
MILF Harem Of Legends

Fate Grimsever was just your average filthy rich young master. When Fate was killed by Truck-kun while playing a video game called Final Countdown. Fate could not believe the irony of dying to a video game. Well, he should have known better since Fate is an extremely paranoid and prepared individual. Now Fate finds himself reincarnated into the novel world Blissful Paradise. Where he plays the mob character of the hated Duke Fate Grimsever. Someone who shares the same name as Fate. In this world, the hero Nimrod Bloodsworn is surrounded by all kinds of green tea bitch heroines. These heroines are simply cheap substitutes for the real discarded heroines. The author was not happy with how powerful he made them so they were discarded and disgraced like trash. But these older discarded women are Fate's targets for his harem. Because Fate is the legendary MILF Hunter. Someone who will soon surround himself with some extremely powerful but mentally unstable women. But Fate would not have it any other way. Now Fate has decided to just sit back and relax as his new harem brings the world to the brink of destruction. All for the man who healed them in mind, body, and soul. Well, maybe not so much the mind part. But that's just a minor detail. Join Fate Grimsever And His Deranged MILF Harem Of Legends.

EverStone · ファンタジー
53 Chs

The Banshee Called Ghost

Fate found Shadow on the opposite side of the castle, still replacing the stone of Shadow Spire Citadel.

Fate did have to admit that his home was ridiculously large. But a villain's home can hardly be small, can it? If Fate did not think it was an absurd notion, he would think that Shadow Spire Citadel had been enlarged several times its original size since Ruby moved in with him.

Standing next to Shadow was a giant woman in dark black gothic armor.

When they saw Fate approaching, both women stood at attention. Then Shadow remembered that her lord likes it when people act casually, so she slapped Ghost's armor.

Fate stood before Shadow, and both of them put on a relaxed attitude. Shadow had already briefed Ghost about her new lord and his unique approach to being a noble.

Shadow smiled at Fate and said, "My lord, this is Amara Sterling's second-in-command, Ghost. She is a member of the reclusive banshee race."