
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
475 Chs

A Conversation at Night. Something Happened!

As usual, Xing Feng didn't return until ten in the evening. Knowing that they needed to start training Chenchen tomorrow, everyone went to bed early. When Xing Feng came back, Yun Che was waiting for him on the sofa in the living room alone. The sight of Yun Che seemed to have made Xing Feng forget about all the fatigue instantly. He walked over, took the cigarette from Yun Che's mouth, and leaned over to peck the latter on the lips.

"I don't want you to stay up late for me. You should go to bed early in the future."

Xing Feng stroked Yun's face with a slightly rough hand as he said in a husky voice. Everyone was on vacation now, and he was supposed to spend some more time with Yun Che, but the laboratory thing had been keeping him busy recently.

"I can't sleep even if I go to bed early."

Yun Che sat up on the sofa, took back the cigarette, and smoked it. "How's it going about the laboratory?"

There were two things they cared about the most recently: One was taking control of the laboratory, and the other was the upcoming election. He and Gu Mingxuan were working together to take care of the election thing, but Xing Feng was on the other matter all by himself. He could only imagine how hard Xing Feng had to work.

"Wei Kan and Wang Wei still refuse to make a concession. I think they're stalling and waiting for the results of the election. If Wenyang becomes the President of the Superfunction Association, I'm afraid they won't hand over the laboratory."

Xing Feng rubbed his nose, looking tired. When he moved his hand away, a bottle of water was handed in front of him. He turned to smile at Yun Che and took the water. Yun Che put out the cigarette, took out the food he had preserved for Xing Feng from the Space, and put them on the table. "Well, try this wild chicken soup. It took Aunt Chen the entire afternoon to stew it."

Yun Che picked up a bowl of steaming chicken soup and handed it to him, but Xing Feng didn't reach out his hand. "Feed me."


'Why do I get the feeling that we're just like Jiang Shang and Ye Xingchen?'

Sensing that he wasn't kidding, Yun Che reluctantly picked up the chopsticks and fed him a piece of chicken meat.

"No wonder Xingchen always asks Jiang Shang to feed him. It turns out that the food tastes more delicious when it's fed by your beloved."

Having chewed and swallowed the spicy and soft chicken meat, Xing Feng couldn't help but make a sentimental remark, feeling like he had missed a lot. Yun Che rolled his eyes and fed him a spoon of soup. "You do know that Jiang Shang feeds Xingchen, so why are we doing it the other way around? Is this the way you take care of your beloved?"

He had no interest in feeding someone or being fed.

"If you'd like, I'll feed you at every meal after I take care of the whole laboratory shit."

He was more than happy to do it, though he knew that his team would definitely complain about him, and Zhou Zeyu would shout to ask him not to mentally abuse bachelors.

At the thought of that, Xing Feng chuckled involuntarily. And it occurred to him that it had been a while since he had dinner with the others the last time.

"I'll pass. I've got goosebumps just by thinking about it."

He couldn't even stand to imagine that image, nor did he understand why Ye Xingchen and Jiang Shang would enjoy it so much.


Xing Feng laughed. To be honest, he couldn't stand it, either. Nevertheless, if his darling made such a request, he would do it anyway.

They chatted and flirted with each other while Xing Feng had food for almost an hour. When they returned to their bedroom, it was almost midnight. Despite his fatigue, Xing Feng threw himself on top of Yun Che, and they did it twice. The first time was in the bathroom, and the second was in bed. After they finished in the bathroom, Yun Che could barely walk, and after they finished in bed, Yun Che could barely lift his fingers. In contrast, Xing Feng, who cleaned up the mess afterwards, was still energetic.

"My uncle-in-law likes the idea of opening a school. The proposal has been approved, and it will be announced tomorrow morning. The school probably will be located in Section D or E."

Xing Feng pulled Yun Che over to lie face down on his chest and stroked Yun's head. Yun Che already started to grow hair, and his head no longer felt as good as it used to be when he was bald.

"Well, Section D seems more convenient, doesn't it? Words have it that Section E and F are already overcrowded. Have they ever thought about using part of the area outside for residence? Turning the entire area into farmlands won't work."

Yun Che looked up at him, stroked his chest, and twiddled his nipple. Xing Feng grabbed his hand to stop him. "If you don't want to wear yourself out, don't seduce me."


Yun Che chuckled and drew back his hand as he knew he wouldn't be able to get out of bed tomorrow if he continued to seduce Xing Feng.

"Yeah, I think it'll be in Section D. As for the area outside, the original towns and villages will be preserved, but those places can only accommodate several thousand people at most. The residential areas probably will be assigned to the tenants, and the military will also station some troops there."

"The military is indeed calculating. Under the name of renting land to individuals, they're actually using the tenants to test the land for them. If it turns out that the land can grow crops, the military can make excuses to take back the land; if it turns out the opposite, the military won't be the one suffering the loss. I don't suppose the military will offer free seeds?"

With a sneer, Yun Che pouted and adjusted his posture to rest his head on Xing Feng's arm. He never supported the farming plan. When he reached the southwest base in his previous life, the third wall had already been built outside, and the entire Wanan district was included in the base. Except for a few places that were preserved for some reason, the entire district had been employed for the residential purpose, which indicated that their farming plan had failed.

"Both land and seeds are offered for free. But if anything is harvested, the tenants will need to hand in half of the yield in return."

It was just like the tax with an extremely high tax rate.

"What if nothing comes out from the land?"

"The military won't require the seeds to be returned, but it will make sure everyone who receives the seeds does plant them. If anyone breaks the rule, he'll be punished."

"Well, it sounds like the military isn't always so selfish. Half of the yield is a little too much, but it's a favorable policy for those who don't have enough food at present. I'm just worried that they might end up with nothing."

"What are you implying? If you know something, just tell me."

Having been played by Yun Che a few times, Xing Feng already learned his lesson. Despite all his merits, Yun Che seemed to have a bad habit of withholding information for fun.

"Well, it seems like someone has learned his lesson."

Yun Che grabbed Xing Feng's neck and bit the latter on the chin. Xing Feng replied, "Sure I have. Chaoyang is planning to grow some vegetables, too. I have to be cautious."


Yun Che couldn't help but laugh. After a while, he said, nesting in his arms, "Stop this whole farming thing if you can. If you can't, at least delay it until next month. If I recall correctly, it will snow in Jun. I can't remember the exact date, though. There will also be all kinds of other natural disasters, such as earthquake and tsunami. What's more, after the snow, some zombies will break through the limit of level-3. At that time, you'll have bigger issues than the damaged crops. The guards won't be able to defend the fence against zombies. By the time we get there, it may be too late."

Yun Che didn't tell Xing Feng about his rebirth explicitly, but he believed Xing Feng had figured it out himself.


Xing Feng was too shocked to say anything. He glad that he had asked. Otherwise, when this all happened, it was not just the property that would be lost. Because this information was from Yun Che, he had no doubt that it was true.

"Besides, even if there were no snow, nothing could grow on the land, unless…"

Unless he sprinkled the spring water from his Space on all the land to cleanse the earth from the zombie virus and enclosed an area to conduct greenhouse planting. But he couldn't handle such a large project all by himself.

"Forget it. I'll talk to my aunt and the others later, hoping they will stop it."

He was not in the position to decide this. All he could do was convey the message to his aunt and other high-level officials, and the rest would be up to them. He didn't want to get involved too much. Because he had exposed the gold superfunction, he had received many calls from the capital. If the capital knew that he had got involved with the base's construction, they would send someone to bring him back. Though nobody could force him to do anything he didn't want to, it would be better if he didn't give those people a reason to badger him.

"After you take care of all this shit, let's take a trip to the mountain."

Considering that it's already late, Yun Che closed his eyes and ended the topic, lying next to him.

"Good night."

Xing Feng pulled the quilt to cover him and pecked him on the forehead before closing eyes with him in his arms.

At that moment, neither of them knew that they would go to the mountain before Xing Feng fished the matter at hand.

The next morning, Yun Che got up at 6 a.m. as he had promised Chenchen. He and Xing Feng picked up Chenchen next door and went running together. All of them were dressed in sportswear. Xing Feng was tall and straight, and Yun Che was slender and slim. In the white sportswear, both of their figures looked perfect. Chenchen, on the other hand, was fat, as if a polar bear. The sharp contrast had a comedy effect, and all the people who saw them couldn't help but laugh.


Chenchen snorted and decided to tell her mom to get a black sportswear suit for him later. Even though he would still look like a black bear, he believed nobody would dare to laugh at him, because Yun Che and Xing Feng had taught those people who had made fun of him just now a lesson.

"Let's go."


At the door, Yun Che and Xing Feng didn't start running until Chenchen ran out first. Ye Xingchen, Jiang Shang, Leng Yehan and some others were also running with them. If Yun Yao hadn't had to make breakfast, she would probably go with them, too. These men ran at both sides of Chenchen, as if they were guarding a prince.

"Hey, look who's here! Chenchen, are you trying to lose weight?"


Everyone in the Chaoyang community had a habit of doing morning exercise. When a woman in her thirties ran into them face to face, she called out to Chenchen. Gasping, Chenchen pouted instantly as if he was about to cry. Knowing how he felt, Yun Che ran forward hastily. "Good morning!"

"Good morning, Captain Yun. Good morning, everyone."

Flattered, the woman greeted everyone and forgot about what she had said before. In the meantime, Yun Che took Chenchen away. After they ran out for some distance, Chenchen pouted again, saying in an upset tone, "Uncle, am I fat?"

"That's nonsense! How many times do I have to tell you? They're just jealous of you. Don't be upset. Let's keep running."


Yun Che coaxed Chenchen with an earnest look, and the latter finally felt better and continued to run. The people who stayed behind them didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Chenchen refused to admit that he was fat because Yun Che had been misguiding him all the time. This man just chose to turn a blind eye to the obvious.

Though Chenchen was a superfunction possessor and his superfunction had increased his strength and endurance, he was only three. Running for an hour on his first day of training was impossible for him. When they returned, Xing Feng had to carry Chenchen on his back. This was supposed to be Yun Che's job, but Xing Feng just couldn't bear to watch his beloved running with such a heavy boy on the back.

"Captain, there's bad news."

When everyone came to the living room for breakfast after taking a shower, Gu Mingxuan walked inside with a solemn look. The people who had been chatting in a cheerful mood all stopped to stare at him. To their knowledge, Gu Mingxuan wouldn't be wearing such a solemn face if it weren't for something very important.