
MILF Harem Of Legends

Fate Grimsever was just your average filthy rich young master. When Fate was killed by Truck-kun while playing a video game called Final Countdown. Fate could not believe the irony of dying to a video game. Well, he should have known better since Fate is an extremely paranoid and prepared individual. Now Fate finds himself reincarnated into the novel world Blissful Paradise. Where he plays the mob character of the hated Duke Fate Grimsever. Someone who shares the same name as Fate. In this world, the hero Nimrod Bloodsworn is surrounded by all kinds of green tea bitch heroines. These heroines are simply cheap substitutes for the real discarded heroines. The author was not happy with how powerful he made them so they were discarded and disgraced like trash. But these older discarded women are Fate's targets for his harem. Because Fate is the legendary MILF Hunter. Someone who will soon surround himself with some extremely powerful but mentally unstable women. But Fate would not have it any other way. Now Fate has decided to just sit back and relax as his new harem brings the world to the brink of destruction. All for the man who healed them in mind, body, and soul. Well, maybe not so much the mind part. But that's just a minor detail. Join Fate Grimsever And His Deranged MILF Harem Of Legends.

EverStone · ファンタジー
53 Chs

The MILF Works In Mysterious Ways

Fate saw the woman standing before him, someone he knew could only be Ruby Valentine, the Blood Weaver.

This made Fate kick his brain into overdrive.

"Ruby, I can indeed heal you, as well as give you the other things I mentioned. Well, at least as much money as you could ever need. But the part about being in my harem is not negotiable."

Ruby stood there, thinking about Fate's words. Is this man trying to trick her? He must know that she can easily kill him.

Ruby is a woman who was born on a battlefield of war. Her mother was a warrior who ended up fighting in a war while she was pregnant.

Then Ruby's mother gave birth to her while in battle. The result of that is one of Ruby's many nicknames.


This singular event marked Ruby Valentine as someone destined to be a killer. So from a young age, Ruby has been trained to be an elite assassin. Ruby's control over the element of darkness has made this especially easy.

Garnering her the official title, Ruby Valentine, The Blood Weaver. She was born in blood and will bathe in your blood.

If Ruby could get vengeance on King Samuel Bloodsworn, she would definitely take the risk.

That pig of a man forced Ruby to do this to herself, in order to continue to serve the crown. But before Ruby knew what had happened, since her good looks went away.

So did King Samuel's favor as his personal spymaster and elite assassin. Then he tried to kill her, but Ruby escaped, only for a bounty to be placed on her head.

Ruby concluded that if she could have her vengeance, then she could indeed give her heart and soul to this young man.

Ruby would do anything to destroy those who betrayed her.

So after a moment to consider all of this, Ruby looked at Fate Grimsever, saying in an obsessed tone,

"Duke Fate Grimsever, if you can truly do what you claim, then I, Ruby Valentine, will dedicate my heart, body, and soul to you completely."

Fate could not help but notice the clear insanity and obsession in Ruby's voice.

Then, as usual, Fate ignored these warning signs. That dick hero will never have a woman of this beauty and caliber by his side.

Then, making a decision, Fate took on a serious tone.

"Very well, Ruby Valentine, I will accept your terms. Vengeance will be yours. But your heart will be mine. Now kneel down before me to receive my blessing. The blessing of the godly MILF Hunter."

Ruby was confused by the term MILF Hunter. But she still took a knee before Fate, removing her hood and revealing her body, badly deformed by constant battle and disfigurement from Ruby's own efforts, with dozens of bone-piercing scars running across Ruby's face alone.

But this does not even scratch the surface of the thousands of wounds and injuries covering Ruby's body, a testament to all of the battles and assassinations that Ruby had done for the crown.

As well as Ruby's own efforts to avoid being intimate with the king.

Fate looked at Ruby on her knees in front of him. But he did not feel repulsed by her injuries at all.

In fact, could Maria ever match Ruby in either her beauty or in battle? The obvious answer is hell no, what are you stupid?

The difference is night and day.

So Fate once again took out a dagger and cut his finger. When Fate did so, a drop of golden blood fell into the open mouth of Ruby.

Fate's first thought while doing this was simply, I can't wait to use that mouth for some fun later.

Ruby felt something hot and sticky enter her throat. As it did so, her entire body became hot and started to burn up.

As this drop of blood containing the bloodline of the Phoenix went into Ruby's body, it not only began to heal her body, but also alter her powers as well. Before, the only element that Ruby could use was dark magic.

But now, Ruby could tell that she also possessed the power of Phoenix Fire. As well as the ability to heal from any wound. Something that would make Ruby truly immortal.

This excited Ruby tremendously because now, no matter how hard Ruby trains her power and body, she will never again be limited by the restrictions of a mortal body.

Ruby is someone who would gladly lose any part of her body, if it means that she can increase her power by another level.

Fate stared at Ruby as she began to heal. Some of Ruby's fingers began to regenerate. Then one of Ruby's eyes, then both ears. Finally, her face began to heal as Ruby's glorious deep red hair began to regrow.

Making Ruby look as if her long red hair has never known the torture of a bad hair day. The enemy of all women with long hair.

Fate could not help but marvel at Ruby's flawless face and deep violet purple eyes, that seem to easily hide all of a woman's secrets.

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