

At another location.

Vivian had appeared together with Bringer and fifty other students.

Just like Anthony, she came down to the same conclusion.

Well not that it mattered to her or anything, regardless of whether it was the Academy that sent them or not, Vivian would still fight all of them to the end.

But there is a difference now.

Unlike before when immediately she senses chaos her emotions takes a sharp turn, now she almost felt nothing for these demons.

She no longer lost her cool, but that doesn't mean she would let them survive, not like they would let her survive either.

Bringer and the rest of the crew walked with Vivian as he spoke.

"It must be fate that brought us together, what are the odds?"

Vivian still with a cold face replied him.

"I'm not bound by such concept Bringer, you may be, but I've transcended such chains"

Bringer arched an eyebrow wondering what she meant, but he didn't push.