
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
475 Chs

Changed His Mind, Took Zhou Ting Away

"You done talking? The father and the daughter are all yours."

Even though Xing Feng said such words, Xing Xu still remained calm and appeared as a good elder brother, which Xing Feng hated most. But Xing Feng didn't know that Xing Xu appreciated his genuine expression of his feelings and that he never allowed himself wronged. That was what Xing Xu could never do.

"How much longer would you like to hide in your shell? Me and our sister are grown-ups already. We don't need you to be our example. If you carry on this like, someone would destroy the Xing family sooner or later."

Xing Feng frowned tightly. Truly, he was disappointed at his parents and siblings. But that didn't mean he would sit idle by and let the Xing family decline. Xing Feng's father was not capable of playing a leading role and Xing Feng didn't plan to go back to the Xing family again. The only one who could take up the family burden was Xing Feng's brother. Xing Feng didn't believe that his brother who was also a part of the Xing family had no conscience at all.

"The Xing family wouldn't collapse. We have you, don't we? Che will help you too."

With that said, Xing Xu smiled gently. He turned around and left, with his father in his arms who had lost all the ambition. Xing Xu never thought about running the Xing family.

"Xing Xu, you're good-for-nothing!"

Xing Feng lost his manner out of anger for his brother was easily discouraged. Xing Xu stopped his steps but didn't turn around. Seeing that scene, Xing Feng's mother shed tears in her daughter's arms. Undoubtedly, the conversation between the two brothers cut her heart like a knife. But she had no idea of what to do to ease the tension between the two brothers.

Outsiders must think that Xing Feng went way too far to have treated his brother that way. But Yun Che could tell it from the beginning that Xing Feng did that just for the sake of his brother and the Xing family. After putting the camera away, Yun Che reached out to hold Xing Feng's hand. Xing Feng seemed to feel it and turned to look at him. A hint of embarrassment flashed in Yun Che's eyes. He failed to hold Xing Feng's hand.

"Don't worry. Men need pushing."

Yun Che gave him a comforting smile. With quite many people around, Yun Che leaned forward and kissed gently on Xing Feng's lips. This unique comfort melted away Xing Feng's anger. A light smile appeared on his face too.



Suddenly, the car's engine was started and its sound rang clearly. All people looked back. The bodyguard drove the car they had driven and receded with Zhou Mingyuan.

"No, dad… Dad… Don't leave me… Dad…"

Zhou Ti reacted first and ran after the car desperately, yelling. Unfortunately, the car didn't even pause. Zhou Ting was completely abandoned.

"Heiyu, stop him!"

"Sure. Count on me!"

Yun Che's eyes turned sullen. Heiyu dashed away in an instance. It took him just a few jumps to catch up with the car. He waved at the car head with his paw and then the car flew into the air.

"Master, here you go!"



As Heiyu shouted his annoying words, the two men in the car let out miserable cries. Then the car crashed down near Yun Che. Xing Feng frowned imperceptibly. "You didn't plan to kill him, did you? Why did you get him back?"

"I didn't want to kill him but I didn't want him to go back like that either."

Pulling Xing Feng to the car, Yun Che looked at the men who were still in shock in the car and continued, "I've given it a thorough thought. It would just disturb our plan if he went back and said something randomly. Feng, exert hypnosis on them and implant them a memory that nothing happened. As for Zhou Ting, I'm bound to take her life. Just implant him a reasonable memory. It was just 2 or 3 days anyway."


Xing Feng was not stupid. It took him no time to understand Yun Che's words. Xing Feng opened the car door and pulled the men out. At the same time, Yun Che turned around and walked to Zhou Ting.

"You, what are you gonna do? Stay away from me. No…"

Zhou Ting couldn't run away because of the severe injury. She just waved her hands and yelled desperately. Yun Che hit her and made her faint away. In the meanwhile, he harnessed the healing technique to cure her body. "I've changed my mind. I won't kill you. I'll make you feel more miserable than you die!"

Normally, Yun Che directly shot whoever offended him dead. He would only spend efforts to revenge whenever someone really touched his bottom line. Zhou Ting was the latter one.

"Master, it's useless to do that! If you want to torture her, it's not necessary to cure her wound."

Seeing that, Heiyu mumbled unhappily. In his opinion, this kind of malicious woman should be deep fried in a pot of oil or tossed to the zombies outside. Why did Yun Che cure her before revenge? That was no different from farting after the pant was taken off, wasn't it?

"What do you know? We should make the show perfect and not let others pick any minor fault. Do I look like the kind of person who is that mercy and likes to do something useless?"

Yun Che raised Zhou Ting with one hand, who was in a coma, and threw her casually into the trunk. Yun Che wore a smile but his piercing eyes sent chills down the people's spines. Zhou Ting was really likely to end up miserably.

"Right. No one is freakier than you."

Heiyu rolled his eyes powerlessly. Yun Che corrected his words with a light smile. "Wrong. Compared with Fei Ye. I'm definitely a good person."

"Don't you feel ashamed? What's the family background of Fei Ye and what's the family background of you? What's worth comparing between you and Fei Ye?"

When Heiyu roasted his master, he always did that without restraint. What was more, he did think his master was getting more and more shameless so that he couldn't help roasting his master.

"What's not worth? Heiyu, since you're a beast, I don't blame you for not understanding this. We're human beings. We need equality among people. Fei Ye and I, what's different between us? How come he can be a freak while I can't be ruthless? You monster, where did you learn to use the double standard?"

Xing Feng was still exerting hypnosis on Zhou Mingyuan and the driver. Yun Che simply argued with Heiyu. Xing Le who watched beside them almost burst into laughter. It seemed her brother-in-law was far more interesting than she imagined. Where could the bit of fierce look be seen all over the current Yun Che?

"What beast? What beast? I am a divine beast!"

"Isn't a divine beast a beast?"

"Screw you! I don't want to talk to you!"

Heiyu never won Yun Che over this. This time was the same. Heiyu lost again. At this moment, Xing Feng finished the hypnosis. When the two men woke up, they would forget what had happened earlier. But Xing Tianyi still needed to pretend to argue with Yun Che.

"I'll be inside for a while. Wait for me."

Xing Feng had never intended to step in this family. He nodded at Yun Che and walked past him. Xing Feng's mother knew they might leave right away. She felt upset again but forced herself to cheer up. She seized the chance to walk to Yun Che, "Che, I'm sorry for making you suffer. It's fine that you blame us. But don't bicker with Feng about this. He's painful on the inside too. It's all due to his asshole father…"

Spaying that, Xing Feng's mother perceived she had somewhat gone overboard. She stopped speaking. After calming herself down, she continued, "I heard Tianlan said that you are a good man. No matter how Feng's father thinks about you, you and Feng have my sincere wishes. Since everyone's not happy today. I won't keep you. But promise me to come back with Feng some day, okay? I… Um… I've a lot to say to Feng."

Without a doubt, Xing Feng's mother was slightly humble. She even choked with sobs when she spoke. Xing Le embraced her mother with pain in her heart. In fact, it was not widely known that Xing Le's mother hadn't been born into a big family. She was actually an orphan whose parents and relatives had died decades ago in the rectification campaigns after the establishment of new China. Xing Le's grandpa thought Xing Le's mother was gentle and highly-civilized. So he made Xing Le's father marry Xing Le's mother. Therefore, Xing Le's mother had always been as weak as a dodder flower and never dared to reject any decisions of Xing Le's father. Indirectly, that made Xing Le's father more and more domineering. He always wanted to control the fate of his family, which he wasn't capable of. In the end, he put this good family into this dilemma.

"Okay. You're Xing Feng's mother. Don't mind me. We've planned to visit grandpa today, which seems impossible now. But we'll pay a visit tomorrow. If you want to speak to Xing Feng, just go to his grandpa's."

It could be told whether a person truly cared about another one from his eyes. Xing Le's mother's eyes told Yun Che that she truly cared about Xing Feng. Yun Che was confident that he had the ability to judge a person. She was Xing Feng's mother. As long as she didn't cause Yun Che any trouble like Xing Tianyi did, Yun Che was still willing to show her respect.


When Xing Feng's mother heard that, a surprised look appeared on her face. She then said with a thrill, "Then I'll go there tomorrow. By the way, Che, do you any particular dishes you like? I'll cook for you tomorrow. Feng likes spicy food the most. As long as the dish is hot, he'll like it. He used to like my dishes. If he was too busy in the army, he would be very happy even if I gave him just a jar of pickled cabbage. But ever since…"

All of a sudden, the face on Xing Feng's mother disappeared as she recalled the unhappy things. Seeing that, Xing Le said, "Mom, Che's from the southwest. He must have the same taste as Feng. Just prepare what Feng likes. Am I right, Che?"

After saying that, Xing Le winked at Yun Che. She didn't look like an heir of a big family at all. Yun Che seemed to understand why she gave up being a princess and established Imperial Squad.

"Right. Any food will do. I'm not a picky eater."

"Tuts… I've seen no one cheekier than you."

Soon after Yun Che finished his words, Heiyu who lay on Yun Che's shoulder in a puppy size roasted without mercy. His master was indeed not a picky eater. But which dish his master had ever eaten had not been carefully prepared by Yun Yao?

"Damn it… Master, bear this in your mind…"

In the next second, Yun Che grabbed Heiyu by his short leg peacefully and tossed him out. At the same time, Xing Feng strode out and said, "If you guys finish talking, let's go back."


Yun Che nodded smilingly. Holding Yun Che's hand, Xing Feng turned to his mother and sister. "Mom, if you carry on yielding to dad, the Xing family would collapse sooner or later. Hope you take it seriously."

Xing Feng still couldn't forgive his mother for she had stopped him and suspected him with his father.

"Feng, are you still unwilling to forgive mom?"

Xing Feng's mother looked at her youngest son with tears. She didn't know why she had done that that year. The moment of suspicion actually broke the relationship between Xing Feng and his mother. Over these years, she had lived with regrets and wanted to compensate her son all the time. But her son had never given her a chance.

"If you were me, could you forgive easily? Those who died were my brothers who I went through thick and thin together with."

Upon finishing his words, Xing Feng pulled Yun Che to the car. Heiyu who had returned also jumped in the car. The three of them left the Xing family soon. Xing Feng's mother burst into tears in her daughter's arms, not noticing that her daughter also looked miserable. Xing Feng lost his brothers while Xing Le lost her boyfriend who was the only one she loved deeply.