
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs


Zalty turned around and said, "Who are you?"

Jason said, "I am Jason."

Zalty then formed a green ball in his hand and threw it at Jason. Jason looked at the ball and froze it. Thanks to his new magic, Time Control, it makes controlling entire areas, extremely easy. Zalty looked at the green frozen ball in the air and said, "You can use time magic as well?"

Jason said, "Yes. How do you think I am going to save your mother? If she is still alive in that ice around Deliora, you will be able to talk to her again. I am pretty sure you have a bunch of questions. Now, can you please change into your true form? This guy you are disguised as is disturbing, especially since I know how beautiful you truly are."

Zalty nods and then a bright flash of light surrounds him. When the light dies down, there is now a beautiful young woman with long black hair and dark red eyes staring at me. She is wearing what looks like a blue and white swimsuit with white leggings on. She is gorgeous.

After the light goes away, she looks at Jason and says, "How do you know that my mother is in the ice, and what makes you think she is still alive?"

Jason is looking Ultear up and down and then says, "I like you better this way. I know of your mother because I had a vision about her. I also had one about you. That is one of the reasons I came to this island. I think I am supposed to help you and your mother reconnect and allow you two time to talk."

Ultear says, "You can see the future as well? Most interesting. What else can you do?"

Jason says, "Take me to Deliora and I will show you some of the things I can do."

Ultear says, "You are interesting and cute. I like you. I will show you the way to Deliora but, if you are able to revive my dear ol mommy, you must not interfere with our conversation."

Jason then says, "Ok." Knowing full well he was going to interfere with their conversation.

Ultear turns around and walks down the corridor leading deeper underground. Jason summons the rest of his army back into his ethernano container and then follows her. Ultear looks over her shoulder and says, "I can feel your eyeballs on my butt cheeks. Do you like what you see? Hehehehe."

Jason says, "The view from back here is fantastic."

Ultear blushes a little and turns her head back around. That was not the answer she was expecting.

Ultear and Jason continue to walk further down the corridor until it finally opens up into a huge cavern. In the middle of the cavern, is a giant black demon monster that is completely covered in ice. Ultear stops and looks up at Deliora and then looks back at Jason with a little hint of red still showing on her cheeks. Jason looks at her, smiles, and then walks past her, heading straight to the ice. When he gets close enough, Jason places his hand on the ice and then uses his new spell, Destiny, to turn back the time of the ice surrounding Deliora.

The ice starts to move from all over the huge demon, and a huge vibration could be felt from underneath the temple. As soon as the ice started to remove itself from Deliora's head, Jason used Time Control, on the demon to stop it from fully waking up and possibly disintegrating. A bright flash of blue light enveloped the whole cavern causing Jason and Ultear to shield their eyes for a brief moment before it finally died down and went away. When the light went away, there was another beautiful woman with short black hair standing there, with a surprised look on her face and she was completely naked. Jason then froze both women and walked over to Deloria and place his hand on the huge, now unfrozen, demon and reversed time just enough for him to accomplish his plan.

When he was done, he picked up the naked woman, and then he picked up Ultear and moved back a little and summoned his undead army. He then used, Forgotten Dreams to share the memories between the mother and daughter duo he was holding in his arms. He showed them both all each other's memories this way when the time spell wears off, they will both understand what each other has gone through. It would show all the torture Ultear went through at the Bureau of Magical Development and how they told Ur that Ultear had died. It will also show all the pain and turmoil both women had gone through in their lives and it will also let Ur know what was currently going on and how she got out of the ice.

The two minutes were almost up for Deliora and Jason looked over at his army and then said, "I want this demon part of our army. Time is about to resume for it and at the moment it does, kill it. Add it to your ranks. Now, Go! Kill this demon."

Time returned to normal for Deliora and it roared, Jason's undead army attacked it with everything they had. Right after Jason started his attack, both Ur's, and Ultear's time went back to normal and all they saw were dragons and a bunch of flying creatures attacking and beating Deliora. They were both shocked and Ur was still naked.

All of Jason's death cyclops monsters were shooting beams out of their eyes, while his death Vulcan were finding things to pick up and through at it. His death angels were flying around hitting the giant demon with their swords and spears, and some of them were firing arrows at it. Kon was scratching at the top of his head. Jason thought to himself, 'He really is a useless wyvern.'

Then, all of Jason's dragons used their breath attacks at the same time and Deliora stopped moving. It started to disintegrate and then there was another flash of light. When that light died, there was a giant monster demon on one knee, bowing his head at Jason.

Ur said, "What the heck is going on and why is Deliora kneels for you?"

Jason turned around and he had a huge smile on his face and said, "I shall explain it all, but first, we should really get you some clothes. Don't get me wrong, I could stare at your beautiful naked body all day but, I am not sure how your daughter would feel about that."

Ur looked down and saw that she was naked and still in Jason's arms and said, "If you like what you see, I do not mind showing you. You are very easy on the... Wait did you say, daughter?" and she looked over at Ultear.

Ultear said, "Hello mother, long time no see." Then she looked up at Jason and said, "How am I able to remember things about my mother that I should not know?"

Ur was looking right at Ultear and said, "Is that really you, Ultear? They told me that you died? How are you alive? Why do I know the answer to that last one? How do I have memories of you?"

Jason says while staring at the latest addition to his undead army, "One of the spells I have, allows me to share memories between two people. I showed both of you, all of each other's memories. I felt it was the easiest and most efficient way for you two women to understand what each other went through. There are no lies and it also allowed for Ur to understand exactly how she ended up in this cavern, naked."

Jason quickly went through his store and found the clothes Ur had worn in the anime. A red tank top with a tan jacket, some black jeans with a tan belt, and a pair of black boots. He also got her a green set of bra and panties. He set Ur down and handed the clothes to her, and then waited until she got dressed.

Ultear then said, "Why are their dragons and other creatures in here?"

Jason said, "They are all part of my undead army."

Ur then said, "Well, why is Deliora kneeling down for you?"

Jason then said, "Well, when my undead army kills something, it has a chance of becoming part of my undead army. I got lucky."

Ultear then said, "Anything they kill?"

Jason then said, "Yup."

Gabriel walked over to the group, took a knee, and said, "My liege, a group of humans are en route to our location."

Jason nodded and looked at Ur and said, "I think one of your form students is about to arrive. I will take you to your other student tomorrow if you would like."

Suddenly Lyon and Sherry Blendy, a short girl with long red hair in pigtails and is wearing a black and pink mini dress, walk into the cavern. Ur then says, to Jason, "Which one of my dumb students is here trying to revive this demon?"

Ultear then asks, "How do you know he was trying to revive Deliora?"

Ur said, "Because I have your memories." in a matter-of-fact tone.

Lyon gets closer and says, "But. But. You died! How are you here?"

Ur then said, "Ahhh. Lyon. You can take off that stupid helmet so I can hit you in the face and not ruin my pretty knuckles."

Lyon said with a scared little voice, "Yes ma'am!" and took the helmet off.

Then, Ur punched him, right in the face. Sherry was shocked but, not by Lyon getting punched in the face. She was shocked at the handsome man standing before her.

Yoka and Toby, the other two people that are part of Lyon's little group walk in and are shocked at what is going on. Lyon is on the floor with a bloody nose, Sherry has hearts practically coming out of her eyes for a man that is not Lyon, and the demon they have been trying to revive for the last four months is now kneeling like it is a servent.

Jason looks at the group and says, "Everybody, plus place your hands on one another. I am going to teleport us to the village on this island so I can finish this mission and then I will teleport you all back to my castle, where you can stay until tomorrow."

Toby grabs Yoka's and then he grabs Sherry's hand. Sherry grabs Jason's hand. Ultear is still in Jason's arm and Ultear grabs Lyon by the foot and drags him over to the rest of the group. She then places her hand on Jason's shoulder. Jason then summons his undead army back into his ethernano container and they all teleport to the village.

Erza is surprised to see all of the people that showed up with Jason but, she is starting to become used to him always showing up with new people. She then says to Jason, "The village chief said we need to destroy the moon."

Jason nods and then turns his head up and says, "Diamond Dragon Roar" and a light blue beam fires from out of Jason's mouth at the moon. The sky starts to crack like glass, and then it shatters, fixing the curse that was on the island.

Jason then looks at the chief and then says, "I destroyed the fake moon. The curse is now lifted. I would like the reward for the quest, please."

The village chief has a shocked expression on his face and without saying a thing, he walks over to Jason and hands him a golden gate key. That is the last thing Jason wanted from this quest. Everybody except Erza was still ready to be transported. They were all too shocked about being teleported in the first place and then they saw Jason use dragon slayer magic. They were too shocked to move. Erza walked over to Jason and kissed him on the lips and then she wrapped her arm around his neck, and then they all teleported back to the castle.