. It's shameless of you to talk about their kissing."

"D*man it, Xing Feng… Who asked you to explain?"

"Right. But they did kiss. We saw it."

Mo Wenyang's furious growl and Yun Che's intentionally sweet voice rang almost at the same time. Both Xing Feng and Tan Weiye laughed lowly.

"Tsk, tsk… Wenyang, are you? Really so innocent? Don't tell me you haven't done that?"

Yun Che made that weird sound. The more furious Mo Wenyang got, the more Yun Che would like to tease him.

"Done what? Could you think of anything healthier?"

Mo Wenyang incessantly glowered at him with his charming eyes. How he hoped his glower could shoot two bloody holes in Yun Che! But Yun Che wasn't bothered and said, "No. Sex is the deepest expression of love. How come it's unhealthy? Wenyang, why don't you give it a shot with my brother tonight? I promise you'll be so into it."

"You old man think I'm a virgin?"

Hearing that, Mo Wenyang was ticked off again. Yun Che blinked and said, "Aren't you?"


Not only Yun Che, even Xing Feng and Tan Weiye turned to Mo Wenyang together. Mo Wenyang turned sullen and was rendered speechless. When he was a teenager, he had a crush on Shaoting. Before accepting Tan Weiye, Mo Wenyang had been hung up on Shaoyang. So based on that, well, Mo Wenyang was still a virgin!

If others found that out, it would definitely make people laugh off their head. As should be known, Mo Wenyang had been widely known as a playboy. But he was actually still a virgin… Alright, nothing more exaggerating would happen except that people would laugh off their head.