
Midnight stroll

“Simon", the young master also known as Daemon, called the name of the guard who looked startled. "Have you seen a little girl of about 5 years with long black hair and black eyes before?" "...young master, a lot of little girls have black hair and black eyes." Simon responded confused. "I see." Daemon murmured and then climbed into the magnificent and large carriage. Simon scratched his head and then closed the door of the carriage. He settled into the seat next to the coachman and the carriage slowly took off. ............... Welcome to a world where humans live without the knowledge of vampires and witches. Book cover not mine. Original credit goes to @Pintrest

Earh · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 3: Cold

<p>Little Marina woke up with a cold the next day. Her little body felt weak. Her health got worse with hours that ticked away without waiting. Her mother sat next to the bed trying to nurse her back to health.<br/><br/>The weather didn't help her as it was the time of winter. Sarah kept the fireplace burning in a large volume so that the heat could reach Marina. She coughed, which wrecked her little body. Her mother looked at her with a grave expression. <br/>"Marina...." Sarah gently whispered her name. She had to go and seek for the village physician. After reaching the physician's house, she knocked on the door and out came a slightly old man. He looked at her with an expression of disgust. <br/><br/>"Please help me. My daughter is very sick and she needs medical attention." Sarah desperately said. But the physician said, " Go away you witch. Don't think I don't know what you're planning to do. You can go ahead and die together with your witch daughter. "He sneered and quickly went into his house, banging the door on Sarah's face. <br/>A tear slipped from Her eye as she was worried and desperate to save her daughter. She went back to her house and found that her daughter's condition wasn't getting any better so she went into the woods for some herbs. After treating her with the herbs, she started getting better. Sarah was so relieved when Marina's fever was completely gone.<br/><br/>....<br/><br/>After a pleasant breakfast, Marcie was taken away by her mother, who was also her tutor. Daemon on the other hand, made his way towards his room when he remembered the little girl from yesterday. He felt disturbed because that's when he realized he wouldn't be able to go to the fair...<br/><br/>"Daemon!" He heard someone call to which he turned and saw it was his favorite cousin. He walked towards Daemon and they exchanged greetings.<br/><br/>Brandon, who was a year older than Daemon, said, "it's so good to see you brother." He smiled and heard Daemon say, " it's good to see you too but what did you come here for?" <br/><br/>" Father has some work to take care of so he decided to bring us along. It's something about the rise of witches but I'm not so sure. Father doesn't talk much about such things with us kids." Bran replied, walking towards the backyard of the house.<br/><br/>"Same here" Daemon said to receive a hum from Bran. <br/><br/>After talking some more with Bran, Daemon escaped to the library. He wanted to research on people with black eyes but with a green ring around the black. The reason he got intrigued was because he had never seen such eyes. He wanted to see them again, so he thought of sneaking out to the fair later that night because he knew he wouldn't be allowed to go out because he had guests.<br/>Later at night, he quickly had his dinner then sneaked out. In the act, he got caught by Bran. "Why are you sneaking around like a cat?" Laughed Bran. <br/><br/>"I'm going to see the fair." Daemon said who in turn, received a laugh from Bran but seeing the serious face of Daemon made him clamp his mouth shut. "I'll go with you then." Decided Bran and thus, the two boys left. <br/>Daemon grew disappointed with the fact that the girl was no where in sight. Even after staying till the fair ended, he didn't catch sight of her. Meanwhile at that same time, the girl he so desperately wanted to see again, was unconscious with her health getting worse by the hours passing by...<br/><br/>*****<br/><br/>"Mama..." little Marina whispered. Sarah, seeing she was awake, embraced her tightly in her arms. <br/><br/>"I'm so relieved you're awake my dear. You got mama so worried." She cried as she hugged her little body again. <br/><br/>"Is the fair over?" She asked in her little voice. <br/><br/>"I'm sure it isn't over yet but I can get you the toy you asked for. Stay here while I go get it."<br/><br/>Thankfully, the fair hadn't closed yet and the toy was still available. She quickly payed for it and hurried back home. Marina was happy with the gift which made her hug her mother excitedly. <br/><br/></p>