
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

God's sense of humor

"WHAT THE HELL FRIDAY!!! What happened to those wolfs. It's like, they just exploded!"

{God thought that it would be funny to give you super strength. I must admit, he was right.}

[You could have told me before I started the fight with the wolves!]

{But then it would not have been funny.}

'Stupid system' Jason thought.

{I heard that.}

[Whatever. Is there a body of water around here so I can wash all this blood off me? Preferable BEFORE I buy clothes from the store!]

{You mean like the ocean I told you we were near when you said you did not know where you were?}

[Shut up Friday. Just show me how to get there. Wait. Before that. show me my stats and stuff.]



Name: Jason Adams

Level: 1

Age: 37

Sex: Male (+/-)

Height 6'3" (+/-)

Weight 225lbs (+/-)

Str: 350 (100)

Int: 400 (100)

Dex: 350 (100)

Agi: 200 (100)

Def: 350 (100)

Vit: 500 (100)

Store Points: 1100


Adjust (I)

User can adjust their appearances such as height, weight, sex, facial and body features, hair length, and color.

Copy (I)

Copies any ability, magic, or knowledge that user desires from any creature. Must be within 10 feet of creature user is trying to copy.

Super Strength (IV)

A gift from God that raises strength, dexterity, and defense by 3.5X.


A gift from God (you will thank me later).


A gift from God (trust me on this one).






[What the hell is this Friday?]

{Your stats Jason.}

[I see that Friday. What are the things in the ( ) and why are there ?'s in my stats?]

{The ( ) with the +/- means you can adjust it. The ( ) with the numbers in between indicates the average of that stat in this world. The ?'s well, you will find out later. Hehehe}

"HOLY SHIT!" [Wait. Why can't you tell me the last one?]


[Fine. Which way to the water?] Jason said with an irritated tone.

{Head east. It is not actually that far}

Jason sighs and starts running east faster than he has ever moved in his life. Everything becomes a blur. The next thing he knew, he was at the edge of the forest. He steps out of the forest and he is in front of an ocean. He looks to his right and sees nothing but sandy beaches and more ocean. He looks to his left and he sees a city off in the distance. Making sure no one is around, Jason heads into the water to start to wash all that was left of the leader wolf from his body.

[Hey Friday, how many points do I have?]

{You currently have 1100 points. 100 points for defeating the wolfs, and 1000 points for completing your first mission}

[Do I get bonus points every time I finish a mission? Because that would be great.]

{No. You only get bonus points for special tasks and events like completing your first mission.}

[I understand that. I think it will make this more fun.

So, Friday, I need clothes now that I am all washed up. I am going to head to the port town to find a place to sleep for the night and start to copy people's abilities.]

{Very well.}

Suddenly, Jason sees what looks like a store website in front of him hovering and transparent.

"This is awesome" Jason whispers to himself.

[Alright Friday, how do I navigate this thing?]

{Think of what you are looking for and it will show up in front of you. Give it a try.}

Jason nods and starts to think of the clothes that Neo wears in the Matrix. Suddenly, A black trench coat, black t-shirt, black jeans, black combat boots, and a pair of sunglasses show up in front of his store. In the bottom right corner is the cost of all the current items selected. 650 points.

[Ok Friday. How do I buy the stuff I have selected?]

{All you must do is think 'purchase' and the items you purchased will appear in front of you.}

Jason does as Friday instructed and thinks 'purchase' and suddenly, the clothes that he was looking at in the store appear in front of him.

[This store feature is going to be useful in the future. You said that if I can think of it, it is in the store, right? Does that include this world's currency?]

{Can you think of it?} Friday asks.

"Well... Yeah." Jason says.

{Then it is there.} Friday states in a cold tone.

[Friday. You are kind of moody, aren't you? Well, whatever. Show me the currency of this world.]

In the store menu still in front of Jason, the Store Points to Jewels exchange rate pops into his vision. It says for every 1 Store Point, it equals 100 Jewels.

(A/N Google said that for every 100 Jewels it equals USD 1 to give you an idea of how much buying power a Store Point has)

[Hey Friday, how many points do I have leftover?] Jason asks as he is getting dressed.

{You currently have 450 Store Points remaining.}

[Ok. Thank you, Friday.]

Jason thinks 'exchange 100 Store Points to Jewels' and a stack of 10,000 Jewels appears in front of him. Jason grabs the Jewels and puts them into one of the pockets in his newly acquired trench coat he just finished putting on.

With all of that settled, Jason thinks to himself 'Alright time to head into the port town. Got to find a place to sleep and get ready for all of the abilities I am going to start copying in the future'.

Jason turns to his left and starts walking along the beach heading into Hargeon Port Town. He yells out to nobody in particular "Alright! Time to start my new life!" As he walks toward the town, he will call home. Well at least until the storyline starts. He has a lot of things to prepare to live his new life to the fullest and have fun while doing it.