
The new Order

On the 7th day, God created man in his own image and bestowed upon man Guardian angel to watch over them. All was well and good till the angels began to admire the very things they were meant to protect. They fell in Love and gave birth to giant children and this made God so furious so much so that he cast them out of heaven and sealed them beneath the earth for eternity.


Millions of years have passed. The world has grown into a beautiful place and so have the minds of man grown with curiosity.

50 years ago, seal which had been placed on the angels mysteriously got broken setting the angels free and the world ablaze. Within a day, humanity and all its technological advancements crumbled.

Everything mankind did to fight against this angels failed. All weapons in mankind's possession were of no use.

When all hope seemed to have been lost as , a mysterious group of warriors appeared and confronted the angels in battle for 2 whole days. This battle was named the "Awakened fall". Though these mysterious warriors faced so much casualties, they were able to successfully drive the angels into a corner.

When this battle was done, these warriors mysteriously disappeared.

In the next 10 years that followed was man's darkest moment in history. In order to create order out of the chaos, the various country leaders from the 7 continents jointly came up with some new constitutions: The use of a single currency known as the NOVA, the destruction of all technological weapons and last but not the least, they were to erase the notion of countries and boundaries and erect massive walls that enterconnected what use to be known as countries and the termed it Central Union (CU) and anything out of the walls was termed the Outland (OL).

The CU was made up of exceptionally rich people who were either rich or very productive. Anyone who deemed average or below was cast out of the CU to the OL.

Guess where our hero from the story comes from?